 * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
 * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.

package org.antlr.v4.tool;

import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.Pair;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.ActionAST;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.AltAST;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.GrammarAST;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.PredAST;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.RuleAST;
import org.stringtemplate.v4.misc.MultiMap;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class Rule implements AttributeResolver {
Rule refs have a predefined set of attributes as well as the return values and args. These must be consistent with ActionTranslator.rulePropToModelMap, ...
/** Rule refs have a predefined set of attributes as well as * the return values and args. * * These must be consistent with ActionTranslator.rulePropToModelMap, ... */
public static final AttributeDict predefinedRulePropertiesDict = new AttributeDict(AttributeDict.DictType.PREDEFINED_RULE); static { predefinedRulePropertiesDict.add(new Attribute("parser")); predefinedRulePropertiesDict.add(new Attribute("text")); predefinedRulePropertiesDict.add(new Attribute("start")); predefinedRulePropertiesDict.add(new Attribute("stop")); predefinedRulePropertiesDict.add(new Attribute("ctx")); } public static final Set<String> validLexerCommands = new HashSet<String>(); static { // CALLS validLexerCommands.add("mode"); validLexerCommands.add("pushMode"); validLexerCommands.add("type"); validLexerCommands.add("channel"); // ACTIONS validLexerCommands.add("popMode"); validLexerCommands.add("skip"); validLexerCommands.add("more"); } public String name; public List<GrammarAST> modifiers; public RuleAST ast; public AttributeDict args; public AttributeDict retvals; public AttributeDict locals;
In which grammar does this rule live?
/** In which grammar does this rule live? */
public Grammar g;
If we're in a lexer grammar, we might be in a mode
/** If we're in a lexer grammar, we might be in a mode */
public String mode;
Map a name to an action for this rule like @init {...}. The code generator will use this to fill holes in the rule template. I track the AST node for the action in case I need the line number for errors.
/** Map a name to an action for this rule like @init {...}. * The code generator will use this to fill holes in the rule template. * I track the AST node for the action in case I need the line number * for errors. */
public Map<String, ActionAST> namedActions = new HashMap<String, ActionAST>();
Track exception handlers; points at "catch" node of (catch exception action) don't track finally action
/** Track exception handlers; points at "catch" node of (catch exception action) * don't track finally action */
public List<GrammarAST> exceptions = new ArrayList<GrammarAST>();
Track all executable actions other than named actions like @init and catch/finally (not in an alt). Also tracks predicates, rewrite actions. We need to examine these actions before code generation so that we can detect refs to $rule.attr etc... This tracks per rule; Alternative objs also track per alt.
/** Track all executable actions other than named actions like @init * and catch/finally (not in an alt). Also tracks predicates, rewrite actions. * We need to examine these actions before code generation so * that we can detect refs to $rule.attr etc... * * This tracks per rule; Alternative objs also track per alt. */
public List<ActionAST> actions = new ArrayList<ActionAST>(); public ActionAST finallyAction; public int numberOfAlts; public boolean isStartRule = true; // nobody calls us
1..n alts
/** 1..n alts */
public Alternative[] alt;
All rules have unique index 0..n-1
/** All rules have unique index 0..n-1 */
public int index; public int actionIndex = -1; // if lexer; 0..n-1 for n actions in a rule public Rule(Grammar g, String name, RuleAST ast, int numberOfAlts) { this.g = g; this.name = name; this.ast = ast; this.numberOfAlts = numberOfAlts; alt = new Alternative[numberOfAlts+1]; // 1..n for (int i=1; i<=numberOfAlts; i++) alt[i] = new Alternative(this, i); } public void defineActionInAlt(int currentAlt, ActionAST actionAST) { actions.add(actionAST); alt[currentAlt].actions.add(actionAST); if ( g.isLexer() ) { defineLexerAction(actionAST); } }
Lexer actions are numbered across rules 0..n-1
/** Lexer actions are numbered across rules 0..n-1 */
public void defineLexerAction(ActionAST actionAST) { actionIndex = g.lexerActions.size(); if ( g.lexerActions.get(actionAST)==null ) { g.lexerActions.put(actionAST, actionIndex); } } public void definePredicateInAlt(int currentAlt, PredAST predAST) { actions.add(predAST); alt[currentAlt].actions.add(predAST); if ( g.sempreds.get(predAST)==null ) { g.sempreds.put(predAST, g.sempreds.size()); } } public Attribute resolveRetvalOrProperty(String y) { if ( retvals!=null ) { Attribute a = retvals.get(y); if ( a!=null ) return a; } AttributeDict d = getPredefinedScope(LabelType.RULE_LABEL); return d.get(y); } public Set<String> getTokenRefs() { Set<String> refs = new HashSet<String>(); for (int i=1; i<=numberOfAlts; i++) { refs.addAll(alt[i].tokenRefs.keySet()); } return refs; } public Set<String> getElementLabelNames() { Set<String> refs = new HashSet<String>(); for (int i=1; i<=numberOfAlts; i++) { refs.addAll(alt[i].labelDefs.keySet()); } if ( refs.isEmpty() ) return null; return refs; } public MultiMap<String, LabelElementPair> getElementLabelDefs() { MultiMap<String, LabelElementPair> defs = new MultiMap<String, LabelElementPair>(); for (int i=1; i<=numberOfAlts; i++) { for (List<LabelElementPair> pairs : alt[i].labelDefs.values()) { for (LabelElementPair p : pairs) { defs.map(p.label.getText(), p); } } } return defs; } public boolean hasAltSpecificContexts() { return getAltLabels()!=null; }
Used for recursive rules (subclass), which have 1 alt, but many original alts
/** Used for recursive rules (subclass), which have 1 alt, but many original alts */
public int getOriginalNumberOfAlts() { return numberOfAlts; }
Get # labels. The keys of the map are the labels applied to outer alternatives of a lexer rule, and the values are collections of pairs (alternative number and AltAST) identifying the alternatives with this label. Unlabeled alternatives are not included in the result.
