 * Copyright 2014 - 2019 Rafael Winterhalter
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.assign.primitive;

import net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDefinition;
import net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.Implementation;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.StackManipulation;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.StackSize;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.assign.Assigner;
import org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;

This delegate is responsible for boxing a primitive types to their wrapper equivalents.
/** * This delegate is responsible for boxing a primitive types to their wrapper equivalents. */
public enum PrimitiveBoxingDelegate {
The boxing delegate for boolean values.
/** * The boxing delegate for {@code boolean} values. */
BOOLEAN(Boolean.class, StackSize.ZERO, "valueOf", "(Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;"),
The boxing delegate for byte values.
/** * The boxing delegate for {@code byte} values. */
BYTE(Byte.class, StackSize.ZERO, "valueOf", "(B)Ljava/lang/Byte;"),
The boxing delegate for short values.
/** * The boxing delegate for {@code short} values. */
SHORT(Short.class, StackSize.ZERO, "valueOf", "(S)Ljava/lang/Short;"),
The boxing delegate for char values.
/** * The boxing delegate for {@code char} values. */
CHARACTER(Character.class, StackSize.ZERO, "valueOf", "(C)Ljava/lang/Character;"),
The boxing delegate for int values.
/** * The boxing delegate for {@code int} values. */
INTEGER(Integer.class, StackSize.ZERO, "valueOf", "(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;"),
The boxing delegate for long values.
/** * The boxing delegate for {@code long} values. */
LONG(Long.class, StackSize.SINGLE, "valueOf", "(J)Ljava/lang/Long;"),
The boxing delegate for float values.
/** * The boxing delegate for {@code float} values. */
FLOAT(Float.class, StackSize.ZERO, "valueOf", "(F)Ljava/lang/Float;"),
The boxing delegate for double values.
/** * The boxing delegate for {@code double} values. */
DOUBLE(Double.class, StackSize.SINGLE, "valueOf", "(D)Ljava/lang/Double;");
A description of a wrapper type.
/** * A description of a wrapper type. */
private final TypeDescription wrapperType;
The size decrease after a primitive type was wrapped.
/** * The size decrease after a primitive type was wrapped. */
private final StackManipulation.Size size;
The name of the method for boxing a primitive value as its wrapper type.
/** * The name of the method for boxing a primitive value as its wrapper type. */
private final String boxingMethodName;
The descriptor of the method for boxing a primitive value as its wrapper type.
/** * The descriptor of the method for boxing a primitive value as its wrapper type. */
private final String boxingMethodDescriptor;
Creates a new primitive boxing delegate.
  • wrapperType – A description of a wrapper type.
  • sizeDifference – The size difference between a primitive type and its wrapper type.
  • boxingMethodName – The name of the method for boxing a primitive value as its wrapper type.
  • boxingMethodDescriptor – The descriptor of the method for boxing a primitive value as its wrapper type.
/** * Creates a new primitive boxing delegate. * * @param wrapperType A description of a wrapper type. * @param sizeDifference The size difference between a primitive type and its wrapper type. * @param boxingMethodName The name of the method for boxing a primitive value as its wrapper type. * @param boxingMethodDescriptor The descriptor of the method for boxing a primitive value as its wrapper type. */
PrimitiveBoxingDelegate(Class<?> wrapperType, StackSize sizeDifference, String boxingMethodName, String boxingMethodDescriptor) { this.wrapperType = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(wrapperType); this.size = sizeDifference.toDecreasingSize(); this.boxingMethodName = boxingMethodName; this.boxingMethodDescriptor = boxingMethodDescriptor; }
Locates a boxing delegate for a given primitive type.
  • typeDefinition – A non-void primitive type.
Returns:A delegate capable of boxing the given primitive type.
/** * Locates a boxing delegate for a given primitive type. * * @param typeDefinition A non-void primitive type. * @return A delegate capable of boxing the given primitive type. */
public static PrimitiveBoxingDelegate forPrimitive(TypeDefinition typeDefinition) { if (typeDefinition.represents(boolean.class)) { return BOOLEAN; } else if (typeDefinition.represents(byte.class)) { return BYTE; } else if (typeDefinition.represents(short.class)) { return SHORT; } else if (typeDefinition.represents(char.class)) { return CHARACTER; } else if (typeDefinition.represents(int.class)) { return INTEGER; } else if (typeDefinition.represents(long.class)) { return LONG; } else if (typeDefinition.represents(float.class)) { return FLOAT; } else if (typeDefinition.represents(double.class)) { return DOUBLE; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a non-void, primitive type: " + typeDefinition); } }
Creates a stack manipulation that boxes the represented primitive type and applies a chained assignment to the result of this boxing operation.
  • target – The type that is target of the assignment operation.
  • chainedAssigner – The assigner that is to be used to perform the chained assignment.
  • typing – Determines if an assignment to an incompatible type should be enforced by a casting.
Returns:A stack manipulation that represents the described assignment operation.
/** * Creates a stack manipulation that boxes the represented primitive type and applies a chained assignment * to the result of this boxing operation. * * @param target The type that is target of the assignment operation. * @param chainedAssigner The assigner that is to be used to perform the chained assignment. * @param typing Determines if an assignment to an incompatible type should be enforced by a casting. * @return A stack manipulation that represents the described assignment operation. */
public StackManipulation assignBoxedTo(TypeDescription.Generic target, Assigner chainedAssigner, Assigner.Typing typing) { return new BoxingStackManipulation(chainedAssigner.assign(wrapperType.asGenericType(), target, typing)); }
A stack manipulation for boxing a primitive type into its wrapper type.
/** * A stack manipulation for boxing a primitive type into its wrapper type. */
private class BoxingStackManipulation implements StackManipulation {
A stack manipulation that is applied after the boxing of the top-most value on the operand stack.
/** * A stack manipulation that is applied after the boxing of the top-most value on the operand stack. */
private final StackManipulation stackManipulation;
Creates a new boxing stack manipulation.
  • stackManipulation – A stack manipulation that is applied after the boxing of the top-most value on the operand stack.
/** * Creates a new boxing stack manipulation. * * @param stackManipulation A stack manipulation that is applied after the boxing of the top-most value on * the operand stack. */
public BoxingStackManipulation(StackManipulation stackManipulation) { this.stackManipulation = stackManipulation; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isValid() { return stackManipulation.isValid(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Size apply(MethodVisitor methodVisitor, Implementation.Context implementationContext) { methodVisitor.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, wrapperType.getInternalName(), boxingMethodName, boxingMethodDescriptor, false); return size.aggregate(stackManipulation.apply(methodVisitor, implementationContext)); } } }