 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.lucene.codecs.memory;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.lucene.codecs.BlockTermState;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.CodecUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.FieldsConsumer;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.NormsProducer;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.PostingsWriterBase;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexOptions;
import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo;
import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfos;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Fields;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexFileNames;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentWriteState;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Terms;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TermsEnum;
import org.apache.lucene.store.DataOutput;
import org.apache.lucene.store.IndexOutput;
import org.apache.lucene.store.RAMOutputStream;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FixedBitSet;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IntsRefBuilder;
import org.apache.lucene.util.fst.Builder;
import org.apache.lucene.util.fst.FST;
import org.apache.lucene.util.fst.Util;

FST-based term dict, using metadata as FST output. The FST directly holds the mapping between <term, metadata>. Term metadata consists of three parts: 1. term statistics: docFreq, totalTermFreq; 2. monotonic long[], e.g. the pointer to the postings list for that term; 3. generic byte[], e.g. other information need by postings reader.


Term Dictionary

The .tst contains a list of FSTs, one for each field. The FST maps a term to its corresponding statistics (e.g. docfreq) and metadata (e.g. information for postings list reader like file pointer to postings list).

Typically the metadata is separated into two parts:

  • Monotonical long array: Some metadata will always be ascending in order with the corresponding term. This part is used by FST to share outputs between arcs.
  • Generic byte array: Used to store non-monotonic metadata.
File format:
  • TermsDict(.tst) --> Header, PostingsHeader, FieldSummary, DirOffset
  • FieldSummary --> NumFields, <FieldNumber, NumTerms, SumTotalTermFreq?, SumDocFreq, DocCount, LongsSize, TermFST >NumFields
  • TermFST --> FST<TermData>
  • TermData --> Flag, BytesSize?, LongDeltaLongsSize?, ByteBytesSize?, < DocFreq[Same?], (TotalTermFreq-DocFreq) > ?
  • Header --> IndexHeader
  • DirOffset --> Uint64
  • DocFreq, LongsSize, BytesSize, NumFields, FieldNumber, DocCount --> VInt
  • TotalTermFreq, NumTerms, SumTotalTermFreq, SumDocFreq, LongDelta --> VLong


