 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache license, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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package org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.util;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarInputStream;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.Loader;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.status.StatusLogger;
import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil;
import org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWiring;

ResolverUtil is used to locate classes that are available in the/a class path and meet arbitrary conditions. The two most common conditions are that a class implements/extends another class, or that is it annotated with a specific annotation. However, through the use of the Test class it is possible to search using arbitrary conditions.

A ClassLoader is used to locate all locations (directories and jar files) in the class path that contain classes within certain packages, and then to load those classes and check them. By default the ClassLoader returned by Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() is used, but this can be overridden by calling setClassLoader(ClassLoader) prior to invoking any of the find() methods.

General searches are initiated by calling the find(Test, String...) method and supplying a package name and a Test instance. This will cause the named package and all sub-packages to be scanned for classes that meet the test. There are also utility methods for the common use cases of scanning multiple packages for extensions of particular classes, or classes annotated with a specific annotation.

The standard usage pattern for the ResolverUtil class is as follows:

ResolverUtil resolver = new ResolverUtil();
resolver.findInPackage(new CustomTest(), pkg1);
resolver.find(new CustomTest(), pkg1);
resolver.find(new CustomTest(), pkg1, pkg2);
Set<Class<?>> beans = resolver.getClasses();

This class was copied and modified from Stripes - http://stripes.mc4j.org/confluence/display/stripes/Home

