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package org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene80;

import java.io.DataInput;
import java.io.IOException;

import org.apache.lucene.search.DocIdSetIterator;
import org.apache.lucene.store.IndexInput;
import org.apache.lucene.store.IndexOutput;
import org.apache.lucene.store.RandomAccessInput;
import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BitSetIterator;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FixedBitSet;
import org.apache.lucene.util.RoaringDocIdSet;

Disk-based implementation of a DocIdSetIterator which can return the index of the current document, i.e. the ordinal of the current document among the list of documents that this iterator can return. This is useful to implement sparse doc values by only having to encode values for documents that actually have a value.

Implementation-wise, this DocIdSetIterator is inspired of roaring bitmaps and encodes ranges of 65536 documents independently and picks between 3 encodings depending on the density of the range:

  • ALL if the range contains 65536 documents exactly,
  • DENSE if the range contains 4096 documents or more; in that case documents are stored in a bit set,
  • SPARSE otherwise, and the lower 16 bits of the doc IDs are stored in a short.

Only ranges that contain at least one value are encoded.

This implementation uses 6 bytes per document in the worst-case, which happens in the case that all ranges contain exactly one document. To avoid O(n) lookup time complexity, with n being the number of documents, two lookup tables are used: A lookup table for block offset and index, and a rank structure for DENSE block index lookups. The lookup table is an array of int-pairs, with a pair for each block. It allows for direct jumping to the block, as opposed to iteration from the current position and forward one block at a time. Each int-pair entry consists of 2 logical parts: The first 32 bit int holds the index (number of set bits in the blocks) up to just before the wanted block. The maximum number of set bits is the maximum number of documents, which is < 2^31. The next int holds the offset in bytes into the underlying slice. As there is a maximum of 2^16 blocks, it follows that the maximum size of any block must not exceed 2^15 bytes to avoid overflow (2^16 bytes if the int is treated as unsigned). This is currently the case, with the largest block being DENSE and using 2^13 + 36 bytes. The cache overhead is numDocs/1024 bytes. Note: There are 4 types of blocks: ALL, DENSE, SPARSE and non-existing (0 set bits). In the case of non-existing blocks, the entry in the lookup table has index equal to the previous entry and offset equal to the next non-empty block. The block lookup table is stored at the end of the total block structure. The rank structure for DENSE blocks is an array of byte-pairs with an entry for each sub-block (default 512 bits) out of the 65536 bits in the outer DENSE block. Each rank-entry states the number of set bits within the block up to the bit before the bit positioned at the start of the sub-block. Note that that the rank entry of the first sub-block is always 0 and that the last entry can at most be 65536-2 = 65634 and thus will always fit into an byte-pair of 16 bits. The rank structure for a given DENSE block is stored at the beginning of the DENSE block. This ensures locality and keeps logistics simple.

