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package org.apache.cassandra.db.rows;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.util.Objects;

import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.DeletionPurger;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.TypeSizes;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.context.CounterContext;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.CollectionType;
import org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MarshalException;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.memory.AbstractAllocator;

Base abstract class for Cell implementations. Unless you have a very good reason not to, every cell implementation should probably extend this class.
/** * Base abstract class for {@code Cell} implementations. * * Unless you have a very good reason not to, every cell implementation * should probably extend this class. */
public abstract class AbstractCell extends Cell { protected AbstractCell(ColumnDefinition column) { super(column); } public boolean isCounterCell() { return !isTombstone() && column.isCounterColumn(); } public boolean isLive(int nowInSec) { return localDeletionTime() == NO_DELETION_TIME || (ttl() != NO_TTL && nowInSec < localDeletionTime()); } public boolean isTombstone() { return localDeletionTime() != NO_DELETION_TIME && ttl() == NO_TTL; } public boolean isExpiring() { return ttl() != NO_TTL; } public Cell markCounterLocalToBeCleared() { if (!isCounterCell()) return this; ByteBuffer value = value(); ByteBuffer marked = CounterContext.instance().markLocalToBeCleared(value); return marked == value ? this : new BufferCell(column, timestamp(), ttl(), localDeletionTime(), marked, path()); } public Cell purge(DeletionPurger purger, int nowInSec) { if (!isLive(nowInSec)) { if (purger.shouldPurge(timestamp(), localDeletionTime())) return null; // We slightly hijack purging to convert expired but not purgeable columns to tombstones. The reason we do that is // that once a column has expired it is equivalent to a tombstone but actually using a tombstone is more compact since // we don't keep the column value. The reason we do it here is that 1) it's somewhat related to dealing with tombstones // so hopefully not too surprising and 2) we want to this and purging at the same places, so it's simpler/more efficient // to do both here. if (isExpiring()) { // Note that as long as the expiring column and the tombstone put together live longer than GC grace seconds, // we'll fulfil our responsibility to repair. See discussion at // http://cassandra-user-incubator-apache-org.3065146.n2.nabble.com/repair-compaction-and-tombstone-rows-td7583481.html return BufferCell.tombstone(column, timestamp(), localDeletionTime() - ttl(), path()).purge(purger, nowInSec); } } return this; } public Cell copy(AbstractAllocator allocator) { CellPath path = path(); return new BufferCell(column, timestamp(), ttl(), localDeletionTime(), allocator.clone(value()), path == null ? null : path.copy(allocator)); } // note: while the cell returned may be different, the value is the same, so if the value is offheap it must be referenced inside a guarded context (or copied) public Cell updateAllTimestamp(long newTimestamp) { return new BufferCell(column, isTombstone() ? newTimestamp - 1 : newTimestamp, ttl(), localDeletionTime(), value(), path()); } public int dataSize() { CellPath path = path(); return TypeSizes.sizeof(timestamp()) + TypeSizes.sizeof(ttl()) + TypeSizes.sizeof(localDeletionTime()) + value().remaining() + (path == null ? 0 : path.dataSize()); } public void digest(MessageDigest digest) { if (isCounterCell()) { CounterContext.instance().updateDigest(digest, value()); } else { digest.update(value().duplicate()); } FBUtilities.updateWithLong(digest, timestamp()); FBUtilities.updateWithInt(digest, ttl()); FBUtilities.updateWithBoolean(digest, isCounterCell()); if (path() != null) path().digest(digest); } public void validate() { if (ttl() < 0) throw new MarshalException("A TTL should not be negative"); if (localDeletionTime() < 0) throw new MarshalException("A local deletion time should not be negative"); if (isExpiring() && localDeletionTime() == NO_DELETION_TIME) throw new MarshalException("Shoud not have a TTL without an associated local deletion time"); // non-frozen UDTs require both the cell path & value to validate, // so that logic is pushed down into ColumnDefinition. Tombstone // validation is done there too as it also involves the cell path // for complex columns column().validateCell(this); } public long maxTimestamp() { return timestamp(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) return true; if(!(other instanceof Cell)) return false; Cell that = (Cell)other; return this.column().equals(that.column()) && this.isCounterCell() == that.isCounterCell() && this.timestamp() == that.timestamp() && this.ttl() == that.ttl() && this.localDeletionTime() == that.localDeletionTime() && Objects.equals(this.value(), that.value()) && Objects.equals(this.path(), that.path()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(column(), isCounterCell(), timestamp(), ttl(), localDeletionTime(), value(), path()); } @Override public String toString() { if (isCounterCell()) return String.format("[%s=%d ts=%d]", column().name, CounterContext.instance().total(value()), timestamp()); AbstractType<?> type = column().type; if (type instanceof CollectionType && type.isMultiCell()) { CollectionType ct = (CollectionType)type; return String.format("[%s[%s]=%s %s]", column().name, ct.nameComparator().getString(path().get(0)), ct.valueComparator().getString(value()), livenessInfoString()); } if (isTombstone()) return String.format("[%s=<tombstone> %s]", column().name, livenessInfoString()); else return String.format("[%s=%s %s]", column().name, type.getString(value()), livenessInfoString()); } private String livenessInfoString() { if (isExpiring()) return String.format("ts=%d ttl=%d ldt=%d", timestamp(), ttl(), localDeletionTime()); else if (isTombstone()) return String.format("ts=%d ldt=%d", timestamp(), localDeletionTime()); else return String.format("ts=%d", timestamp()); } }