 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache license, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.logging.log4j.core.net.ssl;

import java.security.KeyStoreException;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException;
import java.util.Arrays;

import javax.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactory;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Core;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.Plugin;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginAttribute;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginFactory;

Configuration of the KeyStore
/** * Configuration of the KeyStore */
@Plugin(name = "KeyStore", category = Core.CATEGORY_NAME, printObject = true) public class KeyStoreConfiguration extends AbstractKeyStoreConfiguration { private final String keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm;
  • StoreConfigurationException – Thrown if this instance cannot load the KeyStore.
/** * * @throws StoreConfigurationException Thrown if this instance cannot load the KeyStore. */
public KeyStoreConfiguration(final String location, final PasswordProvider passwordProvider, final String keyStoreType, final String keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm) throws StoreConfigurationException { super(location, passwordProvider, keyStoreType); this.keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm = keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm == null ? KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm() : keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm; }
  • StoreConfigurationException – Thrown if this instance cannot load the KeyStore.
Deprecated:use KeyStoreConfiguration(String, PasswordProvider, String, String) instead
/** * * @throws StoreConfigurationException Thrown if this instance cannot load the KeyStore. * @deprecated use {@link #KeyStoreConfiguration(String, PasswordProvider, String, String)} instead */
@Deprecated public KeyStoreConfiguration(final String location, final char[] password, final String keyStoreType, final String keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm) throws StoreConfigurationException { this(location, new MemoryPasswordProvider(password), keyStoreType, keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm); if (password != null) { Arrays.fill(password, '\0'); } }
  • StoreConfigurationException – Thrown if this instance cannot load the KeyStore.
Deprecated:Use KeyStoreConfiguration(String, PasswordProvider, String, String) instead
/** * * @throws StoreConfigurationException Thrown if this instance cannot load the KeyStore. * @deprecated Use {@link #KeyStoreConfiguration(String, PasswordProvider, String, String)} instead */
@Deprecated public KeyStoreConfiguration(final String location, final String password, final String keyStoreType, final String keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm) throws StoreConfigurationException { this(location, new MemoryPasswordProvider(password == null ? null : password.toCharArray()), keyStoreType, keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm); }
Creates a KeyStoreConfiguration.
  • location – The location of the KeyStore, a file path, URL or resource.
  • password – The password to access the KeyStore.
  • keyStoreType – The KeyStore type, null defaults to "JKS".
  • keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm – The standard name of the requested algorithm. See the Java Secure Socket Extension Reference Guide for information about these names.
Returns:a new KeyStoreConfiguration
/** * Creates a KeyStoreConfiguration. * * @param location * The location of the KeyStore, a file path, URL or resource. * @param password * The password to access the KeyStore. * @param keyStoreType * The KeyStore type, null defaults to {@code "JKS"}. * @param keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm * The standard name of the requested algorithm. See the Java Secure Socket Extension Reference Guide for information about these names. * @return a new KeyStoreConfiguration * @throws StoreConfigurationException Thrown if this call cannot load the KeyStore. */
@PluginFactory public static KeyStoreConfiguration createKeyStoreConfiguration( // @formatter:off @PluginAttribute("location") final String location, @PluginAttribute(value = "password", sensitive = true) final char[] password, @PluginAttribute("passwordEnvironmentVariable") final String passwordEnvironmentVariable, @PluginAttribute("passwordFile") final String passwordFile, @PluginAttribute("type") final String keyStoreType, @PluginAttribute("keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm") final String keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm) throws StoreConfigurationException { // @formatter:on if (password != null && passwordEnvironmentVariable != null && passwordFile != null) { throw new StoreConfigurationException("You MUST set only one of 'password', 'passwordEnvironmentVariable' or 'passwordFile'."); } try { // @formatter:off PasswordProvider provider = passwordFile != null ? new FilePasswordProvider(passwordFile) : passwordEnvironmentVariable != null ? new EnvironmentPasswordProvider(passwordEnvironmentVariable) // the default is memory char[] array, which may be null : new MemoryPasswordProvider(password); // @formatter:on if (password != null) { Arrays.fill(password, '\0'); } return new KeyStoreConfiguration(location, provider, keyStoreType, keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new StoreConfigurationException("Could not configure KeyStore", ex); } }
Deprecated:use createKeyStoreConfiguration(String, char[], String, String, String, String)
/** * @deprecated use {@link #createKeyStoreConfiguration(String, char[], String, String, String, String)} */
@Deprecated public static KeyStoreConfiguration createKeyStoreConfiguration( // @formatter:off final String location, final char[] password, final String keyStoreType, final String keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm) throws StoreConfigurationException { // @formatter:on return createKeyStoreConfiguration(location, password, null, null, keyStoreType, keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm); }
Creates a KeyStoreConfiguration.
  • location – The location of the KeyStore, a file path, URL or resource.
  • password – The password to access the KeyStore.
  • keyStoreType – The KeyStore type, null defaults to "JKS".
  • keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm – The standard name of the requested algorithm. See the Java Secure Socket Extension Reference Guide for information about these names.
Returns:a new KeyStoreConfiguration
Deprecated:Use createKeyStoreConfiguration(String, char[], String, String)
/** * Creates a KeyStoreConfiguration. * * @param location The location of the KeyStore, a file path, URL or resource. * @param password The password to access the KeyStore. * @param keyStoreType The KeyStore type, null defaults to {@code "JKS"}. * @param keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm The standard name of the requested algorithm. See the Java Secure Socket * Extension Reference Guide for information about these names. * @return a new KeyStoreConfiguration * @throws StoreConfigurationException Thrown if this call cannot load the KeyStore. * @deprecated Use createKeyStoreConfiguration(String, char[], String, String) */
@Deprecated public static KeyStoreConfiguration createKeyStoreConfiguration( // @formatter:off final String location, final String password, final String keyStoreType, final String keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm) throws StoreConfigurationException { // @formatter:on return createKeyStoreConfiguration(location, (password == null ? null : password.toCharArray()), keyStoreType, keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm); } public KeyManagerFactory initKeyManagerFactory() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnrecoverableKeyException, KeyStoreException { final KeyManagerFactory kmFactory = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(this.keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm); char[] password = this.getPasswordAsCharArray(); try { kmFactory.init(this.getKeyStore(), password); } finally { if (password != null) { Arrays.fill(password, '\0'); } } return kmFactory; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm == null) ? 0 : keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!super.equals(obj)) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final KeyStoreConfiguration other = (KeyStoreConfiguration) obj; if (keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm == null) { if (other.keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm != null) { return false; } } else if (!keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm.equals(other.keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm)) { return false; } return true; } public String getKeyManagerFactoryAlgorithm() { return keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm; } }