 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.avro.io.parsing;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.avro.AvroTypeException;
import org.apache.avro.Resolver;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.Schema.Field;
import org.apache.avro.io.Encoder;
import org.apache.avro.io.EncoderFactory;
import org.apache.avro.util.internal.Accessor;
import org.apache.avro.util.internal.Accessor.ResolvingGrammarGeneratorAccessor;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;

The class that generates a resolving grammar to resolve between two schemas.
/** * The class that generates a resolving grammar to resolve between two schemas. */
public class ResolvingGrammarGenerator extends ValidatingGrammarGenerator { static { Accessor.setAccessor(new ResolvingGrammarGeneratorAccessor() { @Override protected void encode(Encoder e, Schema s, JsonNode n) throws IOException { ResolvingGrammarGenerator.encode(e, s, n); } }); }
Resolves the writer schema writer and the reader schema reader and returns the start symbol for the grammar generated.
  • writer – The schema used by the writer
  • reader – The schema used by the reader
Returns:The start symbol for the resolving grammar
/** * Resolves the writer schema <tt>writer</tt> and the reader schema * <tt>reader</tt> and returns the start symbol for the grammar generated. * * @param writer The schema used by the writer * @param reader The schema used by the reader * @return The start symbol for the resolving grammar * @throws IOException */
public final Symbol generate(Schema writer, Schema reader) throws IOException { Resolver.Action r = Resolver.resolve(writer, reader); return Symbol.root(generate(r, new HashMap<>())); }
Takes a Action for resolving two schemas and returns the start symbol for a grammar that implements that resolution. If the action is for a record and there's already a symbol for that record in seen, then that symbol is returned. Otherwise a new symbol is generated and returned.
  • action – The resolver to be implemented
  • seen – The <Action> to symbol map of start symbols of resolving grammars so far.
Returns:The start symbol for the resolving grammar
/** * Takes a {@link Resolver.Action} for resolving two schemas and returns the * start symbol for a grammar that implements that resolution. If the action is * for a record and there's already a symbol for that record in <tt>seen</tt>, * then that symbol is returned. Otherwise a new symbol is generated and * returned. * * @param action The resolver to be implemented * @param seen The &lt;Action&gt; to symbol map of start symbols of resolving * grammars so far. * @return The start symbol for the resolving grammar * @throws IOException */
private Symbol generate(Resolver.Action action, Map<Object, Symbol> seen) throws IOException { if (action instanceof Resolver.DoNothing) { return simpleGen(action.writer, seen); } else if (action instanceof Resolver.ErrorAction) { return Symbol.error(action.toString()); } else if (action instanceof Resolver.Skip) { return Symbol.skipAction(simpleGen(action.writer, seen)); } else if (action instanceof Resolver.Promote) { return Symbol.resolve(simpleGen(action.writer, seen), simpleGen(action.reader, seen)); } else if (action instanceof Resolver.ReaderUnion) { Resolver.ReaderUnion ru = (Resolver.ReaderUnion) action; Symbol s = generate(ru.actualAction, seen); return Symbol.seq(Symbol.unionAdjustAction(ru.firstMatch, s), Symbol.UNION); } else if (action.writer.getType() == Schema.Type.ARRAY) { Symbol es = generate(((Resolver.Container) action).elementAction, seen); return Symbol.seq(Symbol.repeat(Symbol.ARRAY_END, es), Symbol.ARRAY_START); } else if (action.writer.getType() == Schema.Type.MAP) { Symbol es = generate(((Resolver.Container) action).elementAction, seen); return Symbol.seq(Symbol.repeat(Symbol.MAP_END, es, Symbol.STRING), Symbol.MAP_START); } else