/** * Get {@code #} labels. The keys of the map are the labels applied to outer * alternatives of a lexer rule, and the values are collections of pairs * (alternative number and {@link AltAST}) identifying the alternatives with * this label. Unlabeled alternatives are not included in the result. */
public Map<String, List<Pair<Integer, AltAST>>> getAltLabels() { Map<String, List<Pair<Integer, AltAST>>> labels = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<Pair<Integer, AltAST>>>(); for (int i=1; i<=numberOfAlts; i++) { GrammarAST altLabel = alt[i].ast.altLabel; if ( altLabel!=null ) { List<Pair<Integer, AltAST>> list = labels.get(altLabel.getText()); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer, AltAST>>(); labels.put(altLabel.getText(), list); } list.add(new Pair<Integer, AltAST>(i, alt[i].ast)); } } if ( labels.isEmpty() ) return null; return labels; } public List<AltAST> getUnlabeledAltASTs() { List<AltAST> alts = new ArrayList<AltAST>(); for (int i=1; i<=numberOfAlts; i++) { GrammarAST altLabel = alt[i].ast.altLabel; if ( altLabel==null ) alts.add(alt[i].ast); } if ( alts.isEmpty() ) return null; return alts; }
$x Attribute: rule arguments, return values, predefined rule prop.
/** $x Attribute: rule arguments, return values, predefined rule prop. */
@Override public Attribute resolveToAttribute(String x, ActionAST node) { if ( args!=null ) { Attribute a = args.get(x); if ( a!=null ) return a; } if ( retvals!=null ) { Attribute a = retvals.get(x); if ( a!=null ) return a; } if ( locals!=null ) { Attribute a = locals.get(x); if ( a!=null ) return a; } AttributeDict properties = getPredefinedScope(LabelType.RULE_LABEL); return properties.get(x); }
$x.y Attribute: x is surrounding rule, label ref (in any alts)
/** $x.y Attribute: x is surrounding rule, label ref (in any alts) */
@Override public Attribute resolveToAttribute(String x, String y, ActionAST node) { LabelElementPair anyLabelDef = getAnyLabelDef(x); if ( anyLabelDef!=null ) { if ( anyLabelDef.type==LabelType.RULE_LABEL ) { return g.getRule(anyLabelDef.element.getText()).resolveRetvalOrProperty(y); } else { AttributeDict scope = getPredefinedScope(anyLabelDef.type); if (scope == null) { return null; } return scope.get(y); } } return null; } @Override public boolean resolvesToLabel(String x, ActionAST node) { LabelElementPair anyLabelDef = getAnyLabelDef(x); return anyLabelDef!=null && (anyLabelDef.type==LabelType.RULE_LABEL || anyLabelDef.type==LabelType.TOKEN_LABEL); } @Override public boolean resolvesToListLabel(String x, ActionAST node) { LabelElementPair anyLabelDef = getAnyLabelDef(x); return anyLabelDef!=null && (anyLabelDef.type==LabelType.RULE_LIST_LABEL || anyLabelDef.type==LabelType.TOKEN_LIST_LABEL); } @Override public boolean resolvesToToken(String x, ActionAST node) { LabelElementPair anyLabelDef = getAnyLabelDef(x); if ( anyLabelDef!=null && anyLabelDef.type==LabelType.TOKEN_LABEL ) return true; return false; } @Override public boolean resolvesToAttributeDict(String x, ActionAST node) { if ( resolvesToToken(x, node) ) return true; return false; } public Rule resolveToRule(String x) { if ( x.equals(this.name) ) return this; LabelElementPair anyLabelDef = getAnyLabelDef(x); if ( anyLabelDef!=null && anyLabelDef.type==LabelType.RULE_LABEL ) { return g.getRule(anyLabelDef.element.getText()); } return g.getRule(x); } public LabelElementPair getAnyLabelDef(String x) { List<LabelElementPair> labels = getElementLabelDefs().get(x); if ( labels!=null ) return labels.get(0); return null; } public AttributeDict getPredefinedScope(LabelType ltype) { String grammarLabelKey = g.getTypeString() + ":" + ltype; return Grammar.grammarAndLabelRefTypeToScope.get(grammarLabelKey); } public boolean isFragment() { if ( modifiers==null ) return false; for (GrammarAST a : modifiers) { if ( a.getText().equals("fragment") ) return true; } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return name.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof Rule)) { return false; } return name.equals(((Rule)obj).name); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("Rule{name=").append(name); if ( args!=null ) buf.append(", args=").append(args); if ( retvals!=null ) buf.append(", retvals=").append(retvals); buf.append("}"); return buf.toString(); } }