 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.cql3;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.datastax.driver.core.*;
import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.*;

import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.CompositeType;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.IPartitioner;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Token;
import org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.ConfigHelper;
import org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.HadoopCompat;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordWriter;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable;

import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toMap;

The CqlRecordWriter maps the output <key, value> pairs to a Cassandra table. In particular, it applies the binded variables in the value to the prepared statement, which it associates with the key, and in turn the responsible endpoint.

Furthermore, this writer groups the cql queries by the endpoint responsible for the rows being affected. This allows the cql queries to be executed in parallel, directly to a responsible endpoint.

See Also:
  • CqlOutputFormat
/** * The <code>CqlRecordWriter</code> maps the output &lt;key, value&gt; * pairs to a Cassandra table. In particular, it applies the binded variables * in the value to the prepared statement, which it associates with the key, and in * turn the responsible endpoint. * * <p> * Furthermore, this writer groups the cql queries by the endpoint responsible for * the rows being affected. This allows the cql queries to be executed in parallel, * directly to a responsible endpoint. * </p> * * @see CqlOutputFormat */
class CqlRecordWriter extends RecordWriter<Map<String, ByteBuffer>, List<ByteBuffer>> implements org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RecordWriter<Map<String, ByteBuffer>, List<ByteBuffer>>, AutoCloseable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CqlRecordWriter.class); // The configuration this writer is associated with. protected final Configuration conf; // The number of mutations to buffer per endpoint protected final int queueSize; protected final long batchThreshold; protected Progressable progressable; protected TaskAttemptContext context; // The ring cache that describes the token ranges each node in the ring is // responsible for. This is what allows us to group the mutations by // the endpoints they should be targeted at. The targeted endpoint // essentially // acts as the primary replica for the rows being affected by the mutations. private final NativeRingCache ringCache; // handles for clients for each range running in the threadpool protected final Map<InetAddress, RangeClient> clients; // host to prepared statement id mappings protected final ConcurrentHashMap<Session, PreparedStatement> preparedStatements = new ConcurrentHashMap<Session, PreparedStatement>(); protected final String cql; protected List<ColumnMetadata> partitionKeyColumns; protected List<ColumnMetadata> clusterColumns;
Upon construction, obtain the map that this writer will use to collect mutations, and the ring cache for the given keyspace.
  • context – the task attempt context
/** * Upon construction, obtain the map that this writer will use to collect * mutations, and the ring cache for the given keyspace. * * @param context the task attempt context * @throws IOException */
CqlRecordWriter(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException { this(HadoopCompat.getConfiguration(context)); this.context = context; } CqlRecordWriter(Configuration conf, Progressable progressable) { this(conf); this.progressable = progressable; } CqlRecordWriter(Configuration conf) { this.conf = conf; this.queueSize = conf.getInt(CqlOutputFormat.QUEUE_SIZE, 32 * FBUtilities.getAvailableProcessors()); batchThreshold = conf.getLong(CqlOutputFormat.BATCH_THRESHOLD, 32); this.clients = new HashMap<>(); String keyspace = ConfigHelper.getOutputKeyspace(conf); try (Cluster cluster = CqlConfigHelper.getOutputCluster(ConfigHelper.getOutputInitialAddress(conf), conf)) { Metadata metadata = cluster.getMetadata(); ringCache = new NativeRingCache(conf, metadata); TableMetadata tableMetadata = metadata.getKeyspace(Metadata.quote(keyspace)).getTable(ConfigHelper.getOutputColumnFamily(conf)); clusterColumns = tableMetadata.getClusteringColumns(); partitionKeyColumns = tableMetadata.getPartitionKey(); String cqlQuery = CqlConfigHelper.getOutputCql(conf).trim(); if (cqlQuery.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("insert")) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("INSERT with CqlRecordWriter is not supported, please use UPDATE/DELETE statement"); cql = appendKeyWhereClauses(cqlQuery); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
Close this RecordWriter to future operations, but not before flushing out the batched mutations.
  • context – the context of the task
/** * Close this <code>RecordWriter</code> to future operations, but not before * flushing out the batched mutations. * * @param context the context of the task * @throws IOException */
public void close(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { close(); }
Fills the deprecated RecordWriter interface for streaming.
/** Fills the deprecated RecordWriter interface for streaming. */
@Deprecated public void close(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter reporter) throws IOException { close(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { // close all the clients before throwing anything IOException clientException = null; for (RangeClient client : clients.values()) { try { client.close(); } catch (IOException e) { clientException = e; } } if (clientException != null) throw clientException; }
If the key is to be associated with a valid value, a mutation is created for it with the given table and columns. In the event the value in the column is missing (i.e., null), then it is marked for Deletion. Similarly, if the entire value for a key is missing (i.e., null), then the entire key is marked for Deletion.