if (action.writer.getType() == Schema.Type.UNION) { if (((Resolver.WriterUnion) action).unionEquiv) return simpleGen(action.writer, seen); Resolver.Action[] branches = ((Resolver.WriterUnion) action).actions; Symbol[] symbols = new Symbol[branches.length]; String[] labels = new String[branches.length]; int i = 0; for (Resolver.Action branch : branches) { symbols[i] = generate(branch, seen); labels[i] = action.writer.getTypes().get(i).getFullName(); i++; } return Symbol.seq(Symbol.alt(symbols, labels), Symbol.WRITER_UNION_ACTION); } else if (action instanceof Resolver.EnumAdjust) { Resolver.EnumAdjust e = (Resolver.EnumAdjust) action; Object[] adjs = new Object[e.adjustments.length]; for (int i = 0; i < adjs.length; i++) adjs[i] = (0 <= e.adjustments[i] ? new Integer(e.adjustments[i]) : "No match for " + e.writer.getEnumSymbols().get(i)); return Symbol.seq(Symbol.enumAdjustAction(e.reader.getEnumSymbols().size(), adjs), Symbol.ENUM); } else if (action instanceof Resolver.RecordAdjust) { Symbol result = seen.get(action); if (result == null) { final Resolver.RecordAdjust ra = (Resolver.RecordAdjust) action; int defaultCount = ra.readerOrder.length - ra.firstDefault; int count = 1 + ra.fieldActions.length + 3 * defaultCount; Symbol[] production = new Symbol[count]; result = Symbol.seq(production); seen.put(action, result); production[--count] = Symbol.fieldOrderAction(ra.readerOrder); for (Resolver.Action wfa : ra.fieldActions) production[--count] = generate(wfa, seen); for (int i = ra.firstDefault; i < ra.readerOrder.length; i++) { Schema.Field rf = ra.readerOrder[i]; byte[] bb = getBinary(rf.schema(), Accessor.defaultValue(rf)); production[--count] = Symbol.defaultStartAction(bb); production[--count] = simpleGen(rf.schema(), seen); production[--count] = Symbol.DEFAULT_END_ACTION; } } return result; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized Resolver.Action: " + action); } private Symbol simpleGen(Schema s, Map<Object, Symbol> seen) { switch (s.getType()) { case NULL: return Symbol.NULL; case BOOLEAN: return Symbol.BOOLEAN; case INT: return Symbol.INT; case LONG: return Symbol.LONG; case FLOAT: return Symbol.FLOAT; case DOUBLE: return Symbol.DOUBLE; case BYTES: return Symbol.BYTES; case STRING: return Symbol.STRING; case FIXED: return Symbol.seq(new Symbol.IntCheckAction(s.getFixedSize()), Symbol.FIXED); case ENUM: return Symbol.seq(Symbol.enumAdjustAction(s.getEnumSymbols().size(), null), Symbol.ENUM); case ARRAY: return Symbol.seq(Symbol.repeat(Symbol.ARRAY_END, simpleGen(s.getElementType(), seen)), Symbol.ARRAY_START); case MAP: return Symbol.seq(Symbol.repeat(Symbol.MAP_END, simpleGen(s.getValueType(), seen), Symbol.STRING), Symbol.MAP_START); case UNION: { List<Schema> subs = s.getTypes(); Symbol[] symbols = new Symbol[subs.size()]; String[] labels = new String[subs.size()]; int i = 0; for (Schema b : s.getTypes()) { symbols[i] = simpleGen(b, seen); labels[i++] = b.getFullName(); } return Symbol.seq(Symbol.alt(symbols, labels), Symbol.UNION); } case RECORD: { Symbol result = seen.get(s); if (result == null) { Symbol[] production = new Symbol[s.getFields().size() + 1]; result = Symbol.seq(production); seen.put(s, result); int i = production.length; production[--i] = Symbol.fieldOrderAction(s.getFields().toArray(new Schema.Field[0])); for (Field f : s.getFields()) production[--i] = simpleGen(f.schema(), seen); // FieldOrderAction is needed even though the field-order hasn't changed, // because the _reader_ doesn't know the field order hasn't changed, and // thus it will probably call {@ ResolvingDecoder.fieldOrder} to find out. } return result; } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected schema: " + s); } } private static EncoderFactory factory = new EncoderFactory().configureBufferSize(32);
Returns the Avro binary encoded version of n according to the schema s.
