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package org.apache.lucene.codecs.compressing;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;

import org.apache.lucene.store.DataInput;
import org.apache.lucene.store.DataOutput;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FutureArrays;
import org.apache.lucene.util.packed.PackedInts;

LZ4 compression and decompression routines. http://code.google.com/p/lz4/ http://fastcompression.blogspot.fr/p/lz4.html
/** * LZ4 compression and decompression routines. * * http://code.google.com/p/lz4/ * http://fastcompression.blogspot.fr/p/lz4.html */
final class LZ4 { private LZ4() {} static final int MEMORY_USAGE = 14; static final int MIN_MATCH = 4; // minimum length of a match static final int MAX_DISTANCE = 1 << 16; // maximum distance of a reference static final int LAST_LITERALS = 5; // the last 5 bytes must be encoded as literals static final int HASH_LOG_HC = 15; // log size of the dictionary for compressHC static final int HASH_TABLE_SIZE_HC = 1 << HASH_LOG_HC; static final int OPTIMAL_ML = 0x0F + 4 - 1; // match length that doesn't require an additional byte private static int hash(int i, int hashBits) { return (i * -1640531535) >>> (32 - hashBits); } private static int hashHC(int i) { return hash(i, HASH_LOG_HC); } private static int readInt(byte[] buf, int i) { return ((buf[i] & 0xFF) << 24) | ((buf[i+1] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((buf[i+2] & 0xFF) << 8) | (buf[i+3] & 0xFF); } private static boolean readIntEquals(byte[] buf, int i, int j) { return readInt(buf, i) == readInt(buf, j); } private static int commonBytes(byte[] b, int o1, int o2, int limit) { assert o1 < o2; // never -1 because lengths always differ return FutureArrays.mismatch(b, o1, limit, b, o2, limit); } private static int commonBytesBackward(byte[] b, int o1, int o2, int l1, int l2) { int count = 0; while (o1 > l1 && o2 > l2 && b[--o1] == b[--o2]) { ++count; } return count; }
Decompress at least decompressedLen bytes into dest[dOff:]. Please note that dest must be large enough to be able to hold all decompressed data (meaning that you need to know the total decompressed length).
/** * Decompress at least <code>decompressedLen</code> bytes into * <code>dest[dOff:]</code>. Please note that <code>dest</code> must be large * enough to be able to hold <b>all</b> decompressed data (meaning that you * need to know the total decompressed length). */
public static int decompress(DataInput compressed, int decompressedLen, byte[] dest, int dOff) throws IOException { final int destEnd = dest.length; do { // literals final int token = compressed.readByte() & 0xFF; int literalLen = token >>> 4; if (literalLen != 0) { if (literalLen == 0x0F) { byte len; while ((len = compressed.readByte()) == (byte) 0xFF) { literalLen += 0xFF; } literalLen += len & 0xFF; } compressed.readBytes(dest, dOff, literalLen); dOff += literalLen; } if (dOff >= decompressedLen) { break; } // matchs final int matchDec = (compressed.readByte() & 0xFF) | ((compressed.readByte() & 0xFF) << 8); assert matchDec > 0; int matchLen = token & 0x0F; if (matchLen == 0x0F) { int len; while ((len = compressed.readByte()) == (byte) 0xFF) { matchLen += 0xFF; } matchLen += len & 0xFF; } matchLen += MIN_MATCH; // copying a multiple of 8 bytes can make decompression from 5% to 10% faster final int fastLen = (matchLen + 7) & 0xFFFFFFF8; if (matchDec < matchLen || dOff + fastLen > destEnd) { // overlap -> naive incremental copy for (int ref = dOff - matchDec, end = dOff + matchLen; dOff < end; ++ref, ++dOff) { dest[dOff] = dest[ref]; } } else { // no overlap -> arraycopy System.arraycopy(dest, dOff - matchDec, dest, dOff, fastLen); dOff += matchLen; } } while (dOff < decompressedLen); return dOff; } private static void encodeLen(int l, DataOutput out) throws IOException { while (l >= 0xFF) { out.writeByte((byte) 0xFF); l -= 0xFF; } out.writeByte((byte) l); } private static void encodeLiterals(byte[] bytes, int token, int anchor, int literalLen, DataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeByte((byte) token); // encode literal length if (literalLen >= 0x0F) { encodeLen(literalLen - 0x0F, out); } // encode literals out.writeBytes(bytes, anchor, literalLen); } private static void encodeLastLiterals(byte[] bytes, int anchor, int literalLen, DataOutput out) throws IOException { final int token = Math.min(literalLen, 0x0F) << 4; encodeLiterals(bytes, token, anchor, literalLen, out); } private static void encodeSequence(byte[] bytes, int anchor, int matchRef, int matchOff, int matchLen, DataOutput out) throws IOException { final int literalLen = matchOff - anchor; assert matchLen >= 4; // encode token final int token = (Math.min(literalLen, 0x0F) << 4) | Math.min(matchLen - 4, 0x0F); encodeLiterals(bytes, token, anchor, literalLen, out); // encode match dec final int matchDec = matchOff - matchRef; assert matchDec > 0 && matchDec < 1 << 16; out.writeByte((byte) matchDec); out.writeByte((byte) (matchDec >>> 8)); // encode match len if (matchLen >= MIN_MATCH + 0x0F) { encodeLen(matchLen - 0x0F - MIN_MATCH, out); } } static final class HashTable { private int hashLog; private PackedInts.Mutable hashTable; void reset(int len) { final int bitsPerOffset = PackedInts.bitsRequired(len - LAST_LITERALS); final int bitsPerOffsetLog = 32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(bitsPerOffset - 1); hashLog = MEMORY_USAGE + 3 - bitsPerOffsetLog; if (hashTable == null || hashTable.size() < 1 << hashLog || hashTable.getBitsPerValue() < bitsPerOffset) { hashTable = PackedInts.getMutable(1 << hashLog, bitsPerOffset, PackedInts.DEFAULT); } else { hashTable.clear(); } } }
Compress bytes[off:off+len] into out using at most 16KB of memory. ht shouldn't be shared across threads but can safely be reused.
/** * Compress <code>bytes[off:off+len]</code> into <code>out</code> using * at most 16KB of memory. <code>ht</code> shouldn't be shared across threads * but can safely be reused. */
public static void compress(byte[] bytes, int off, int len, DataOutput out, HashTable ht) throws IOException { final int base = off; final int end = off + len; int anchor = off++; if (len > LAST_LITERALS + MIN_MATCH) { final int limit = end - LAST_LITERALS; final int matchLimit = limit - MIN_MATCH; ht.reset(len); final int hashLog = ht.hashLog; final PackedInts.Mutable hashTable = ht.hashTable; main: while (off <= limit) { // find a match int ref; while (true) { if (off >= matchLimit) { break main; } final int v = readInt(bytes, off); final int h = hash(v, hashLog); ref = base + (int) hashTable.get(h); assert PackedInts.bitsRequired(off - base) <= hashTable.getBitsPerValue(); hashTable.set(h, off - base); if (off - ref < MAX_DISTANCE && readInt(bytes, ref) == v) { break; } ++off; } // compute match length final int matchLen = MIN_MATCH + commonBytes(bytes, ref + MIN_MATCH, off + MIN_MATCH, limit); encodeSequence(bytes, anchor, ref, off, matchLen, out); off += matchLen; anchor = off; } } // last literals final int literalLen = end - anchor; assert literalLen >= LAST_LITERALS || literalLen == len; encodeLastLiterals(bytes, anchor, end - anchor, out); } private static class Match { int start, ref, len; void fix(int correction) { start += correction; ref += correction; len -= correction; } int end() { return start + len; } } private static