 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.lucene.analysis.custom;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Tokenizer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.miscellaneous.ConditionalTokenFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.miscellaneous.ConditionalTokenFilterFactory;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.AbstractAnalysisFactory;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.CharFilterFactory;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.ClasspathResourceLoader;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.FilesystemResourceLoader;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.ResourceLoader;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.ResourceLoaderAware;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.TokenFilterFactory;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.TokenizerFactory;
import org.apache.lucene.util.SetOnce;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Version;

import static org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.AnalysisSPILoader.newFactoryClassInstance;

A general-purpose Analyzer that can be created with a builder-style API. Under the hood it uses the factory classes TokenizerFactory, TokenFilterFactory, and CharFilterFactory.

You can create an instance of this Analyzer using the builder by passing the SPI names (as defined by ServiceLoader interface) to it:

Analyzer ana = CustomAnalyzer.builder(Paths.get("/path/to/config/dir"))
  .addTokenFilter(StopFilterFactory.NAME, "ignoreCase", "false", "words", "stopwords.txt", "format", "wordset")
The parameters passed to components are also used by Apache Solr and are documented on their corresponding factory classes. Refer to documentation of subclasses of TokenizerFactory, TokenFilterFactory, and CharFilterFactory.

This is the same as the above:

Analyzer ana = CustomAnalyzer.builder(Paths.get("/path/to/config/dir"))
  .addTokenFilter("stop", "ignoreCase", "false", "words", "stopwords.txt", "format", "wordset")

The list of names to be used for components can be looked up through: TokenizerFactory.availableTokenizers(), TokenFilterFactory.availableTokenFilters(), and CharFilterFactory.availableCharFilters().

You can create conditional branches in the analyzer by using Builder.when(String, String...) and Builder.whenTerm(Predicate<CharSequence>):

Analyzer ana = CustomAnalyzer.builder()
   .whenTerm(t -> t.length() > 10)
/** * A general-purpose Analyzer that can be created with a builder-style API. * Under the hood it uses the factory classes {@link TokenizerFactory}, * {@link TokenFilterFactory}, and {@link CharFilterFactory}. * <p>You can create an instance of this Analyzer using the builder by passing the SPI names (as defined by {@link java.util.ServiceLoader} interface) to it: * <pre class="prettyprint"> * Analyzer ana = CustomAnalyzer.builder(Paths.get(&quot;/path/to/config/dir&quot;)) * .withTokenizer(StandardTokenizerFactory.NAME) * .addTokenFilter(LowerCaseFilterFactory.NAME) * .addTokenFilter(StopFilterFactory.NAME, &quot;ignoreCase&quot;, &quot;false&quot;, &quot;words&quot;, &quot;stopwords.txt&quot;, &quot;format&quot;, &quot;wordset&quot;) * .build(); * </pre> * The parameters passed to components are also used by Apache Solr and are documented * on their corresponding factory classes. Refer to documentation of subclasses * of {@link TokenizerFactory}, {@link TokenFilterFactory}, and {@link CharFilterFactory}. * <p>This is the same as the above: * <pre class="prettyprint"> * Analyzer ana = CustomAnalyzer.builder(Paths.get(&quot;/path/to/config/dir&quot;)) * .withTokenizer(&quot;standard&quot;) * .addTokenFilter(&quot;lowercase&quot;) * .addTokenFilter(&quot;stop&quot;, &quot;ignoreCase&quot;, &quot;false&quot;, &quot;words&quot;, &quot;stopwords.txt&quot;, &quot;format&quot;, &quot;wordset&quot;) * .build(); * </pre> * <p>The list of names to be used for components can be looked up through: * {@link TokenizerFactory#availableTokenizers()}, {@link TokenFilterFactory#availableTokenFilters()}, * and {@link CharFilterFactory#availableCharFilters()}. * <p>You can create conditional branches in the analyzer by using {@link Builder#when(String, String...)} and * {@link Builder#whenTerm(Predicate)}: * <pre class="prettyprint"> * Analyzer ana = CustomAnalyzer.builder() * .withTokenizer(&quot;standard&quot;) * .addTokenFilter(&quot;lowercase&quot;) * .whenTerm(t -&gt; t.length() &gt; 10) * .addTokenFilter(&quot;reversestring&quot;) * .endwhen() * .build(); * </pre> * * @since 5.0.0 */
public final class CustomAnalyzer extends Analyzer {
Returns a builder for custom analyzers that loads all resources from Lucene's classloader. All path names given must be absolute with package prefixes.