/** * Disk-based implementation of a {@link DocIdSetIterator} which can return * the index of the current document, i.e. the ordinal of the current document * among the list of documents that this iterator can return. This is useful * to implement sparse doc values by only having to encode values for documents * that actually have a value. * <p>Implementation-wise, this {@link DocIdSetIterator} is inspired of * {@link RoaringDocIdSet roaring bitmaps} and encodes ranges of {@code 65536} * documents independently and picks between 3 encodings depending on the * density of the range:<ul> * <li>{@code ALL} if the range contains 65536 documents exactly, * <li>{@code DENSE} if the range contains 4096 documents or more; in that * case documents are stored in a bit set, * <li>{@code SPARSE} otherwise, and the lower 16 bits of the doc IDs are * stored in a {@link DataInput#readShort() short}. * </ul> * <p>Only ranges that contain at least one value are encoded. * <p>This implementation uses 6 bytes per document in the worst-case, which happens * in the case that all ranges contain exactly one document. * * * To avoid O(n) lookup time complexity, with n being the number of documents, two lookup * tables are used: A lookup table for block offset and index, and a rank structure * for DENSE block index lookups. * * The lookup table is an array of {@code int}-pairs, with a pair for each block. It allows for * direct jumping to the block, as opposed to iteration from the current position and forward * one block at a time. * * Each int-pair entry consists of 2 logical parts: * * The first 32 bit int holds the index (number of set bits in the blocks) up to just before the * wanted block. The maximum number of set bits is the maximum number of documents, which is < 2^31. * * The next int holds the offset in bytes into the underlying slice. As there is a maximum of 2^16 * blocks, it follows that the maximum size of any block must not exceed 2^15 bytes to avoid * overflow (2^16 bytes if the int is treated as unsigned). This is currently the case, with the * largest block being DENSE and using 2^13 + 36 bytes. * * The cache overhead is numDocs/1024 bytes. * * Note: There are 4 types of blocks: ALL, DENSE, SPARSE and non-existing (0 set bits). * In the case of non-existing blocks, the entry in the lookup table has index equal to the * previous entry and offset equal to the next non-empty block. * * The block lookup table is stored at the end of the total block structure. * * * The rank structure for DENSE blocks is an array of byte-pairs with an entry for each * sub-block (default 512 bits) out of the 65536 bits in the outer DENSE block. * * Each rank-entry states the number of set bits within the block up to the bit before the * bit positioned at the start of the sub-block. * Note that that the rank entry of the first sub-block is always 0 and that the last entry can * at most be 65536-2 = 65634 and thus will always fit into an byte-pair of 16 bits. * * The rank structure for a given DENSE block is stored at the beginning of the DENSE block. * This ensures locality and keeps logistics simple. * * @lucene.internal */
final class IndexedDISI extends DocIdSetIterator { // jump-table time/space trade-offs to consider: // The block offsets and the block indexes could be stored in more compressed form with // two PackedInts or two MonotonicDirectReaders. // The DENSE ranks (default 128 shorts = 256 bytes) could likewise be compressed. But as there is // at least 4096 set bits in DENSE blocks, there will be at least one rank with 2^12 bits, so it // is doubtful if there is much to gain here. private static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 65536; // The number of docIDs that a single block represents private static final int DENSE_BLOCK_LONGS = BLOCK_SIZE/Long.SIZE; // 1024 public static final byte DEFAULT_DENSE_RANK_POWER = 9; // Every 512 docIDs / 8 longs static final int MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH = (1 << 12) - 1; private static void flush( int block, FixedBitSet buffer, int cardinality, byte denseRankPower, IndexOutput out) throws IOException { assert block >= 0 && block < 65536; out.writeShort((short) block); assert cardinality > 0 && cardinality <= 65536; out.writeShort((short) (cardinality - 1)); if (cardinality > MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH) { if (cardinality != 65536) { // all docs are set if (denseRankPower != -1) { final byte[] rank = createRank(buffer, denseRankPower); out.writeBytes(rank, rank.length); } for (long word : buffer.getBits()) { out.writeLong(word); } } } else { BitSetIterator it = new BitSetIterator(buffer, cardinality); for (int doc = it.nextDoc(); doc != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS; doc = it.nextDoc()) { out.writeShort((short) doc); } } } // Creates a DENSE rank-entry (the number of set bits up to a given point) for the buffer. // One rank-entry for every {@code 2^denseRankPower} bits, with each rank-entry using 2 bytes. // Represented as a byte[] for fast flushing and mirroring of the retrieval representation. private static byte[] createRank(FixedBitSet buffer, byte denseRankPower) { final int longsPerRank = 1 << (denseRankPower-6); final int rankMark = longsPerRank-1; final int rankIndexShift = denseRankPower-7; // 6 for the long (2^6) + 1 for 2 bytes/entry final byte[] rank = new byte[DENSE_BLOCK_LONGS >> rankIndexShift]; final long[] bits = buffer.getBits(); int bitCount = 0; for (int word = 0 ; word < DENSE_BLOCK_LONGS ; word++) { if ((word & rankMark) == 0) { // Every longsPerRank longs rank[word >> rankIndexShift] = (byte)(bitCount>>8); rank[(word >> rankIndexShift)+1] = (byte)(bitCount & 0xFF); } bitCount += Long.bitCount(bits[word]); } return rank; }
Writes the docIDs from it to out, in logical blocks, one for each 65536 docIDs in monotonically increasing gap-less order. DENSE blocks uses DEFAULT_DENSE_RANK_POWER of 9 (every 512 docIDs / 8 longs). The caller must keep track of the number of jump-table entries (returned by this method) as well as the denseRankPower (9 for this method) and provide them when constructing an IndexedDISI for reading.
