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package org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.combined;

import java.util.Collection;

import org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.BuilderParameters;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.FileBasedBuilderParametersImpl;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.ex.ConfigurationException;

A specialized implementation of ConfigurationBuilderProvider which determines the name of the result configuration class based on the extension of the file to load.

This class works analogously to its base class BaseConfigurationBuilderProvider; especially, the resulting builder is created based on reflection. It extends the super class's functionality by a specific mechanism for determining the resulting configuration class: At construction time two configuration class names and a file extension are passed in. If a file name is provided in the builder's initialization parameters and this file name has the specified extension, then the first configuration class name is used; otherwise the default configuration class name is selected.

There are some tags for CombinedConfigurationProvider which can produce different results depending on the configuration files they have to load. This class can be used to implement this feature in a generic way.

/** * <p> * A specialized implementation of {@link ConfigurationBuilderProvider} which * determines the name of the result configuration class based on the extension * of the file to load. * </p> * <p> * This class works analogously to its base class {@link BaseConfigurationBuilderProvider}; * especially, the resulting builder is created based on reflection. It extends * the super class's functionality by a specific mechanism for determining the * resulting configuration class: At construction time two configuration class * names and a file extension are passed in. If a file name is provided in the * builder's initialization parameters and this file name has the specified * extension, then the first configuration class name is used; otherwise the * default configuration class name is selected. * </p> * <p> * There are some tags for {@code CombinedConfigurationProvider} which can * produce different results depending on the configuration files they have to * load. This class can be used to implement this feature in a generic way. * </p> * * @since 2.0 */
public class FileExtensionConfigurationBuilderProvider extends BaseConfigurationBuilderProvider {
Constant for the file extension separator.
/** Constant for the file extension separator. */
private static final char EXT_SEPARATOR = '.';
The matching configuration class.
/** The matching configuration class. */
private final String matchingConfigurationClass;
The file extension.
/** The file extension. */
private final String extension;
Creates a new instance of FileExtensionConfigurationBuilderProvider.
  • bldrCls – the name of the builder class
  • reloadBldrCls – the name of a builder class to be used if reloading support is required (null if reloading is not supported)
  • matchingConfigCls – the name of the configuration class to be used if the provided file extension matches (must not be null)
  • defConfigClass – the name of the configuration class to be used if the provided file extension does not match (must not be null)
  • ext – the file extension to select the configuration class (must not be null)
  • paramCls – a collection with the names of parameters classes; an instance of a parameters object with basic properties is created automatically and does not need to be contained in this list; the collection can be null if no additional parameter objects are needed
/** * Creates a new instance of * {@code FileExtensionConfigurationBuilderProvider}. * * @param bldrCls the name of the builder class * @param reloadBldrCls the name of a builder class to be used if reloading * support is required (<b>null</b> if reloading is not supported) * @param matchingConfigCls the name of the configuration class to be used * if the provided file extension matches (must not be <b>null</b>) * @param defConfigClass the name of the configuration class to be used if * the provided file extension does not match (must not be * <b>null</b>) * @param ext the file extension to select the configuration class (must not * be <b>null</b>) * @param paramCls a collection with the names of parameters classes; an * instance of a parameters object with basic properties is created * automatically and does not need to be contained in this list; the * collection can be <b>null</b> if no additional parameter objects * are needed * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a required parameter is missing */
public FileExtensionConfigurationBuilderProvider(final String bldrCls, final String reloadBldrCls, final String matchingConfigCls, final String defConfigClass, final String ext, final Collection<String> paramCls) { super(bldrCls, reloadBldrCls, defConfigClass, paramCls); if (matchingConfigCls == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Matching configuration class must not be null!"); } if (ext == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "File extension must not be null!"); } matchingConfigurationClass = matchingConfigCls; extension = ext; }
Returns the name of the matching configuration class. This class is used if the file extension matches the extension of this provider.
Returns:the matching configuration class
/** * Returns the name of the matching configuration class. This class is used * if the file extension matches the extension of this provider. * * @return the matching configuration class */
public String getMatchingConfigurationClass() { return matchingConfigurationClass; }
Returns the file extension of this provider.
Returns:the file extension to match
/** * Returns the file extension of this provider. * * @return the file extension to match */
public String getExtension() { return extension; }
{@inheritDoc} This implementation tries to find a FileBasedBuilderParametersImpl object in the parameter objects. If one is found, the extension of the file name is obtained and compared against the stored file extension. In case of a match, the matching configuration class is selected, otherwise the default one.
/** * {@inheritDoc} This implementation tries to find a * {@link FileBasedBuilderParametersImpl} object in the parameter objects. If * one is found, the extension of the file name is obtained and compared * against the stored file extension. In case of a match, the matching * configuration class is selected, otherwise the default one. */
@Override protected String determineConfigurationClass(final ConfigurationDeclaration decl, final Collection<BuilderParameters> params) throws ConfigurationException { final String currentExt = extractExtension(fetchCurrentFileName(params)); return getExtension().equalsIgnoreCase(currentExt) ? getMatchingConfigurationClass() : getConfigurationClass(); }
Tries to obtain the current file name from the given list of parameter objects.
  • params – the parameter objects
Returns:the file name or null if unspecified
/** * Tries to obtain the current file name from the given list of parameter * objects. * * @param params the parameter objects * @return the file name or <b>null</b> if unspecified */
private static String fetchCurrentFileName( final Collection<BuilderParameters> params) { for (final BuilderParameters p : params) { if (p instanceof FileBasedBuilderParametersImpl) { final FileBasedBuilderParametersImpl fp = (FileBasedBuilderParametersImpl) p; return fp.getFileHandler().getFileName(); } } return null; }
Extracts the extension from the given file name. The name can be null.
  • fileName – the file name
Returns:the extension (null if there is none)
/** * Extracts the extension from the given file name. The name can be * <b>null</b>. * * @param fileName the file name * @return the extension (<b>null</b> if there is none) */
private static String extractExtension(final String fileName) { if (fileName == null) { return null; } final int pos = fileName.lastIndexOf(EXT_SEPARATOR); return pos < 0 ? null : fileName.substring(pos + 1); } }