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package org.apache.http.message;

import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpVersion;
import org.apache.http.ParseException;
import org.apache.http.ProtocolVersion;
import org.apache.http.RequestLine;
import org.apache.http.StatusLine;
import org.apache.http.annotation.ThreadingBehavior;
import org.apache.http.annotation.Contract;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP;
import org.apache.http.util.Args;
import org.apache.http.util.CharArrayBuffer;

Basic parser for lines in the head section of an HTTP message. There are individual methods for parsing a request line, a status line, or a header line. The lines to parse are passed in memory, the parser does not depend on any specific IO mechanism. Instances of this class are stateless and thread-safe. Derived classes MUST maintain these properties.

Note: This class was created by refactoring parsing code located in various other classes. The author tags from those other classes have been replicated here, although the association with the parsing code taken from there has not been traced.

/** * Basic parser for lines in the head section of an HTTP message. * There are individual methods for parsing a request line, a * status line, or a header line. * The lines to parse are passed in memory, the parser does not depend * on any specific IO mechanism. * Instances of this class are stateless and thread-safe. * Derived classes MUST maintain these properties. * * <p> * Note: This class was created by refactoring parsing code located in * various other classes. The author tags from those other classes have * been replicated here, although the association with the parsing code * taken from there has not been traced. * </p> * * @since 4.0 */
@Contract(threading = ThreadingBehavior.IMMUTABLE) public class BasicLineParser implements LineParser {
A default instance of this class, for use as default or fallback. Note that BasicLineParser is not a singleton, there can be many instances of the class itself and of derived classes. The instance here provides non-customized, default behavior.
Deprecated:(4.3) use INSTANCE
/** * A default instance of this class, for use as default or fallback. * Note that {@link BasicLineParser} is not a singleton, there can * be many instances of the class itself and of derived classes. * The instance here provides non-customized, default behavior. * * @deprecated (4.3) use {@link #INSTANCE} */
@Deprecated public final static BasicLineParser DEFAULT = new BasicLineParser(); public final static BasicLineParser INSTANCE = new BasicLineParser();
A version of the protocol to parse. The version is typically not relevant, but the protocol name.
/** * A version of the protocol to parse. * The version is typically not relevant, but the protocol name. */
protected final ProtocolVersion protocol;
Creates a new line parser for the given HTTP-like protocol.
  • proto – a version of the protocol to parse, or null for HTTP. The actual version is not relevant, only the protocol name.
/** * Creates a new line parser for the given HTTP-like protocol. * * @param proto a version of the protocol to parse, or * {@code null} for HTTP. The actual version * is not relevant, only the protocol name. */
public BasicLineParser(final ProtocolVersion proto) { this.protocol = proto != null? proto : HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1; }
Creates a new line parser for HTTP.
/** * Creates a new line parser for HTTP. */
public BasicLineParser() { this(null); } public static ProtocolVersion parseProtocolVersion(final String value, final LineParser parser) throws ParseException { Args.notNull(value, "Value"); final CharArrayBuffer buffer = new CharArrayBuffer(value.length()); buffer.append(value); final ParserCursor cursor = new ParserCursor(0, value.length()); return (parser != null ? parser : BasicLineParser.INSTANCE) .parseProtocolVersion(buffer, cursor); } // non-javadoc, see interface LineParser @Override public ProtocolVersion parseProtocolVersion(final CharArrayBuffer buffer, final ParserCursor cursor) throws ParseException { Args.notNull(buffer, "Char array buffer"); Args.notNull(cursor, "Parser cursor"); final String protoname = this.protocol.getProtocol(); final int protolength = protoname.length(); final int indexFrom = cursor.getPos(); final int indexTo = cursor.getUpperBound(); skipWhitespace(buffer, cursor); int i = cursor.getPos(); // long enough for "HTTP/1.1"? if (i + protolength + 4 > indexTo) { throw new ParseException ("Not a valid protocol version: " + buffer.substring(indexFrom, indexTo)); } // check the protocol name and slash boolean ok = true; for (int j=0; ok && (j<protolength); j++) { ok = (buffer.charAt(i+j) == protoname.charAt(j)); } if (ok) { ok = (buffer.charAt(i+protolength) == '/'); } if (!ok) { throw new ParseException ("Not a valid protocol version: " + buffer.substring(indexFrom, indexTo)); } i += protolength+1; final int period = buffer.indexOf('.', i, indexTo); if (period == -1) { throw new ParseException ("Invalid protocol version number: " + buffer.substring(indexFrom, indexTo)); } final int major; try { major = Integer.parseInt(buffer.substringTrimmed(i, period)); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { throw new ParseException ("Invalid protocol major version number: " + buffer.substring(indexFrom, indexTo)); } i = period + 1; int blank = buffer.indexOf(' ', i, indexTo); if (blank == -1) { blank = indexTo; } final int minor; try { minor = Integer.parseInt(buffer.substringTrimmed(i, blank)); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { throw new ParseException( "Invalid protocol minor version number: " + buffer.substring(indexFrom, indexTo)); } cursor.updatePos(blank); return createProtocolVersion(major, minor); } // parseProtocolVersion
Creates a protocol version. Called from parseProtocolVersion.