/** * Returns a builder for custom analyzers that loads all resources from * Lucene's classloader. All path names given must be absolute with package prefixes. */
public static Builder builder() { return builder(new ClasspathResourceLoader(CustomAnalyzer.class.getClassLoader())); }
Returns a builder for custom analyzers that loads all resources from the given file system base directory. Place, e.g., stop word files there. Files that are not in the given directory are loaded from Lucene's classloader.
/** * Returns a builder for custom analyzers that loads all resources from the given * file system base directory. Place, e.g., stop word files there. * Files that are not in the given directory are loaded from Lucene's classloader. */
public static Builder builder(Path configDir) { return builder(new FilesystemResourceLoader(configDir, CustomAnalyzer.class.getClassLoader())); }
Returns a builder for custom analyzers that loads all resources using the given ResourceLoader.
/** Returns a builder for custom analyzers that loads all resources using the given {@link ResourceLoader}. */
public static Builder builder(ResourceLoader loader) { return new Builder(loader); } private final CharFilterFactory[] charFilters; private final TokenizerFactory tokenizer; private final TokenFilterFactory[] tokenFilters; private final Integer posIncGap, offsetGap; CustomAnalyzer(Version defaultMatchVersion, CharFilterFactory[] charFilters, TokenizerFactory tokenizer, TokenFilterFactory[] tokenFilters, Integer posIncGap, Integer offsetGap) { this.charFilters = charFilters; this.tokenizer = tokenizer; this.tokenFilters = tokenFilters; this.posIncGap = posIncGap; this.offsetGap = offsetGap; if (defaultMatchVersion != null) { setVersion(defaultMatchVersion); } } @Override protected Reader initReader(String fieldName, Reader reader) { for (final CharFilterFactory charFilter : charFilters) { reader = charFilter.create(reader); } return reader; } @Override protected Reader initReaderForNormalization(String fieldName, Reader reader) { for (CharFilterFactory charFilter : charFilters) { reader = charFilter.normalize(reader); } return reader; } @Override protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String fieldName) { final Tokenizer tk = tokenizer.create(attributeFactory(fieldName)); TokenStream ts = tk; for (final TokenFilterFactory filter : tokenFilters) { ts = filter.create(ts); } return new TokenStreamComponents(tk, ts); } @Override protected TokenStream normalize(String fieldName, TokenStream in) { TokenStream result = in; for (TokenFilterFactory filter : tokenFilters) { result = filter.normalize(result); } return result; } @Override public int getPositionIncrementGap(String fieldName) { // use default from Analyzer base class if null return (posIncGap == null) ? super.getPositionIncrementGap(fieldName) : posIncGap.intValue(); } @Override public int getOffsetGap(String fieldName) { // use default from Analyzer base class if null return (offsetGap == null) ? super.getOffsetGap(fieldName) : offsetGap.intValue(); }
Returns the list of char filters that are used in this analyzer.
/** Returns the list of char filters that are used in this analyzer. */
public List<CharFilterFactory> getCharFilterFactories() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(charFilters)); }
Returns the tokenizer that is used in this analyzer.
/** Returns the tokenizer that is used in this analyzer. */
public TokenizerFactory getTokenizerFactory() { return tokenizer; }
Returns the list of token filters that are used in this analyzer.
