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package org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.xpath;

import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.NodeHandler;
import org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.QName;
import org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.model.NodeIterator;
import org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.model.NodePointer;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

A base class for implementing iterators over configuration nodes.

This class already provides common functionality for implementing the iteration process. Derived classes will implement specific behavior based on the concrete node type (child node or attribute node).

Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the nodes this iterator deals with
/** * <p> * A base class for implementing iterators over configuration nodes. * </p> * <p> * This class already provides common functionality for implementing the * iteration process. Derived classes will implement specific behavior based on * the concrete node type (child node or attribute node). * </p> * * @since 1.3 * @param <T> the type of the nodes this iterator deals with */
abstract class ConfigurationNodeIteratorBase<T> implements NodeIterator {
Constant for the prefix separator.
/** Constant for the prefix separator. */
private static final String PREFIX_SEPARATOR = ":";
A format for constructing a node name with a namespace prefix.
/** A format for constructing a node name with a namespace prefix. */
private static final String FMT_NAMESPACE = "%s" + PREFIX_SEPARATOR + "%s";
Stores the parent node pointer.
/** Stores the parent node pointer. */
private final ConfigurationNodePointer<T> parent;
Stores the current position.
/** Stores the current position. */
private int position;
Stores the start offset of the iterator.
/** Stores the start offset of the iterator. */
private int startOffset;
Stores the reverse flag.
/** Stores the reverse flag. */
private final boolean reverse;
Creates a new instance of ConfigurationNodeIteratorBase and initializes it.
  • parent – the parent pointer
  • reverse – the reverse flag
/** * Creates a new instance of {@code ConfigurationNodeIteratorBase} * and initializes it. * * @param parent the parent pointer * @param reverse the reverse flag */
protected ConfigurationNodeIteratorBase(final ConfigurationNodePointer<T> parent, final boolean reverse) { this.parent = parent; this.reverse = reverse; }
Returns the position of the iteration.
Returns:the position
/** * Returns the position of the iteration. * * @return the position */
@Override public int getPosition() { return position; }
Sets the position of the iteration.
  • pos – the new position
Returns:a flag if this is a valid position
/** * Sets the position of the iteration. * * @param pos the new position * @return a flag if this is a valid position */
@Override public boolean setPosition(final int pos) { position = pos; return pos >= 1 && pos <= getMaxPosition(); }
Returns the current node pointer.
Returns:the current pointer in this iteration
/** * Returns the current node pointer. * * @return the current pointer in this iteration */
@Override public NodePointer getNodePointer() { if (getPosition() < 1 && !setPosition(1)) { return null; } return createNodePointer(positionToIndex(getPosition())); }
Returns the parent node pointer.
Returns:the parent node pointer
/** * Returns the parent node pointer. * * @return the parent node pointer */
protected ConfigurationNodePointer<T> getParent() { return parent; }
Returns the node handler for the managed nodes. This is a convenience method.
Returns:the node handler
/** * Returns the node handler for the managed nodes. This is a convenience * method. * * @return the node handler */
protected NodeHandler<T> getNodeHandler() { return getParent().getNodeHandler(); }
Returns the start offset of the iteration.
Returns:the start offset
/** * Returns the start offset of the iteration. * * @return the start offset */
protected int getStartOffset() { return startOffset; }
Sets the start offset of the iteration. This is used when a start element was set.
  • startOffset – the start offset
/** * Sets the start offset of the iteration. This is used when a start element * was set. * * @param startOffset the start offset */
protected void setStartOffset(final int startOffset) { this.startOffset = startOffset; if (reverse) { this.startOffset--; } else { this.startOffset++; } }
Returns the maximum position for this iterator.
Returns:the maximum allowed position
/** * Returns the maximum position for this iterator. * * @return the maximum allowed position */
protected int getMaxPosition() { return reverse ? getStartOffset() + 1 : size() - getStartOffset(); }
Returns the index in the data list for the given position. This method also checks the reverse flag.
  • pos – the position (1-based)
Returns:the corresponding list index
/** * Returns the index in the data list for the given position. This method * also checks the reverse flag. * * @param pos the position (1-based) * @return the corresponding list index */
protected int positionToIndex(final int pos) { return (reverse ? 1 - pos : pos - 1) + getStartOffset(); }
Creates the configuration node pointer for the current position. This method is called by getNodePointer(). Derived classes must create the correct pointer object.
  • position – the current position in the iteration
Returns:the node pointer
/** * Creates the configuration node pointer for the current position. This * method is called by {@code getNodePointer()}. Derived classes * must create the correct pointer object. * * @param position the current position in the iteration * @return the node pointer */
protected abstract NodePointer createNodePointer(int position);
Returns the number of elements in this iteration.
Returns:the number of elements
/** * Returns the number of elements in this iteration. * * @return the number of elements */
protected abstract int size();
Generates a qualified name with a namespace prefix.
  • prefix – the prefix
  • name – the name (may be null)
Returns:the qualified name
/** * Generates a qualified name with a namespace prefix. * * @param prefix the prefix * @param name the name (may be <b>null</b>) * @return the qualified name */
protected static String prefixName(final String prefix, final String name) { return String.format(FMT_NAMESPACE, prefix, StringUtils.defaultString(name)); }
Returns the qualified name from the given QName. If the name has no namespace, result is the simple name. Otherwise, the namespace prefix is added.
  • name – the QName
Returns:the qualified name
/** * Returns the qualified name from the given {@code QName}. If the name has * no namespace, result is the simple name. Otherwise, the namespace prefix * is added. * * @param name the {@code QName} * @return the qualified name */
protected static String qualifiedName(final QName name) { return name.getPrefix() == null ? name.getName() : prefixName( name.getPrefix(), name.getName()); } }