 * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
 * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.

package org.antlr.v4.codegen;

import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTreeNodeStream;
import org.antlr.v4.analysis.LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.Action;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.AltBlock;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.BaseListenerFile;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.BaseVisitorFile;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.Choice;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.CodeBlockForAlt;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.CodeBlockForOuterMostAlt;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.LabeledOp;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.LeftRecursiveRuleFunction;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.Lexer;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.LexerFile;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.ListenerFile;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.OutputModelObject;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.Parser;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.ParserFile;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.RuleActionFunction;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.RuleFunction;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.RuleSempredFunction;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.SrcOp;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.StarBlock;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.VisitorFile;
import org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.decl.CodeBlock;
import org.antlr.v4.misc.Utils;
import org.antlr.v4.parse.ANTLRParser;
import org.antlr.v4.parse.GrammarASTAdaptor;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Alternative;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.ErrorType;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Grammar;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.LeftRecursiveRule;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Rule;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.ActionAST;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.BlockAST;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.GrammarAST;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.ast.PredAST;
import org.stringtemplate.v4.ST;
import org.stringtemplate.v4.STGroup;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;

This receives events from SourceGenTriggers.g and asks factory to do work. Then runs extensions in order on resulting SrcOps to get final list.
/** This receives events from SourceGenTriggers.g and asks factory to do work. * Then runs extensions in order on resulting SrcOps to get final list. **/
public class OutputModelController {
Who does the work? Doesn't have to be CoreOutputModelFactory.
/** Who does the work? Doesn't have to be CoreOutputModelFactory. */
public OutputModelFactory delegate;
Post-processing CodeGeneratorExtension objects; done in order given.
/** Post-processing CodeGeneratorExtension objects; done in order given. */
public List<CodeGeneratorExtension> extensions = new ArrayList<CodeGeneratorExtension>();
While walking code in rules, this is set to the tree walker that triggers actions.
/** While walking code in rules, this is set to the tree walker that * triggers actions. */
public SourceGenTriggers walker;
Context set by the SourceGenTriggers.g
/** Context set by the SourceGenTriggers.g */
public int codeBlockLevel = -1; public int treeLevel = -1; public OutputModelObject root; // normally ParserFile, LexerFile, ... public Stack<RuleFunction> currentRule = new Stack<RuleFunction>(); public Alternative currentOuterMostAlt; public CodeBlock currentBlock; public CodeBlockForOuterMostAlt currentOuterMostAlternativeBlock; public OutputModelController(OutputModelFactory factory) { this.delegate = factory; } public void addExtension(CodeGeneratorExtension ext) { extensions.add(ext); }
Build a file with a parser containing rule functions. Use the controller as factory in SourceGenTriggers so it triggers codegen extensions too, not just the factory functions in this factory.
/** Build a file with a parser containing rule functions. Use the * controller as factory in SourceGenTriggers so it triggers codegen * extensions too, not just the factory functions in this factory. */
public OutputModelObject buildParserOutputModel(boolean header) { CodeGenerator gen = delegate.getGenerator(); ParserFile file = parserFile(gen.getRecognizerFileName(header)); setRoot(file); file.parser = parser(file); Grammar g = delegate.getGrammar(); for (Rule r : g.rules.values()) { buildRuleFunction(file.parser, r); } return file; } public OutputModelObject buildLexerOutputModel(boolean header) { CodeGenerator gen = delegate.getGenerator(); LexerFile file = lexerFile(gen.getRecognizerFileName(header)); setRoot(file); file.lexer = lexer(file); Grammar g = delegate.getGrammar(); for (Rule r : g.rules.values()) { buildLexerRuleActions(file.lexer, r); } return file; } public OutputModelObject buildListenerOutputModel(boolean header) { CodeGenerator gen = delegate.getGenerator(); return new ListenerFile(delegate, gen.getListenerFileName(header)); } public OutputModelObject buildBaseListenerOutputModel(boolean header) { CodeGenerator gen = delegate.getGenerator(); return new BaseListenerFile(delegate, gen.getBaseListenerFileName(header)); } public OutputModelObject buildVisitorOutputModel(boolean header) { CodeGenerator gen = delegate.getGenerator(); return new VisitorFile(delegate, gen.getVisitorFileName(header)); } public OutputModelObject buildBaseVisitorOutputModel(boolean header) { CodeGenerator gen = delegate.getGenerator(); return new BaseVisitorFile(delegate, gen.getBaseVisitorFileName(header)); } public ParserFile parserFile(String fileName) { ParserFile f = delegate.parserFile(fileName); for (CodeGeneratorExtension ext : extensions) f = ext.parserFile(f); return f; } public Parser parser(ParserFile file) { Parser p = delegate.parser(file); for (CodeGeneratorExtension ext : extensions) p = ext.parser(p); return p; } public LexerFile lexerFile(String fileName) { return new LexerFile(delegate, fileName); } public Lexer lexer(LexerFile file) { return new Lexer(delegate, file); }
Create RuleFunction per rule and update sempreds,actions of parser output object with stuff found in r.
