 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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package org.apache.cassandra.db;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;

import com.google.common.base.Function;
import com.google.common.base.Objects;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterators;
import com.google.common.collect.PeekingIterator;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Striped;

import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.context.CounterContext;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.WriteTimeoutException;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.IVersionedSerializer;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataInputPlus;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataOutputPlus;
import org.apache.cassandra.net.MessageOut;
import org.apache.cassandra.net.MessagingService;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.CacheService;
import org.apache.cassandra.tracing.Tracing;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.btree.BTreeSet;

public class CounterMutation implements IMutation
    public static final CounterMutationSerializer serializer = new CounterMutationSerializer();

    private static final Striped<Lock> LOCKS = Striped.lazyWeakLock(DatabaseDescriptor.getConcurrentCounterWriters() * 1024);

    private final Mutation mutation;
    private final ConsistencyLevel consistency;

    public CounterMutation(Mutation mutation, ConsistencyLevel consistency)
        this.mutation = mutation;
        this.consistency = consistency;

    public String getKeyspaceName()
        return mutation.getKeyspaceName();

    public Collection<UUID> getColumnFamilyIds()
        return mutation.getColumnFamilyIds();

    public Collection<PartitionUpdate> getPartitionUpdates()
        return mutation.getPartitionUpdates();

    public Mutation getMutation()
        return mutation;

    public DecoratedKey key()
        return mutation.key();

    public ConsistencyLevel consistency()
        return consistency;

    public MessageOut<CounterMutation> makeMutationMessage()
        return new MessageOut<>(MessagingService.Verb.COUNTER_MUTATION, this, serializer);

