 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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package org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.base.Predicate;
import com.google.common.collect.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.LifecycleTransaction;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.SSTableSet;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.SSTableReader;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.CompactionParams;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode;
import org.codehaus.jackson.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ObjectNode;

import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.filter;

Deprecated:in favour of TimeWindowCompactionStrategy
/** * @deprecated in favour of {@link TimeWindowCompactionStrategy} */
@Deprecated public class DateTieredCompactionStrategy extends AbstractCompactionStrategy { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DateTieredCompactionStrategy.class); private final DateTieredCompactionStrategyOptions options; protected volatile int estimatedRemainingTasks; private final Set<SSTableReader> sstables = new HashSet<>(); private long lastExpiredCheck; private final SizeTieredCompactionStrategyOptions stcsOptions; public DateTieredCompactionStrategy(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Map<String, String> options) { super(cfs, options); this.estimatedRemainingTasks = 0; this.options = new DateTieredCompactionStrategyOptions(options); if (!options.containsKey(AbstractCompactionStrategy.TOMBSTONE_COMPACTION_INTERVAL_OPTION) && !options.containsKey(AbstractCompactionStrategy.TOMBSTONE_THRESHOLD_OPTION)) { disableTombstoneCompactions = true; logger.trace("Disabling tombstone compactions for DTCS"); } else logger.trace("Enabling tombstone compactions for DTCS"); this.stcsOptions = new SizeTieredCompactionStrategyOptions(options); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("resource") public AbstractCompactionTask getNextBackgroundTask(int gcBefore) { List<SSTableReader> previousCandidate = null; while (true) { List<SSTableReader> latestBucket = getNextBackgroundSSTables(gcBefore); if (latestBucket.isEmpty()) return null; // Already tried acquiring references without success. It means there is a race with // the tracker but candidate SSTables were not yet replaced in the compaction strategy manager if (latestBucket.equals(previousCandidate)) { logger.warn("Could not acquire references for compacting SSTables {} which is not a problem per se," + "unless it happens frequently, in which case it must be reported. Will retry later.", latestBucket); return null; } LifecycleTransaction modifier = cfs.getTracker().tryModify(latestBucket, OperationType.COMPACTION); if (modifier != null) return new CompactionTask(cfs, modifier, gcBefore); previousCandidate = latestBucket; } }
  • gcBefore –
/** * * @param gcBefore * @return */
private synchronized List<SSTableReader> getNextBackgroundSSTables(final int gcBefore) { Set<SSTableReader> uncompacting; synchronized (sstables) { if (sstables.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList(); uncompacting = ImmutableSet.copyOf(filter(cfs.getUncompactingSSTables(), sstables::contains)); } Set<SSTableReader> expired = Collections.emptySet(); // we only check for expired sstables every 10 minutes (by default) due to it being an expensive operation if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastExpiredCheck > options.expiredSSTableCheckFrequency) { // Find fully expired SSTables. Those will be included no matter what. expired = CompactionController.getFullyExpiredSSTables(cfs, uncompacting, cfs.getOverlappingLiveSSTables(uncompacting), gcBefore); lastExpiredCheck = System.currentTimeMillis(); } Set<SSTableReader> candidates = Sets.newHashSet(filterSuspectSSTables(uncompacting)); List<SSTableReader> compactionCandidates = new ArrayList<>(getNextNonExpiredSSTables(Sets.difference(candidates, expired), gcBefore)); if (!expired.isEmpty()) { logger.trace("Including expired sstables: {}", expired); compactionCandidates.addAll(expired); } return compactionCandidates; } private List<SSTableReader> getNextNonExpiredSSTables(Iterable<SSTableReader> nonExpiringSSTables, final int gcBefore) { int base = cfs.getMinimumCompactionThreshold(); long now = getNow(); List<SSTableReader> mostInteresting = getCompactionCandidates(nonExpiringSSTables, now, base); if (mostInteresting != null) { return mostInteresting; } // if there is no sstable to compact in standard way, try compacting single sstable whose droppable tombstone // ratio is greater than threshold. List<SSTableReader> sstablesWithTombstones = Lists.newArrayList(); for (SSTableReader sstable : nonExpiringSSTables) { if (worthDroppingTombstones(sstable, gcBefore)) sstablesWithTombstones.add(sstable); } if (sstablesWithTombstones.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList(); return Collections.singletonList(Collections.min(sstablesWithTombstones, SSTableReader.sizeComparator)); } private List<SSTableReader> getCompactionCandidates(Iterable<SSTableReader> candidateSSTables, long now, int base) { Iterable<SSTableReader> candidates = filterOldSSTables(Lists.newArrayList(candidateSSTables), options.maxSSTableAge, now); List<List<SSTableReader>> buckets = getBuckets(createSSTableAndMinTimestampPairs(candidates), options.baseTime, base, now, options.maxWindowSize); logger.debug("Compaction buckets are {}", buckets); updateEstimatedCompactionsByTasks(buckets); List<SSTableReader> mostInteresting = newestBucket(buckets, cfs.getMinimumCompactionThreshold(), cfs.getMaximumCompactionThreshold(), now, options.baseTime, options.maxWindowSize, stcsOptions); if (!mostInteresting.isEmpty()) return mostInteresting; return null; }
Gets the timestamp that DateTieredCompactionStrategy considers to be the "current time".