/** Returns the list of token filters that are used in this analyzer. */
public List<TokenFilterFactory> getTokenFilterFactories() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(tokenFilters)); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getClass().getSimpleName()).append('('); for (final CharFilterFactory filter : charFilters) { sb.append(filter).append(','); } sb.append(tokenizer); for (final TokenFilterFactory filter : tokenFilters) { sb.append(',').append(filter); } return sb.append(')').toString(); }
Builder for CustomAnalyzer.
See Also:
/** Builder for {@link CustomAnalyzer}. * @see CustomAnalyzer#builder() * @see CustomAnalyzer#builder(Path) * @see CustomAnalyzer#builder(ResourceLoader) */
public static final class Builder { private final ResourceLoader loader; private final SetOnce<Version> defaultMatchVersion = new SetOnce<>(); private final List<CharFilterFactory> charFilters = new ArrayList<>(); private final SetOnce<TokenizerFactory> tokenizer = new SetOnce<>(); private final List<TokenFilterFactory> tokenFilters = new ArrayList<>(); private final SetOnce<Integer> posIncGap = new SetOnce<>(); private final SetOnce<Integer> offsetGap = new SetOnce<>(); private boolean componentsAdded = false; Builder(ResourceLoader loader) { this.loader = loader; }
This match version is passed as default to all tokenizers or filters. It is used unless you pass the parameter {code luceneMatchVersion} explicitly. It defaults to undefined, so the underlying factory will (in most cases) use Version.LATEST.
/** This match version is passed as default to all tokenizers or filters. It is used unless you * pass the parameter {code luceneMatchVersion} explicitly. It defaults to undefined, so the * underlying factory will (in most cases) use {@link Version#LATEST}. */
public Builder withDefaultMatchVersion(Version version) { Objects.requireNonNull(version, "version may not be null"); if (componentsAdded) { throw new IllegalStateException("You may only set the default match version before adding tokenizers, "+ "token filters, or char filters."); } this.defaultMatchVersion.set(version); return this; }
Sets the position increment gap of the analyzer. The default is defined in the analyzer base class.
See Also:
  • getPositionIncrementGap.getPositionIncrementGap(String)
/** Sets the position increment gap of the analyzer. * The default is defined in the analyzer base class. * @see Analyzer#getPositionIncrementGap(String) */
public Builder withPositionIncrementGap(int posIncGap) { if (posIncGap < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("posIncGap must be >= 0"); } this.posIncGap.set(posIncGap); return this; }
Sets the offset gap of the analyzer. The default is defined in the analyzer base class.
See Also:
  • getOffsetGap.getOffsetGap(String)
/** Sets the offset gap of the analyzer. The default is defined * in the analyzer base class. * @see Analyzer#getOffsetGap(String) */
public Builder withOffsetGap(int offsetGap) { if (offsetGap < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("offsetGap must be >= 0"); } this.offsetGap.set(offsetGap); return this; }
Uses the given tokenizer.
  • factory – class that is used to create the tokenizer.
  • params – a list of factory string params as key/value pairs. The number of parameters must be an even number, as they are pairs.
/** Uses the given tokenizer. * @param factory class that is used to create the tokenizer. * @param params a list of factory string params as key/value pairs. * The number of parameters must be an even number, as they are pairs. */
public Builder withTokenizer(Class<? extends TokenizerFactory> factory, String... params) throws IOException { return withTokenizer(factory, paramsToMap(params)); }
Uses the given tokenizer.
  • factory – class that is used to create the tokenizer.
  • params – the map of parameters to be passed to factory. The map must be modifiable.
/** Uses the given tokenizer. * @param factory class that is used to create the tokenizer. * @param params the map of parameters to be passed to factory. The map must be modifiable. */
public Builder withTokenizer(Class<? extends TokenizerFactory> factory, Map<String,String> params) throws IOException { Objects.requireNonNull(factory, "Tokenizer factory may not be null"); tokenizer.set(applyResourceLoader(newFactoryClassInstance(factory, applyDefaultParams(params)))); componentsAdded = true; return this; }
Uses the given tokenizer.