/** Create RuleFunction per rule and update sempreds,actions of parser * output object with stuff found in r. */
public void buildRuleFunction(Parser parser, Rule r) { RuleFunction function = rule(r); parser.funcs.add(function); pushCurrentRule(function); function.fillNamedActions(delegate, r); if ( r instanceof LeftRecursiveRule ) { buildLeftRecursiveRuleFunction((LeftRecursiveRule)r, (LeftRecursiveRuleFunction)function); } else { buildNormalRuleFunction(r, function); } Grammar g = getGrammar(); for (ActionAST a : r.actions) { if ( a instanceof PredAST ) { PredAST p = (PredAST)a; RuleSempredFunction rsf = parser.sempredFuncs.get(r); if ( rsf==null ) { rsf = new RuleSempredFunction(delegate, r, function.ctxType); parser.sempredFuncs.put(r, rsf); } rsf.actions.put(g.sempreds.get(p), new Action(delegate, p)); } } popCurrentRule(); } public void buildLeftRecursiveRuleFunction(LeftRecursiveRule r, LeftRecursiveRuleFunction function) { buildNormalRuleFunction(r, function); // now inject code to start alts CodeGenerator gen = delegate.getGenerator(); STGroup codegenTemplates = gen.getTemplates(); // pick out alt(s) for primaries CodeBlockForOuterMostAlt outerAlt = (CodeBlockForOuterMostAlt)function.code.get(0); List<CodeBlockForAlt> primaryAltsCode = new ArrayList<CodeBlockForAlt>(); SrcOp primaryStuff = outerAlt.ops.get(0); if ( primaryStuff instanceof Choice ) { Choice primaryAltBlock = (Choice) primaryStuff; primaryAltsCode.addAll(primaryAltBlock.alts); } else { // just a single alt I guess; no block primaryAltsCode.add((CodeBlockForAlt)primaryStuff); } // pick out alt(s) for op alts StarBlock opAltStarBlock = (StarBlock)outerAlt.ops.get(1); CodeBlockForAlt altForOpAltBlock = opAltStarBlock.alts.get(0); List<CodeBlockForAlt> opAltsCode = new ArrayList<CodeBlockForAlt>(); SrcOp opStuff = altForOpAltBlock.ops.get(0); if ( opStuff instanceof AltBlock ) { AltBlock opAltBlock = (AltBlock)opStuff; opAltsCode.addAll(opAltBlock.alts); } else { // just a single alt I guess; no block opAltsCode.add((CodeBlockForAlt)opStuff); } // Insert code in front of each primary alt to create specialized ctx if there was a label for (int i = 0; i < primaryAltsCode.size(); i++) { LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo altInfo = r.recPrimaryAlts.get(i); if ( altInfo.altLabel==null ) continue; ST altActionST = codegenTemplates.getInstanceOf("recRuleReplaceContext"); altActionST.add("ctxName", Utils.capitalize(altInfo.altLabel)); Action altAction = new Action(delegate, function.altLabelCtxs.get(altInfo.altLabel), altActionST); CodeBlockForAlt alt = primaryAltsCode.get(i); alt.insertOp(0, altAction); } // Insert code to set ctx.stop after primary block and before op * loop ST setStopTokenAST = codegenTemplates.getInstanceOf("recRuleSetStopToken"); Action setStopTokenAction = new Action(delegate, function.ruleCtx, setStopTokenAST); outerAlt.insertOp(1, setStopTokenAction); // Insert code to set _prevctx at start of * loop ST setPrevCtx = codegenTemplates.getInstanceOf("recRuleSetPrevCtx"); Action setPrevCtxAction = new Action(delegate, function.ruleCtx, setPrevCtx); opAltStarBlock.addIterationOp(setPrevCtxAction); // Insert code in front of each op alt to create specialized ctx if there was an alt label for (int i = 0; i < opAltsCode.size(); i++) { ST altActionST; LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo altInfo = r.recOpAlts.getElement(i); String templateName; if ( altInfo.altLabel!