 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.configuration2.ConfigurationUtils;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.ImmutableConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.Initializable;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.beanutils.BeanDeclaration;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.beanutils.BeanHelper;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.beanutils.ConstructorArg;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.event.Event;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.event.EventListener;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.event.EventListenerList;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.event.EventListenerRegistrationData;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.event.EventSource;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.event.EventType;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.ex.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.ex.ConfigurationRuntimeException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.reloading.ReloadingController;

An implementation of the ConfigurationBuilder interface which is able to create different concrete ImmutableConfiguration implementations based on reflection.

When constructing an instance of this class the concrete ImmutableConfiguration implementation class has to be provided. Then properties for the new ImmutableConfiguration instance can be set. The first call to getConfiguration() creates and initializes the new ImmutableConfiguration object. It is cached and returned by subsequent calls. This cache - and also the initialization properties set so far - can be flushed by calling one of the reset() methods. That way other ImmutableConfiguration instances with different properties can be created.

If the newly created ImmutableConfiguration object implements the Initializable interface, its initialize() method is called after all initialization properties have been set. This way a concrete implementation class can perform arbitrary initialization steps.

There are multiple options for setting up a BasicConfigurationBuilder instance:

  • All initialization properties can be set in one or multiple calls of the configure() method. In each call an arbitrary number of BuilderParameters objects can be passed. The API allows method chaining and is intended to be used from Java code.
  • If builder instances are created by other means - e.g. using a dependency injection framework -, the fluent API approach may not be suitable. For those use cases it is also possible to pass in all initialization parameters as a map. The keys of the map have to match initialization properties of the ImmutableConfiguration object to be created, the values are the corresponding property values. For instance, the key throwExceptionOnMissing in the map will cause the method setThrowExceptionOnMissing() on the ImmutableConfiguration object to be called with the corresponding value as parameter.

A builder instance can be constructed with an allowFailOnInit flag. If set to true, exceptions during initialization of the configuration are ignored; in such a case an empty configuration object is returned. A use case for this flag is a scenario in which a configuration is optional and created on demand the first time configuration data is to be stored. Consider an application that stores user-specific configuration data in the user's home directory: When started for the first time by a new user there is no configuration file; so it makes sense to start with an empty configuration object. On application exit, settings can be stored in this object and written to the associated file. Then they are available on next application start.

This class is thread-safe. Multiple threads can modify initialization properties and call getConfiguration(). However, the intended use case is that the builder is configured by a single thread first. Then getConfiguration() can be called concurrently, and it is guaranteed that always the same ImmutableConfiguration instance is returned until the builder is reset.

Type parameters:
  • <T> – the concrete type of ImmutableConfiguration objects created by this builder
/** * <p> * An implementation of the {@code ConfigurationBuilder} interface which is able * to create different concrete {@code ImmutableConfiguration} implementations based on * reflection. * </p> * <p> * When constructing an instance of this class the concrete * {@code ImmutableConfiguration} implementation class has to be provided. Then * properties for the new {@code ImmutableConfiguration} instance can be set. The first * call to {@code getConfiguration()} creates and initializes the new * {@code ImmutableConfiguration} object. It is cached and returned by subsequent calls. * This cache - and also the initialization properties set so far - can be * flushed by calling one of the {@code reset()} methods. That way other * {@code ImmutableConfiguration} instances with different properties can be created. * </p> * <p> * If the newly created {@code ImmutableConfiguration} object implements the * {@code Initializable} interface, its {@code initialize()} method is called * after all initialization properties have been set. This way a concrete * implementation class can perform arbitrary initialization steps. * </p> * <p> * There are multiple options for setting up a {@code BasicConfigurationBuilder} * instance: * </p> * <ul> * <li>All initialization properties can be set in one or multiple calls of the * {@code configure()} method. In each call an arbitrary number of * {@link BuilderParameters} objects can be passed. The API allows method * chaining and is intended to be used from Java code.