/** Uses the given tokenizer. * @param name is used to look up the factory with {@link TokenizerFactory#forName(String, Map)}. * The list of possible names can be looked up with {@link TokenizerFactory#availableTokenizers()}. * @param params a list of factory string params as key/value pairs. * The number of parameters must be an even number, as they are pairs. */
public Builder withTokenizer(String name, String... params) throws IOException { return withTokenizer(name, paramsToMap(params)); }
Uses the given tokenizer.
/** Uses the given tokenizer. * @param name is used to look up the factory with {@link TokenizerFactory#forName(String, Map)}. * The list of possible names can be looked up with {@link TokenizerFactory#availableTokenizers()}. * @param params the map of parameters to be passed to factory. The map must be modifiable. */
public Builder withTokenizer(String name, Map<String,String> params) throws IOException { Objects.requireNonNull(name, "Tokenizer name may not be null"); tokenizer.set(applyResourceLoader(TokenizerFactory.forName(name, applyDefaultParams(params)))); componentsAdded = true; return this; }
Adds the given token filter.
  • factory – class that is used to create the token filter.
  • params – a list of factory string params as key/value pairs. The number of parameters must be an even number, as they are pairs.
/** Adds the given token filter. * @param factory class that is used to create the token filter. * @param params a list of factory string params as key/value pairs. * The number of parameters must be an even number, as they are pairs. */
public Builder addTokenFilter(Class<? extends TokenFilterFactory> factory, String... params) throws IOException { return addTokenFilter(factory, paramsToMap(params)); }
Adds the given token filter.
  • factory – class that is used to create the token filter.
  • params – the map of parameters to be passed to factory. The map must be modifiable.
/** Adds the given token filter. * @param factory class that is used to create the token filter. * @param params the map of parameters to be passed to factory. The map must be modifiable. */
public Builder addTokenFilter(Class<? extends TokenFilterFactory> factory, Map<String,String> params) throws IOException { Objects.requireNonNull(factory, "TokenFilter name may not be null"); tokenFilters.add(applyResourceLoader(newFactoryClassInstance(factory, applyDefaultParams(params)))); componentsAdded = true; return this; }
Adds the given token filter.
/** Adds the given token filter. * @param name is used to look up the factory with {@link TokenFilterFactory#forName(String, Map)}. * The list of possible names can be looked up with {@link TokenFilterFactory#availableTokenFilters()}. * @param params a list of factory string params as key/value pairs. * The number of parameters must be an even number, as they are pairs. */
public Builder addTokenFilter(String name, String... params) throws IOException { return addTokenFilter(name, paramsToMap(params)); }
Adds the given token filter.
/** Adds the given token filter. * @param name is used to look up the factory with {@link TokenFilterFactory#forName(String, Map)}. * The list of possible names can be looked up with {@link TokenFilterFactory#availableTokenFilters()}. * @param params the map of parameters to be passed to factory. The map must be modifiable. */
public Builder addTokenFilter(String name, Map<String,String> params) throws IOException { Objects.requireNonNull(name, "TokenFilter name may not be null"); tokenFilters.add(applyResourceLoader(TokenFilterFactory.forName(name, applyDefaultParams(params)))); componentsAdded = true; return this; } private Builder addTokenFilter(TokenFilterFactory factory) { Objects.requireNonNull(factory, "TokenFilterFactory may not be null"); tokenFilters.add(factory); componentsAdded = true; return this; }
Adds the given char filter.
  • factory – class that is used to create the char filter.
  • params – a list of factory string params as key/value pairs. The number of parameters must be an even number, as they are pairs.
/** Adds the given char filter. * @param factory class that is used to create the char filter. * @param params a list of factory string params as key/value pairs. * The number of parameters must be an even number, as they are pairs. */
public Builder addCharFilter(Class<? extends CharFilterFactory> factory, String... params) throws IOException { return addCharFilter(factory, paramsToMap(params)); }
Adds the given char filter.
  • factory – class that is used to create the char filter.
  • params – the map of parameters to be passed to factory. The map must be modifiable.