  • s – The schema for encoding
  • n – The Json node that has the value to be encoded.
Returns:The binary encoded version of n.
/** * Returns the Avro binary encoded version of <tt>n</tt> according to the schema * <tt>s</tt>. * * @param s The schema for encoding * @param n The Json node that has the value to be encoded. * @return The binary encoded version of <tt>n</tt>. * @throws IOException */
private static byte[] getBinary(Schema s, JsonNode n) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Encoder e = factory.binaryEncoder(out, null); encode(e, s, n); e.flush(); return out.toByteArray(); }
Encodes the given Json node n on to the encoder e according to the schema s.
  • e – The encoder to encode into.
  • s – The schema for the object being encoded.
  • n – The Json node to encode.
/** * Encodes the given Json node <tt>n</tt> on to the encoder <tt>e</tt> according * to the schema <tt>s</tt>. * * @param e The encoder to encode into. * @param s The schema for the object being encoded. * @param n The Json node to encode. * @throws IOException */
static void encode(Encoder e, Schema s, JsonNode n) throws IOException { switch (s.getType()) { case RECORD: for (Field f : s.getFields()) { String name = f.name(); JsonNode v = n.get(name); if (v == null) { v = Accessor.defaultValue(f); } if (v == null) { throw new AvroTypeException("No default value for: " + name); } encode(e, f.schema(), v); } break; case ENUM: e.writeEnum(s.getEnumOrdinal(n.textValue())); break; case ARRAY: e.writeArrayStart(); e.setItemCount(n.size()); Schema i = s.getElementType(); for (JsonNode node : n) { e.startItem(); encode(e, i, node); } e.writeArrayEnd(); break; case MAP: e.writeMapStart(); e.setItemCount(n.size()); Schema v = s.getValueType(); for (Iterator<String> it = n.fieldNames(); it.hasNext();) { e.startItem(); String key = it.next(); e.writeString(key); encode(e, v, n.get(key)); } e.writeMapEnd(); break; case UNION: e.writeIndex(0); encode(e, s.getTypes().get(0), n); break; case FIXED: if (!n.isTextual()) throw new AvroTypeException("Non-string default value for fixed: " + n); byte[] bb = n.textValue().getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1); if (bb.length != s.getFixedSize()) { bb = Arrays.copyOf(bb, s.getFixedSize()); } e.writeFixed(bb); break; case STRING: if (!n.isTextual()) throw new AvroTypeException("Non-string default value for string: " + n); e.writeString(n.textValue()); break; case BYTES: if (!n.isTextual()) throw new AvroTypeException("Non-string default value for bytes: " + n); e.writeBytes(n.textValue().getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)); break; case INT: if (!n.isNumber()) throw new AvroTypeException("Non-numeric default value for int: " + n); e.writeInt(n.intValue()); break; case LONG: if (!n.isNumber()) throw new AvroTypeException("Non-numeric default value for long: " + n); e.writeLong(n.longValue()); break; case FLOAT: if (!n.isNumber()) throw new AvroTypeException("Non-numeric default value for float: " + n); e.writeFloat((float) n.doubleValue()); break; case DOUBLE: if (!n.isNumber()) throw new AvroTypeException("Non-numeric default value for double: " + n); e.writeDouble(n.doubleValue()); break; case BOOLEAN: if (!n.isBoolean()) throw new AvroTypeException("Non-boolean default for boolean: " + n); e.writeBoolean(n.booleanValue()); break; case NULL: if (!n.isNull()) throw new AvroTypeException("Non-null default value for null type: " + n); e.writeNull(); break; } } }