</li> * <li>If builder instances are created by other means - e.g. using a dependency * injection framework -, the fluent API approach may not be suitable. For those * use cases it is also possible to pass in all initialization parameters as a * map. The keys of the map have to match initialization properties of the * {@code ImmutableConfiguration} object to be created, the values are the corresponding * property values. For instance, the key <em>throwExceptionOnMissing</em> in * the map will cause the method {@code setThrowExceptionOnMissing()} on the * {@code ImmutableConfiguration} object to be called with the corresponding value as * parameter.</li> * </ul> * <p> * A builder instance can be constructed with an <em>allowFailOnInit</em> * flag. If set to <strong>true</strong>, exceptions during initialization * of the configuration are ignored; in such a case an empty configuration * object is returned. A use case for this flag is a scenario in which a * configuration is optional and created on demand the first time configuration * data is to be stored. Consider an application that stores user-specific * configuration data in the user's home directory: When started for the first * time by a new user there is no configuration file; so it makes sense to * start with an empty configuration object. On application exit, settings * can be stored in this object and written to the associated file. Then they * are available on next application start. * </p> * <p> * This class is thread-safe. Multiple threads can modify initialization * properties and call {@code getConfiguration()}. However, the intended use * case is that the builder is configured by a single thread first. Then * {@code getConfiguration()} can be called concurrently, and it is guaranteed * that always the same {@code ImmutableConfiguration} instance is returned until the * builder is reset. * </p> * * @since 2.0 * @param <T> the concrete type of {@code ImmutableConfiguration} objects created by this * builder */
public class BasicConfigurationBuilder<T extends ImmutableConfiguration> implements ConfigurationBuilder<T> {
The class of the objects produced by this builder instance.
/** The class of the objects produced by this builder instance. */
private final Class<? extends T> resultClass;
An object managing the event listeners registered at this builder.
/** An object managing the event listeners registered at this builder. */
private final EventListenerList eventListeners;
A flag whether exceptions on initializing configurations are allowed.
/** A flag whether exceptions on initializing configurations are allowed. */
private final boolean allowFailOnInit;
The map with current initialization parameters.
/** The map with current initialization parameters. */
private Map<String, Object> parameters;
The current bean declaration.
/** The current bean declaration. */
private BeanDeclaration resultDeclaration;
The result object of this builder.
/** The result object of this builder. */
private volatile T result;
Creates a new instance of BasicConfigurationBuilder and initializes it with the given result class. No initialization properties are set.
  • resCls – the result class (must not be null)
/** * Creates a new instance of {@code BasicConfigurationBuilder} and * initializes it with the given result class. No initialization properties * are set. * * @param resCls the result class (must not be <b>null</b>) * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the result class is <b>null</b> */
public BasicConfigurationBuilder(final Class<? extends T> resCls) { this(resCls, null); }
Creates a new instance of BasicConfigurationBuilder and initializes it with the given result class and an initial set of builder parameters. The allowFailOnInit flag is set to false.
  • resCls – the result class (must not be null)
  • params – a map with initialization parameters
/** * Creates a new instance of {@code BasicConfigurationBuilder} and * initializes it with the given result class and an initial set of builder * parameters. The <em>allowFailOnInit</em> flag is set to * <strong>false</strong>. * * @param resCls the result class (must not be <b>null</b>) * @param params a map with initialization parameters * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the result class is <b>null</b> */
public BasicConfigurationBuilder(final Class<? extends T> resCls, final Map<String, Object> params) { this(resCls, params, false); }
Creates a new instance of BasicConfigurationBuilder and initializes it with the given result class, an initial set of builder parameters, and the allowFailOnInit flag. The map with parameters may be null, in this case no initialization parameters are set.
  • resCls – the result class (must not be null)
  • params – a map with initialization parameters
  • allowFailOnInit – a flag whether exceptions on initializing a newly created ImmutableConfiguration object are allowed
/** * Creates a new instance of {@code BasicConfigurationBuilder} and * initializes it with the given result class, an initial set of builder * parameters, and the <em>allowFailOnInit</em> flag. The map with * parameters may be <b>null</b>, in this case no initialization parameters * are set. * * @param resCls the result class (must not be <b>null</b>) * @param params a map with initialization parameters * @param allowFailOnInit a flag whether exceptions on initializing a newly * created {@code ImmutableConfiguration} object are allowed * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the result class is <b>null</b> */
public BasicConfigurationBuilder(final Class<? extends T> resCls, final Map<String, Object> params, final boolean allowFailOnInit) { if (resCls == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Result class must not be null!"); } resultClass = resCls; this.allowFailOnInit = allowFailOnInit; eventListeners = new EventListenerList(); updateParameters(params); }
Returns the result class of this builder. The objects produced by this builder have the class returned here.