/** Adds the given char filter. * @param factory class that is used to create the char filter. * @param params the map of parameters to be passed to factory. The map must be modifiable. */
public Builder addCharFilter(Class<? extends CharFilterFactory> factory, Map<String,String> params) throws IOException { Objects.requireNonNull(factory, "CharFilter name may not be null"); charFilters.add(applyResourceLoader(newFactoryClassInstance(factory, applyDefaultParams(params)))); componentsAdded = true; return this; }
Adds the given char filter.
/** Adds the given char filter. * @param name is used to look up the factory with {@link CharFilterFactory#forName(String, Map)}. * The list of possible names can be looked up with {@link CharFilterFactory#availableCharFilters()}. * @param params a list of factory string params as key/value pairs. * The number of parameters must be an even number, as they are pairs. */
public Builder addCharFilter(String name, String... params) throws IOException { return addCharFilter(name, paramsToMap(params)); }
Adds the given char filter.
/** Adds the given char filter. * @param name is used to look up the factory with {@link CharFilterFactory#forName(String, Map)}. * The list of possible names can be looked up with {@link CharFilterFactory#availableCharFilters()}. * @param params the map of parameters to be passed to factory. The map must be modifiable. */
public Builder addCharFilter(String name, Map<String,String> params) throws IOException { Objects.requireNonNull(name, "CharFilter name may not be null"); charFilters.add(applyResourceLoader(CharFilterFactory.forName(name, applyDefaultParams(params)))); componentsAdded = true; return this; }
Add a ConditionalTokenFilterFactory to the analysis chain TokenFilters added by subsequent calls to ConditionBuilder.addTokenFilter(String, String...) and related functions will only be used if the current token matches the condition. Consumers must call ConditionBuilder.endwhen() to return to the normal tokenfilter chain once conditional filters have been added
/** * Add a {@link ConditionalTokenFilterFactory} to the analysis chain * * TokenFilters added by subsequent calls to {@link ConditionBuilder#addTokenFilter(String, String...)} * and related functions will only be used if the current token matches the condition. Consumers * must call {@link ConditionBuilder#endwhen()} to return to the normal tokenfilter * chain once conditional filters have been added * * @param name is used to look up the factory with {@link TokenFilterFactory#forName(String, Map)} * @param params the parameters to be passed to the factory */
public ConditionBuilder when(String name, String... params) throws IOException { return when(name, paramsToMap(params)); }
Add a ConditionalTokenFilterFactory to the analysis chain TokenFilters added by subsequent calls to ConditionBuilder.addTokenFilter(String, String...) and related functions will only be used if the current token matches the condition. Consumers must call ConditionBuilder.endwhen() to return to the normal tokenfilter chain once conditional filters have been added
/** * Add a {@link ConditionalTokenFilterFactory} to the analysis chain * * TokenFilters added by subsequent calls to {@link ConditionBuilder#addTokenFilter(String, String...)} * and related functions will only be used if the current token matches the condition. Consumers * must call {@link ConditionBuilder#endwhen()} to return to the normal tokenfilter * chain once conditional filters have been added * * @param name is used to look up the factory with {@link TokenFilterFactory#forName(String, Map)} * @param params the parameters to be passed to the factory. The map must be modifiable */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ConditionBuilder when(String name, Map<String, String> params) throws IOException { Class<? extends TokenFilterFactory> clazz = TokenFilterFactory.lookupClass(name); if (ConditionalTokenFilterFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) == false) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("TokenFilterFactory " + name + " is not a ConditionalTokenFilterFactory"); } return when((Class<? extends ConditionalTokenFilterFactory>) clazz, params); }
Add a ConditionalTokenFilterFactory to the analysis chain TokenFilters added by subsequent calls to ConditionBuilder.addTokenFilter(String, String...) and related functions will only be used if the current token matches the condition. Consumers must call ConditionBuilder.endwhen() to return to the normal tokenfilter chain once conditional filters have been added