Applies the counter mutation, returns the result Mutation (for replication to other nodes). 1. Grabs the striped cell-level locks in the proper order 2. Gets the current values of the counters-to-be-modified from the counter cache 3. Reads the rest of the current values (cache misses) from the CF 4. Writes the updated counter values 5. Updates the counter cache 6. Releases the lock(s) See CASSANDRA-4775 and CASSANDRA-6504 for further details.
Returns:the applied resulting Mutation
/** * Applies the counter mutation, returns the result Mutation (for replication to other nodes). * * 1. Grabs the striped cell-level locks in the proper order * 2. Gets the current values of the counters-to-be-modified from the counter cache * 3. Reads the rest of the current values (cache misses) from the CF * 4. Writes the updated counter values * 5. Updates the counter cache * 6. Releases the lock(s) * * See CASSANDRA-4775 and CASSANDRA-6504 for further details. * * @return the applied resulting Mutation */
public Mutation applyCounterMutation() throws WriteTimeoutException { Mutation result = new Mutation(getKeyspaceName(), key()); Keyspace keyspace = Keyspace.open(getKeyspaceName()); List<Lock> locks = new ArrayList<>(); Tracing.trace("Acquiring counter locks"); try { grabCounterLocks(keyspace, locks); for (PartitionUpdate upd : getPartitionUpdates()) result.add(processModifications(upd)); result.apply(); return result; } finally { for (Lock lock : locks) lock.unlock(); } } public void apply() { applyCounterMutation(); } private void grabCounterLocks(Keyspace keyspace, List<Lock> locks) throws WriteTimeoutException { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); for (Lock lock : LOCKS.bulkGet(getCounterLockKeys())) { long timeout = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(getTimeout()) - (System.nanoTime() - startTime); try { if (!lock.tryLock(timeout, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)) throw new WriteTimeoutException(WriteType.COUNTER, consistency(), 0, consistency().blockFor(keyspace)); locks.add(lock); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new WriteTimeoutException(WriteType.COUNTER, consistency(), 0, consistency().blockFor(keyspace)); } } }
Returns a wrapper for the Striped#bulkGet() call (via Keyspace#counterLocksFor()) Striped#bulkGet() depends on Object#hashCode(), so here we make sure that the cf id and the partition key all get to be part of the hashCode() calculation.
/** * Returns a wrapper for the Striped#bulkGet() call (via Keyspace#counterLocksFor()) * Striped#bulkGet() depends on Object#hashCode(), so here we make sure that the cf id and the partition key * all get to be part of the hashCode() calculation. */
private Iterable<Object> getCounterLockKeys() { return Iterables.concat(Iterables.transform(getPartitionUpdates(), new Function<PartitionUpdate, Iterable<Object>>() { public Iterable<Object> apply(final PartitionUpdate update) { return Iterables.concat(Iterables.transform(update, new Function<Row, Iterable<Object>>() { public Iterable<Object> apply(final Row row) { return Iterables.concat(Iterables.transform(row, new Function<ColumnData, Object>() { public Object apply(final ColumnData data) { return Objects.hashCode(update.metadata().cfId, key(), row.clustering(), data.column()); } })); } })); } })); } private PartitionUpdate processModifications(PartitionUpdate changes) { ColumnFamilyStore cfs = Keyspace.open(getKeyspaceName()).getColumnFamilyStore(changes.metadata().cfId); List<PartitionUpdate.CounterMark> marks = changes.collectCounterMarks(); if (CacheService.instance.counterCache.getCapacity() != 0) { Tracing.trace("Fetching {} counter values from cache", marks.size()); updateWithCurrentValuesFromCache(marks, cfs); if (marks.isEmpty()) return changes; } Tracing.trace("Reading {} counter values from the CF", marks.size()); updateWithCurrentValuesFromCFS(marks, cfs); // What's remain is new counters for (PartitionUpdate.CounterMark mark : marks) updateWithCurrentValue(mark, ClockAndCount.BLANK, cfs); return changes; } private void updateWithCurrentValue(PartitionUpdate.CounterMark mark, ClockAndCount currentValue, ColumnFamilyStore cfs) { long clock = Math.max(FBUtilities.timestampMicros(), currentValue.clock + 1L); long count = currentValue.count + CounterContext.instance().total(mark.value()); mark.setValue(CounterContext.instance().createGlobal(CounterId.getLocalId(), clock, count)); // Cache the newly updated value cfs.putCachedCounter(key().getKey(), mark.clustering(), mark.column(), mark.path(), ClockAndCount.create(clock, count)); } // Returns the count of cache misses. private void updateWithCurrentValuesFromCache(List<PartitionUpdate.CounterMark> marks, ColumnFamilyStore cfs) { Iterator<PartitionUpdate.CounterMark> iter = marks.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { PartitionUpdate.CounterMark mark = iter.next(); ClockAndCount cached = cfs.getCachedCounter(key().getKey(), mark.clustering(), mark.column(), mark.path()); if (cached != null) { updateWithCurrentValue(mark, cached, cfs); iter.remove(); } } } // Reads the missing current values from the CFS. private void updateWithCurrentValuesFromCFS(List<PartitionUpdate.CounterMark> marks, ColumnFamilyStore cfs) { ColumnFilter.Builder builder = ColumnFilter.selectionBuilder(); BTreeSet.Builder<Clustering> names = BTreeSet.builder(cfs.metadata.comparator); for (PartitionUpdate.CounterMark mark : marks) { if (mark.clustering() != Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING) names.add(mark.clustering()); if (mark.path() == null) builder.add(mark.column()); else builder.select(mark.column(), mark.path()); } int nowInSec = FBUtilities.nowInSeconds(); ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter = new ClusteringIndexNamesFilter(names.build(), false); SinglePartitionReadCommand cmd = SinglePartitionReadCommand.create(cfs.metadata, nowInSec, key(), builder.build(), filter); PeekingIterator<PartitionUpdate.CounterMark> markIter = Iterators.peekingIterator(marks.iterator()); try (ReadExecutionController controller = cmd.executionController(); RowIterator partition = UnfilteredRowIterators.filter(cmd.queryMemtableAndDisk(cfs, controller), nowInSec)) { updateForRow(markIter, partition.staticRow(), cfs); while (partition.hasNext()) { if (!markIter.hasNext()) return; updateForRow(markIter, partition.next(), cfs); } } } private int compare(Clustering c1, Clustering c2, ColumnFamilyStore cfs) { if (c1 == Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING) return c2 == Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING ? 0 : -1; if (c2 == Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING) return 1; return cfs.getComparator().compare(c1, c2); } private void updateForRow(PeekingIterator<PartitionUpdate.CounterMark> markIter, Row row, ColumnFamilyStore cfs) { int cmp = 0; // If the mark is before the row, we have no value for this mark, just consume it while (markIter.hasNext() && (cmp = compare(markIter.peek().clustering(), row.clustering(), cfs)) < 0) markIter.next(); if (!markIter.hasNext()) return; while (cmp == 0) { PartitionUpdate.CounterMark mark = markIter.next(); Cell cell = mark.path() == null ? row.getCell(mark.column()) : row.getCell(mark.column(), mark.path()); if (cell != null) { updateWithCurrentValue(mark, CounterContext.instance().getLocalClockAndCount(cell.value()), cfs); markIter.remove(); } if (!markIter.hasNext()) return; cmp = compare(markIter.peek().clustering(), row.clustering(), cfs); } } public long getTimeout() { return DatabaseDescriptor.getCounterWriteRpcTimeout(); } @Override public String toString() { return toString(false); } public String toString(boolean shallow) { return String.format("CounterMutation(%s, %s)", mutation.toString(shallow), consistency); } public static class CounterMutationSerializer implements IVersionedSerializer<CounterMutation> { public void serialize(CounterMutation cm, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException { Mutation.serializer.serialize(cm.mutation, out, version); out.writeUTF(cm.consistency.name()); } public CounterMutation deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version) throws IOException { Mutation m = Mutation.serializer.deserialize(in, version); ConsistencyLevel consistency = Enum.valueOf(ConsistencyLevel.class, in.readUTF()); return new CounterMutation(m, consistency); } public long serializedSize(CounterMutation cm, int version) { return Mutation.serializer.serializedSize(cm.mutation, version) + TypeSizes.sizeof(cm.consistency.name()); } } }