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package org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.cpio;

All constants needed by CPIO. based on code from the jRPM project (jrpm.sourceforge.net)
/** * All constants needed by CPIO. * * based on code from the jRPM project (jrpm.sourceforge.net) * */
public interface CpioConstants {
magic number of a cpio entry in the new format
/** magic number of a cpio entry in the new format */
String MAGIC_NEW = "070701";
magic number of a cpio entry in the new format with crc
/** magic number of a cpio entry in the new format with crc */
String MAGIC_NEW_CRC = "070702";
magic number of a cpio entry in the old ascii format
/** magic number of a cpio entry in the old ascii format */
String MAGIC_OLD_ASCII = "070707";
magic number of a cpio entry in the old binary format
/** magic number of a cpio entry in the old binary format */
int MAGIC_OLD_BINARY = 070707; // These FORMAT_ constants are internal to the code
write/read a CpioArchiveEntry in the new format
/** write/read a CpioArchiveEntry in the new format */
short FORMAT_NEW = 1;
write/read a CpioArchiveEntry in the new format with crc
/** write/read a CpioArchiveEntry in the new format with crc */
short FORMAT_NEW_CRC = 2;
write/read a CpioArchiveEntry in the old ascii format
/** write/read a CpioArchiveEntry in the old ascii format */
write/read a CpioArchiveEntry in the old binary format
/** write/read a CpioArchiveEntry in the old binary format */
Mask for both new formats
/** Mask for both new formats */
short FORMAT_NEW_MASK = 3;
Mask for both old formats
/** Mask for both old formats */
short FORMAT_OLD_MASK = 12; /* * Constants for the MODE bits */
Mask for all file type bits.
/** Mask for all file type bits. */
int S_IFMT = 0170000; // http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/cpio.h.html // has a list of the C_xxx constatnts
Defines a socket
/** Defines a socket */
int C_ISSOCK = 0140000;
Defines a symbolic link
/** Defines a symbolic link */
int C_ISLNK = 0120000;
HP/UX network special (C_ISCTG)
/** HP/UX network special (C_ISCTG) */
int C_ISNWK = 0110000;
Defines a regular file
/** Defines a regular file */
int C_ISREG = 0100000;
Defines a block device
/** Defines a block device */
int C_ISBLK = 0060000;
Defines a directory
/** Defines a directory */
int C_ISDIR = 0040000;
Defines a character device
/** Defines a character device */
int C_ISCHR = 0020000;
Defines a pipe
/** Defines a pipe */
int C_ISFIFO = 0010000;
Set user ID
/** Set user ID */
int C_ISUID = 0004000;
Set group ID
/** Set group ID */
int C_ISGID = 0002000;
On directories, restricted deletion flag.
/** On directories, restricted deletion flag. */
int C_ISVTX = 0001000;
Permits the owner of a file to read the file
/** Permits the owner of a file to read the file */
int C_IRUSR = 0000400;
Permits the owner of a file to write to the file
/** Permits the owner of a file to write to the file */
int C_IWUSR = 0000200;
Permits the owner of a file to execute the file or to search the directory
/** Permits the owner of a file to execute the file or to search the directory */
int C_IXUSR = 0000100;
Permits a file's group to read the file
/** Permits a file's group to read the file */
int C_IRGRP = 0000040;
Permits a file's group to write to the file
/** Permits a file's group to write to the file */
int C_IWGRP = 0000020;
Permits a file's group to execute the file or to search the directory
/** Permits a file's group to execute the file or to search the directory */
int C_IXGRP = 0000010;
Permits others to read the file
/** Permits others to read the file */
int C_IROTH = 0000004;
Permits others to write to the file
/** Permits others to write to the file */
int C_IWOTH = 0000002;
Permits others to execute the file or to search the directory
/** Permits others to execute the file or to search the directory */
int C_IXOTH = 0000001;
The special trailer marker
/** The special trailer marker */
The default block size.
/** * The default block size. * * @since 1.1 */
int BLOCK_SIZE = 512; }