void copyTo(Match m1, Match m2) { m2.len = m1.len; m2.start = m1.start; m2.ref = m1.ref; } static final class HCHashTable { static final int MAX_ATTEMPTS = 256; static final int MASK = MAX_DISTANCE - 1; int nextToUpdate; private int base; private final int[] hashTable; private final short[] chainTable; HCHashTable() { hashTable = new int[HASH_TABLE_SIZE_HC]; chainTable = new short[MAX_DISTANCE]; } private void reset(int base) { this.base = base; nextToUpdate = base; Arrays.fill(hashTable, -1); Arrays.fill(chainTable, (short) 0); } private int hashPointer(byte[] bytes, int off) { final int v = readInt(bytes, off); final int h = hashHC(v); return hashTable[h]; } private int next(int off) { return off - (chainTable[off & MASK] & 0xFFFF); } private void addHash(byte[] bytes, int off) { final int v = readInt(bytes, off); final int h = hashHC(v); int delta = off - hashTable[h]; assert delta > 0 : delta; if (delta >= MAX_DISTANCE) { delta = MAX_DISTANCE - 1; } chainTable[off & MASK] = (short) delta; hashTable[h] = off; } void insert(int off, byte[] bytes) { for (; nextToUpdate < off; ++nextToUpdate) { addHash(bytes, nextToUpdate); } } boolean insertAndFindBestMatch(byte[] buf, int off, int matchLimit, Match match) { match.start = off; match.len = 0; int delta = 0; int repl = 0; insert(off, buf); int ref = hashPointer(buf, off); if (ref >= off - 4 && ref <= off && ref >= base) { // potential repetition if (readIntEquals(buf, ref, off)) { // confirmed delta = off - ref; repl = match.len = MIN_MATCH + commonBytes(buf, ref + MIN_MATCH, off + MIN_MATCH, matchLimit); match.ref = ref; } ref = next(ref); } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ATTEMPTS; ++i) { if (ref < Math.max(base, off - MAX_DISTANCE + 1) || ref > off) { break; } if (buf[ref + match.len] == buf[off + match.len] && readIntEquals(buf, ref, off)) { final int matchLen = MIN_MATCH + commonBytes(buf, ref + MIN_MATCH, off + MIN_MATCH, matchLimit); if (matchLen > match.len) { match.ref = ref; match.len = matchLen; } } ref = next(ref); } if (repl != 0) { int ptr = off; final int end = off + repl - (MIN_MATCH - 1); while (ptr < end - delta) { chainTable[ptr & MASK] = (short) delta; // pre load ++ptr; } do { chainTable[ptr & MASK] = (short) delta; hashTable[hashHC(readInt(buf, ptr))] = ptr; ++ptr; } while (ptr < end); nextToUpdate = end; } return match.len != 0; } boolean insertAndFindWiderMatch(byte[] buf, int off, int startLimit, int matchLimit, int minLen, Match match) { match.len = minLen; insert(off, buf); final int delta = off - startLimit; int ref = hashPointer(buf, off); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ATTEMPTS; ++i) { if (ref < Math.max(base, off - MAX_DISTANCE + 1) || ref > off) { break; } if (buf[ref - delta + match.len] == buf[startLimit + match.len] && readIntEquals(buf, ref, off)) { final int matchLenForward = MIN_MATCH + commonBytes(buf, ref + MIN_MATCH, off + MIN_MATCH, matchLimit); final int matchLenBackward = commonBytesBackward(buf, ref, off, base, startLimit); final int matchLen = matchLenBackward + matchLenForward; if (matchLen > match.len) { match.len = matchLen; match.ref = ref - matchLenBackward; match.start = off - matchLenBackward; } } ref = next(ref); } return match.len > minLen; } }
Compress bytes[off:off+len] into out. Compared to compress(byte[], int, int, DataOutput, HashTable), this method is slower and uses more memory (~ 256KB per thread) but should provide better compression ratios (especially on large inputs) because it chooses the best match among up to 256 candidates and then performs trade-offs to fix overlapping matches. ht shouldn't be shared across threads but can safely be reused.
