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package org.apache.lucene.analysis.miscellaneous;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collection;

import org.apache.lucene.analysis.CharArraySet;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;

A filter to apply normal capitalization rules to Tokens. It will make the first letter capital and the rest lower case.

This filter is particularly useful to build nice looking facet parameters. This filter is not appropriate if you intend to use a prefix query.

/** * A filter to apply normal capitalization rules to Tokens. It will make the first letter * capital and the rest lower case. * <p> * This filter is particularly useful to build nice looking facet parameters. This filter * is not appropriate if you intend to use a prefix query. */
public final class CapitalizationFilter extends TokenFilter { public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_WORD_COUNT = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private final boolean onlyFirstWord; private final CharArraySet keep; private final boolean forceFirstLetter; private final Collection<char[]> okPrefix; private final int minWordLength; private final int maxWordCount; private final int maxTokenLength; private final CharTermAttribute termAtt = addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); /** * Creates a CapitalizationFilter with the default parameters. * <p> * Calls {@link #CapitalizationFilter(TokenStream, boolean, CharArraySet, boolean, Collection, int, int, int) * CapitalizationFilter(in, true, null, true, null, 0, DEFAULT_MAX_WORD_COUNT, DEFAULT_MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH)} */ public CapitalizationFilter(TokenStream in) { this(in, true, null, true, null, 0, DEFAULT_MAX_WORD_COUNT, DEFAULT_MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH); }
Creates a CapitalizationFilter with the specified parameters.
  • in – input tokenstream
  • onlyFirstWord – should each word be capitalized or all of the words?
  • keep – a keep word list. Each word that should be kept separated by whitespace.
  • forceFirstLetter – Force the first letter to be capitalized even if it is in the keep list.
  • okPrefix – do not change word capitalization if a word begins with something in this list.
  • minWordLength – how long the word needs to be to get capitalization applied. If the minWordLength is 3, "and" > "And" but "or" stays "or".
  • maxWordCount – if the token contains more then maxWordCount words, the capitalization is assumed to be correct.
  • maxTokenLength – ???
/** * Creates a CapitalizationFilter with the specified parameters. * @param in input tokenstream * @param onlyFirstWord should each word be capitalized or all of the words? * @param keep a keep word list. Each word that should be kept separated by whitespace. * @param forceFirstLetter Force the first letter to be capitalized even if it is in the keep list. * @param okPrefix do not change word capitalization if a word begins with something in this list. * @param minWordLength how long the word needs to be to get capitalization applied. If the * minWordLength is 3, "and" &gt; "And" but "or" stays "or". * @param maxWordCount if the token contains more then maxWordCount words, the capitalization is * assumed to be correct. * @param maxTokenLength ??? */
public CapitalizationFilter(TokenStream in, boolean onlyFirstWord, CharArraySet keep, boolean forceFirstLetter, Collection<char[]> okPrefix, int minWordLength, int maxWordCount, int maxTokenLength) { super(in); this.onlyFirstWord = onlyFirstWord; this.keep = keep; this.forceFirstLetter = forceFirstLetter; this.okPrefix = okPrefix; if (minWordLength < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("minWordLength must be greater than or equal to zero"); } if (maxWordCount < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxWordCount must be greater than zero"); } if (maxTokenLength < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxTokenLength must be greater than zero"); } this.minWordLength = minWordLength; this.maxWordCount = maxWordCount; this.maxTokenLength = maxTokenLength; } @Override public boolean incrementToken() throws IOException { if (!input.incrementToken()) return false; char[] termBuffer = termAtt.buffer(); int termBufferLength = termAtt.length(); char[] backup = null; if (maxWordCount < DEFAULT_MAX_WORD_COUNT) { //make a backup in case we exceed the word count backup = new char[termBufferLength]; System.arraycopy(termBuffer, 0, backup, 0, termBufferLength); } if (termBufferLength < maxTokenLength) { int wordCount = 0; int lastWordStart = 0; for (int i = 0; i < termBufferLength; i++) { char c = termBuffer[i]; if (c <= ' ' || c == '.') { int len = i - lastWordStart; if (len > 0) { processWord(termBuffer, lastWordStart, len, wordCount++); lastWordStart = i + 1; i++; } } } // process the last word if (lastWordStart < termBufferLength) { processWord(termBuffer, lastWordStart, termBufferLength - lastWordStart, wordCount++); } if (wordCount > maxWordCount) { termAtt.copyBuffer(backup, 0, termBufferLength); } } return true; } private void processWord(char[] buffer, int offset, int length, int wordCount) { if (length < 1) { return; } if (onlyFirstWord && wordCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { buffer[offset + i] = Character.toLowerCase(buffer[offset + i]); } return; } if (keep != null && keep.contains(buffer, offset, length)) { if (wordCount == 0 && forceFirstLetter) { buffer[offset] = Character.toUpperCase(buffer[offset]); } return; } if (length < minWordLength) { return; } if (okPrefix != null) { for (char[] prefix : okPrefix) { if (length >= prefix.length) { //don't bother checking if the buffer length is less than the prefix boolean match = true; for (int i = 0; i < prefix.length; i++) { if (prefix[i] != buffer[offset + i]) { match = false; break; } } if (match == true) { return; } } } } // We know it has at least one character /*char[] chars = w.toCharArray(); StringBuilder word = new StringBuilder( w.length() ); word.append( Character.toUpperCase( chars[0] ) );*/ buffer[offset] = Character.toUpperCase(buffer[offset]); for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) { buffer[offset + i] = Character.toLowerCase(buffer[offset + i]); } //return word.toString(); } }