=null ) { templateName = "recRuleLabeledAltStartAction"; altActionST = codegenTemplates.getInstanceOf(templateName); altActionST.add("currentAltLabel", altInfo.altLabel); } else { templateName = "recRuleAltStartAction"; altActionST = codegenTemplates.getInstanceOf(templateName); altActionST.add("ctxName", Utils.capitalize(r.name)); } altActionST.add("ruleName", r.name); // add label of any lr ref we deleted altActionST.add("label", altInfo.leftRecursiveRuleRefLabel); if (altActionST.impl.formalArguments.containsKey("isListLabel")) { altActionST.add("isListLabel", altInfo.isListLabel); } else if (altInfo.isListLabel) { delegate.getGenerator().tool.errMgr.toolError(ErrorType.CODE_TEMPLATE_ARG_ISSUE, templateName, "isListLabel"); } Action altAction = new Action(delegate, function.altLabelCtxs.get(altInfo.altLabel), altActionST); CodeBlockForAlt alt = opAltsCode.get(i); alt.insertOp(0, altAction); } } public void buildNormalRuleFunction(Rule r, RuleFunction function) { CodeGenerator gen = delegate.getGenerator(); // TRIGGER factory functions for rule alts, elements GrammarASTAdaptor adaptor = new GrammarASTAdaptor(r.ast.token.getInputStream()); GrammarAST blk = (GrammarAST)r.ast.getFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.BLOCK); CommonTreeNodeStream nodes = new CommonTreeNodeStream(adaptor,blk); walker = new SourceGenTriggers(nodes, this); try { // walk AST of rule alts/elements function.code = DefaultOutputModelFactory.list(walker.block(null, null)); function.hasLookaheadBlock = walker.hasLookaheadBlock; } catch (org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException e){ e.printStackTrace(System.err); } function.ctxType = gen.getTarget().getRuleFunctionContextStructName(function); function.postamble = rulePostamble(function, r); } public void buildLexerRuleActions(Lexer lexer, final Rule r) { if (r.actions.isEmpty()) { return; } CodeGenerator gen = delegate.getGenerator(); Grammar g = delegate.getGrammar(); String ctxType = gen.getTarget().getRuleFunctionContextStructName(r); RuleActionFunction raf = lexer.actionFuncs.get(r); if ( raf==null ) { raf = new RuleActionFunction(delegate, r, ctxType); } for (ActionAST a : r.actions) { if ( a instanceof PredAST ) { PredAST p = (PredAST)a; RuleSempredFunction rsf = lexer.sempredFuncs.get(r); if ( rsf==null ) { rsf = new RuleSempredFunction(delegate, r, ctxType); lexer.sempredFuncs.put(r, rsf); } rsf.actions.put(g.sempreds.get(p), new Action(delegate, p)); } else if ( a.getType()== ANTLRParser.ACTION ) { raf.actions.put(g.lexerActions.get(a), new Action(delegate, a)); } } if (!raf.actions.isEmpty() && !lexer.actionFuncs.containsKey(r)) { // only add to lexer if the function actually contains actions lexer.actionFuncs.put(r, raf); } } public RuleFunction rule(Rule r) { RuleFunction rf = delegate.rule(r); for (CodeGeneratorExtension ext : extensions) rf = ext.rule(rf); return rf; } public List<SrcOp> rulePostamble(RuleFunction function, Rule r) { List<SrcOp> ops = delegate.rulePostamble(function, r); for (CodeGeneratorExtension ext : extensions) ops = ext.rulePostamble(ops); return ops; } public Grammar getGrammar() { return delegate.getGrammar(); } public CodeGenerator getGenerator() { return delegate.getGenerator(); } public CodeBlockForAlt alternative(Alternative alt, boolean outerMost) { CodeBlockForAlt blk = delegate.alternative(alt, outerMost); if ( outerMost ) { currentOuterMostAlternativeBlock = (CodeBlockForOuterMostAlt)blk; } for (CodeGeneratorExtension ext : extensions) blk = ext.alternative(blk, outerMost); return blk; } public CodeBlockForAlt finishAlternative(CodeBlockForAlt blk, List<SrcOp> ops, boolean outerMost) { blk = delegate.finishAlternative(blk, ops); for (CodeGeneratorExtension ext : extensions) blk = ext.finishAlternative(blk, outerMost); return blk; } public List<SrcOp> ruleRef(GrammarAST ID, GrammarAST label, GrammarAST args) { List<SrcOp> ops = delegate.ruleRef(ID, label, args); for (CodeGeneratorExtension ext : extensions) { ops = ext.ruleRef(ops); } return ops; } public List<SrcOp> tokenRef(GrammarAST ID, GrammarAST label, GrammarAST args) { List<SrcOp> ops = delegate.tokenRef(ID, label, args); for (CodeGeneratorExtension ext : extensions) { ops = ext.tokenRef(ops); } return ops; } public List<SrcOp> stringRef(GrammarAST ID, GrammarAST label) { List<SrcOp> ops = delegate.stringRef(ID, label); for (CodeGeneratorExtension ext : extensions) { ops = ext.stringRef(ops); } return ops; }
(A|B|C) possibly with ebnfRoot and label
/** (A|B|C) possibly with ebnfRoot and label */
public List<SrcOp> set(GrammarAST setAST, GrammarAST labelAST, boolean invert) { List<SrcOp> ops = delegate.set(setAST, labelAST, invert); for (CodeGeneratorExtension ext : extensions) { ops = ext.set(ops); } return ops; } public CodeBlockForAlt epsilon(Alternative alt, boolean outerMost) { CodeBlockForAlt blk = delegate.epsilon(alt, outerMost); for (CodeGeneratorExtension ext : extensions) blk = ext.epsilon(blk); return blk; } public List<SrcOp> wildcard(GrammarAST ast, GrammarAST labelAST) { List<SrcOp> ops = delegate.wildcard(ast, labelAST); for (CodeGeneratorExtension ext : extensions) { ops = ext.wildcard(ops); } return ops; } public List<SrcOp> action(ActionAST ast) { List<SrcOp> ops = delegate.action(ast); for (CodeGeneratorExtension ext : extensions) ops = ext.action(ops); return ops; } public List<SrcOp> sempred(ActionAST ast) { List<SrcOp> ops = delegate.sempred(ast); for (CodeGeneratorExtension ext : extensions) ops = ext.sempred(ops); return ops; } public Choice getChoiceBlock(BlockAST blkAST, List<CodeBlockForAlt> alts, GrammarAST label) { Choice c = delegate.getChoiceBlock(blkAST, alts, label); for (CodeGeneratorExtension ext : extensions) c = ext.getChoiceBlock(c); return c; } public Choice getEBNFBlock(GrammarAST ebnfRoot, List<CodeBlockForAlt> alts) { Choice c = delegate.getEBNFBlock(ebnfRoot, alts); for (CodeGeneratorExtension ext : extensions) c = ext.getEBNFBlock(c); return c; } public boolean needsImplicitLabel(GrammarAST ID, LabeledOp op) { boolean needs = delegate.needsImplicitLabel(ID, op); for (CodeGeneratorExtension ext : extensions) needs |= ext.needsImplicitLabel(ID, op); return needs; } public OutputModelObject getRoot() { return root; } public void setRoot(OutputModelObject root) { this.root = root; } public RuleFunction getCurrentRuleFunction() { if ( !currentRule.isEmpty() ) return currentRule.peek(); return null; } public void pushCurrentRule(RuleFunction r) { currentRule.push(r); } public RuleFunction popCurrentRule() { if ( !currentRule.isEmpty() ) return currentRule.pop(); return null; } public Alternative getCurrentOuterMostAlt() { return currentOuterMostAlt; } public void setCurrentOuterMostAlt(Alternative currentOuterMostAlt) { this.currentOuterMostAlt = currentOuterMostAlt; } public void setCurrentBlock(CodeBlock blk) { currentBlock = blk; } public CodeBlock getCurrentBlock() { return currentBlock; } public void setCurrentOuterMostAlternativeBlock(CodeBlockForOuterMostAlt currentOuterMostAlternativeBlock) { this.currentOuterMostAlternativeBlock = currentOuterMostAlternativeBlock; } public CodeBlockForOuterMostAlt getCurrentOuterMostAlternativeBlock() { return currentOuterMostAlternativeBlock; } public int getCodeBlockLevel() { return codeBlockLevel; } }