/** * <p> * ResolverUtil is used to locate classes that are available in the/a class path and meet arbitrary conditions. The two * most common conditions are that a class implements/extends another class, or that is it annotated with a specific * annotation. However, through the use of the {@link Test} class it is possible to search using arbitrary conditions. * </p> * * <p> * A ClassLoader is used to locate all locations (directories and jar files) in the class path that contain classes * within certain packages, and then to load those classes and check them. By default the ClassLoader returned by * {@code Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()} is used, but this can be overridden by calling * {@link #setClassLoader(ClassLoader)} prior to invoking any of the {@code find()} methods. * </p> * * <p> * General searches are initiated by calling the {@link #find(ResolverUtil.Test, String...)} method and supplying a * package name and a Test instance. This will cause the named package <b>and all sub-packages</b> to be scanned for * classes that meet the test. There are also utility methods for the common use cases of scanning multiple packages for * extensions of particular classes, or classes annotated with a specific annotation. * </p> * * <p> * The standard usage pattern for the ResolverUtil class is as follows: * </p> * * <pre> * ResolverUtil resolver = new ResolverUtil(); * resolver.findInPackage(new CustomTest(), pkg1); * resolver.find(new CustomTest(), pkg1); * resolver.find(new CustomTest(), pkg1, pkg2); * Set&lt;Class&lt;?&gt;&gt; beans = resolver.getClasses(); * </pre> * * <p> * This class was copied and modified from Stripes - http://stripes.mc4j.org/confluence/display/stripes/Home * </p> */
public class ResolverUtil {
An instance of Log to use for logging in this class.
/** An instance of Log to use for logging in this class. */
private static final Logger LOGGER = StatusLogger.getLogger(); private static final String VFSZIP = "vfszip"; private static final String VFS = "vfs"; private static final String BUNDLE_RESOURCE = "bundleresource";
The set of matches being accumulated.
/** The set of matches being accumulated. */
private final Set<Class<?>> classMatches = new HashSet<>();
The set of matches being accumulated.
/** The set of matches being accumulated. */
private final Set<URI> resourceMatches = new HashSet<>();
The ClassLoader to use when looking for classes. If null then the ClassLoader returned by Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() will be used.
/** * The ClassLoader to use when looking for classes. If null then the ClassLoader returned by * Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() will be used. */
private ClassLoader classloader;
Provides access to the classes discovered so far. If no calls have been made to any of the find() methods, this set will be empty.
Returns:the set of classes that have been discovered.
/** * Provides access to the classes discovered so far. If no calls have been made to any of the {@code find()} * methods, this set will be empty. * * @return the set of classes that have been discovered. */
public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() { return classMatches; }
Returns the matching resources.
Returns:A Set of URIs that match the criteria.
/** * Returns the matching resources. * * @return A Set of URIs that match the criteria. */
public Set<URI> getResources() { return resourceMatches; }
Returns the ClassLoader that will be used for scanning for classes. If no explicit ClassLoader has been set by the calling, the context class loader will be used.
Returns:the ClassLoader that will be used to scan for classes
/** * Returns the ClassLoader that will be used for scanning for classes. If no explicit ClassLoader has been set by * the calling, the context class loader will be used. * * @return the ClassLoader that will be used to scan for classes */
public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return classloader != null ? classloader : (classloader = Loader.getClassLoader(ResolverUtil.class, null)); }
Sets an explicit ClassLoader that should be used when scanning for classes. If none is set then the context ClassLoader will be used.
  • aClassloader – a ClassLoader to use when scanning for classes
/** * Sets an explicit ClassLoader that should be used when scanning for classes. If none is set then the context * ClassLoader will be used. * * @param aClassloader * a ClassLoader to use when scanning for classes */
public void setClassLoader(final ClassLoader aClassloader) { this.classloader = aClassloader; }
Attempts to discover classes that pass the test. Accumulated classes can be accessed by calling getClasses().
  • test – the test to determine matching classes
  • packageNames – one or more package names to scan (including subpackages) for classes
/** * Attempts to discover classes that pass the test. Accumulated classes can be accessed by calling * {@link #getClasses()}. * * @param test * the test to determine matching classes * @param packageNames * one or more package names to scan (including subpackages) for classes */
public void find(final Test test, final String... packageNames) { if (packageNames == null) { return; } for (final String pkg : packageNames) { findInPackage(test, pkg); } }
Scans for classes starting at the package provided and descending into subpackages. Each class is offered up to the Test as it is discovered, and if the Test returns true the class is retained. Accumulated classes can be fetched by calling getClasses().
  • test – an instance of Test that will be used to filter classes
  • packageName – the name of the package from which to start scanning for classes, e.g. net.sourceforge.stripes
