 * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
 * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.

package org.antlr.v4.misc;

import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.IntervalSet;
import org.antlr.v4.unicode.UnicodeData;

import java.util.Objects;

Utility class to parse escapes like: \\n \\uABCD \\u{10ABCD} \\p{Foo} \\P{Bar} \\p{Baz=Blech} \\P{Baz=Blech}
/** * Utility class to parse escapes like: * \\n * \\uABCD * \\u{10ABCD} * \\p{Foo} * \\P{Bar} * \\p{Baz=Blech} * \\P{Baz=Blech} */
public abstract class EscapeSequenceParsing { public static class Result { public enum Type { INVALID, CODE_POINT, PROPERTY }; public final Type type; public final int codePoint; public final IntervalSet propertyIntervalSet; public final int startOffset; public final int parseLength; public Result(Type type, int codePoint, IntervalSet propertyIntervalSet, int startOffset, int parseLength) { this.type = type; this.codePoint = codePoint; this.propertyIntervalSet = propertyIntervalSet; this.startOffset = startOffset; this.parseLength = parseLength; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format( "%s type=%s codePoint=%d propertyIntervalSet=%s parseLength=%d", super.toString(), type, codePoint, propertyIntervalSet, parseLength); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (!(other instanceof Result)) { return false; } Result that = (Result) other; if (this == that) { return true; } return Objects.equals(this.type, that.type) && Objects.equals(this.codePoint, that.codePoint) && Objects.equals(this.propertyIntervalSet, that.propertyIntervalSet) && Objects.equals(this.parseLength, that.parseLength); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(type, codePoint, propertyIntervalSet, parseLength); } }
Parses a single escape sequence starting at startOff. Returns a type of INVALID if no valid escape sequence was found, a Result otherwise.
/** * Parses a single escape sequence starting at {@code startOff}. * * Returns a type of INVALID if no valid escape sequence was found, a Result otherwise. */
public static Result parseEscape(String s, int startOff) { int offset = startOff; if (offset + 2 > s.length() || s.codePointAt(offset) != '\\') { return invalid(startOff, s.length()-1); } // Move past backslash offset++; int escaped = s.codePointAt(offset); // Move past escaped code point offset += Character.charCount(escaped); if (escaped == 'u') { // \\u{1} is the shortest we support if (offset + 3 > s.length()) { return invalid(startOff, s.length()-1); } int hexStartOffset; int hexEndOffset; // appears to be exclusive if (s.codePointAt(offset) == '{') { hexStartOffset = offset + 1; hexEndOffset = s.indexOf('}', hexStartOffset); if (hexEndOffset == -1) { return invalid(startOff, s.length()-1); } offset = hexEndOffset + 1; } else { if (offset + 4 > s.length()) { return invalid(startOff, s.length()-1); } hexStartOffset = offset; hexEndOffset = offset + 4; offset = hexEndOffset; } int codePointValue = CharSupport.parseHexValue(s, hexStartOffset, hexEndOffset); if (codePointValue == -1 || codePointValue > Character.MAX_CODE_POINT) { return invalid(startOff, startOff+6-1); } return new Result( Result.Type.CODE_POINT, codePointValue, IntervalSet.EMPTY_SET, startOff, offset - startOff); } else if (escaped == 'p' || escaped == 'P') { // \p{L} is the shortest we support if (offset + 3 > s.length()) { return invalid(startOff, s.length()-1); } if (s.codePointAt(offset) != '{') { return invalid(startOff, offset); } int openBraceOffset = offset; int closeBraceOffset = s.indexOf('}', openBraceOffset); if (closeBraceOffset == -1) { return invalid(startOff, s.length()-1); } String propertyName = s.substring(openBraceOffset + 1, closeBraceOffset); IntervalSet propertyIntervalSet = UnicodeData.getPropertyCodePoints(propertyName); if (propertyIntervalSet == null) { return invalid(startOff, closeBraceOffset); } offset = closeBraceOffset + 1; if (escaped == 'P') { propertyIntervalSet = propertyIntervalSet.complement(IntervalSet.COMPLETE_CHAR_SET); } return new Result( Result.Type.PROPERTY, -1, propertyIntervalSet, startOff, offset - startOff); } else if (escaped < CharSupport.ANTLRLiteralEscapedCharValue.length) { int codePoint = CharSupport.ANTLRLiteralEscapedCharValue[escaped]; if (codePoint == 0) { if (escaped != ']' && escaped != '-') { // escape ']' and '-' only in char sets. return invalid(startOff, startOff+1); } else { codePoint = escaped; } } return new Result( Result.Type.CODE_POINT, codePoint, IntervalSet.EMPTY_SET, startOff, offset - startOff); } else { return invalid(startOff,s.length()-1); } } private static Result invalid(int start, int stop) { // start..stop is inclusive return new Result( Result.Type.INVALID, 0, IntervalSet.EMPTY_SET, start, stop - start + 1); } }