  • keyColumns – the key to write.
  • values – the values to write.
/** * If the key is to be associated with a valid value, a mutation is created * for it with the given table and columns. In the event the value * in the column is missing (i.e., null), then it is marked for * {@link Deletion}. Similarly, if the entire value for a key is missing * (i.e., null), then the entire key is marked for {@link Deletion}. * </p> * * @param keyColumns * the key to write. * @param values * the values to write. * @throws IOException */
@Override public void write(Map<String, ByteBuffer> keyColumns, List<ByteBuffer> values) throws IOException { TokenRange range = ringCache.getRange(getPartitionKey(keyColumns)); // get the client for the given range, or create a new one final InetAddress address = ringCache.getEndpoints(range).get(0); RangeClient client = clients.get(address); if (client == null) { // haven't seen keys for this range: create new client client = new RangeClient(ringCache.getEndpoints(range)); client.start(); clients.put(address, client); } // add primary key columns to the bind variables List<ByteBuffer> allValues = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(values); for (ColumnMetadata column : partitionKeyColumns) allValues.add(keyColumns.get(column.getName())); for (ColumnMetadata column : clusterColumns) allValues.add(keyColumns.get(column.getName())); client.put(allValues); if (progressable != null) progressable.progress(); if (context != null) HadoopCompat.progress(context); } private static void closeSession(Session session) { //Close the session to satisfy to avoid warnings for the resource not being closed try { if (session != null) session.getCluster().closeAsync(); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn("Error closing connection", t); } }
A client that runs in a threadpool and connects to the list of endpoints for a particular range. Bound variables for keys in that range are sent to this client via a queue.
/** * A client that runs in a threadpool and connects to the list of endpoints for a particular * range. Bound variables for keys in that range are sent to this client via a queue. */
public class RangeClient extends Thread { // The list of endpoints for this range protected final List<InetAddress> endpoints; protected Cluster cluster = null; // A bounded queue of incoming mutations for this range protected final BlockingQueue<List<ByteBuffer>> queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<List<ByteBuffer>>(queueSize); protected volatile boolean run = true; // we want the caller to know if something went wrong, so we record any unrecoverable exception while writing // so we can throw it on the caller's stack when he calls put() again, or if there are no more put calls, // when the client is closed. protected volatile IOException lastException;
Constructs an RangeClient for the given endpoints.
  • endpoints – the possible endpoints to execute the mutations on
/** * Constructs an {@link RangeClient} for the given endpoints. * @param endpoints the possible endpoints to execute the mutations on */
public RangeClient(List<InetAddress> endpoints) { super("client-" + endpoints); this.endpoints = endpoints; }
enqueues the given value to Cassandra
/** * enqueues the given value to Cassandra */
public void put(List<ByteBuffer> value) throws IOException { while (true) { if (lastException != null) throw lastException; try { if (queue.offer(value, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) break; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } } }
Loops collecting cql binded variable values from the queue and sending to Cassandra
/** * Loops collecting cql binded variable values from the queue and sending to Cassandra */
@SuppressWarnings("resource") public void run() { Session session = null; try { outer: while (run || !queue.isEmpty()) { List<ByteBuffer> bindVariables; try { bindVariables = queue.take(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // re-check loop condition after interrupt continue; } ListIterator<InetAddress> iter = endpoints.listIterator(); while (true) { // send the mutation to the last-used endpoint. first time through, this will NPE harmlessly. if (session != null) { try { int i = 0; PreparedStatement statement = preparedStatement(session); while (bindVariables != null) { BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(statement); for (int columnPosition = 0; columnPosition < bindVariables.size(); columnPosition++) { boundStatement.setBytesUnsafe(columnPosition, bindVariables.get(columnPosition)); } session.execute(boundStatement); i++; if (i >= batchThreshold) break; bindVariables = queue.poll(); } break; } catch (Exception e) { closeInternal(); if (!iter.hasNext()) { lastException = new IOException(e); break outer; } } } // attempt to connect to a different endpoint try { InetAddress