Returns:the result class of this builder
/** * Returns the result class of this builder. The objects produced by this * builder have the class returned here. * * @return the result class of this builder */
public Class<? extends T> getResultClass() { return resultClass; }
Returns the allowFailOnInit flag. See the header comment for information about this flag.
Returns:the allowFailOnInit flag
/** * Returns the <em>allowFailOnInit</em> flag. See the header comment for * information about this flag. * * @return the <em>allowFailOnInit</em> flag */
public boolean isAllowFailOnInit() { return allowFailOnInit; }
Sets the initialization parameters of this builder. Already existing parameters are replaced by the content of the given map.
  • params – the new initialization parameters of this builder; can be null, then all initialization parameters are removed
Returns:a reference to this builder for method chaining
/** * Sets the initialization parameters of this builder. Already existing * parameters are replaced by the content of the given map. * * @param params the new initialization parameters of this builder; can be * <b>null</b>, then all initialization parameters are removed * @return a reference to this builder for method chaining */
public synchronized BasicConfigurationBuilder<T> setParameters( final Map<String, Object> params) { updateParameters(params); return this; }
Adds the content of the given map to the already existing initialization parameters.
  • params – the map with additional initialization parameters; may be null, then this call has no effect
Returns:a reference to this builder for method chaining
/** * Adds the content of the given map to the already existing initialization * parameters. * * @param params the map with additional initialization parameters; may be * <b>null</b>, then this call has no effect * @return a reference to this builder for method chaining */
public synchronized BasicConfigurationBuilder<T> addParameters( final Map<String, Object> params) { final Map<String, Object> newParams = new HashMap<>(getParameters()); if (params != null) { newParams.putAll(params); } updateParameters(newParams); return this; }
Appends the content of the specified BuilderParameters objects to the current initialization parameters. Calling this method multiple times will create a union of the parameters provided.
  • params – an arbitrary number of objects with builder parameters
Returns:a reference to this builder for method chaining
/** * Appends the content of the specified {@code BuilderParameters} objects to * the current initialization parameters. Calling this method multiple times * will create a union of the parameters provided. * * @param params an arbitrary number of objects with builder parameters * @return a reference to this builder for method chaining * @throws NullPointerException if a <b>null</b> array is passed */
public BasicConfigurationBuilder<T> configure(final BuilderParameters... params) { final Map<String, Object> newParams = new HashMap<>(); for (final BuilderParameters p : params) { newParams.putAll(p.getParameters()); handleEventListenerProviders(p); } return setParameters(newParams); }
{@inheritDoc} This implementation creates the result configuration on first access. Later invocations return the same object until this builder is reset. The double-check idiom for lazy initialization is used (Bloch, Effective Java, item 71).
/** * {@inheritDoc} This implementation creates the result configuration on * first access. Later invocations return the same object until this builder * is reset. The double-check idiom for lazy initialization is used (Bloch, * Effective Java, item 71). */
@Override public T getConfiguration() throws ConfigurationException { fireBuilderEvent(new ConfigurationBuilderEvent(this, ConfigurationBuilderEvent.CONFIGURATION_REQUEST)); T resObj = result; boolean created = false; if (resObj == null) { synchronized (this) { resObj = result; if (resObj == null) { result = resObj = createResult(); created = true; } } } if (created) { fireBuilderEvent(new ConfigurationBuilderResultCreatedEvent(this, ConfigurationBuilderResultCreatedEvent.RESULT_CREATED, resObj)); } return resObj; }
{@inheritDoc} This implementation also takes care that the event listener is added to the managed configuration object.
/** * {@inheritDoc} This implementation also takes care that the event listener * is added to the managed configuration object. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the event type or the listener is * <b>null</b> */
@Override public <E extends Event> void addEventListener( final EventType<E> eventType, final EventListener<? super E> listener) { installEventListener(eventType, listener); }
{@inheritDoc} This implementation also takes care that the event listener is removed from the managed configuration object.