  • major – the major version number, for example 1 in HTTP/1.0
  • minor – the minor version number, for example 0 in HTTP/1.0
Returns: the protocol version
/** * Creates a protocol version. * Called from {@link #parseProtocolVersion}. * * @param major the major version number, for example 1 in HTTP/1.0 * @param minor the minor version number, for example 0 in HTTP/1.0 * * @return the protocol version */
protected ProtocolVersion createProtocolVersion(final int major, final int minor) { return protocol.forVersion(major, minor); } // non-javadoc, see interface LineParser @Override public boolean hasProtocolVersion(final CharArrayBuffer buffer, final ParserCursor cursor) { Args.notNull(buffer, "Char array buffer"); Args.notNull(cursor, "Parser cursor"); int index = cursor.getPos(); final String protoname = this.protocol.getProtocol(); final int protolength = protoname.length(); if (buffer.length() < protolength+4) { return false; // not long enough for "HTTP/1.1" } if (index < 0) { // end of line, no tolerance for trailing whitespace // this works only for single-digit major and minor version index = buffer.length() -4 -protolength; } else if (index == 0) { // beginning of line, tolerate leading whitespace while ((index < buffer.length()) && HTTP.isWhitespace(buffer.charAt(index))) { index++; } } // else within line, don't tolerate whitespace if (index + protolength + 4 > buffer.length()) { return false; } // just check protocol name and slash, no need to analyse the version boolean ok = true; for (int j=0; ok && (j<protolength); j++) { ok = (buffer.charAt(index+j) == protoname.charAt(j)); } if (ok) { ok = (buffer.charAt(index+protolength) == '/'); } return ok; } public static RequestLine parseRequestLine(final String value, final LineParser parser) throws ParseException { Args.notNull(value, "Value"); final CharArrayBuffer buffer = new CharArrayBuffer(value.length()); buffer.append(value); final ParserCursor cursor = new ParserCursor(0, value.length()); return (parser != null ? parser : BasicLineParser.INSTANCE) .parseRequestLine(buffer, cursor); }
Parses a request line.
  • buffer – a buffer holding the line to parse
Returns: the parsed request line
/** * Parses a request line. * * @param buffer a buffer holding the line to parse * * @return the parsed request line * * @throws ParseException in case of a parse error */
@Override public RequestLine parseRequestLine(final CharArrayBuffer buffer, final ParserCursor cursor) throws ParseException { Args.notNull(buffer, "Char array buffer"); Args.notNull(cursor, "Parser cursor"); final int indexFrom = cursor.getPos(); final int indexTo = cursor.getUpperBound(); try { skipWhitespace(buffer, cursor); int i = cursor.getPos(); int blank = buffer.indexOf(' ', i, indexTo); if (blank < 0) { throw new ParseException("Invalid request line: " + buffer.substring(indexFrom, indexTo)); } final String method = buffer.substringTrimmed(i, blank); cursor.updatePos(blank); skipWhitespace(buffer, cursor); i = cursor.getPos(); blank = buffer.indexOf(' ', i, indexTo); if (blank < 0) { throw new ParseException("Invalid request line: " + buffer.substring(indexFrom, indexTo)); } final String uri = buffer.substringTrimmed(i, blank); cursor.updatePos(blank); final ProtocolVersion ver = parseProtocolVersion(buffer, cursor); skipWhitespace(buffer, cursor); if (!cursor.atEnd()) { throw new ParseException("Invalid request line: " + buffer.substring(indexFrom, indexTo)); } return createRequestLine(method, uri, ver); } catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new ParseException("Invalid request line: " + buffer.substring(indexFrom, indexTo)); } } // parseRequestLine
Instantiates a new request line. Called from parseRequestLine.
