 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.lucene.index;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;

import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRefArray;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRefIterator;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Counter;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FixedBitSet;
import org.apache.lucene.util.RamUsageEstimator;

This class efficiently buffers numeric and binary field updates and stores terms, values and metadata in a memory efficient way without creating large amounts of objects. Update terms are stored without de-duplicating the update term. In general we try to optimize for several use-cases. For instance we try to use constant space for update terms field since the common case always updates on the same field. Also for docUpTo we try to optimize for the case when updates should be applied to all docs ie. docUpTo=Integer.MAX_VALUE. In other cases each update will likely have a different docUpTo. Along the same lines this impl optimizes the case when all updates have a value. Lastly, if all updates share the same value for a numeric field we only store the value once.
/** * This class efficiently buffers numeric and binary field updates and stores * terms, values and metadata in a memory efficient way without creating large amounts * of objects. Update terms are stored without de-duplicating the update term. * In general we try to optimize for several use-cases. For instance we try to use constant * space for update terms field since the common case always updates on the same field. Also for docUpTo * we try to optimize for the case when updates should be applied to all docs ie. docUpTo=Integer.MAX_VALUE. * In other cases each update will likely have a different docUpTo. * Along the same lines this impl optimizes the case when all updates have a value. Lastly, if all updates share the * same value for a numeric field we only store the value once. */
final class FieldUpdatesBuffer { private static final long SELF_SHALLOW_SIZE = RamUsageEstimator.shallowSizeOfInstance(FieldUpdatesBuffer.class); private static final long STRING_SHALLOW_SIZE = RamUsageEstimator.shallowSizeOfInstance(String.class); private final Counter bytesUsed; private int numUpdates = 1; // we use a very simple approach and store the update term values without de-duplication // which is also not a common case to keep updating the same value more than once... // we might pay a higher price in terms of memory in certain cases but will gain // on CPU for those. We also save on not needing to sort in order to apply the terms in order // since by definition we store them in order. private final BytesRefArray termValues; private final BytesRefArray byteValues; // this will be null if we are buffering numerics private int[] docsUpTo; private long[] numericValues; // this will be null if we are buffering binaries private FixedBitSet hasValues; private long maxNumeric = Long.MIN_VALUE; private long minNumeric = Long.MAX_VALUE; private String[] fields; private final boolean isNumeric; private FieldUpdatesBuffer(Counter bytesUsed, DocValuesUpdate initialValue, int docUpTo, boolean isNumeric) { this.bytesUsed = bytesUsed; this.bytesUsed.addAndGet(SELF_SHALLOW_SIZE); termValues = new BytesRefArray(bytesUsed); termValues.append(initialValue.term.bytes); fields = new String[] {initialValue.term.field}; bytesUsed.addAndGet(sizeOfString(initialValue.term.field)); docsUpTo = new int[] {docUpTo}; if (initialValue.hasValue == false) { hasValues = new FixedBitSet(1); bytesUsed.addAndGet(hasValues.ramBytesUsed()); } this.isNumeric = isNumeric; byteValues = isNumeric ? null : new BytesRefArray(bytesUsed); } private static long sizeOfString(String string) { return STRING_SHALLOW_SIZE + (string.length() * Character.BYTES); } FieldUpdatesBuffer(Counter bytesUsed, DocValuesUpdate.NumericDocValuesUpdate initialValue, int docUpTo) { this(bytesUsed, initialValue, docUpTo, true); if (initialValue.hasValue()) { numericValues = new long[] {initialValue.getValue()}; maxNumeric = minNumeric = initialValue.getValue(); } else { numericValues = new long[] {0}; } bytesUsed.addAndGet(Long.BYTES); } FieldUpdatesBuffer(Counter bytesUsed, DocValuesUpdate.BinaryDocValuesUpdate initialValue, int docUpTo) { this(bytesUsed, initialValue, docUpTo, false); if (initialValue.hasValue()) { byteValues.append(initialValue.getValue()); } } long getMaxNumeric() { assert isNumeric; if (minNumeric == Long.MAX_VALUE && maxNumeric == Long.MIN_VALUE) { return 0; // we don't have any value; } return maxNumeric; } long getMinNumeric() { assert isNumeric; if (minNumeric == Long.MAX_VALUE && maxNumeric == Long.MIN_VALUE) { return 0; // we don't have any value } return minNumeric; } void add(String field, int docUpTo, int ord, boolean hasValue) { if (fields[0].equals(field) == false || fields.length != 1 ) { if (fields.length <= ord) { String[] array = ArrayUtil.grow(fields, ord+1); if (fields.length == 1) { Arrays.fill(array, 1, ord, fields[0]); } bytesUsed.addAndGet((array.length - fields.length) * RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF); fields = array; } if (field != fields[0]) { // that's an easy win of not accounting if there is an outlier bytesUsed.addAndGet(sizeOfString(field)); } fields[ord] = field; } if (docsUpTo[0] != docUpTo || docsUpTo.length != 1) { if (docsUpTo.length <= ord) { int[] array = ArrayUtil.grow(docsUpTo, ord+1); if (docsUpTo.length == 1) { Arrays.fill(array, 1, ord, docsUpTo[0]); } bytesUsed.addAndGet((array.length-docsUpTo.length) * Integer.BYTES); docsUpTo = array; } docsUpTo[ord] = docUpTo; } if (hasValue == false || hasValues != null) { if (hasValues == null) { hasValues = new FixedBitSet(ord+1); hasValues.set(0, ord); bytesUsed.addAndGet(hasValues.ramBytesUsed()); } else if (hasValues.length() <= ord) { FixedBitSet fixedBitSet = FixedBitSet.ensureCapacity(hasValues, ArrayUtil.oversize(ord + 1, 1)); bytesUsed.addAndGet(fixedBitSet.ramBytesUsed()-hasValues.ramBytesUsed()); hasValues = fixedBitSet; } if (hasValue) { hasValues.set(ord); } } } void addUpdate(Term term, long value, int docUpTo) { assert isNumeric; final int ord = append(term); String field = term.field; add(field, docUpTo, ord, true); minNumeric = Math.min(minNumeric, value); maxNumeric = Math.max(maxNumeric, value); if (numericValues[0] != value || numericValues.length != 1) { if (numericValues.length <= ord) { long[] array = ArrayUtil.grow(numericValues, ord+1); if (numericValues.length == 1) { Arrays.fill(array, 1, ord, numericValues[0]); } bytesUsed.addAndGet((array.length-numericValues.length) * Long.BYTES); numericValues = array; } numericValues[ord] = value; } } void addNoValue(Term term, int docUpTo) { final int ord = append(term); add(term.field, docUpTo, ord, false); } void addUpdate(Term term, BytesRef value, int docUpTo) { assert isNumeric == false; final int ord = append(term); byteValues.append(value); add(term.field, docUpTo, ord, true); } private int append(Term term) { termValues.append(term.bytes); return numUpdates++; } BufferedUpdateIterator iterator() { return new BufferedUpdateIterator(); } boolean isNumeric() { assert isNumeric || byteValues != null; return isNumeric; } boolean hasSingleValue() { // we only do this optimization for numerics so far. return isNumeric && numericValues.length == 1; } long getNumericValue(int idx) { if (hasValues != null && hasValues.get(idx) == false) { return 0; } return numericValues[getArrayIndex(numericValues.length, idx)]; }
Struct like class that is used to iterate over all updates in this buffer
/** * Struct like class that is used to iterate over all updates in this buffer */
static class BufferedUpdate { private BufferedUpdate() {};
the max document ID this update should be applied to
/** * the max document ID this update should be applied to */
int docUpTo;
a numeric value or 0 if this buffer holds binary updates
/** * a numeric value or 0 if this buffer holds binary updates */
long numericValue;
a binary value or null if this buffer holds numeric updates
/** * a binary value or null if this buffer holds numeric updates */
BytesRef binaryValue;
true if this update has a value
/** * <code>true</code> if this update has a value */
boolean hasValue;
The update terms field. This will never be null.
/** * The update terms field. This will never be null. */
String termField;
The update terms value. This will never be null.
/** * The update terms value. This will never be null. */
BytesRef termValue; @Override public int hashCode() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "this struct should not be use in map or other data-stuctures that use hashCode / equals"); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "this struct should not be use in map or other data-stuctures that use hashCode / equals"); } }
An iterator that iterates over all updates in insertion order
/** * An iterator that iterates over all updates in insertion order */
class BufferedUpdateIterator { private final BytesRefIterator termValuesIterator; private final BytesRefIterator byteValuesIterator; private final BufferedUpdate bufferedUpdate = new BufferedUpdate(); private final Bits updatesWithValue; private int index = 0; BufferedUpdateIterator() { this.termValuesIterator = termValues.iterator(); this.byteValuesIterator = isNumeric ? null : byteValues.iterator(); updatesWithValue = hasValues == null ? new Bits.MatchAllBits(numUpdates) : hasValues; }
Moves to the next BufferedUpdate or return null if all updates are consumed. The returned instance is a shared instance and must be fully consumed before the next call to this method.
/** * Moves to the next BufferedUpdate or return null if all updates are consumed. * The returned instance is a shared instance and must be fully consumed before the next call to this method. */
BufferedUpdate next() throws IOException { BytesRef next = termValuesIterator.next(); if (next != null) { final int idx = index++; bufferedUpdate.termValue = next; bufferedUpdate.hasValue = updatesWithValue.get(idx); bufferedUpdate.termField = fields[getArrayIndex(fields.length, idx)]; bufferedUpdate.docUpTo = docsUpTo[getArrayIndex(docsUpTo.length, idx)]; if (bufferedUpdate.hasValue) { if (isNumeric) { bufferedUpdate.numericValue = numericValues[getArrayIndex(numericValues.length, idx)]; bufferedUpdate.binaryValue = null; } else { bufferedUpdate.binaryValue = byteValuesIterator.next(); } } else { bufferedUpdate.binaryValue = null; bufferedUpdate.numericValue = 0; } return bufferedUpdate; } else { return null; } } } private static int getArrayIndex(int arrayLength, int index) { assert arrayLength == 1 || arrayLength > index : "illegal array index length: " + arrayLength + " index: " + index; return Math.min(arrayLength-1, index); } }