 * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
 * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.

package org.antlr.v4.semantics;

import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree;
import org.antlr.runtime.tree.Tree;
import org.antlr.v4.automata.LexerATNFactory;
import org.antlr.v4.parse.ANTLRLexer;
import org.antlr.v4.parse.ANTLRParser;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Alternative;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Attribute;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.AttributeDict;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.ErrorManager;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.ErrorType;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Grammar;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.LabelElementPair;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.LabelType;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.LeftRecursiveRule;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.LexerGrammar;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Rule;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.AltAST;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.GrammarAST;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.TerminalAST;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

Check for symbol problems; no side-effects. Inefficient to walk rules and such multiple times, but I like isolating all error checking outside of code that actually defines symbols etc... Side-effect: strip away redef'd rules.
/** Check for symbol problems; no side-effects. Inefficient to walk rules * and such multiple times, but I like isolating all error checking outside * of code that actually defines symbols etc... * * Side-effect: strip away redef'd rules. */
public class SymbolChecks { Grammar g; SymbolCollector collector; Map<String, Rule> nameToRuleMap = new HashMap<String, Rule>(); Set<String> tokenIDs = new HashSet<String>(); Map<String, Set<String>> actionScopeToActionNames = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); public ErrorManager errMgr; protected final Set<String> reservedNames = new HashSet<String>(); { reservedNames.addAll(LexerATNFactory.getCommonConstants()); } public SymbolChecks(Grammar g, SymbolCollector collector) { this.g = g; this.collector = collector; this.errMgr = g.tool.errMgr; for (GrammarAST tokenId : collector.tokenIDRefs) { tokenIDs.add(tokenId.getText()); } } public void process() { // methods affect fields, but no side-effects outside this object // So, call order sensitive // First collect all rules for later use in checkForLabelConflict() if (g.rules != null) { for (Rule r : g.rules.values()) nameToRuleMap.put(r.name, r); } checkReservedNames(g.rules.values()); checkActionRedefinitions(collector.namedActions); checkForLabelConflicts(g.rules.values()); } public void checkActionRedefinitions(List<GrammarAST> actions) { if (actions == null) return; String scope = g.getDefaultActionScope(); String name; GrammarAST nameNode; for (GrammarAST ampersandAST : actions) { nameNode = (GrammarAST) ampersandAST.getChild(0); if (ampersandAST.getChildCount() == 2) { name = nameNode.getText(); } else { scope = nameNode.getText(); name = ampersandAST.getChild(1).getText(); } Set<String> scopeActions = actionScopeToActionNames.get(scope); if (scopeActions == null) { // init scope scopeActions = new HashSet<String>(); actionScopeToActionNames.put(scope, scopeActions); } if (!scopeActions.contains(name)) { scopeActions.add(name); } else { errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.ACTION_REDEFINITION, g.fileName, nameNode.token, name); } } }
Make sure a label doesn't conflict with another symbol. Labels must not conflict with: rules, tokens, scope names, return values, parameters, and rule-scope dynamic attributes defined in surrounding rule. Also they must have same type for repeated defs.
