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package org.apache.http.impl.io;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;

import org.apache.http.ConnectionClosedException;
import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpException;
import org.apache.http.MalformedChunkCodingException;
import org.apache.http.TruncatedChunkException;
import org.apache.http.config.MessageConstraints;
import org.apache.http.io.BufferInfo;
import org.apache.http.io.SessionInputBuffer;
import org.apache.http.util.Args;
import org.apache.http.util.CharArrayBuffer;

Implements chunked transfer coding. The content is received in small chunks. Entities transferred using this input stream can be of unlimited length. After the stream is read to the end, it provides access to the trailers, if any.

Note that this class NEVER closes the underlying stream, even when close gets called. Instead, it will read until the "end" of its chunking on close, which allows for the seamless execution of subsequent HTTP 1.1 requests, while not requiring the client to remember to read the entire contents of the response.

/** * Implements chunked transfer coding. The content is received in small chunks. * Entities transferred using this input stream can be of unlimited length. * After the stream is read to the end, it provides access to the trailers, * if any. * <p> * Note that this class NEVER closes the underlying stream, even when close * gets called. Instead, it will read until the "end" of its chunking on * close, which allows for the seamless execution of subsequent HTTP 1.1 * requests, while not requiring the client to remember to read the entire * contents of the response. * * * @since 4.0 * */
public class ChunkedInputStream extends InputStream { private static final int CHUNK_LEN = 1; private static final int CHUNK_DATA = 2; private static final int CHUNK_CRLF = 3; private static final int CHUNK_INVALID = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 2048;
The session input buffer
/** The session input buffer */
private final SessionInputBuffer in; private final CharArrayBuffer buffer; private final MessageConstraints constraints; private int state;
The chunk size
/** The chunk size */
private long chunkSize;
The current position within the current chunk
/** The current position within the current chunk */
private long pos;
True if we've reached the end of stream
/** True if we've reached the end of stream */
private boolean eof = false;
True if this stream is closed
/** True if this stream is closed */
private boolean closed = false; private Header[] footers = new Header[] {};
Wraps session input stream and reads chunk coded input.
/** * Wraps session input stream and reads chunk coded input. * * @param in The session input buffer * @param constraints Message constraints. If {@code null} * {@link MessageConstraints#DEFAULT} will be used. * * @since 4.4 */
public ChunkedInputStream(final SessionInputBuffer in, final MessageConstraints constraints) { super(); this.in = Args.notNull(in, "Session input buffer"); this.pos = 0L; this.buffer = new CharArrayBuffer(16); this.constraints = constraints != null ? constraints : MessageConstraints.DEFAULT; this.state = CHUNK_LEN; }
Wraps session input stream and reads chunk coded input.
  • in – The session input buffer
/** * Wraps session input stream and reads chunk coded input. * * @param in The session input buffer */
public ChunkedInputStream(final SessionInputBuffer in) { this(in, null); } @Override public int available() throws IOException { if (this.in instanceof BufferInfo) { final int len = ((BufferInfo) this.in).length(); return (int) Math.min(len, this.chunkSize - this.pos); } return 0; }

Returns all the data in a chunked stream in coalesced form. A chunk is followed by a CRLF. The method returns -1 as soon as a chunksize of 0 is detected.

Trailer headers are read automatically at the end of the stream and can be obtained with the getResponseFooters() method.