address = iter.next(); String host = address.getHostName(); cluster = CqlConfigHelper.getOutputCluster(host, conf); closeSession(session); session = cluster.connect(); } catch (Exception e) { //If connection died due to Interrupt, just try connecting to the endpoint again. //There are too many ways for the Thread.interrupted() state to be cleared, so //we can't rely on that here. Until the java driver gives us a better way of knowing //that this exception came from an InterruptedException, this is the best solution. if (canRetryDriverConnection(e)) { iter.previous(); } closeInternal(); // Most exceptions mean something unexpected went wrong to that endpoint, so // we should try again to another. Other exceptions (auth or invalid request) are fatal. if ((e instanceof AuthenticationException || e instanceof InvalidQueryException) || !iter.hasNext()) { lastException = new IOException(e); break outer; } } } } } finally { closeSession(session); // close all our connections once we are done. closeInternal(); } }
get prepared statement id from cache, otherwise prepare it from Cassandra server
/** get prepared statement id from cache, otherwise prepare it from Cassandra server*/
private PreparedStatement preparedStatement(Session client) { PreparedStatement statement = preparedStatements.get(client); if (statement == null) { PreparedStatement result; try { result = client.prepare(cql); } catch (NoHostAvailableException e) { throw new RuntimeException("failed to prepare cql query " + cql, e); } PreparedStatement previousId = preparedStatements.putIfAbsent(client, result); statement = previousId == null ? result : previousId; } return statement; } public void close() throws IOException { // stop the run loop. this will result in closeInternal being called by the time join() finishes. run = false; interrupt(); try { this.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } if (lastException != null) throw lastException; } protected void closeInternal() { if (cluster != null) { cluster.close(); } } private boolean canRetryDriverConnection(Exception e) { if (e instanceof DriverException && e.getMessage().contains("Connection thread interrupted")) return true; if (e instanceof NoHostAvailableException) { if (((NoHostAvailableException) e).getErrors().values().size() == 1) { Throwable cause = ((NoHostAvailableException) e).getErrors().values().iterator().next(); if (cause != null && cause.getCause() instanceof java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException) { return true; } } } return false; } } private ByteBuffer getPartitionKey(Map<String, ByteBuffer> keyColumns) { ByteBuffer partitionKey; if (partitionKeyColumns.size() > 1) { ByteBuffer[] keys = new ByteBuffer[partitionKeyColumns.size()]; for (int i = 0; i< keys.length; i++) keys[i] = keyColumns.get(partitionKeyColumns.get(i).getName()); partitionKey = CompositeType.build(keys); } else { partitionKey = keyColumns.get(partitionKeyColumns.get(0).getName()); } return partitionKey; }
add where clauses for partition keys and cluster columns
/** * add where clauses for partition keys and cluster columns */
private String appendKeyWhereClauses(String cqlQuery) { String keyWhereClause = ""; for (ColumnMetadata partitionKey : partitionKeyColumns) keyWhereClause += String.format("%s = ?", keyWhereClause.isEmpty() ? quote(partitionKey.getName()) : (" AND " + quote(partitionKey.getName()))); for (ColumnMetadata clusterColumn : clusterColumns) keyWhereClause += " AND " + quote(clusterColumn.getName()) + " = ?"; return cqlQuery + " WHERE " + keyWhereClause; }
Quoting for working with uppercase
/** Quoting for working with uppercase */
private String quote(String identifier) { return "\"" + identifier.replaceAll("\"", "\"\"") + "\""; } static class NativeRingCache { private final Map<TokenRange, Set<Host>> rangeMap; private final Metadata metadata; private final IPartitioner partitioner; public NativeRingCache(Configuration conf, Metadata metadata) { this.partitioner = ConfigHelper.getOutputPartitioner(conf); this.metadata = metadata; String keyspace = ConfigHelper.getOutputKeyspace(conf); this.rangeMap = metadata.getTokenRanges() .stream() .collect(toMap(p -> p, p -> metadata.getReplicas('"' + keyspace + '"', p))); } public TokenRange getRange(ByteBuffer key) { Token t = partitioner.getToken(key); com.datastax.driver.core.Token driverToken = metadata.newToken(partitioner.getTokenFactory().toString(t)); for (TokenRange range : rangeMap.keySet()) { if (range.contains(driverToken)) { return range; } } throw new RuntimeException("Invalid token information returned by describe_ring: " + rangeMap); } public List<InetAddress> getEndpoints(TokenRange range) { Set<Host> hostSet = rangeMap.get(range); List<InetAddress> addresses = new ArrayList<>(hostSet.size()); for (Host host: hostSet) { addresses.add(host.getAddress()); } return addresses; } } }