  • it – the document IDs.
  • out – destination for the blocks.
Returns:the number of jump-table entries following the blocks, -1 for no entries. This should be stored in meta and used when creating an instance of IndexedDISI.
/** * Writes the docIDs from it to out, in logical blocks, one for each 65536 docIDs in monotonically increasing * gap-less order. DENSE blocks uses {@link #DEFAULT_DENSE_RANK_POWER} of 9 (every 512 docIDs / 8 longs). * The caller must keep track of the number of jump-table entries (returned by this method) as well as the * denseRankPower (9 for this method) and provide them when constructing an IndexedDISI for reading. * @param it the document IDs. * @param out destination for the blocks. * @throws IOException if there was an error writing to out. * @return the number of jump-table entries following the blocks, -1 for no entries. * This should be stored in meta and used when creating an instance of IndexedDISI. */
static short writeBitSet(DocIdSetIterator it, IndexOutput out) throws IOException { return writeBitSet(it, out, DEFAULT_DENSE_RANK_POWER); }
Writes the docIDs from it to out, in logical blocks, one for each 65536 docIDs in monotonically increasing gap-less order. The caller must keep track of the number of jump-table entries (returned by this method) as well as the denseRankPower and provide them when constructing an IndexedDISI for reading.
  • it – the document IDs.
  • out – destination for the blocks.
  • denseRankPower – for Method.DENSE blocks, a rank will be written every 2^denseRankPower docIDs. Values < 7 (every 128 docIDs) or > 15 (every 32768 docIDs) disables DENSE rank. Recommended values are 8-12: Every 256-4096 docIDs or 4-64 longs. DEFAULT_DENSE_RANK_POWER is 9: Every 512 docIDs. This should be stored in meta and used when creating an instance of IndexedDISI.
Returns:the number of jump-table entries following the blocks, -1 for no entries. This should be stored in meta and used when creating an instance of IndexedDISI.
/** * Writes the docIDs from it to out, in logical blocks, one for each 65536 docIDs in monotonically * increasing gap-less order. * The caller must keep track of the number of jump-table entries (returned by this method) as well as the * denseRankPower and provide them when constructing an IndexedDISI for reading. * @param it the document IDs. * @param out destination for the blocks. * @param denseRankPower for {@link Method#DENSE} blocks, a rank will be written every {@code 2^denseRankPower} docIDs. * Values &lt; 7 (every 128 docIDs) or &gt; 15 (every 32768 docIDs) disables DENSE rank. * Recommended values are 8-12: Every 256-4096 docIDs or 4-64 longs. * {@link #DEFAULT_DENSE_RANK_POWER} is 9: Every 512 docIDs. * This should be stored in meta and used when creating an instance of IndexedDISI. * @throws IOException if there was an error writing to out. * @return the number of jump-table entries following the blocks, -1 for no entries. * This should be stored in meta and used when creating an instance of IndexedDISI. */
static short writeBitSet(DocIdSetIterator it, IndexOutput out, byte denseRankPower) throws IOException { final long origo = out.getFilePointer(); // All jumps are relative to the origo if ((denseRankPower < 7 || denseRankPower > 15) && denseRankPower != -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Acceptable values for denseRankPower are 7-15 (every 128-32768 docIDs). " + "The provided power was " + denseRankPower + " (every " + (int)Math.pow(2, denseRankPower) + " docIDs)"); } int totalCardinality = 0; int blockCardinality = 0; final FixedBitSet buffer = new FixedBitSet(1<<16); int[] jumps = new int[ArrayUtil.oversize(1, Integer.BYTES*2)]; int prevBlock = -1; int jumpBlockIndex = 0; for (int doc = it.nextDoc(); doc != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS; doc = it.nextDoc()) { final int block = doc >>> 16; if (prevBlock != -1 && block != prevBlock) { // Track offset+index from previous block up to current jumps = addJumps(jumps, out.getFilePointer()-origo, totalCardinality, jumpBlockIndex, prevBlock+1); jumpBlockIndex = prevBlock+1; // Flush block flush(prevBlock, buffer, blockCardinality, denseRankPower, out); // Reset for next block buffer.clear(0, buffer.length()); totalCardinality += blockCardinality; blockCardinality = 0; } buffer.set(doc & 0xFFFF); blockCardinality++; prevBlock = block; } if (blockCardinality > 0) { jumps = addJumps(jumps, out.getFilePointer()-origo, totalCardinality, jumpBlockIndex, prevBlock+1); totalCardinality += blockCardinality; flush(prevBlock, buffer, blockCardinality, denseRankPower, out); buffer.clear(0, buffer.length()); prevBlock++; } final int lastBlock = prevBlock == -1 ? 0 : prevBlock; // There will always be at least 1 block (NO_MORE_DOCS) // Last entry is a SPARSE with blockIndex == 32767 and the single entry 65535, which becomes the docID NO_MORE_DOCS // To avoid creating 65K jump-table entries, only a single entry is created pointing to the offset of the // NO_MORE_DOCS block, with the jumpBlockIndex set to the logical EMPTY block after all real blocks. jumps = addJumps(jumps, out.getFilePointer()-origo, totalCardinality, lastBlock, lastBlock+1); buffer.set(DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS & 0xFFFF); flush(DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS >>> 16, buffer, 1, denseRankPower, out); // offset+index jump-table stored at the end return flushBlockJumps(jumps, lastBlock+1, out, origo); } // Adds entries to the offset & index jump-table for blocks private static int[] addJumps(int[] jumps, long offset, int index, int startBlock, int endBlock) { assert offset < Integer.MAX_VALUE : "Logically the offset should not exceed 2^30 but was >= Integer.MAX_VALUE"; jumps = ArrayUtil.grow(jumps, (endBlock+1)*2); for (int b = startBlock; b < endBlock; b++) { jumps[b*2] = index; jumps[b*2+1] = (int) offset; } return jumps; } // Flushes the offet & index jump-table for blocks. This should be the last data written to out // This method returns the blockCount for the blocks reachable for the jump_table or -1 for no jump-table private static short flushBlockJumps(int[] jumps, int blockCount, IndexOutput out, long origo) throws IOException { if (blockCount == 2) { // Jumps with a single real entry + NO_MORE_DOCS is just wasted space so we ignore that blockCount = 0; } for (int i = 0 ; i < blockCount ; i++) { out.writeInt(jumps[i*2]); // index out.writeInt(jumps[i*2+1]); // offset } // As there are at most 32k blocks, the count is a short // The jumpTableOffset will be at lastPos - (blockCount * Long.BYTES) return (short)blockCount; } // Members are pkg-private to avoid synthetic accessors when accessed from the `Method` enum
The slice that stores the DocIdSetIterator.
/** The slice that stores the {@link DocIdSetIterator}. */
final IndexInput slice; final int jumpTableEntryCount; final byte denseRankPower; final RandomAccessInput jumpTable; // Skip blocks of 64K bits final byte[] denseRankTable; final long cost;
This constructor always creates a new blockSlice and a new jumpTable from in, to ensure that operations are independent from the caller. See IndexedDISI(IndexInput, RandomAccessInput, int, byte, long) for re-use of blockSlice and jumpTable.
  • in – backing data.
  • offset – starting offset for blocks in the backing data.
  • length – the number of bytes holding blocks and jump-table in the backing data.