/** * Scans for classes starting at the package provided and descending into subpackages. Each class is offered up to * the Test as it is discovered, and if the Test returns true the class is retained. Accumulated classes can be * fetched by calling {@link #getClasses()}. * * @param test * an instance of {@link Test} that will be used to filter classes * @param packageName * the name of the package from which to start scanning for classes, e.g. {@code net.sourceforge.stripes} */
public void findInPackage(final Test test, String packageName) { packageName = packageName.replace('.', '/'); final ClassLoader loader = getClassLoader(); Enumeration<URL> urls; try { urls = loader.getResources(packageName); } catch (final IOException ioe) { LOGGER.warn("Could not read package: {}", packageName, ioe); return; } while (urls.hasMoreElements()) { try { final URL url = urls.nextElement(); final String urlPath = extractPath(url); LOGGER.info("Scanning for classes in '{}' matching criteria {}", urlPath , test); // Check for a jar in a war in JBoss if (VFSZIP.equals(url.getProtocol())) { final String path = urlPath.substring(0, urlPath.length() - packageName.length() - 2); final URL newURL = new URL(url.getProtocol(), url.getHost(), path); @SuppressWarnings("resource") final JarInputStream stream = new JarInputStream(newURL.openStream()); try { loadImplementationsInJar(test, packageName, path, stream); } finally { close(stream, newURL); } } else if (VFS.equals(url.getProtocol())) { final String containerPath = urlPath.substring(1, urlPath.length() - packageName.length() - 2); final File containerFile = new File(containerPath); if (containerFile.isDirectory()) { loadImplementationsInDirectory(test, packageName, new File(containerFile, packageName)); } else { loadImplementationsInJar(test, packageName, containerFile); } } else if (BUNDLE_RESOURCE.equals(url.getProtocol())) { loadImplementationsInBundle(test, packageName); } else { final File file = new File(urlPath); if (file.isDirectory()) { loadImplementationsInDirectory(test, packageName, file); } else { loadImplementationsInJar(test, packageName, file); } } } catch (final IOException | URISyntaxException ioe) { LOGGER.warn("Could not read entries", ioe); } } } String extractPath(final URL url) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, URISyntaxException { String urlPath = url.getPath(); // same as getFile but without the Query portion // System.out.println(url.getProtocol() + "->" + urlPath); // I would be surprised if URL.getPath() ever starts with "jar:" but no harm in checking if (urlPath.startsWith("jar:")) { urlPath = urlPath.substring(4); } // For jar: URLs, the path part starts with "file:" if (urlPath.startsWith("file:")) { urlPath = urlPath.substring(5); } // If it was in a JAR, grab the path to the jar final int bangIndex = urlPath.indexOf('!'); if (bangIndex > 0) { urlPath = urlPath.substring(0, bangIndex); } // LOG4J2-445 // Finally, decide whether to URL-decode the file name or not... final String protocol = url.getProtocol(); final List<String> neverDecode = Arrays.asList(VFS, VFSZIP, BUNDLE_RESOURCE); if (neverDecode.contains(protocol)) { return urlPath; } final String cleanPath = new URI(urlPath).getPath(); if (new File(cleanPath).exists()) { // if URL-encoded file exists, don't decode it return cleanPath; } return URLDecoder.decode(urlPath, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.name()); } private void loadImplementationsInBundle(final Test test, final String packageName) { final BundleWiring wiring = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(ResolverUtil.class).adapt(BundleWiring.class); final Collection<String> list = wiring.listResources(packageName, "*.class", BundleWiring.LISTRESOURCES_RECURSE); for (final String name : list) { addIfMatching(test, name); } }
Finds matches in a physical directory on a file system. Examines all files within a directory - if the File object is not a directory, and ends with .class the file is loaded and tested to see if it is acceptable according to the Test. Operates recursively to find classes within a folder structure matching the package structure.
  • test – a Test used to filter the classes that are discovered
  • parent – the package name up to this directory in the package hierarchy. E.g. if /classes is in the classpath and we wish to examine files in /classes/org/apache then the values of parent would be org/apache
  • location – a File object representing a directory
/** * Finds matches in a physical directory on a file system. Examines all files within a directory - if the File object * is not a directory, and ends with <i>.class</i> the file is loaded and tested to see if it is acceptable * according to the Test. Operates recursively to find classes within a folder structure matching the package * structure. * * @param test * a Test used to filter the classes that are discovered * @param parent * the package name up to this directory in the package hierarchy. E.g. if /classes is in the classpath and * we wish to examine files in /classes/org/apache then the values of <i>parent</i> would be * <i>org/apache</i> * @param location * a File object representing a directory */
private void loadImplementationsInDirectory(final Test test, final String parent, final File location) { final File[] files = location.listFiles(); if (files == null) { return; } StringBuilder builder; for (final File file : files) { builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(parent).append('/').append(file.getName()); final String packageOrClass = parent == null ? file.getName() : builder.toString(); if (file.isDirectory()) { loadImplementationsInDirectory(test, packageOrClass, file); } else if (isTestApplicable(test, file.getName())) { addIfMatching(test, packageOrClass); } } } private boolean isTestApplicable(final Test test, final String path) { return test.doesMatchResource() || path.endsWith(".class") && test.doesMatchClass(); }