/** * {@inheritDoc} This implementation also takes care that the event listener * is removed from the managed configuration object. */
@Override public <E extends Event> boolean removeEventListener( final EventType<E> eventType, final EventListener<? super E> listener) { fetchEventSource().removeEventListener(eventType, listener); return eventListeners.removeEventListener(eventType, listener); }
Clears an existing result object. An invocation of this method causes a new ImmutableConfiguration object to be created the next time getConfiguration() is called.
/** * Clears an existing result object. An invocation of this method causes a * new {@code ImmutableConfiguration} object to be created the next time * {@link #getConfiguration()} is called. */
public void resetResult() { T oldResult; synchronized (this) { oldResult = result; result = null; resultDeclaration = null; } if (oldResult != null) { removeEventListeners(oldResult); } fireBuilderEvent(new ConfigurationBuilderEvent(this, ConfigurationBuilderEvent.RESET)); }
Removes all initialization parameters of this builder. This method can be called if this builder is to be reused for creating result objects with a different configuration.
/** * Removes all initialization parameters of this builder. This method can be * called if this builder is to be reused for creating result objects with a * different configuration. */
public void resetParameters() { setParameters(null); }
Resets this builder. This is a convenience method which combines calls to resetResult() and resetParameters().
/** * Resets this builder. This is a convenience method which combines calls to * {@link #resetResult()} and {@link #resetParameters()}. */
public synchronized void reset() { resetParameters(); resetResult(); }
Connects this builder with a ReloadingController. With this method support for reloading can be added to an arbitrary builder object. Event listeners are registered at the reloading controller and this builder with connect both objects:
  • When the reloading controller detects that a reload is required, the builder's resetResult() method is called; so the managed result object is invalidated.
  • When a new result object has been created the controller's reloading state is reset, so that new changes can be detected again.
  • controller – the ReloadingController to connect to (must not be null)
/** * Connects this builder with a {@code ReloadingController}. With this * method support for reloading can be added to an arbitrary builder object. * Event listeners are registered at the reloading controller and this * builder with connect both objects: * <ul> * <li>When the reloading controller detects that a reload is required, the * builder's {@link #resetResult()} method is called; so the managed result * object is invalidated.</li> * <li>When a new result object has been created the controller's reloading * state is reset, so that new changes can be detected again.</li> * </ul> * * @param controller the {@code ReloadingController} to connect to (must not * be <b>null</b>) * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the controller is <b>null</b> */
public final void connectToReloadingController( final ReloadingController controller) { if (controller == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "ReloadingController must not be null!"); } ReloadingBuilderSupportListener.connect(this, controller); }
Creates a new, initialized result object. This method is called by getConfiguration() if no valid result object exists. This base implementation performs two steps:
  • createResultInstance() is called to create a new, uninitialized result object.
  • initResultInstance() is called to process all initialization parameters.
It also evaluates the allowFailOnInit flag, i.e. if initialization causes an exception and this flag is set, the exception is ignored, and the newly created, uninitialized configuration is returned. Note that this method is called in a synchronized block.
Returns:the newly created result object
/** * Creates a new, initialized result object. This method is called by * {@code getConfiguration()} if no valid result object exists. This base * implementation performs two steps: * <ul> * <li>{@code createResultInstance()} is called to create a new, * uninitialized result object.</li> * <li>{@code initResultInstance()} is called to process all initialization * parameters.</li> * </ul> * It also evaluates the <em>allowFailOnInit</em> flag, i.e. if * initialization causes an exception and this flag is set, the exception is * ignored, and the newly created, uninitialized configuration is returned. * Note that this method is called in a synchronized block. * * @return the newly created result object * @throws ConfigurationException if an error occurs */
protected T createResult() throws ConfigurationException { final T resObj = createResultInstance(); try { initResultInstance(resObj); } catch (final ConfigurationException cex) { if (!isAllowFailOnInit()) { throw cex; } } return resObj; }
Creates the new, uninitialized result object. This is the first step of the process of producing a result object for this builder. This implementation uses the BeanHelper class to create a new object based on the BeanDeclaration returned by getResultDeclaration(). Note: This method is invoked in a synchronized block.