  • jumpTableEntryCount – the number of blocks covered by the jump-table. This must match the number returned by writeBitSet(DocIdSetIterator, IndexOutput, byte).
  • denseRankPower – the number of docIDs covered by each rank entry in DENSE blocks, expressed as 2^denseRankPower. This must match the power given in writeBitSet(DocIdSetIterator, IndexOutput, byte)
  • cost – normally the number of logical docIDs.
/** * This constructor always creates a new blockSlice and a new jumpTable from in, to ensure that operations are * independent from the caller. * See {@link #IndexedDISI(IndexInput, RandomAccessInput, int, byte, long)} for re-use of blockSlice and jumpTable. * @param in backing data. * @param offset starting offset for blocks in the backing data. * @param length the number of bytes holding blocks and jump-table in the backing data. * @param jumpTableEntryCount the number of blocks covered by the jump-table. * This must match the number returned by {@link #writeBitSet(DocIdSetIterator, IndexOutput, byte)}. * @param denseRankPower the number of docIDs covered by each rank entry in DENSE blocks, expressed as {@code 2^denseRankPower}. * This must match the power given in {@link #writeBitSet(DocIdSetIterator, IndexOutput, byte)} * @param cost normally the number of logical docIDs. */
IndexedDISI(IndexInput in, long offset, long length, int jumpTableEntryCount, byte denseRankPower, long cost) throws IOException { this(createBlockSlice(in,"docs", offset, length, jumpTableEntryCount), createJumpTable(in, offset, length, jumpTableEntryCount), jumpTableEntryCount, denseRankPower, cost); }
This constructor allows to pass the slice and jumpTable directly in case it helps reuse. see eg. Lucene80 norms producer's merge instance.
/** * This constructor allows to pass the slice and jumpTable directly in case it helps reuse. * see eg. Lucene80 norms producer's merge instance. * @param blockSlice data blocks, normally created by {@link #createBlockSlice}. * @param jumpTable table holding jump-data for block-skips, normally created by {@link #createJumpTable}. * @param jumpTableEntryCount the number of blocks covered by the jump-table. * This must match the number returned by {@link #writeBitSet(DocIdSetIterator, IndexOutput, byte)}. * @param denseRankPower the number of docIDs covered by each rank entry in DENSE blocks, expressed as {@code 2^denseRankPower}. * This must match the power given in {@link #writeBitSet(DocIdSetIterator, IndexOutput, byte)} * @param cost normally the number of logical docIDs. */
IndexedDISI(IndexInput blockSlice, RandomAccessInput jumpTable, int jumpTableEntryCount, byte denseRankPower, long cost) throws IOException { if ((denseRankPower < 7 || denseRankPower > 15) && denseRankPower != -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Acceptable values for denseRankPower are 7-15 (every 128-32768 docIDs). " + "The provided power was " + denseRankPower + " (every " + (int)Math.pow(2, denseRankPower) + " docIDs). "); } this.slice = blockSlice; this.jumpTable = jumpTable; this.jumpTableEntryCount = jumpTableEntryCount; this.denseRankPower = denseRankPower; final int rankIndexShift = denseRankPower-7; this.denseRankTable = denseRankPower == -1 ? null : new byte[DENSE_BLOCK_LONGS >> rankIndexShift]; this.cost = cost; }
Helper method for using IndexedDISI(IndexInput, RandomAccessInput, int, byte, long). Creates a disiSlice for the IndexedDISI data blocks, without the jump-table.
  • slice – backing data, holding both blocks and jump-table.
  • sliceDescription – human readable slice designation.
  • offset – relative to the backing data.
  • length – full length of the IndexedDISI, including blocks and jump-table data.
  • jumpTableEntryCount – the number of blocks covered by the jump-table.
  • IOException – if a RandomAccessInput could not be created from slice.
Returns:a jumpTable containing the block jump-data or null if no such table exists.
