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package org.apache.lucene.analysis.br;

import java.util.Locale;

A stemmer for Brazilian Portuguese words.
/** * A stemmer for Brazilian Portuguese words. */
public class BrazilianStemmer { private static final Locale locale = new Locale("pt", "BR");
Changed term
/** * Changed term */
private String TERM ; private String CT ; private String R1 ; private String R2 ; private String RV ; public BrazilianStemmer() { }
Stems the given term to an unique discriminator.
  • term – The term that should be stemmed.
Returns: Discriminator for term
/** * Stems the given term to an unique <tt>discriminator</tt>. * * @param term The term that should be stemmed. * @return Discriminator for <tt>term</tt> */
protected String stem( String term ) { boolean altered = false ; // altered the term // creates CT createCT(term) ; if ( !isIndexable( CT ) ) { return null; } if ( !isStemmable( CT ) ) { return CT ; } R1 = getR1(CT) ; R2 = getR1(R1) ; RV = getRV(CT) ; TERM = term + ";" +CT ; altered = step1() ; if (!altered) { altered = step2() ; } if (altered) { step3(); } else { step4(); } step5() ; return CT ; }
Checks a term if it can be processed correctly.
Returns: true if, and only if, the given term consists in letters.
/** * Checks a term if it can be processed correctly. * * @return true if, and only if, the given term consists in letters. */
private boolean isStemmable( String term ) { for ( int c = 0; c < term.length(); c++ ) { // Discard terms that contain non-letter characters. if ( !Character.isLetter(term.charAt(c))) { return false; } } return true; }
Checks a term if it can be processed indexed.
Returns: true if it can be indexed
/** * Checks a term if it can be processed indexed. * * @return true if it can be indexed */
private boolean isIndexable( String term ) { return (term.length() < 30) && (term.length() > 2) ; }
See if string is 'a','e','i','o','u'
Returns:true if is vowel
/** * See if string is 'a','e','i','o','u' * * @return true if is vowel */
private boolean isVowel( char value ) { return (value == 'a') || (value == 'e') || (value == 'i') || (value == 'o') || (value == 'u') ; }
Gets R1 R1 - is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel, or is the null region at the end of the word if there is no such non-vowel.
Returns:null or a string representing R1
/** * Gets R1 * * R1 - is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel, * or is the null region at the end of the word if there is * no such non-vowel. * * @return null or a string representing R1 */
private String getR1( String value ) { int i; int j; // be-safe !!! if (value == null) { return null ; } // find 1st vowel i = value.length()-1 ; for (j=0 ; j < i ; j++) { if (isVowel(value.charAt(j))) { break ; } } if (!(j < i)) { return null ; } // find 1st non-vowel for ( ; j < i ; j++) { if (!(isVowel(value.charAt(j)))) { break ; } } if (!(j < i)) { return null ; } return value.substring(j+1) ; }
Gets RV RV - IF the second letter is a consonant, RV is the region after the next following vowel, OR if the first two letters are vowels, RV is the region after the next consonant, AND otherwise (consonant-vowel case) RV is the region after the third letter. BUT RV is the end of the word if this positions cannot be found.
Returns:null or a string representing RV
/** * Gets RV * * RV - IF the second letter is a consonant, RV is the region after * the next following vowel, * * OR if the first two letters are vowels, RV is the region * after the next consonant, * * AND otherwise (consonant-vowel case) RV is the region after * the third letter. * * BUT RV is the end of the word if this positions cannot be * found. * * @return null or a string representing RV */
private String getRV( String value ) { int i; int j; // be-safe !!! if (value == null) { return null ; } i = value.length()-1 ; // RV - IF the second letter is a consonant, RV is the region after // the next following vowel, if ((i > 0) && !isVowel(value.charAt(1))) { // find 1st vowel for (j=2 ; j < i ; j++) { if (isVowel(value.charAt(j))) { break ; } } if (j < i) { return value.substring(j+1) ; } } // RV - OR if the first two letters are vowels, RV is the region // after the next consonant, if ((i > 1) && isVowel(value.charAt(0)) && isVowel(value.charAt(1))) { // find 1st consoant for (j=2 ; j < i ; j++) { if (!isVowel(value.charAt(j))) { break ; } } if (j < i) { return value.substring(j+1) ; } } // RV - AND otherwise (consonant-vowel case) RV is the region after // the third letter. if (i > 2) { return value.substring(3) ; } return null ; }
1) Turn to lowercase 2) Remove accents 3) ã -> a ; õ -> o 4) ç -> c
Returns:null or a string transformed
/** * 1) Turn to lowercase * 2) Remove accents * 3) ã -&gt; a ; õ -&gt; o * 4) ç -&gt; c * * @return null or a string transformed */