  • The format of PostingsHeader and generic meta bytes are customized by the specific postings implementation: they contain arbitrary per-file data (such as parameters or versioning information), and per-term data (non-monotonic ones like pulsed postings data).
  • The format of TermData is determined by FST, typically monotonic metadata will be dense around shallow arcs, while in deeper arcs only generic bytes and term statistics exist.
  • The byte Flag is used to indicate which part of metadata exists on current arc. Specially the monotonic part is omitted when it is an array of 0s.
  • Since LongsSize is per-field fixed, it is only written once in field summary.
/** * FST-based term dict, using metadata as FST output. * * The FST directly holds the mapping between &lt;term, metadata&gt;. * * Term metadata consists of three parts: * 1. term statistics: docFreq, totalTermFreq; * 2. monotonic long[], e.g. the pointer to the postings list for that term; * 3. generic byte[], e.g. other information need by postings reader. * * <p> * File: * <ul> * <li><tt>.tst</tt>: <a href="#Termdictionary">Term Dictionary</a></li> * </ul> * <p> * * <a name="Termdictionary"></a> * <h3>Term Dictionary</h3> * <p> * The .tst contains a list of FSTs, one for each field. * The FST maps a term to its corresponding statistics (e.g. docfreq) * and metadata (e.g. information for postings list reader like file pointer * to postings list). * </p> * <p> * Typically the metadata is separated into two parts: * <ul> * <li> * Monotonical long array: Some metadata will always be ascending in order * with the corresponding term. This part is used by FST to share outputs between arcs. * </li> * <li> * Generic byte array: Used to store non-monotonic metadata. * </li> * </ul> * * File format: * <ul> * <li>TermsDict(.tst) --&gt; Header, <i>PostingsHeader</i>, FieldSummary, DirOffset</li> * <li>FieldSummary --&gt; NumFields, &lt;FieldNumber, NumTerms, SumTotalTermFreq?, * SumDocFreq, DocCount, LongsSize, TermFST &gt;<sup>NumFields</sup></li> * <li>TermFST --&gt; {@link FST FST&lt;TermData&gt;}</li> * <li>TermData --&gt; Flag, BytesSize?, LongDelta<sup>LongsSize</sup>?, Byte<sup>BytesSize</sup>?, * &lt; DocFreq[Same?], (TotalTermFreq-DocFreq) &gt; ? </li> * <li>Header --&gt; {@link CodecUtil#writeIndexHeader IndexHeader}</li> * <li>DirOffset --&gt; {@link DataOutput#writeLong Uint64}</li> * <li>DocFreq, LongsSize, BytesSize, NumFields, * FieldNumber, DocCount --&gt; {@link DataOutput#writeVInt VInt}</li> * <li>TotalTermFreq, NumTerms, SumTotalTermFreq, SumDocFreq, LongDelta --&gt; * {@link DataOutput#writeVLong VLong}</li> * </ul> * <p>Notes:</p> * <ul> * <li> * The format of PostingsHeader and generic meta bytes are customized by the specific postings implementation: * they contain arbitrary per-file data (such as parameters or versioning information), and per-term data * (non-monotonic ones like pulsed postings data). * </li> * <li> * The format of TermData is determined by FST, typically monotonic metadata will be dense around shallow arcs, * while in deeper arcs only generic bytes and term statistics exist. * </li> * <li> * The byte Flag is used to indicate which part of metadata exists on current arc. Specially the monotonic part * is omitted when it is an array of 0s. * </li> * <li> * Since LongsSize is per-field fixed, it is only written once in field summary. * </li> * </ul> * * @lucene.experimental */
public class FSTTermsWriter extends FieldsConsumer { static final String TERMS_EXTENSION = "tfp"; static final String TERMS_CODEC_NAME = "FSTTerms"; public static final int TERMS_VERSION_START = 2; public static final int TERMS_VERSION_CURRENT = TERMS_VERSION_START; final PostingsWriterBase postingsWriter; final FieldInfos fieldInfos; IndexOutput out; final int maxDoc; final List<FieldMetaData> fields = new ArrayList<>(); public FSTTermsWriter(SegmentWriteState state, PostingsWriterBase postingsWriter) throws IOException { final String termsFileName = IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(state.segmentInfo.name, state.segmentSuffix, TERMS_EXTENSION); this.postingsWriter = postingsWriter; this.fieldInfos = state.fieldInfos; this.out = state.directory.createOutput(termsFileName, state.context); this.maxDoc = state.segmentInfo.maxDoc(); boolean success = false; try { CodecUtil.writeIndexHeader(out, TERMS_CODEC_NAME, TERMS_VERSION_CURRENT, state.segmentInfo.getId(), state.segmentSuffix); this.postingsWriter.init(out, state); success = true; } finally { if (!success) { IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(out); } } } private void writeTrailer(IndexOutput out, long dirStart) throws IOException { out.writeLong(dirStart); } @Override public void write(Fields fields, NormsProducer norms) throws IOException { for(String field : fields) { Terms terms = fields.terms(field); if (terms == null) { continue; } FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.fieldInfo(field); boolean hasFreq = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS) >= 0; TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator(); TermsWriter termsWriter = new TermsWriter(fieldInfo); long sumTotalTermFreq = 0; long sumDocFreq = 0; FixedBitSet docsSeen = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc); while (true) { BytesRef term = termsEnum.next(); if (term == null) { break; } BlockTermState termState = postingsWriter.writeTerm(term, termsEnum, docsSeen, norms); if (termState != null) { termsWriter.finishTerm(term, termState); sumTotalTermFreq += termState.totalTermFreq; sumDocFreq += termState.docFreq; } } termsWriter.finish(hasFreq ? sumTotalTermFreq : -1, sumDocFreq, docsSeen.cardinality()); } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (out != null) { boolean success = false; try { // write field summary final long dirStart = out.getFilePointer(); out.writeVInt(fields.size()); for (FieldMetaData field : fields) { out.writeVInt(field.fieldInfo.number); out.writeVLong(field.numTerms); if (field.fieldInfo.getIndexOptions() != IndexOptions.DOCS) { out.writeVLong(field.sumTotalTermFreq); } out.writeVLong(field.sumDocFreq); out.writeVInt(field.docCount); field.dict.save(out, out); } writeTrailer(out, dirStart); CodecUtil.writeFooter(out); success = true; } finally { if (success) { IOUtils.close(out, postingsWriter); } else { IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(out, postingsWriter); } out = null; } } } private static class FieldMetaData { public final FieldInfo fieldInfo; public final long numTerms; public final long sumTotalTermFreq; public final long sumDocFreq; public final int docCount; public final FST<FSTTermOutputs.TermData> dict; public FieldMetaData(FieldInfo fieldInfo, long numTerms, long sumTotalTermFreq, long sumDocFreq, int docCount, FST<FSTTermOutputs.TermData> fst) { this.fieldInfo = fieldInfo; this.numTerms = numTerms; this.sumTotalTermFreq = sumTotalTermFreq; this.sumDocFreq = sumDocFreq; this.docCount = docCount; this.dict = fst; } } final class TermsWriter { private final Builder<FSTTermOutputs.TermData> builder; private final FSTTermOutputs outputs; private final FieldInfo fieldInfo; private long numTerms; private final IntsRefBuilder scratchTerm = new IntsRefBuilder(); private final RAMOutputStream metaWriter = new RAMOutputStream(); TermsWriter(FieldInfo fieldInfo) { this.numTerms = 0; this.fieldInfo = fieldInfo; postingsWriter.setField(fieldInfo); this.outputs = new FSTTermOutputs(fieldInfo); this.builder = new Builder<>(FST.INPUT_TYPE.BYTE1, outputs); } public void finishTerm(BytesRef text, BlockTermState state) throws IOException { // write term meta data into fst final FSTTermOutputs.TermData meta = new FSTTermOutputs.TermData(); meta.bytes = null; meta.docFreq = state.docFreq; meta.totalTermFreq = state.totalTermFreq; postingsWriter.encodeTerm(metaWriter, fieldInfo, state, true); final int bytesSize = (int)metaWriter.getFilePointer(); if (bytesSize > 0) { meta.bytes = new byte[bytesSize]; metaWriter.writeTo(meta.bytes, 0); metaWriter.reset(); } builder.add(Util.toIntsRef(text, scratchTerm), meta); numTerms++; } public void finish(long sumTotalTermFreq, long sumDocFreq, int docCount) throws IOException { // save FST dict if (numTerms > 0) { final FST<FSTTermOutputs.TermData> fst = builder.finish(); fields.add(new FieldMetaData(fieldInfo, numTerms, sumTotalTermFreq, sumDocFreq, docCount, fst)); } } } }