Returns:the maximum timestamp across all SSTables.
/** * Gets the timestamp that DateTieredCompactionStrategy considers to be the "current time". * @return the maximum timestamp across all SSTables. * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException if there are no SSTables. */
private long getNow() { // no need to convert to collection if had an Iterables.max(), but not present in standard toolkit, and not worth adding List<SSTableReader> list = new ArrayList<>(); Iterables.addAll(list, cfs.getSSTables(SSTableSet.LIVE)); if (list.isEmpty()) return 0; return Collections.max(list, (o1, o2) -> Long.compare(o1.getMaxTimestamp(), o2.getMaxTimestamp())) .getMaxTimestamp(); }
Removes all sstables with max timestamp older than maxSSTableAge.
  • sstables – all sstables to consider
  • maxSSTableAge – the age in milliseconds when an SSTable stops participating in compactions
  • now – current time. SSTables with max timestamp less than (now - maxSSTableAge) are filtered.
Returns:a list of sstables with the oldest sstables excluded
/** * Removes all sstables with max timestamp older than maxSSTableAge. * @param sstables all sstables to consider * @param maxSSTableAge the age in milliseconds when an SSTable stops participating in compactions * @param now current time. SSTables with max timestamp less than (now - maxSSTableAge) are filtered. * @return a list of sstables with the oldest sstables excluded */
@VisibleForTesting static Iterable<SSTableReader> filterOldSSTables(List<SSTableReader> sstables, long maxSSTableAge, long now) { if (maxSSTableAge == 0) return sstables; final long cutoff = now - maxSSTableAge; return filter(sstables, new Predicate<SSTableReader>() { @Override public boolean apply(SSTableReader sstable) { return sstable.getMaxTimestamp() >= cutoff; } }); } public static List<Pair<SSTableReader, Long>> createSSTableAndMinTimestampPairs(Iterable<SSTableReader> sstables) { List<Pair<SSTableReader, Long>> sstableMinTimestampPairs = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(Iterables.size(sstables)); for (SSTableReader sstable : sstables) sstableMinTimestampPairs.add(Pair.create(sstable, sstable.getMinTimestamp())); return sstableMinTimestampPairs; } @Override public synchronized void addSSTable(SSTableReader sstable) { sstables.add(sstable); } @Override public synchronized void removeSSTable(SSTableReader sstable) { sstables.remove(sstable); }
A target time span used for bucketing SSTables based on timestamps.
/** * A target time span used for bucketing SSTables based on timestamps. */
private static class Target { // How big a range of timestamps fit inside the target. public final long size; // A timestamp t hits the target iff t / size == divPosition. public final long divPosition; public final long maxWindowSize; public Target(long size, long divPosition, long maxWindowSize) { this.size = size; this.divPosition = divPosition; this.maxWindowSize = maxWindowSize; }
Compares the target to a timestamp.
  • timestamp – the timestamp to compare.
Returns:a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the target lies before, covering, or after than the timestamp.
/** * Compares the target to a timestamp. * @param timestamp the timestamp to compare. * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the target lies before, covering, or after than the timestamp. */
public int compareToTimestamp(long timestamp) { return Long.compare(divPosition, timestamp / size); }
Tells if the timestamp hits the target.
  • timestamp – the timestamp to test.
Returns:true iff timestamp / size == divPosition.
/** * Tells if the timestamp hits the target. * @param timestamp the timestamp to test. * @return <code>true</code> iff timestamp / size == divPosition. */
public boolean onTarget(long timestamp) { return compareToTimestamp(timestamp) == 0; }
Gets the next target, which represents an earlier time span.
  • base – The number of contiguous targets that will have the same size. Targets following those will be base times as big.