private String changeTerm( String value ) { int j; String r = "" ; // be-safe !!! if (value == null) { return null ; } value = value.toLowerCase(locale) ; for (j=0 ; j < value.length() ; j++) { if ((value.charAt(j) == 'á') || (value.charAt(j) == 'â') || (value.charAt(j) == 'ã')) { r= r + "a" ; continue ; } if ((value.charAt(j) == 'é') || (value.charAt(j) == 'ê')) { r= r + "e" ; continue ; } if (value.charAt(j) == 'í') { r= r + "i" ; continue ; } if ((value.charAt(j) == 'ó') || (value.charAt(j) == 'ô') || (value.charAt(j) == 'õ')) { r= r + "o" ; continue ; } if ((value.charAt(j) == 'ú') || (value.charAt(j) == 'ü')) { r= r + "u" ; continue ; } if (value.charAt(j) == 'ç') { r= r + "c" ; continue ; } if (value.charAt(j) == 'ñ') { r= r + "n" ; continue ; } r= r+ value.charAt(j) ; } return r ; }
Check if a string ends with a suffix
Returns:true if the string ends with the specified suffix
/** * Check if a string ends with a suffix * * @return true if the string ends with the specified suffix */
private boolean suffix( String value, String suffix ) { // be-safe !!! if ((value == null) || (suffix == null)) { return false ; } if (suffix.length() > value.length()) { return false ; } return value.substring(value.length()-suffix.length()).equals(suffix); }
Replace a string suffix by another
Returns:the replaced String
/** * Replace a string suffix by another * * @return the replaced String */
private String replaceSuffix( String value, String toReplace, String changeTo ) { String vvalue ; // be-safe !!! if ((value == null) || (toReplace == null) || (changeTo == null) ) { return value ; } vvalue = removeSuffix(value,toReplace) ; if (value.equals(vvalue)) { return value ; } else { return vvalue + changeTo ; } }
Remove a string suffix
Returns:the String without the suffix
/** * Remove a string suffix * * @return the String without the suffix */
private String removeSuffix( String value, String toRemove ) { // be-safe !!! if ((value == null) || (toRemove == null) || !suffix(value,toRemove) ) { return value ; } return value.substring(0,value.length()-toRemove.length()) ; }
See if a suffix is preceded by a String
Returns:true if the suffix is preceded
/** * See if a suffix is preceded by a String * * @return true if the suffix is preceded */
private boolean suffixPreceded( String value, String suffix, String preceded ) { // be-safe !!! if ((value == null) || (suffix == null) || (preceded == null) || !suffix(value,suffix) ) { return false ; } return suffix(removeSuffix(value,suffix),preceded) ; }
Creates CT (changed term) , substituting * 'ã' and 'õ' for 'a~' and 'o~'.
/** * Creates CT (changed term) , substituting * 'ã' and 'õ' for 'a~' and 'o~'. */
private void createCT( String term ) { CT = changeTerm(term) ; if (CT.length() < 2) return ; // if the first character is ... , remove it if ((CT.charAt(0) == '"') || (CT.charAt(0) == '\'') || (CT.charAt(0) == '-') || (CT.charAt(0) == ',') || (CT.charAt(0) == ';') || (CT.charAt(0) == '.') || (CT.charAt(0) == '?') || (CT.charAt(0) == '!') ) { CT = CT.substring(1); } if (CT.length() < 2) return ; // if the last character is ... , remove it if ((CT.charAt(CT.length()-1) == '-') || (CT.charAt(CT.length()-1) == ',') || (CT.charAt(CT.length()-1) == ';') || (CT.charAt(CT.length()-1) == '.') || (CT.charAt(CT.length()-1) == '?') || (CT.charAt(CT.length()-1) == '!') || (CT.charAt(CT.length()-1) == '\'') || (CT.charAt(CT.length()-1) == '"') ) { CT = CT.substring(0,CT.length()-1); } }
Standard suffix removal. Search for the longest among the following suffixes, and perform the following actions:
Returns:false if no ending was removed
/** * Standard suffix removal. * Search for the longest among the following suffixes, and perform * the following actions: * * @return false if no ending was removed */
private boolean step1() { if (CT == null) return false ; // suffix length = 7 if (suffix(CT,"uciones") && suffix(R2,"uciones")) { CT = replaceSuffix(CT,"uciones","u") ; return true; } // suffix length = 6 if (CT.length() >= 6) { if (suffix(CT,"imentos") && suffix(R2,"imentos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"imentos") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"amentos") && suffix(R2,"amentos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"amentos") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"adores") && suffix(R2,"adores")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"adores") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"adoras") && suffix(R2,"adoras")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"adoras") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"logias") && suffix(R2,"logias")) { replaceSuffix(CT,"logias","log") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"encias") && suffix(R2,"encias")) { CT = replaceSuffix(CT,"encias","ente") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"amente") && suffix(R1,"amente")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"amente") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"idades") && suffix(R2,"idades")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"idades") ; return true; } } // suffix length = 5 if (CT.length() >= 5) { if (suffix(CT,"acoes") && suffix(R2,"acoes")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"acoes") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"imento") && suffix(R2,"imento")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"imento") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"amento") && suffix(R2,"amento")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"amento") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"adora") && suffix(R2,"adora")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"adora") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"ismos") && suffix(R2,"ismos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ismos") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"istas") && suffix(R2,"istas")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"istas") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"logia") && suffix(R2,"logia")) { CT = replaceSuffix(CT,"logia","log") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"ucion") && suffix(R2,"ucion")) { CT = replaceSuffix(CT,"ucion","u") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"encia") && suffix(R2,"encia")) { CT = replaceSuffix(CT,"encia","ente") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"mente") && suffix(R2,"mente")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"mente") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"idade") && suffix(R2,"idade")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"idade") ; return true; } } // suffix length = 4 if (CT.length() >= 4) { if (suffix(CT,"acao") && suffix(R2,"acao")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"acao") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"ezas") && suffix(R2,"ezas")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ezas") ; return true; } if (suffix(CT,"icos") && suffix(R2,"icos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"icos") ; return true ; } if (suffix(CT,"icas") && suffix(R2,"icas")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"icas") ; return true ; } if (suffix(CT,"ismo") && suffix(R2,"ismo")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ismo") ; return true ; } if (suffix(CT,"avel") && suffix(R2,"avel")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"avel") ; return true ; } if (suffix(CT,"ivel") && suffix(R2,"ivel")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ivel") ; return true ; } if (suffix(CT,"ista") && suffix(R2,"ista")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ista") ; return true ; } if (suffix(CT,"osos") && suffix(R2,"osos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"osos") ; return true ; } if (suffix(CT,"osas") && suffix(R2,"osas")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"osas") ; return true ; } if (suffix(CT,"ador") && suffix(R2,"ador")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ador") ; return true ; } if (suffix(CT,"ivas") && suffix(R2,"ivas")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ivas") ; return true ; } if (suffix(CT,"ivos") && suffix(R2,"ivos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ivos") ; return true ; } if (suffix(CT,"iras") && suffix(RV,"iras") && suffixPreceded(CT,"iras","e")) { CT = replaceSuffix(CT,"iras","ir") ; return true ; } } // suffix length = 3 if (CT.length() >= 3) { if (suffix(CT,"eza") && suffix(R2,"eza")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"eza") ; return true ; } if (suffix(CT,"ico") && suffix(R2,"ico")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ico") ; return true ; } if (suffix(CT,"ica") && suffix(R2,"ica")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ica") ; return true ; } if (suffix(CT,"oso") && suffix(R2,"oso")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"oso") ; return true ; } if (suffix(CT,"osa") && suffix(R2,"osa")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"osa") ; return true ; } if (suffix(CT,"iva") && suffix(R2,"iva")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"iva") ; return true ; } if (suffix(CT,"ivo") && suffix(R2,"ivo")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ivo") ; return true ; } if (suffix(CT,"ira") && suffix(RV,"ira") && suffixPreceded(CT,"ira","e")) { CT = replaceSuffix(CT,"ira","ir") ; return true ; } } // no ending was removed by step1 return false ; }
Verb suffixes. Search for the longest among the following suffixes in RV, and if found, delete.