/** * Make sure a label doesn't conflict with another symbol. * Labels must not conflict with: rules, tokens, scope names, * return values, parameters, and rule-scope dynamic attributes * defined in surrounding rule. Also they must have same type * for repeated defs. */
public void checkForLabelConflicts(Collection<Rule> rules) { for (Rule r : rules) { checkForAttributeConflicts(r); Map<String, LabelElementPair> labelNameSpace = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 1; i <= r.numberOfAlts; i++) { Alternative a = r.alt[i]; for (List<LabelElementPair> pairs : a.labelDefs.values()) { if (r.hasAltSpecificContexts()) { // Collect labelName-labeledRules map for rule with alternative labels. Map<String, List<LabelElementPair>> labelPairs = new HashMap<>(); for (LabelElementPair p : pairs) { String labelName = findAltLabelName(p.label); if (labelName != null) { List<LabelElementPair> list; if (labelPairs.containsKey(labelName)) { list = labelPairs.get(labelName); } else { list = new ArrayList<>(); labelPairs.put(labelName, list); } list.add(p); } } for (List<LabelElementPair> internalPairs : labelPairs.values()) { labelNameSpace.clear(); checkLabelPairs(r, labelNameSpace, internalPairs); } } else { checkLabelPairs(r, labelNameSpace, pairs); } } } } } private void checkLabelPairs(Rule r, Map<String, LabelElementPair> labelNameSpace, List<LabelElementPair> pairs) { for (LabelElementPair p : pairs) { checkForLabelConflict(r, p.label); String name = p.label.getText(); LabelElementPair prev = labelNameSpace.get(name); if (prev == null) { labelNameSpace.put(name, p); } else { checkForTypeMismatch(r, prev, p); } } } private String findAltLabelName(CommonTree label) { if (label == null) { return null; } else if (label instanceof AltAST) { AltAST altAST = (AltAST) label; if (altAST.altLabel != null) { return altAST.altLabel.toString(); } else if (altAST.leftRecursiveAltInfo != null) { return altAST.leftRecursiveAltInfo.altLabel.toString(); } else { return findAltLabelName(label.parent); } } else { return findAltLabelName(label.parent); } } private void checkForTypeMismatch(Rule r, LabelElementPair prevLabelPair, LabelElementPair labelPair) { // label already defined; if same type, no problem if (prevLabelPair.type != labelPair.type) { // Current behavior: take a token of rule declaration in case of left-recursive rule // Desired behavior: take a token of proper label declaration in case of left-recursive rule // See https://github.com/antlr/antlr4/pull/1585 // Such behavior is referring to the fact that the warning is typically reported on the actual label redefinition, // but for left-recursive rules the warning is reported on the enclosing rule. org.antlr.runtime.Token token = r instanceof LeftRecursiveRule ? ((GrammarAST) r.ast.getChild(0)).getToken() : labelPair.label.token; errMgr.grammarError( ErrorType.LABEL_TYPE_CONFLICT, g.fileName, token, labelPair.label.getText(), labelPair.type + "!=" + prevLabelPair.type); } if (!prevLabelPair.element.getText().equals(labelPair.element.getText()) && (prevLabelPair.type.equals(LabelType.RULE_LABEL) || prevLabelPair.type.equals(LabelType.RULE_LIST_LABEL)) && (labelPair.type.equals(LabelType.RULE_LABEL) || labelPair.type.equals(LabelType.RULE_LIST_LABEL))) { org.antlr.runtime.Token token = r instanceof LeftRecursiveRule ? ((GrammarAST) r.ast.getChild(0)).getToken() : labelPair.label.token; String prevLabelOp = prevLabelPair.type.equals(LabelType.RULE_LIST_LABEL) ? "+=" : "="; String labelOp = labelPair.type.equals(LabelType.RULE_LIST_LABEL) ? "+=" : "="; errMgr.grammarError( ErrorType.LABEL_TYPE_CONFLICT, g.fileName, token, labelPair.label.getText() + labelOp + labelPair.element.getText(), prevLabelPair.label.getText() + prevLabelOp + prevLabelPair.element.getText()); } } public void checkForLabelConflict(Rule r, GrammarAST labelID) { String name = labelID.getText(); if (nameToRuleMap.containsKey(name)) { ErrorType etype = ErrorType.LABEL_CONFLICTS_WITH_RULE; errMgr.grammarError(etype, g.fileName, labelID.token, name, r.name); } if (tokenIDs.contains(name)) { ErrorType etype = ErrorType.LABEL_CONFLICTS_WITH_TOKEN; errMgr.grammarError(etype, g.fileName, labelID.token, name, r.name); } if (r.args != null && r.args.get(name) != null) { ErrorType etype = ErrorType.LABEL_CONFLICTS_WITH_ARG; errMgr.grammarError(etype, g.fileName, labelID.token, name, r.name); } if (r.retvals != null && r.retvals.get(name) != null) { ErrorType etype = ErrorType.LABEL_CONFLICTS_WITH_RETVAL; errMgr.grammarError(etype, g.fileName, labelID.token, name, r.name); } if (r.locals != null && r.locals.get(name) != null) { ErrorType etype = ErrorType.LABEL_CONFLICTS_WITH_LOCAL; errMgr.grammarError(etype, g.fileName, labelID.token, name, r.name); } } public void checkForAttributeConflicts(Rule r) { checkDeclarationRuleConflicts(r, r.args, nameToRuleMap.keySet(), ErrorType.ARG_CONFLICTS_WITH_RULE); checkDeclarationRuleConflicts(r, r.args, tokenIDs, ErrorType.ARG_CONFLICTS_WITH_TOKEN); checkDeclarationRuleConflicts(r, r.retvals, nameToRuleMap.keySet(), ErrorType.RETVAL_CONFLICTS_WITH_RULE); checkDeclarationRuleConflicts(r, r.retvals, tokenIDs, ErrorType.RETVAL_CONFLICTS_WITH_TOKEN); checkDeclarationRuleConflicts(r, r.locals, nameToRuleMap.keySet(), ErrorType.LOCAL_CONFLICTS_WITH_RULE); checkDeclarationRuleConflicts(r, r.locals, tokenIDs, ErrorType.LOCAL_CONFLICTS_WITH_TOKEN); checkLocalConflictingDeclarations(r, r.retvals, r.args, ErrorType.RETVAL_CONFLICTS_WITH_ARG); checkLocalConflictingDeclarations(r, r.locals, r.args, ErrorType.LOCAL_CONFLICTS_WITH_ARG); checkLocalConflictingDeclarations(r, r.locals, r.retvals, ErrorType.LOCAL_CONFLICTS_WITH_RETVAL); } protected void checkDeclarationRuleConflicts(Rule r, AttributeDict attributes, Set<String> ruleNames, ErrorType errorType) { if (attributes == null) { return; } for (Attribute attribute : attributes.attributes.values()) { if (ruleNames.contains(attribute.name)) { errMgr.grammarError( errorType, g.fileName, attribute.token != null ? attribute.token : ((GrammarAST) r.ast.getChild(0)).token, attribute.name, r.name); } } } protected void checkLocalConflictingDeclarations(Rule r, AttributeDict attributes, AttributeDict referenceAttributes, ErrorType errorType) { if (attributes == null || referenceAttributes == null) { return; } Set<String> conflictingKeys = attributes.intersection(referenceAttributes); for (String key : conflictingKeys) { errMgr.grammarError( errorType, g.fileName, attributes.get(key).token != null ? attributes.get(key).token : ((GrammarAST)r.ast.getChild(0)).token, key, r.name); } } protected void checkReservedNames(Collection<Rule> rules) { for (Rule rule : rules) { if (reservedNames.contains(rule.name)) { errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.RESERVED_RULE_NAME, g.fileName, ((GrammarAST)rule.ast.getChild(0)).getToken(), rule.name); } } } public void checkForModeConflicts(Grammar g) { if (g.isLexer()) { LexerGrammar lexerGrammar = (LexerGrammar)g; for (String modeName : lexerGrammar.modes.keySet()) { if (!modeName.equals("DEFAULT_MODE") && reservedNames.contains(modeName)) { Rule rule = lexerGrammar.modes.get(modeName).iterator().next(); g.tool.errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.MODE_CONFLICTS_WITH_COMMON_CONSTANTS, g.fileName, rule.ast.parent.getToken(), modeName); } if (g.getTokenType(modeName) != Token.INVALID_TYPE) { Rule rule = lexerGrammar.modes.get(modeName).iterator().next(); g.tool.errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.MODE_CONFLICTS_WITH_TOKEN, g.fileName, rule.ast.parent.getToken(), modeName); } } } }
Algorithm steps: 1. Collect all simple string literals (i.e. 'asdf', 'as' 'df', but not [a-z]+, 'a'..'z') for all lexer rules in each mode except of autogenerated tokens (getSingleTokenValues) 2. Compare every string literal with each other (#checkForOverlap(Grammar, Rule, Rule, List<String>, List<String>) checkForOverlap) and throw TOKEN_UNREACHABLE warning if the same string found. Complexity: O(m * n^2 / 2), approximately equals to O(n^2) where m - number of modes, n - average number of lexer rules per mode. See also testUnreachableTokens unit test for details.