/** * Gets the next target, which represents an earlier time span. * @param base The number of contiguous targets that will have the same size. Targets following those will be <code>base</code> times as big. * @return */
public Target nextTarget(int base) { if (divPosition % base > 0 || size * base > maxWindowSize) return new Target(size, divPosition - 1, maxWindowSize); else return new Target(size * base, divPosition / base - 1, maxWindowSize); } }
Group files with similar min timestamp into buckets. Files with recent min timestamps are grouped together into buckets designated to short timespans while files with older timestamps are grouped into buckets representing longer timespans.
  • files – pairs consisting of a file and its min timestamp
  • timeUnit –
  • base –
  • now –
Returns:a list of buckets of files. The list is ordered such that the files with newest timestamps come first. Each bucket is also a list of files ordered from newest to oldest.
/** * Group files with similar min timestamp into buckets. Files with recent min timestamps are grouped together into * buckets designated to short timespans while files with older timestamps are grouped into buckets representing * longer timespans. * @param files pairs consisting of a file and its min timestamp * @param timeUnit * @param base * @param now * @return a list of buckets of files. The list is ordered such that the files with newest timestamps come first. * Each bucket is also a list of files ordered from newest to oldest. */
@VisibleForTesting static <T> List<List<T>> getBuckets(Collection<Pair<T, Long>> files, long timeUnit, int base, long now, long maxWindowSize) { // Sort files by age. Newest first. final List<Pair<T, Long>> sortedFiles = Lists.newArrayList(files); Collections.sort(sortedFiles, Collections.reverseOrder(new Comparator<Pair<T, Long>>() { public int compare(Pair<T, Long> p1, Pair<T, Long> p2) { return p1.right.compareTo(p2.right); } })); List<List<T>> buckets = Lists.newArrayList(); Target target = getInitialTarget(now, timeUnit, maxWindowSize); PeekingIterator<Pair<T, Long>> it = Iterators.peekingIterator(sortedFiles.iterator()); outerLoop: while (it.hasNext()) { while (!target.onTarget(it.peek().right)) { // If the file is too new for the target, skip it. if (target.compareToTimestamp(it.peek().right) < 0) { it.next(); if (!it.hasNext()) break outerLoop; } else // If the file is too old for the target, switch targets. target = target.nextTarget(base); } List<T> bucket = Lists.newArrayList(); while (target.onTarget(it.peek().right)) { bucket.add(it.next().left); if (!it.hasNext()) break; } buckets.add(bucket); } return buckets; } @VisibleForTesting static Target getInitialTarget(long now, long timeUnit, long maxWindowSize) { return new Target(timeUnit, now / timeUnit, maxWindowSize); } private void updateEstimatedCompactionsByTasks(List<List<SSTableReader>> tasks) { int n = 0; for (List<SSTableReader> bucket : tasks) { for (List<SSTableReader> stcsBucket : getSTCSBuckets(bucket, stcsOptions)) if (stcsBucket.size() >= cfs.getMinimumCompactionThreshold()) n += Math.ceil((double)stcsBucket.size() / cfs.getMaximumCompactionThreshold()); } estimatedRemainingTasks = n; cfs.getCompactionStrategyManager().compactionLogger.pending(this, n); }
  • buckets – list of buckets, sorted from newest to oldest, from which to return the newest bucket within thresholds.
  • minThreshold – minimum number of sstables in a bucket to qualify.
  • maxThreshold – maximum number of sstables to compact at once (the returned bucket will be trimmed down to this).
Returns:a bucket (list) of sstables to compact.