/** * Helper method for using {@link #IndexedDISI(IndexInput, RandomAccessInput, int, byte, long)}. * Creates a disiSlice for the IndexedDISI data blocks, without the jump-table. * @param slice backing data, holding both blocks and jump-table. * @param sliceDescription human readable slice designation. * @param offset relative to the backing data. * @param length full length of the IndexedDISI, including blocks and jump-table data. * @param jumpTableEntryCount the number of blocks covered by the jump-table. * @return a jumpTable containing the block jump-data or null if no such table exists. * @throws IOException if a RandomAccessInput could not be created from slice. */
public static IndexInput createBlockSlice( IndexInput slice, String sliceDescription, long offset, long length, int jumpTableEntryCount) throws IOException { long jumpTableBytes = jumpTableEntryCount < 0 ? 0 : jumpTableEntryCount*Integer.BYTES*2; return slice.slice(sliceDescription, offset, length - jumpTableBytes); }
Helper method for using IndexedDISI(IndexInput, RandomAccessInput, int, byte, long). Creates a RandomAccessInput covering only the jump-table data or null.
  • slice – backing data, holding both blocks and jump-table.
  • offset – relative to the backing data.
  • length – full length of the IndexedDISI, including blocks and jump-table data.
  • jumpTableEntryCount – the number of blocks covered by the jump-table.
  • IOException – if a RandomAccessInput could not be created from slice.
Returns:a jumpTable containing the block jump-data or null if no such table exists.
/** * Helper method for using {@link #IndexedDISI(IndexInput, RandomAccessInput, int, byte, long)}. * Creates a RandomAccessInput covering only the jump-table data or null. * @param slice backing data, holding both blocks and jump-table. * @param offset relative to the backing data. * @param length full length of the IndexedDISI, including blocks and jump-table data. * @param jumpTableEntryCount the number of blocks covered by the jump-table. * @return a jumpTable containing the block jump-data or null if no such table exists. * @throws IOException if a RandomAccessInput could not be created from slice. */
public static RandomAccessInput createJumpTable( IndexInput slice, long offset, long length, int jumpTableEntryCount) throws IOException { if (jumpTableEntryCount <= 0) { return null; } else { int jumpTableBytes = jumpTableEntryCount*Integer.BYTES*2; return slice.randomAccessSlice(offset + length - jumpTableBytes, jumpTableBytes); } } int block = -1; long blockEnd; long denseBitmapOffset = -1; // Only used for DENSE blocks int nextBlockIndex = -1; Method method; int doc = -1; int index = -1; // SPARSE variables boolean exists; // DENSE variables long word; int wordIndex = -1; // number of one bits encountered so far, including those of `word` int numberOfOnes; // Used with rank for jumps inside of DENSE as they are absolute instead of relative int denseOrigoIndex; // ALL variables int gap; @Override public int docID() { return doc; } @Override public int advance(int target) throws IOException { final int targetBlock = target & 0xFFFF0000; if (block < targetBlock) { advanceBlock(targetBlock); } if (block == targetBlock) { if (method.advanceWithinBlock(this, target)) { return doc; } readBlockHeader(); } boolean found = method.advanceWithinBlock(this, block); assert found; return doc; } public boolean advanceExact(int target) throws IOException { final int targetBlock = target & 0xFFFF0000; if (block < targetBlock) { advanceBlock(targetBlock); } boolean found = block == targetBlock && method.advanceExactWithinBlock(this, target); this.doc = target; return found; } private void advanceBlock(int targetBlock) throws IOException { final int blockIndex = targetBlock >> 16; // If the destination block is 2 blocks or more ahead, we use the jump-table. if (jumpTable != null && blockIndex >= (block >> 16)+2) { // If the jumpTableEntryCount is exceeded, there are no further bits. Last entry is always NO_MORE_DOCS final int inRangeBlockIndex = blockIndex < jumpTableEntryCount ? blockIndex : jumpTableEntryCount-1; final int index = jumpTable.readInt(inRangeBlockIndex*Integer.BYTES*2); final int offset = jumpTable.readInt(inRangeBlockIndex*Integer.BYTES*2+Integer.BYTES); this.nextBlockIndex = index-1; // -1 to compensate for the always-added 1 in readBlockHeader slice.seek(offset); readBlockHeader(); return; } // Fallback to iteration of blocks do { slice.seek(blockEnd); readBlockHeader(); } while (block < targetBlock); } private void readBlockHeader() throws IOException { block = Short.toUnsignedInt(slice.readShort()) << 16; assert block >= 0; final int numValues = 1 + Short.toUnsignedInt(slice.readShort()); index = nextBlockIndex; nextBlockIndex = index + numValues; if (numValues <= MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH) { method = Method.SPARSE; blockEnd = slice.getFilePointer() + (numValues << 1); } else if (numValues == 65536) { method = Method.ALL; blockEnd = slice.getFilePointer(); gap = block - index - 1; } else { method = Method.DENSE; denseBitmapOffset = slice.getFilePointer() + (denseRankTable == null ? 0 : denseRankTable.length); blockEnd = denseBitmapOffset + (1 << 13); // Performance consideration: All rank (default 128 * 16 bits) are loaded up front. This should be fast with the // reusable byte[] buffer, but it is still wasted if the DENSE block is iterated in small steps. // If this results in too great a performance regression, a heuristic strategy might work where the rank data // are loaded on first in-block advance, if said advance is > X docIDs. The hope being that a small first // advance means that subsequent advances will be small too. // Another alternative is to maintain an extra slice for DENSE rank, but IndexedDISI is already slice-heavy. if (denseRankPower != -1) { slice.readBytes(denseRankTable, 0, denseRankTable.length); } wordIndex = -1; numberOfOnes = index + 1; denseOrigoIndex = numberOfOnes; } } @Override public int nextDoc() throws IOException { return advance(doc + 1); } public int index() { return index; } @Override public long cost() { return cost; } enum Method { SPARSE { @Override boolean advanceWithinBlock(IndexedDISI disi, int target) throws IOException { final int targetInBlock = target & 0xFFFF; // TODO: binary search for (; disi.index < disi.nextBlockIndex;) { int doc = Short.toUnsignedInt(disi.slice.readShort()); disi.index++; if (doc >= targetInBlock) { disi.doc = disi.block | doc; disi.exists = true; return true; } } return false; } @Override boolean advanceExactWithinBlock(IndexedDISI disi, int target) throws IOException { final int targetInBlock = target & 0xFFFF; // TODO: binary search if (target == disi.doc) { return disi.exists; } for (; disi.index < disi.nextBlockIndex;) { int doc = Short.toUnsignedInt(disi.slice.readShort()); disi.index++; if (doc >= targetInBlock) { if (doc != targetInBlock) { disi.index--; disi.slice.seek(disi.slice.getFilePointer() - Short.BYTES); break; } disi.exists = true; return true; } } disi.exists = false; return false; } }, DENSE { @Override boolean advanceWithinBlock(IndexedDISI disi, int target) throws IOException { final int targetInBlock = target & 0xFFFF; final int targetWordIndex = targetInBlock >>> 6; // If possible, skip ahead using the rank cache // If the distance between the current position and the target is < rank-longs // there is no sense in using rank if (disi.denseRankPower != -1 && targetWordIndex - disi.wordIndex >= (1 << (disi.denseRankPower-6) )) { rankSkip(disi, targetInBlock); } for (int i = disi.wordIndex + 1; i <= targetWordIndex; ++i) { disi.word = disi.slice.readLong(); disi.numberOfOnes += Long.bitCount(disi.word); } disi.wordIndex = targetWordIndex; long leftBits = disi.word >>> target; if (leftBits != 0L) { disi.doc = target + Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(leftBits); disi.index = disi.numberOfOnes - Long.bitCount(leftBits); return true; } // There were no set bits at the wanted position. Move forward until one is reached while (++disi.wordIndex < 1024) { // This could use the rank cache to skip empty