/** * Algorithm steps: * 1. Collect all simple string literals (i.e. 'asdf', 'as' 'df', but not [a-z]+, 'a'..'z') * for all lexer rules in each mode except of autogenerated tokens ({@link #getSingleTokenValues(Rule) getSingleTokenValues}) * 2. Compare every string literal with each other ({@link #checkForOverlap(Grammar, Rule, Rule, List<String>, List<String>) checkForOverlap}) * and throw TOKEN_UNREACHABLE warning if the same string found. * Complexity: O(m * n^2 / 2), approximately equals to O(n^2) * where m - number of modes, n - average number of lexer rules per mode. * See also testUnreachableTokens unit test for details. */
public void checkForUnreachableTokens(Grammar g) { if (g.isLexer()) { LexerGrammar lexerGrammar = (LexerGrammar)g; for (List<Rule> rules : lexerGrammar.modes.values()) { // Collect string literal lexer rules for each mode List<Rule> stringLiteralRules = new ArrayList<>(); List<List<String>> stringLiteralValues = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) { Rule rule = rules.get(i); List<String> ruleStringAlts = getSingleTokenValues(rule); if (ruleStringAlts != null && ruleStringAlts.size() > 0) { stringLiteralRules.add(rule); stringLiteralValues.add(ruleStringAlts); } } // Check string sets intersection for (int i = 0; i < stringLiteralRules.size(); i++) { List<String> firstTokenStringValues = stringLiteralValues.get(i); Rule rule1 = stringLiteralRules.get(i); checkForOverlap(g, rule1, rule1, firstTokenStringValues, stringLiteralValues.get(i)); // Check fragment rules only with themself if (!rule1.isFragment()) { for (int j = i + 1; j < stringLiteralRules.size(); j++) { Rule rule2 = stringLiteralRules.get(j); if (!rule2.isFragment()) { checkForOverlap(g, rule1, stringLiteralRules.get(j), firstTokenStringValues, stringLiteralValues.get(j)); } } } } } } }
{@return} list of simple string literals for rule {@param rule}
/** * {@return} list of simple string literals for rule {@param rule} */
private List<String> getSingleTokenValues(Rule rule) { List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(); for (Alternative alt : rule.alt) { if (alt != null) { // select first alt if token has a command Tree rootNode = alt.ast.getChildCount() == 2 && alt.ast.getChild(0) instanceof AltAST && alt.ast.getChild(1) instanceof GrammarAST ? alt.ast.getChild(0) : alt.ast; if (rootNode.getTokenStartIndex() == -1) { continue; // ignore autogenerated tokens from combined grammars that start with T__ } // Ignore alt if contains not only string literals (repetition, optional) boolean ignore = false; StringBuilder currentValue = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < rootNode.getChildCount(); i++) { Tree child = rootNode.getChild(i); if (!(child instanceof TerminalAST)) { ignore = true; break; } TerminalAST terminalAST = (TerminalAST)child; if (terminalAST.token.getType() != ANTLRLexer.STRING_LITERAL) { ignore = true; break; } else { String text = terminalAST.token.getText(); currentValue.append(text.substring(1, text.length() - 1)); } } if (!ignore) { values.add(currentValue.toString()); } } } return values; }
For same rule compare values from next index: TOKEN_WITH_SAME_VALUES: 'asdf' | 'asdf'; For different rules compare from start value: TOKEN1: 'asdf'; TOKEN2: 'asdf';
/** * For same rule compare values from next index: * TOKEN_WITH_SAME_VALUES: 'asdf' | 'asdf'; * For different rules compare from start value: * TOKEN1: 'asdf'; * TOKEN2: 'asdf'; */
private void checkForOverlap(Grammar g, Rule rule1, Rule rule2, List<String> firstTokenStringValues, List<String> secondTokenStringValues) { for (int i = 0; i < firstTokenStringValues.size(); i++) { int secondTokenInd = rule1 == rule2 ? i + 1 : 0; String str1 = firstTokenStringValues.get(i); for (int j = secondTokenInd; j < secondTokenStringValues.size(); j++) { String str2 = secondTokenStringValues.get(j); if (str1.equals(str2)) { errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.TOKEN_UNREACHABLE, g.fileName, ((GrammarAST) rule2.ast.getChild(0)).token, rule2.name, str2, rule1.name); } } } } // CAN ONLY CALL THE TWO NEXT METHODS AFTER GRAMMAR HAS RULE DEFS (see semanticpipeline) public void checkRuleArgs(Grammar g, List<GrammarAST> rulerefs) { if ( rulerefs==null ) return; for (GrammarAST ref : rulerefs) { String ruleName = ref.getText(); Rule r = g.getRule(ruleName); GrammarAST arg = (GrammarAST)ref.getFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.ARG_ACTION); if ( arg!=null && (r==null || r.args==null) ) { errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.RULE_HAS_NO_ARGS, g.fileName, ref.token, ruleName); } else if ( arg==null && (r!=null && r.args!=null) ) { errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.MISSING_RULE_ARGS, g.fileName, ref.token, ruleName); } } } public void checkForQualifiedRuleIssues(Grammar g, List<GrammarAST> qualifiedRuleRefs) { for (GrammarAST dot : qualifiedRuleRefs) { GrammarAST grammar = (GrammarAST)dot.getChild(0); GrammarAST rule = (GrammarAST)dot.getChild(1); g.tool.log("semantics", grammar.getText()+"."+rule.getText()); Grammar delegate = g.getImportedGrammar(grammar.getText()); if ( delegate==null ) { errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.NO_SUCH_GRAMMAR_SCOPE, g.fileName, grammar.token, grammar.getText(), rule.getText()); } else { if ( g.getRule(grammar.getText(), rule.getText())==null ) { errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.NO_SUCH_RULE_IN_SCOPE, g.fileName, rule.token, grammar.getText(), rule.getText()); } } } } }