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package org.apache.cassandra.hints;

import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;

import org.apache.cassandra.config.Config;
import org.apache.cassandra.net.MessagingService;
import sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer;

A primitive pool of HintsBuffer buffers. Under normal conditions should only hold two buffers - the currently written to one, and a reserve buffer to switch to when the first one is beyond capacity.
/** * A primitive pool of {@link HintsBuffer} buffers. Under normal conditions should only hold two buffers - the currently * written to one, and a reserve buffer to switch to when the first one is beyond capacity. */
final class HintsBufferPool implements Closeable { interface FlushCallback { void flush(HintsBuffer buffer, HintsBufferPool pool); } static final int MAX_ALLOCATED_BUFFERS = Integer.getInteger(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "MAX_HINT_BUFFERS", 3); private volatile HintsBuffer currentBuffer; private final BlockingQueue<HintsBuffer> reserveBuffers; private final int bufferSize; private final FlushCallback flushCallback; private int allocatedBuffers = 0; HintsBufferPool(int bufferSize, FlushCallback flushCallback) { reserveBuffers = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); this.bufferSize = bufferSize; this.flushCallback = flushCallback; }
  • hostIds – host ids of the hint's target nodes
  • hint – the hint to store
/** * @param hostIds host ids of the hint's target nodes * @param hint the hint to store */
void write(Iterable<UUID> hostIds, Hint hint) { int hintSize = (int) Hint.serializer.serializedSize(hint, MessagingService.current_version); try (HintsBuffer.Allocation allocation = allocate(hintSize)) { allocation.write(hostIds, hint); } } private HintsBuffer.Allocation allocate(int hintSize) { HintsBuffer current = currentBuffer(); while (true) { HintsBuffer.Allocation allocation = current.allocate(hintSize); if (allocation != null) return allocation; // allocation failed due to insufficient size remaining in the buffer if (switchCurrentBuffer(current)) flushCallback.flush(current, this); current = currentBuffer; } } void offer(HintsBuffer buffer) { if (!reserveBuffers.offer(buffer)) throw new RuntimeException("Failed to store buffer"); } // A wrapper to ensure a non-null currentBuffer value on the first call. HintsBuffer currentBuffer() { if (currentBuffer == null) initializeCurrentBuffer(); return currentBuffer; } private synchronized void initializeCurrentBuffer() { if (currentBuffer == null) currentBuffer = createBuffer(); } private synchronized boolean switchCurrentBuffer(HintsBuffer previous) { if (currentBuffer != previous) return false; HintsBuffer buffer = reserveBuffers.poll(); if (buffer == null && allocatedBuffers >= MAX_ALLOCATED_BUFFERS) { try { //This BlockingQueue.take is a target for byteman in HintsBufferPoolTest buffer = reserveBuffers.take(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } currentBuffer = buffer == null ? createBuffer() : buffer; return true; } private HintsBuffer createBuffer() { allocatedBuffers++; return HintsBuffer.create(bufferSize); } public void close() { currentBuffer.free(); } }