  • method – the request method
  • uri – the requested URI
  • ver – the protocol version
Returns: a new status line with the given data
/** * Instantiates a new request line. * Called from {@link #parseRequestLine}. * * @param method the request method * @param uri the requested URI * @param ver the protocol version * * @return a new status line with the given data */
protected RequestLine createRequestLine(final String method, final String uri, final ProtocolVersion ver) { return new BasicRequestLine(method, uri, ver); } public static StatusLine parseStatusLine(final String value, final LineParser parser) throws ParseException { Args.notNull(value, "Value"); final CharArrayBuffer buffer = new CharArrayBuffer(value.length()); buffer.append(value); final ParserCursor cursor = new ParserCursor(0, value.length()); return (parser != null ? parser : BasicLineParser.INSTANCE) .parseStatusLine(buffer, cursor); } // non-javadoc, see interface LineParser @Override public StatusLine parseStatusLine(final CharArrayBuffer buffer, final ParserCursor cursor) throws ParseException { Args.notNull(buffer, "Char array buffer"); Args.notNull(cursor, "Parser cursor"); final int indexFrom = cursor.getPos(); final int indexTo = cursor.getUpperBound(); try { // handle the HTTP-Version final ProtocolVersion ver = parseProtocolVersion(buffer, cursor); // handle the Status-Code skipWhitespace(buffer, cursor); int i = cursor.getPos(); int blank = buffer.indexOf(' ', i, indexTo); if (blank < 0) { blank = indexTo; } final int statusCode; final String s = buffer.substringTrimmed(i, blank); for (int j = 0; j < s.length(); j++) { if (!Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))) { throw new ParseException( "Status line contains invalid status code: " + buffer.substring(indexFrom, indexTo)); } } try { statusCode = Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { throw new ParseException( "Status line contains invalid status code: " + buffer.substring(indexFrom, indexTo)); } //handle the Reason-Phrase i = blank; final String reasonPhrase; if (i < indexTo) { reasonPhrase = buffer.substringTrimmed(i, indexTo); } else { reasonPhrase = ""; } return createStatusLine(ver, statusCode, reasonPhrase); } catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new ParseException("Invalid status line: " + buffer.substring(indexFrom, indexTo)); } } // parseStatusLine
Instantiates a new status line. Called from parseStatusLine.
  • ver – the protocol version
  • status – the status code
  • reason – the reason phrase
Returns: a new status line with the given data
/** * Instantiates a new status line. * Called from {@link #parseStatusLine}. * * @param ver the protocol version * @param status the status code * @param reason the reason phrase * * @return a new status line with the given data */
protected StatusLine createStatusLine(final ProtocolVersion ver, final int status, final String reason) { return new BasicStatusLine(ver, status, reason); } public static Header parseHeader(final String value, final LineParser parser) throws ParseException { Args.notNull(value, "Value"); final CharArrayBuffer buffer = new CharArrayBuffer(value.length()); buffer.append(value); return (parser != null ? parser : BasicLineParser.INSTANCE) .parseHeader(buffer); } // non-javadoc, see interface LineParser @Override public Header parseHeader(final CharArrayBuffer buffer) throws ParseException { // the actual parser code is in the constructor of BufferedHeader return new BufferedHeader(buffer); }
Helper to skip whitespace.
/** * Helper to skip whitespace. */
protected void skipWhitespace(final CharArrayBuffer buffer, final ParserCursor cursor) { int pos = cursor.getPos(); final int indexTo = cursor.getUpperBound(); while ((pos < indexTo) && HTTP.isWhitespace(buffer.charAt(pos))) { pos++; } cursor.updatePos(pos); } } // class BasicLineParser