  • factory – class that is used to create the ConditionalTokenFilter
  • params – the parameters to be passed to the factory
/** * Add a {@link ConditionalTokenFilterFactory} to the analysis chain * * TokenFilters added by subsequent calls to {@link ConditionBuilder#addTokenFilter(String, String...)} * and related functions will only be used if the current token matches the condition. Consumers * must call {@link ConditionBuilder#endwhen()} to return to the normal tokenfilter * chain once conditional filters have been added * * @param factory class that is used to create the ConditionalTokenFilter * @param params the parameters to be passed to the factory */
public ConditionBuilder when(Class<? extends ConditionalTokenFilterFactory> factory, String... params) throws IOException { return when(factory, paramsToMap(params)); }
Add a ConditionalTokenFilterFactory to the analysis chain TokenFilters added by subsequent calls to ConditionBuilder.addTokenFilter(String, String...) and related functions will only be used if the current token matches the condition. Consumers must call ConditionBuilder.endwhen() to return to the normal tokenfilter chain once conditional filters have been added
  • factory – class that is used to create the ConditionalTokenFilter
  • params – the parameters to be passed to the factory. The map must be modifiable
/** * Add a {@link ConditionalTokenFilterFactory} to the analysis chain * * TokenFilters added by subsequent calls to {@link ConditionBuilder#addTokenFilter(String, String...)} * and related functions will only be used if the current token matches the condition. Consumers * must call {@link ConditionBuilder#endwhen()} to return to the normal tokenfilter * chain once conditional filters have been added * * @param factory class that is used to create the ConditionalTokenFilter * @param params the parameters to be passed to the factory. The map must be modifiable */
public ConditionBuilder when(Class<? extends ConditionalTokenFilterFactory> factory, Map<String, String> params) throws IOException { return when(newFactoryClassInstance(factory, applyDefaultParams(params))); }
Add a ConditionalTokenFilterFactory to the analysis chain TokenFilters added by subsequent calls to ConditionBuilder.addTokenFilter(String, String...) and related functions will only be used if the current token matches the condition. Consumers must call ConditionBuilder.endwhen() to return to the normal tokenfilter chain once conditional filters have been added
/** * Add a {@link ConditionalTokenFilterFactory} to the analysis chain * * TokenFilters added by subsequent calls to {@link ConditionBuilder#addTokenFilter(String, String...)} * and related functions will only be used if the current token matches the condition. Consumers * must call {@link ConditionBuilder#endwhen()} to return to the normal tokenfilter * chain once conditional filters have been added */
public ConditionBuilder when(ConditionalTokenFilterFactory factory) { return new ConditionBuilder(factory, this); }
Apply subsequent token filters if the current token's term matches a predicate This is the equivalent of:
 when(new ConditionalTokenFilterFactory(Collections.emptyMap()) { @Override protected ConditionalTokenFilter create(TokenStream input, Function<TokenStream, TokenStream> inner) { return new ConditionalTokenFilter(input, inner) { CharTermAttribute termAtt = addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); @Override protected boolean shouldFilter() { return predicate.test(termAtt); } }; } }); 
/** * Apply subsequent token filters if the current token's term matches a predicate * * This is the equivalent of: * <pre> * when(new ConditionalTokenFilterFactory(Collections.emptyMap()) { * {@code @}Override * protected ConditionalTokenFilter create(TokenStream input, Function&lt;TokenStream, TokenStream&gt; inner) { * return new ConditionalTokenFilter(input, inner) { * CharTermAttribute termAtt = addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); * {@code @}Override * protected boolean shouldFilter() { * return predicate.test(termAtt); * } * }; * } * }); * </pre> */
public ConditionBuilder whenTerm(Predicate<CharSequence> predicate) { return new ConditionBuilder(new ConditionalTokenFilterFactory(Collections.emptyMap()) { @Override protected ConditionalTokenFilter create(TokenStream input, Function<TokenStream, TokenStream> inner) { return new ConditionalTokenFilter(input, inner) { CharTermAttribute termAtt = addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); @Override protected boolean shouldFilter() { return predicate.test(termAtt); } }; } }, this); }
Builds the analyzer.