Returns:false if no ending was removed
/** * Verb suffixes. * * Search for the longest among the following suffixes in RV, * and if found, delete. * * @return false if no ending was removed */
private boolean step2() { if (RV == null) return false ; // suffix lenght = 7 if (RV.length() >= 7) { if (suffix(RV,"issemos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"issemos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"essemos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"essemos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"assemos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"assemos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ariamos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ariamos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"eriamos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"eriamos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"iriamos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"iriamos") ; return true; } } // suffix length = 6 if (RV.length() >= 6) { if (suffix(RV,"iremos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"iremos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"eremos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"eremos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"aremos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"aremos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"avamos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"avamos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"iramos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"iramos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"eramos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"eramos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"aramos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"aramos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"asseis")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"asseis") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"esseis")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"esseis") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"isseis")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"isseis") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"arieis")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"arieis") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"erieis")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"erieis") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"irieis")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"irieis") ; return true; } } // suffix length = 5 if (RV.length() >= 5) { if (suffix(RV,"irmos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"irmos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"iamos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"iamos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"armos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"armos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ermos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ermos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"areis")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"areis") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ereis")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ereis") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ireis")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ireis") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"asses")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"asses") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"esses")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"esses") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"isses")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"isses") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"astes")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"astes") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"assem")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"assem") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"essem")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"essem") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"issem")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"issem") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ardes")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ardes") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"erdes")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"erdes") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"irdes")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"irdes") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ariam")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ariam") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"eriam")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"eriam") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"iriam")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"iriam") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"arias")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"arias") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"erias")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"erias") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"irias")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"irias") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"estes")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"estes") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"istes")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"istes") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"areis")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"areis") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"aveis")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"aveis") ; return true; } } // suffix length = 4 if (RV.length() >= 4) { if (suffix(RV,"aria")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"aria") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"eria")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"eria") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"iria")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"iria") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"asse")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"asse") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"esse")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"esse") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"isse")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"isse") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"aste")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"aste") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"este")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"este") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"iste")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"iste") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"arei")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"arei") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"erei")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"erei") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"irei")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"irei") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"aram")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"aram") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"eram")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"eram") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"iram")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"iram") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"avam")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"avam") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"arem")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"arem") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"erem")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"erem") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"irem")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"irem") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ando")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ando") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"endo")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"endo") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"indo")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"indo") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"arao")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"arao") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"erao")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"erao") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"irao")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"irao") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"adas")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"adas") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"idas")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"idas") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"aras")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"aras") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"eras")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"eras") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"iras")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"iras") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"avas")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"avas") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ares")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ares") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"eres")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"eres") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ires")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ires") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ados")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ados") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"idos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"idos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"amos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"amos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"emos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"emos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"imos")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"imos") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"iras")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"iras") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ieis")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ieis") ; return true; } } // suffix length = 3 if (RV.length() >= 3) { if (suffix(RV,"ada")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ada") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ida")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ida") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ara")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ara") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"era")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"era") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ira")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ava") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"iam")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"iam") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ado")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ado") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ido")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ido") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ias")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ias") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ais")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ais") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"eis")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"eis") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ira")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ira") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ear")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ear") ; return true; } } // suffix length = 2 if (RV.length() >= 2) { if (suffix(RV,"ia")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ia") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ei")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ei") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"am")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"am") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"em")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"em") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ar")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ar") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"er")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"er") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ir")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ir") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"as")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"as") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"es")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"es") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"is")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"is") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"eu")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"eu") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"iu")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"iu") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"iu")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"iu") ; return true; } if (suffix(RV,"ou")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"ou") ; return true; } } // no ending was removed by step2 return false ; }
Delete suffix 'i' if in RV and preceded by 'c'
/** * Delete suffix 'i' if in RV and preceded by 'c' * */
private void step3() { if (RV == null) return ; if (suffix(RV,"i") && suffixPreceded(RV,"i","c")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"i") ; } }
Residual suffix If the word ends with one of the suffixes (os a i o á í ó) in RV, delete it
/** * Residual suffix * * If the word ends with one of the suffixes (os a i o á í ó) * in RV, delete it * */
private void step4() { if (RV == null) return ; if (suffix(RV,"os")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"os") ; return ; } if (suffix(RV,"a")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"a") ; return ; } if (suffix(RV,"i")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"i") ; return ; } if (suffix(RV,"o")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"o") ; return ; } }
If the word ends with one of ( e é ê) in RV,delete it, and if preceded by 'gu' (or 'ci') with the 'u' (or 'i') in RV, delete the 'u' (or 'i') Or if the word ends ç remove the cedilha
/** * If the word ends with one of ( e é ê) in RV,delete it, * and if preceded by 'gu' (or 'ci') with the 'u' (or 'i') in RV, * delete the 'u' (or 'i') * * Or if the word ends ç remove the cedilha * */
private void step5() { if (RV == null) return ; if (suffix(RV,"e")) { if (suffixPreceded(RV,"e","gu")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"e") ; CT = removeSuffix(CT,"u") ; return ; } if (suffixPreceded(RV,"e","ci")) { CT = removeSuffix(CT,"e") ; CT = removeSuffix(CT,"i") ; return ; } CT = removeSuffix(CT,"e") ; return ; } }
For log and debug purpose
Returns: TERM, CT, RV, R1 and R2
/** * For log and debug purpose * * @return TERM, CT, RV, R1 and R2 */
public String log() { return " (TERM = " + TERM + ")" + " (CT = " + CT +")" + " (RV = " + RV +")" + " (R1 = " + R1 +")" + " (R2 = " + R2 +")" ; } }