Returns:the newly created, yet uninitialized result object
/** * Creates the new, uninitialized result object. This is the first step of * the process of producing a result object for this builder. This * implementation uses the {@link BeanHelper} class to create a new object * based on the {@link BeanDeclaration} returned by * {@link #getResultDeclaration()}. Note: This method is invoked in a * synchronized block. * * @return the newly created, yet uninitialized result object * @throws ConfigurationException if an exception occurs */
protected T createResultInstance() throws ConfigurationException { final Object bean = fetchBeanHelper().createBean(getResultDeclaration()); checkResultInstance(bean); return getResultClass().cast(bean); }
Initializes a newly created result object. This is the second step of the process of producing a result object for this builder. This implementation uses the BeanHelper class to initialize the object's property based on the BeanDeclaration returned by getResultDeclaration(). Note: This method is invoked in a synchronized block. This is required because internal state is accessed. Sub classes must not call this method without proper synchronization.
  • obj – the object to be initialized
/** * Initializes a newly created result object. This is the second step of the * process of producing a result object for this builder. This * implementation uses the {@link BeanHelper} class to initialize the * object's property based on the {@link BeanDeclaration} returned by * {@link #getResultDeclaration()}. Note: This method is invoked in a * synchronized block. This is required because internal state is accessed. * Sub classes must not call this method without proper synchronization. * * @param obj the object to be initialized * @throws ConfigurationException if an error occurs */
protected void initResultInstance(final T obj) throws ConfigurationException { fetchBeanHelper().initBean(obj, getResultDeclaration()); registerEventListeners(obj); handleInitializable(obj); }
Returns the BeanDeclaration that is used to create and initialize result objects. The declaration is created on first access (by invoking createResultDeclaration(Map)) based on the current initialization parameters.
Returns:the BeanDeclaration for dynamically creating a result object
/** * Returns the {@code BeanDeclaration} that is used to create and initialize * result objects. The declaration is created on first access (by invoking * {@link #createResultDeclaration(Map)}) based on the current * initialization parameters. * * @return the {@code BeanDeclaration} for dynamically creating a result * object * @throws ConfigurationException if an error occurs */
protected final synchronized BeanDeclaration getResultDeclaration() throws ConfigurationException { if (resultDeclaration == null) { resultDeclaration = createResultDeclaration(getFilteredParameters()); } return resultDeclaration; }
Returns a (unmodifiable) map with the current initialization parameters set for this builder. The map is populated with the parameters set using the various configuration options.
Returns:a map with the current set of initialization parameters
/** * Returns a (unmodifiable) map with the current initialization parameters * set for this builder. The map is populated with the parameters set using * the various configuration options. * * @return a map with the current set of initialization parameters */
protected final synchronized Map<String, Object> getParameters() { if (parameters != null) { return parameters; } return Collections.emptyMap(); }
Obtains the BeanHelper object to be used when dealing with bean declarations. This method checks whether this builder was configured with a specific BeanHelper instance. If so, this instance is used. Otherwise, the default BeanHelper is returned.
Returns:the BeanHelper to be used
/** * Obtains the {@code BeanHelper} object to be used when dealing with bean * declarations. This method checks whether this builder was configured with * a specific {@code BeanHelper} instance. If so, this instance is used. * Otherwise, the default {@code BeanHelper} is returned. * * @return the {@code BeanHelper} to be used */
protected final BeanHelper fetchBeanHelper() { final BeanHelper helper = BasicBuilderParameters.fetchBeanHelper(getParameters()); return helper != null ? helper : BeanHelper.INSTANCE; }
Creates a new BeanDeclaration which is used for creating new result objects dynamically. This implementation creates a specialized BeanDeclaration object that is initialized from the given map of initialization parameters. The BeanDeclaration must be initialized with the result class of this builder, otherwise exceptions will be thrown when the result object is created. Note: This method is invoked in a synchronized block.