/** * Compress <code>bytes[off:off+len]</code> into <code>out</code>. Compared to * {@link LZ4#compress(byte[], int, int, DataOutput, HashTable)}, this method * is slower and uses more memory (~ 256KB per thread) but should provide * better compression ratios (especially on large inputs) because it chooses * the best match among up to 256 candidates and then performs trade-offs to * fix overlapping matches. <code>ht</code> shouldn't be shared across threads * but can safely be reused. */
public static void compressHC(byte[] src, int srcOff, int srcLen, DataOutput out, HCHashTable ht) throws IOException { final int srcEnd = srcOff + srcLen; final int matchLimit = srcEnd - LAST_LITERALS; final int mfLimit = matchLimit - MIN_MATCH; int sOff = srcOff; int anchor = sOff++; ht.reset(srcOff); final Match match0 = new Match(); final Match match1 = new Match(); final Match match2 = new Match(); final Match match3 = new Match(); main: while (sOff <= mfLimit) { if (!ht.insertAndFindBestMatch(src, sOff, matchLimit, match1)) { ++sOff; continue; } // saved, in case we would skip too much copyTo(match1, match0); search2: while (true) { assert match1.start >= anchor; if (match1.end() >= mfLimit || !ht.insertAndFindWiderMatch(src, match1.end() - 2, match1.start + 1, matchLimit, match1.len, match2)) { // no better match encodeSequence(src, anchor, match1.ref, match1.start, match1.len, out); anchor = sOff = match1.end(); continue main; } if (match0.start < match1.start) { if (match2.start < match1.start + match0.len) { // empirical copyTo(match0, match1); } } assert match2.start > match1.start; if (match2.start - match1.start < 3) { // First Match too small : removed copyTo(match2, match1); continue search2; } search3: while (true) { if (match2.start - match1.start < OPTIMAL_ML) { int newMatchLen = match1.len; if (newMatchLen > OPTIMAL_ML) { newMatchLen = OPTIMAL_ML; } if (match1.start + newMatchLen > match2.end() - MIN_MATCH) { newMatchLen = match2.start - match1.start + match2.len - MIN_MATCH; } final int correction = newMatchLen - (match2.start - match1.start); if (correction > 0) { match2.fix(correction); } } if (match2.start + match2.len >= mfLimit || !ht.insertAndFindWiderMatch(src, match2.end() - 3, match2.start, matchLimit, match2.len, match3)) { // no better match -> 2 sequences to encode if (match2.start < match1.end()) { match1.len = match2.start - match1.start; } // encode seq 1 encodeSequence(src, anchor, match1.ref, match1.start, match1.len, out); anchor = sOff = match1.end(); // encode seq 2 encodeSequence(src, anchor, match2.ref, match2.start, match2.len, out); anchor = sOff = match2.end(); continue main; } if (match3.start < match1.end() + 3) { // Not enough space for match 2 : remove it if (match3.start >= match1.end()) { // // can write Seq1 immediately ==> Seq2 is removed, so Seq3 becomes Seq1 if (match2.start < match1.end()) { final int correction = match1.end() - match2.start; match2.fix(correction); if (match2.len < MIN_MATCH) { copyTo(match3, match2); } } encodeSequence(src, anchor, match1.ref, match1.start, match1.len, out); anchor = sOff = match1.end(); copyTo(match3, match1); copyTo(match2, match0); continue search2; } copyTo(match3, match2); continue search3; } // OK, now we have 3 ascending matches; let's write at least the first one if (match2.start < match1.end()) { if (match2.start - match1.start < 0x0F) { if (match1.len > OPTIMAL_ML) { match1.len = OPTIMAL_ML; } if (match1.end() > match2.end() - MIN_MATCH) { match1.len = match2.end() - match1.start - MIN_MATCH; } final int correction = match1.end() - match2.start; match2.fix(correction); } else { match1.len = match2.start - match1.start; } } encodeSequence(src, anchor, match1.ref, match1.start, match1.len, out); anchor = sOff = match1.end(); copyTo(match2, match1); copyTo(match3, match2); continue search3; } } } encodeLastLiterals(src, anchor, srcEnd - anchor, out); } }