 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache license, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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package org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LogEvent;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Configuration;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginBuilderAttribute;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginElement;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.impl.MutableLogEvent;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.jackson.XmlConstants;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup.StrSubstitutor;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.KeyValuePair;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.StringBuilderWriter;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.util.Strings;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnyGetter;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonRootName;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonUnwrapped;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerationException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.annotation.JacksonXmlRootElement;

abstract class AbstractJacksonLayout extends AbstractStringLayout {

    protected static final String DEFAULT_EOL = "\r\n";
    protected static final String COMPACT_EOL = Strings.EMPTY;

    public static abstract class Builder<B extends Builder<B>> extends AbstractStringLayout.Builder<B> {

        private boolean eventEol;

        private boolean compact;

        private boolean complete;

        private boolean locationInfo;

        private boolean properties;

        private boolean includeStacktrace = true;

        private boolean stacktraceAsString = false;

        private boolean includeNullDelimiter = false;

        private KeyValuePair[] additionalFields;

        protected String toStringOrNull(final byte[] header) {
            return header == null ? null : new String(header, Charset.defaultCharset());

        public boolean getEventEol() {
            return eventEol;

        public boolean isCompact() {
            return compact;

        public boolean isComplete() {
            return complete;

        public boolean isLocationInfo() {
            return locationInfo;

        public boolean isProperties() {
            return properties;