  • params – a snapshot of the current initialization parameters
Returns:the BeanDeclaration for creating result objects
/** * Creates a new {@code BeanDeclaration} which is used for creating new * result objects dynamically. This implementation creates a specialized * {@code BeanDeclaration} object that is initialized from the given map of * initialization parameters. The {@code BeanDeclaration} must be * initialized with the result class of this builder, otherwise exceptions * will be thrown when the result object is created. Note: This method is * invoked in a synchronized block. * * @param params a snapshot of the current initialization parameters * @return the {@code BeanDeclaration} for creating result objects * @throws ConfigurationException if an error occurs */
protected BeanDeclaration createResultDeclaration( final Map<String, Object> params) throws ConfigurationException { return new BeanDeclaration() { @Override public Map<String, Object> getNestedBeanDeclarations() { // no nested beans return Collections.emptyMap(); } @Override public Collection<ConstructorArg> getConstructorArgs() { // no constructor arguments return Collections.emptySet(); } @Override public Map<String, Object> getBeanProperties() { // the properties are equivalent to the parameters return params; } @Override public Object getBeanFactoryParameter() { return null; } @Override public String getBeanFactoryName() { return null; } @Override public String getBeanClassName() { return getResultClass().getName(); } }; }
Copies all EventListener objects registered at this builder to the specified target configuration builder. This method is intended to be used by derived classes which support inheritance of their properties to other builder objects.
  • target – the target configuration builder (must not be null)
/** * Copies all {@code EventListener} objects registered at this builder to * the specified target configuration builder. This method is intended to be * used by derived classes which support inheritance of their properties to * other builder objects. * * @param target the target configuration builder (must not be <b>null</b>) * @throws NullPointerException if the target builder is <b>null</b> */
protected synchronized void copyEventListeners( final BasicConfigurationBuilder<?> target) { copyEventListeners(target, eventListeners); }
Copies all event listeners in the specified list to the specified target configuration builder. This method is intended to be used by derived classes which have to deal with managed configuration builders that need to be initialized with event listeners.
  • target – the target configuration builder (must not be null)
  • listeners – the event listeners to be copied over
/** * Copies all event listeners in the specified list to the specified target * configuration builder. This method is intended to be used by derived * classes which have to deal with managed configuration builders that need * to be initialized with event listeners. * * @param target the target configuration builder (must not be <b>null</b>) * @param listeners the event listeners to be copied over * @throws NullPointerException if the target builder is <b>null</b> */
protected void copyEventListeners(final BasicConfigurationBuilder<?> target, final EventListenerList listeners) { target.eventListeners.addAll(listeners); }
Adds the specified event listener to this object. This method is called by addEventListener(), it does the actual listener registration. Because it is final it can be called by sub classes in the constructor if there is already the need to register an event listener.
  • eventType – the event type object
  • listener – the listener to be registered
Type parameters:
  • <E> – the event type
/** * Adds the specified event listener to this object. This method is called * by {@code addEventListener()}, it does the actual listener registration. * Because it is final it can be called by sub classes in the constructor if * there is already the need to register an event listener. * * @param eventType the event type object * @param listener the listener to be registered * @param <E> the event type */
protected final <E extends Event> void installEventListener( final EventType<E> eventType, final EventListener<? super E> listener) { fetchEventSource().addEventListener(eventType, listener); eventListeners.addEventListener(eventType, listener); }
Sends the specified builder event to all registered listeners.
  • event – the event to be fired
/** * Sends the specified builder event to all registered listeners. * * @param event the event to be fired */
protected void fireBuilderEvent(final ConfigurationBuilderEvent event) { eventListeners.fire(event); }
Replaces the current map with parameters by a new one.
  • newParams – the map with new parameters (may be null)
/** * Replaces the current map with parameters by a new one. * * @param newParams the map with new parameters (may be <b>null</b>) */
private void updateParameters(final Map<String, Object> newParams) { final Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(); if (newParams != null) { map.putAll(newParams); } parameters = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); }
Registers the available event listeners at the given object. This method is called for each result object created by the builder.