/** Builds the analyzer. */
public CustomAnalyzer build() { if (tokenizer.get() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("You have to set at least a tokenizer."); } return new CustomAnalyzer( defaultMatchVersion.get(), charFilters.toArray(new CharFilterFactory[charFilters.size()]), tokenizer.get(), tokenFilters.toArray(new TokenFilterFactory[tokenFilters.size()]), posIncGap.get(), offsetGap.get() ); } private Map<String,String> applyDefaultParams(Map<String,String> map) { if (defaultMatchVersion.get() != null && !map.containsKey(AbstractAnalysisFactory.LUCENE_MATCH_VERSION_PARAM)) { map.put(AbstractAnalysisFactory.LUCENE_MATCH_VERSION_PARAM, defaultMatchVersion.get().toString()); } return map; } private Map<String, String> paramsToMap(String... params) { if (params.length % 2 != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key-value pairs expected, so the number of params must be even."); } final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i += 2) { Objects.requireNonNull(params[i], "Key of param may not be null."); map.put(params[i], params[i + 1]); } return map; } <T> T applyResourceLoader(T factory) throws IOException { if (factory instanceof ResourceLoaderAware) { ((ResourceLoaderAware) factory).inform(loader); } return factory; } }
Factory class for a ConditionalTokenFilter
/** * Factory class for a {@link ConditionalTokenFilter} */
public static class ConditionBuilder { private final List<TokenFilterFactory> innerFilters = new ArrayList<>(); private final ConditionalTokenFilterFactory factory; private final Builder parent; private ConditionBuilder(ConditionalTokenFilterFactory factory, Builder parent) { this.factory = factory; this.parent = parent; }
Adds the given token filter.
/** Adds the given token filter. * @param name is used to look up the factory with {@link TokenFilterFactory#forName(String, Map)}. * The list of possible names can be looked up with {@link TokenFilterFactory#availableTokenFilters()}. * @param params the map of parameters to be passed to factory. The map must be modifiable. */
public ConditionBuilder addTokenFilter(String name, Map<String, String> params) throws IOException { innerFilters.add(TokenFilterFactory.forName(name, parent.applyDefaultParams(params))); return this; }
Adds the given token filter.
/** Adds the given token filter. * @param name is used to look up the factory with {@link TokenFilterFactory#forName(String, Map)}. * The list of possible names can be looked up with {@link TokenFilterFactory#availableTokenFilters()}. * @param params the map of parameters to be passed to factory. The map must be modifiable. */
public ConditionBuilder addTokenFilter(String name, String... params) throws IOException { return addTokenFilter(name, parent.paramsToMap(params)); }
Adds the given token filter.
  • factory – class that is used to create the token filter.
  • params – the map of parameters to be passed to factory. The map must be modifiable.
/** Adds the given token filter. * @param factory class that is used to create the token filter. * @param params the map of parameters to be passed to factory. The map must be modifiable. */
public ConditionBuilder addTokenFilter(Class<? extends TokenFilterFactory> factory, Map<String, String> params) throws IOException { innerFilters.add(newFactoryClassInstance(factory, parent.applyDefaultParams(params))); return this; }
Adds the given token filter.
  • factory – class that is used to create the token filter.
  • params – the map of parameters to be passed to factory. The map must be modifiable.
/** Adds the given token filter. * @param factory class that is used to create the token filter. * @param params the map of parameters to be passed to factory. The map must be modifiable. */
public ConditionBuilder addTokenFilter(Class<? extends TokenFilterFactory> factory, String... params) throws IOException { return addTokenFilter(factory, parent.paramsToMap(params)); }
Close the branch and return to the main analysis chain
/** * Close the branch and return to the main analysis chain */
public Builder endwhen() throws IOException { factory.setInnerFilters(innerFilters); parent.applyResourceLoader(factory); parent.addTokenFilter(factory); return parent; } } }