/** * @param buckets list of buckets, sorted from newest to oldest, from which to return the newest bucket within thresholds. * @param minThreshold minimum number of sstables in a bucket to qualify. * @param maxThreshold maximum number of sstables to compact at once (the returned bucket will be trimmed down to this). * @return a bucket (list) of sstables to compact. */
@VisibleForTesting static List<SSTableReader> newestBucket(List<List<SSTableReader>> buckets, int minThreshold, int maxThreshold, long now, long baseTime, long maxWindowSize, SizeTieredCompactionStrategyOptions stcsOptions) { // If the "incoming window" has at least minThreshold SSTables, choose that one. // For any other bucket, at least 2 SSTables is enough. // In any case, limit to maxThreshold SSTables. Target incomingWindow = getInitialTarget(now, baseTime, maxWindowSize); for (List<SSTableReader> bucket : buckets) { boolean inFirstWindow = incomingWindow.onTarget(bucket.get(0).getMinTimestamp()); if (bucket.size() >= minThreshold || (bucket.size() >= 2 && !inFirstWindow)) { List<SSTableReader> stcsSSTables = getSSTablesForSTCS(bucket, inFirstWindow ? minThreshold : 2, maxThreshold, stcsOptions); if (!stcsSSTables.isEmpty()) return stcsSSTables; } } return Collections.emptyList(); } private static List<SSTableReader> getSSTablesForSTCS(Collection<SSTableReader> sstables, int minThreshold, int maxThreshold, SizeTieredCompactionStrategyOptions stcsOptions) { List<SSTableReader> s = SizeTieredCompactionStrategy.mostInterestingBucket(getSTCSBuckets(sstables, stcsOptions), minThreshold, maxThreshold); logger.debug("Got sstables {} for STCS from {}", s, sstables); return s; } private static List<List<SSTableReader>> getSTCSBuckets(Collection<SSTableReader> sstables, SizeTieredCompactionStrategyOptions stcsOptions) { List<Pair<SSTableReader,Long>> pairs = SizeTieredCompactionStrategy.createSSTableAndLengthPairs(AbstractCompactionStrategy.filterSuspectSSTables(sstables)); return SizeTieredCompactionStrategy.getBuckets(pairs, stcsOptions.bucketHigh, stcsOptions.bucketLow, stcsOptions.minSSTableSize); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("resource") public synchronized Collection<AbstractCompactionTask> getMaximalTask(int gcBefore, boolean splitOutput) { Iterable<SSTableReader> filteredSSTables = filterSuspectSSTables(sstables); if (Iterables.isEmpty(filteredSSTables)) return null; LifecycleTransaction txn = cfs.getTracker().tryModify(filteredSSTables, OperationType.COMPACTION); if (txn == null) return null; return Collections.<AbstractCompactionTask>singleton(new CompactionTask(cfs, txn, gcBefore)); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("resource") public synchronized AbstractCompactionTask getUserDefinedTask(Collection<SSTableReader> sstables, int gcBefore) { assert !sstables.isEmpty(); // checked for by CM.submitUserDefined LifecycleTransaction modifier = cfs.getTracker().tryModify(sstables, OperationType.COMPACTION); if (modifier == null) { logger.trace("Unable to mark {} for compaction; probably a background compaction got to it first. You can disable background compactions temporarily if this is a problem", sstables); return null; } return new CompactionTask(cfs, modifier, gcBefore).setUserDefined(true); } public int getEstimatedRemainingTasks() { return estimatedRemainingTasks; } public long getMaxSSTableBytes() { return Long.MAX_VALUE; }
DTCS should not group sstables for anticompaction - this can mix new and old data
/** * DTCS should not group sstables for anticompaction - this can mix new and old data */
@Override public Collection<Collection<SSTableReader>> groupSSTablesForAntiCompaction(Collection<SSTableReader> sstablesToGroup) { Collection<Collection<SSTableReader>> groups = new ArrayList<>(); for (SSTableReader sstable : sstablesToGroup) { groups.add(Collections.singleton(sstable)); } return groups; } public static Map<String, String> validateOptions(Map<String, String> options) throws ConfigurationException { Map<String, String> uncheckedOptions = AbstractCompactionStrategy.validateOptions(options); uncheckedOptions = DateTieredCompactionStrategyOptions.validateOptions(options, uncheckedOptions); uncheckedOptions.remove(CompactionParams.Option.MIN_THRESHOLD.toString()); uncheckedOptions.remove(CompactionParams.Option.MAX_THRESHOLD.toString()); uncheckedOptions = SizeTieredCompactionStrategyOptions.validateOptions(options, uncheckedOptions); return uncheckedOptions; } public CompactionLogger.Strategy strategyLogger() { return new CompactionLogger.Strategy() { public JsonNode sstable(SSTableReader sstable) { ObjectNode node = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); node.put("min_timestamp", sstable.getMinTimestamp()); node.put("max_timestamp", sstable.getMaxTimestamp()); return node; } public JsonNode options() { ObjectNode node = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); TimeUnit resolution = DateTieredCompactionStrategy.this.options.timestampResolution; node.put(DateTieredCompactionStrategyOptions.TIMESTAMP_RESOLUTION_KEY, resolution.toString()); node.put(DateTieredCompactionStrategyOptions.BASE_TIME_KEY, resolution.toSeconds(DateTieredCompactionStrategy.this.options.baseTime)); node.put(DateTieredCompactionStrategyOptions.MAX_WINDOW_SIZE_KEY, resolution.toSeconds(DateTieredCompactionStrategy.this.options.maxWindowSize)); return node; } }; } public String toString() { return String.format("DateTieredCompactionStrategy[%s/%s]", cfs.getMinimumCompactionThreshold(), cfs.getMaximumCompactionThreshold()); } }