  • obj – the object to initialize
/** * Registers the available event listeners at the given object. This method * is called for each result object created by the builder. * * @param obj the object to initialize */
private void registerEventListeners(final T obj) { final EventSource evSrc = ConfigurationUtils.asEventSource(obj, true); for (final EventListenerRegistrationData<?> regData : eventListeners .getRegistrations()) { registerListener(evSrc, regData); } }
Removes all available event listeners from the given result object. This method is called when the result of this builder is reset. Then the old managed configuration should no longer generate events.
  • obj – the affected result object
/** * Removes all available event listeners from the given result object. This * method is called when the result of this builder is reset. Then the old * managed configuration should no longer generate events. * * @param obj the affected result object */
private void removeEventListeners(final T obj) { final EventSource evSrc = ConfigurationUtils.asEventSource(obj, true); for (final EventListenerRegistrationData<?> regData : eventListeners .getRegistrations()) { removeListener(evSrc, regData); } }
Returns an EventSource for the current result object. If there is no current result or if it does not extend EventSource, a dummy event source is returned.
Returns:the EventSource for the current result object
/** * Returns an {@code EventSource} for the current result object. If there is * no current result or if it does not extend {@code EventSource}, a dummy * event source is returned. * * @return the {@code EventSource} for the current result object */
private EventSource fetchEventSource() { return ConfigurationUtils.asEventSource(result, true); }
Checks whether the specified parameters object implements the EventListenerProvider interface. If so, the event listeners it provides are added to this builder.
  • params – the parameters object
/** * Checks whether the specified parameters object implements the * {@code EventListenerProvider} interface. If so, the event listeners it * provides are added to this builder. * * @param params the parameters object */
private void handleEventListenerProviders(final BuilderParameters params) { if (params instanceof EventListenerProvider) { eventListeners.addAll(((EventListenerProvider) params) .getListeners()); } }
Checks whether the class of the result configuration is compatible with this builder's result class. This is done to ensure that only objects of the expected result class are created.
  • inst – the result instance to be checked
/** * Checks whether the class of the result configuration is compatible with * this builder's result class. This is done to ensure that only objects of * the expected result class are created. * * @param inst the result instance to be checked * @throws ConfigurationRuntimeException if an invalid result class is * detected */
private void checkResultInstance(final Object inst) { if (!getResultClass().isInstance(inst)) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException( "Incompatible result object: " + inst); } }
Returns a map with initialization parameters where all parameters starting with the reserved prefix have been filtered out.
Returns:the filtered parameters map
/** * Returns a map with initialization parameters where all parameters * starting with the reserved prefix have been filtered out. * * @return the filtered parameters map */
private Map<String, Object> getFilteredParameters() { final Map<String, Object> filteredMap = new HashMap<>(getParameters()); for (final Iterator<String> it = filteredMap.keySet().iterator(); it .hasNext();) { final String key = it.next(); if (key.startsWith(BuilderParameters.RESERVED_PARAMETER_PREFIX)) { it.remove(); } } return filteredMap; }
Performs special initialization of the result object. This method is called after parameters have been set on a newly created result instance. If supported by the result class, the initialize() method is now called.
  • obj – the newly created result object
/** * Performs special initialization of the result object. This method is * called after parameters have been set on a newly created result instance. * If supported by the result class, the {@code initialize()} method is now * called. * * @param obj the newly created result object */
private void handleInitializable(final T obj) { if (obj instanceof Initializable) { ((Initializable) obj).initialize(); } }
Registers an event listener at an event source object.
  • evSrc – the event source
  • regData – the registration data object
Type parameters:
  • <E> – the type of the event listener
/** * Registers an event listener at an event source object. * * @param evSrc the event source * @param regData the registration data object * @param <E> the type of the event listener */
private static <E extends Event> void registerListener(final EventSource evSrc, final EventListenerRegistrationData<E> regData) { evSrc.addEventListener(regData.getEventType(), regData.getListener()); }
Removes an event listener from an event source object.
  • evSrc – the event source
  • regData – the registration data object
Type parameters:
  • <E> – the type of the event listener
/** * Removes an event listener from an event source object. * * @param evSrc the event source * @param regData the registration data object * @param <E> the type of the event listener */
private static <E extends Event> void removeListener(final EventSource evSrc, final EventListenerRegistrationData<E> regData) { evSrc.removeEventListener(regData.getEventType(), regData.getListener()); } }