Returns:-1 of the end of the stream has been reached or the next data byte
/** * <p> Returns all the data in a chunked stream in coalesced form. A chunk * is followed by a CRLF. The method returns -1 as soon as a chunksize of 0 * is detected.</p> * * <p> Trailer headers are read automatically at the end of the stream and * can be obtained with the getResponseFooters() method.</p> * * @return -1 of the end of the stream has been reached or the next data * byte * @throws IOException in case of an I/O error */
@Override public int read() throws IOException { if (this.closed) { throw new IOException("Attempted read from closed stream."); } if (this.eof) { return -1; } if (state != CHUNK_DATA) { nextChunk(); if (this.eof) { return -1; } } final int b = in.read(); if (b != -1) { pos++; if (pos >= chunkSize) { state = CHUNK_CRLF; } } return b; }
Read some bytes from the stream.
  • b – The byte array that will hold the contents from the stream.
  • off – The offset into the byte array at which bytes will start to be placed.
  • len – the maximum number of bytes that can be returned.
Returns:The number of bytes returned or -1 if the end of stream has been reached.
/** * Read some bytes from the stream. * @param b The byte array that will hold the contents from the stream. * @param off The offset into the byte array at which bytes will start to be * placed. * @param len the maximum number of bytes that can be returned. * @return The number of bytes returned or -1 if the end of stream has been * reached. * @throws IOException in case of an I/O error */
@Override public int read (final byte[] b, final int off, final int len) throws IOException { if (closed) { throw new IOException("Attempted read from closed stream."); } if (eof) { return -1; } if (state != CHUNK_DATA) { nextChunk(); if (eof) { return -1; } } final int readLen = in.read(b, off, (int) Math.min(len, chunkSize - pos)); if (readLen != -1) { pos += readLen; if (pos >= chunkSize) { state = CHUNK_CRLF; } return readLen; } eof = true; throw new TruncatedChunkException("Truncated chunk (expected size: %,d; actual size: %,d)", chunkSize, pos); }
Read some bytes from the stream.
  • b – The byte array that will hold the contents from the stream.
Returns:The number of bytes returned or -1 if the end of stream has been reached.
/** * Read some bytes from the stream. * @param b The byte array that will hold the contents from the stream. * @return The number of bytes returned or -1 if the end of stream has been * reached. * @throws IOException in case of an I/O error */
@Override public int read (final byte[] b) throws IOException { return read(b, 0, b.length); }
Read the next chunk.
  • IOException – in case of an I/O error
/** * Read the next chunk. * @throws IOException in case of an I/O error */
private void nextChunk() throws IOException { if (state == CHUNK_INVALID) { throw new MalformedChunkCodingException("Corrupt data stream"); } try { chunkSize = getChunkSize(); if (chunkSize < 0L) { throw new MalformedChunkCodingException("Negative chunk size"); } state = CHUNK_DATA; pos = 0L; if (chunkSize == 0L) { eof = true; parseTrailerHeaders(); } } catch (final MalformedChunkCodingException ex) { state = CHUNK_INVALID; throw ex; } }
Expects the stream to start with a chunksize in hex with optional comments after a semicolon. The line must end with a CRLF: "a3; some comment\r\n" Positions the stream at the start of the next line.
/** * Expects the stream to start with a chunksize in hex with optional * comments after a semicolon. The line must end with a CRLF: "a3; some * comment\r\n" Positions the stream at the start of the next line. */
private long getChunkSize() throws IOException { final int st = this.state; switch (st) { case CHUNK_CRLF: this.buffer.clear(); final int bytesRead1 = this.in.readLine(this.buffer); if (bytesRead1 == -1) { throw new MalformedChunkCodingException( "CRLF expected at end of chunk"); } if (!this.buffer.isEmpty()) { throw new MalformedChunkCodingException( "Unexpected content at the end of chunk"); } state = CHUNK_LEN; //$FALL-THROUGH$ case CHUNK_LEN: this.buffer.clear(); final int bytesRead2 = this.in.readLine(this.buffer); if (bytesRead2 == -1) { throw new ConnectionClosedException( "Premature end of chunk coded message body: closing chunk expected"); } int separator = this.buffer.indexOf(';'); if (separator < 0) { separator = this.buffer.length(); } final String s = this.buffer.substringTrimmed(0, separator); try { return Long.parseLong(s, 16); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { throw new MalformedChunkCodingException("Bad chunk header: " + s); } default: throw new IllegalStateException("Inconsistent codec state"); } }
Reads and stores the Trailer headers.
  • IOException – in case of an I/O error
/** * Reads and stores the Trailer headers. * @throws IOException in case of an I/O error */
private void parseTrailerHeaders() throws IOException { try { this.footers = AbstractMessageParser.parseHeaders(in, constraints.getMaxHeaderCount(), constraints.getMaxLineLength(), null); } catch (final HttpException ex) { final IOException ioe = new MalformedChunkCodingException("Invalid footer: " + ex.getMessage()); ioe.initCause(ex); throw ioe; } }
Upon close, this reads the remainder of the chunked message, leaving the underlying socket at a position to start reading the next response without scanning.
  • IOException – in case of an I/O error
/** * Upon close, this reads the remainder of the chunked message, * leaving the underlying socket at a position to start reading the * next response without scanning. * @throws IOException in case of an I/O error */
@Override public void close() throws IOException { if (!closed) { try { if (!eof && state != CHUNK_INVALID) { // read and discard the remainder of the message final byte buff[] = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; while (read(buff) >= 0) { } } } finally { eof = true; closed = true; } } } public Header[] getFooters() { return this.footers.clone(); } }