If "true", includes the stacktrace of any Throwable in the generated data, defaults to "true".
Returns:If "true", includes the stacktrace of any Throwable in the generated data, defaults to "true".
/** * If "true", includes the stacktrace of any Throwable in the generated data, defaults to "true". * @return If "true", includes the stacktrace of any Throwable in the generated data, defaults to "true". */
public boolean isIncludeStacktrace() { return includeStacktrace; } public boolean isStacktraceAsString() { return stacktraceAsString; } public boolean isIncludeNullDelimiter() { return includeNullDelimiter; } public KeyValuePair[] getAdditionalFields() { return additionalFields; } public B setEventEol(final boolean eventEol) { this.eventEol = eventEol; return asBuilder(); } public B setCompact(final boolean compact) { this.compact = compact; return asBuilder(); } public B setComplete(final boolean complete) { this.complete = complete; return asBuilder(); } public B setLocationInfo(final boolean locationInfo) { this.locationInfo = locationInfo; return asBuilder(); } public B setProperties(final boolean properties) { this.properties = properties; return asBuilder(); }
If "true", includes the stacktrace of any Throwable in the generated JSON, defaults to "true".
  • includeStacktrace – If "true", includes the stacktrace of any Throwable in the generated JSON, defaults to "true".
Returns:this builder
/** * If "true", includes the stacktrace of any Throwable in the generated JSON, defaults to "true". * @param includeStacktrace If "true", includes the stacktrace of any Throwable in the generated JSON, defaults to "true". * @return this builder */
public B setIncludeStacktrace(final boolean includeStacktrace) { this.includeStacktrace = includeStacktrace; return asBuilder(); }
Whether to format the stacktrace as a string, and not a nested object (optional, defaults to false).
Returns:this builder
/** * Whether to format the stacktrace as a string, and not a nested object (optional, defaults to false). * * @return this builder */
public B setStacktraceAsString(final boolean stacktraceAsString) { this.stacktraceAsString = stacktraceAsString; return asBuilder(); }
Whether to include NULL byte as delimiter after each event (optional, default to false).
Returns:this builder
/** * Whether to include NULL byte as delimiter after each event (optional, default to false). * * @return this builder */
public B setIncludeNullDelimiter(final boolean includeNullDelimiter) { this.includeNullDelimiter = includeNullDelimiter; return asBuilder(); }
Additional fields to set on each log event.
Returns:this builder
/** * Additional fields to set on each log event. * * @return this builder */
public B setAdditionalFields(KeyValuePair[] additionalFields) { this.additionalFields = additionalFields; return asBuilder(); } } protected final String eol; protected final ObjectWriter objectWriter; protected final boolean compact; protected final boolean complete; protected final boolean includeNullDelimiter; protected final ResolvableKeyValuePair[] additionalFields; @Deprecated protected AbstractJacksonLayout(final Configuration config, final ObjectWriter objectWriter, final Charset charset, final boolean compact, final boolean complete, final boolean eventEol, final Serializer headerSerializer, final Serializer footerSerializer) { this(config, objectWriter, charset, compact, complete, eventEol, headerSerializer, footerSerializer, false); } @Deprecated protected AbstractJacksonLayout(final Configuration config, final ObjectWriter objectWriter, final Charset charset, final boolean compact, final boolean complete, final boolean eventEol, final Serializer headerSerializer, final Serializer footerSerializer, final boolean includeNullDelimiter) { this(config, objectWriter, charset, compact, complete, eventEol, headerSerializer, footerSerializer, includeNullDelimiter, null); } protected AbstractJacksonLayout(final Configuration config, final ObjectWriter objectWriter, final Charset charset, final boolean compact, final boolean complete, final boolean eventEol, final Serializer headerSerializer, final Serializer footerSerializer, final boolean includeNullDelimiter, final KeyValuePair[] additionalFields) { super(config, charset, headerSerializer, footerSerializer); this.objectWriter = objectWriter; this.compact = compact; this.complete = complete; this.eol = compact && !eventEol ? COMPACT_EOL : DEFAULT_EOL; this.includeNullDelimiter = includeNullDelimiter; this.additionalFields = prepareAdditionalFields(config, additionalFields); } protected static boolean valueNeedsLookup(final String value) { return value != null && value.contains("${"); } private static ResolvableKeyValuePair[] prepareAdditionalFields(final Configuration config, final KeyValuePair[] additionalFields) { if (additionalFields == null || additionalFields.length == 0) { // No fields set return new ResolvableKeyValuePair[0]; } // Convert to specific class which already determines whether values needs lookup during serialization final ResolvableKeyValuePair[] resolvableFields = new ResolvableKeyValuePair[additionalFields.length]; for (int i = 0; i < additionalFields.length; i++) { ResolvableKeyValuePair resolvable = resolvableFields[i] = new ResolvableKeyValuePair(additionalFields[i]); // Validate if (config == null && resolvable.valueNeedsLookup) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("configuration needs to be set when there are additional fields with variables"); } } return resolvableFields; }
Formats a LogEvent.
  • event – The LogEvent.
Returns:The XML representation of the LogEvent.
/** * Formats a {@link org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LogEvent}. * * @param event The LogEvent. * @return The XML representation of the LogEvent. */
@Override public String toSerializable(final LogEvent event) { final StringBuilderWriter writer = new StringBuilderWriter(); try { toSerializable(event, writer); return writer.toString(); } catch (final IOException e) { // Should this be an ISE or IAE? LOGGER.error(e); return Strings.EMPTY; } } private static LogEvent convertMutableToLog4jEvent(final LogEvent event) { // TODO Jackson-based layouts have certain filters set up for Log4jLogEvent. // TODO Need to set up the same filters for MutableLogEvent but don't know how... // This is a workaround. return event instanceof MutableLogEvent ? ((MutableLogEvent) event).createMemento() : event; } protected Object wrapLogEvent(final LogEvent event) { if (additionalFields.length > 0) { // Construct map for serialization - note that we are intentionally using original LogEvent Map<String, String> additionalFieldsMap = resolveAdditionalFields(event); // This class combines LogEvent with AdditionalFields during serialization return new LogEventWithAdditionalFields(event, additionalFieldsMap); } else { // No additional fields, return original object return event; } } private Map<String, String> resolveAdditionalFields(LogEvent logEvent) { // Note: LinkedHashMap retains order final Map<String, String> additionalFieldsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(additionalFields.length); final StrSubstitutor strSubstitutor = configuration.getStrSubstitutor(); // Go over each field for (ResolvableKeyValuePair pair : additionalFields) { if (pair.valueNeedsLookup) { // Resolve value additionalFieldsMap.put(pair.key, strSubstitutor.replace(logEvent, pair.value)); } else { // Plain text value additionalFieldsMap.put(pair.key, pair.value); } } return additionalFieldsMap; } public void toSerializable(final LogEvent event, final Writer writer) throws JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException, IOException { objectWriter.writeValue(writer, wrapLogEvent(convertMutableToLog4jEvent(event))); writer.write(eol); if (includeNullDelimiter) { writer.write('\0'); } markEvent(); } @JsonRootName(XmlConstants.ELT_EVENT) @JacksonXmlRootElement(namespace = XmlConstants.XML_NAMESPACE, localName = XmlConstants.ELT_EVENT) public static class LogEventWithAdditionalFields { private final Object logEvent; private final Map<String, String> additionalFields; public LogEventWithAdditionalFields(Object logEvent, Map<String, String> additionalFields) { this.logEvent = logEvent; this.additionalFields = additionalFields; } @JsonUnwrapped public Object getLogEvent() { return logEvent; } @JsonAnyGetter @SuppressWarnings("unused") public Map<String, String> getAdditionalFields() { return additionalFields; } } protected static class ResolvableKeyValuePair { final String key; final String value; final boolean valueNeedsLookup; ResolvableKeyValuePair(KeyValuePair pair) { this.key = pair.getKey(); this.value = pair.getValue(); this.valueNeedsLookup = AbstractJacksonLayout.valueNeedsLookup(this.value); } } }