spaces >= 512 bits, but it seems unrealistic // that such blocks would be DENSE disi.word = disi.slice.readLong(); if (disi.word != 0) { disi.index = disi.numberOfOnes; disi.numberOfOnes += Long.bitCount(disi.word); disi.doc = disi.block | (disi.wordIndex << 6) | Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(disi.word); return true; } } // No set bits in the block at or after the wanted position. return false; } @Override boolean advanceExactWithinBlock(IndexedDISI disi, int target) throws IOException { final int targetInBlock = target & 0xFFFF; final int targetWordIndex = targetInBlock >>> 6; // If possible, skip ahead using the rank cache // If the distance between the current position and the target is < rank-longs // there is no sense in using rank if (disi.denseRankPower != -1 && targetWordIndex - disi.wordIndex >= (1 << (disi.denseRankPower-6) )) { rankSkip(disi, targetInBlock); } for (int i = disi.wordIndex + 1; i <= targetWordIndex; ++i) { disi.word = disi.slice.readLong(); disi.numberOfOnes += Long.bitCount(disi.word); } disi.wordIndex = targetWordIndex; long leftBits = disi.word >>> target; disi.index = disi.numberOfOnes - Long.bitCount(leftBits); return (leftBits & 1L) != 0; } }, ALL { @Override boolean advanceWithinBlock(IndexedDISI disi, int target) { disi.doc = target; disi.index = target - disi.gap; return true; } @Override boolean advanceExactWithinBlock(IndexedDISI disi, int target) { disi.index = target - disi.gap; return true; } };
Advance to the first doc from the block that is equal to or greater than target. Return true if there is such a doc and false otherwise.
/** Advance to the first doc from the block that is equal to or greater than {@code target}. * Return true if there is such a doc and false otherwise. */
abstract boolean advanceWithinBlock(IndexedDISI disi, int target) throws IOException;
Advance the iterator exactly to the position corresponding to the given target and return whether this document exists.
/** Advance the iterator exactly to the position corresponding to the given {@code target} * and return whether this document exists. */
abstract boolean advanceExactWithinBlock(IndexedDISI disi, int target) throws IOException; }
If the distance between the current position and the target is > 8 words, the rank cache will be used to guarantee a worst-case of 1 rank-lookup and 7 word-read-and-count-bits operations. Note: This does not guarantee a skip up to target, only up to nearest rank boundary. It is the responsibility of the caller to iterate further to reach target.
  • disi – standard DISI.
  • targetInBlock – lower 16 bits of the target
/** * If the distance between the current position and the target is > 8 words, the rank cache will * be used to guarantee a worst-case of 1 rank-lookup and 7 word-read-and-count-bits operations. * Note: This does not guarantee a skip up to target, only up to nearest rank boundary. It is the * responsibility of the caller to iterate further to reach target. * @param disi standard DISI. * @param targetInBlock lower 16 bits of the target * @throws IOException if a DISI seek failed. */
private static void rankSkip(IndexedDISI disi, int targetInBlock) throws IOException { assert disi.denseRankPower >= 0 : disi.denseRankPower; // Resolve the rank as close to targetInBlock as possible (maximum distance is 8 longs) // Note: rankOrigoOffset is tracked on block open, so it is absolute (e.g. don't add origo) final int rankIndex = targetInBlock >> disi.denseRankPower; // Default is 9 (8 longs: 2^3 * 2^6 = 512 docIDs) final int rank = (disi.denseRankTable[rankIndex<<1] & 0xFF) << 8 | (disi.denseRankTable[(rankIndex<<1)+1] & 0xFF); // Position the counting logic just after the rank point final int rankAlignedWordIndex = rankIndex << disi.denseRankPower >> 6; disi.slice.seek(disi.denseBitmapOffset + rankAlignedWordIndex*Long.BYTES); long rankWord = disi.slice.readLong(); int denseNOO = rank + Long.bitCount(rankWord); disi.wordIndex = rankAlignedWordIndex; disi.word = rankWord; disi.numberOfOnes = disi.denseOrigoIndex + denseNOO; } }