Finds matching classes within a jar files that contains a folder structure matching the package structure. If the File is not a JarFile or does not exist a warning will be logged, but no error will be raised.
  • test – a Test used to filter the classes that are discovered
  • parent – the parent package under which classes must be in order to be considered
  • jarFile – the jar file to be examined for classes
/** * Finds matching classes within a jar files that contains a folder structure matching the package structure. If the * File is not a JarFile or does not exist a warning will be logged, but no error will be raised. * * @param test * a Test used to filter the classes that are discovered * @param parent * the parent package under which classes must be in order to be considered * @param jarFile * the jar file to be examined for classes */
private void loadImplementationsInJar(final Test test, final String parent, final File jarFile) { JarInputStream jarStream = null; try { jarStream = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(jarFile)); loadImplementationsInJar(test, parent, jarFile.getPath(), jarStream); } catch (final IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("Could not search JAR file '{}' for classes matching criteria {}, file not found", jarFile, test, ex); } finally { close(jarStream, jarFile); } }
  • jarStream –
  • source –
/** * @param jarStream * @param source */
private void close(final JarInputStream jarStream, final Object source) { if (jarStream != null) { try { jarStream.close(); } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Error closing JAR file stream for {}", source, e); } } }
Finds matching classes within a jar files that contains a folder structure matching the package structure. If the File is not a JarFile or does not exist a warning will be logged, but no error will be raised.
  • test – a Test used to filter the classes that are discovered
  • parent – the parent package under which classes must be in order to be considered
  • stream – The jar InputStream
/** * Finds matching classes within a jar files that contains a folder structure matching the package structure. If the * File is not a JarFile or does not exist a warning will be logged, but no error will be raised. * * @param test * a Test used to filter the classes that are discovered * @param parent * the parent package under which classes must be in order to be considered * @param stream * The jar InputStream */
private void loadImplementationsInJar(final Test test, final String parent, final String path, final JarInputStream stream) { try { JarEntry entry; while ((entry = stream.getNextJarEntry()) != null) { final String name = entry.getName(); if (!entry.isDirectory() && name.startsWith(parent) && isTestApplicable(test, name)) { addIfMatching(test, name); } } } catch (final IOException ioe) { LOGGER.error("Could not search JAR file '{}' for classes matching criteria {} due to an IOException", path, test, ioe); } }
Add the class designated by the fully qualified class name provided to the set of resolved classes if and only if it is approved by the Test supplied.
  • test – the test used to determine if the class matches
  • fqn – the fully qualified name of a class
/** * Add the class designated by the fully qualified class name provided to the set of resolved classes if and only if * it is approved by the Test supplied. * * @param test * the test used to determine if the class matches * @param fqn * the fully qualified name of a class */
protected void addIfMatching(final Test test, final String fqn) { try { final ClassLoader loader = getClassLoader(); if (test.doesMatchClass()) { final String externalName = fqn.substring(0, fqn.indexOf('.')).replace('/', '.'); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Checking to see if class {} matches criteria {}", externalName, test); } final Class<?> type = loader.loadClass(externalName); if (test.matches(type)) { classMatches.add(type); } } if (test.doesMatchResource()) { URL url = loader.getResource(fqn); if (url == null) { url = loader.getResource(fqn.substring(1)); } if (url != null && test.matches(url.toURI())) { resourceMatches.add(url.toURI()); } } } catch (final Throwable t) { LOGGER.warn("Could not examine class {}", fqn, t); } }
A simple interface that specifies how to test classes to determine if they are to be included in the results produced by the ResolverUtil.
/** * A simple interface that specifies how to test classes to determine if they are to be included in the results * produced by the ResolverUtil. */
public interface Test {
Will be called repeatedly with candidate classes. Must return True if a class is to be included in the results, false otherwise.
  • type – The Class to match against.
Returns:true if the Class matches.
/** * Will be called repeatedly with candidate classes. Must return True if a class is to be included in the * results, false otherwise. * * @param type * The Class to match against. * @return true if the Class matches. */
boolean matches(Class<?> type);
Test for a resource.
  • resource – The URI to the resource.
Returns:true if the resource matches.
/** * Test for a resource. * * @param resource * The URI to the resource. * @return true if the resource matches. */
boolean matches(URI resource); boolean doesMatchClass(); boolean doesMatchResource(); } }