 * Copyright 2014 - 2019 Rafael Winterhalter
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package net.bytebuddy.implementation.bind.annotation;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import net.bytebuddy.build.HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin;
import net.bytebuddy.description.annotation.AnnotationDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.field.FieldDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.MethodDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.ParameterDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.FieldLocator;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.Implementation;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bind.MethodDelegationBinder;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.StackManipulation;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.assign.Assigner;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.constant.*;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.JavaConstant;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.JavaType;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.*;

import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.isGetter;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.isSetter;

This MethodDelegationBinder binds method by analyzing annotations found on the target method that is subject to a method binding.
/** * This {@link net.bytebuddy.implementation.bind.MethodDelegationBinder} binds * method by analyzing annotations found on the <i>target</i> method that is subject to a method binding. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance public class TargetMethodAnnotationDrivenBinder implements MethodDelegationBinder {
The processor for performing an actual method delegation.
/** * The processor for performing an actual method delegation. */
private final DelegationProcessor delegationProcessor;
Creates a new target method annotation-driven binder.
  • delegationProcessor – The delegation processor to use.
/** * Creates a new target method annotation-driven binder. * * @param delegationProcessor The delegation processor to use. */
protected TargetMethodAnnotationDrivenBinder(DelegationProcessor delegationProcessor) { this.delegationProcessor = delegationProcessor; }
Creates a new method delegation binder that binds method based on annotations found on the target method.
  • parameterBinders – A list of parameter binder delegates. Each such delegate is responsible for creating a ParameterBinding for a specific annotation.
Returns:An appropriate method delegation binder.
/** * Creates a new method delegation binder that binds method based on annotations found on the target method. * * @param parameterBinders A list of parameter binder delegates. Each such delegate is responsible for creating a * {@link net.bytebuddy.implementation.bind.MethodDelegationBinder.ParameterBinding} * for a specific annotation. * @return An appropriate method delegation binder. */
public static MethodDelegationBinder of(List<? extends ParameterBinder<?>> parameterBinders) { return new TargetMethodAnnotationDrivenBinder(DelegationProcessor.of(parameterBinders)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public MethodDelegationBinder.Record compile(MethodDescription candidate) { if (IgnoreForBinding.Verifier.check(candidate)) { return MethodDelegationBinder.Record.Illegal.INSTANCE; } List<DelegationProcessor.Handler> handlers = new ArrayList<DelegationProcessor.Handler>(candidate.getParameters().size()); for (ParameterDescription parameterDescription : candidate.getParameters()) { handlers.add(delegationProcessor.prepare(parameterDescription)); } return new Record(candidate, handlers, RuntimeType.Verifier.check(candidate)); }
A compiled record of a target method annotation-driven binder.
/** * A compiled record of a target method annotation-driven binder. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected static class Record implements MethodDelegationBinder.Record {
The candidate method.
/** * The candidate method. */
private final MethodDescription candidate;
A list of handlers for each parameter.
/** * A list of handlers for each parameter. */
private final List<DelegationProcessor.Handler> handlers;
The typing to apply.
/** * The typing to apply. */
private final Assigner.Typing typing;
Creates a default compiled method delegation binder.
  • candidate – The candidate method.
  • handlers – A list of handlers for each parameter.
  • typing – The typing to apply.
/** * Creates a default compiled method delegation binder. * * @param candidate The candidate method. * @param handlers A list of handlers for each parameter. * @param typing The typing to apply. */
protected Record(MethodDescription candidate, List<DelegationProcessor.Handler> handlers, Assigner.Typing typing) { this.candidate = candidate; this.handlers = handlers; this.typing = typing; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public MethodBinding bind(Implementation.Target implementationTarget, MethodDescription source, MethodDelegationBinder.TerminationHandler terminationHandler, MethodInvoker methodInvoker, Assigner assigner) { if (!candidate.isAccessibleTo(implementationTarget.getInstrumentedType())) { return MethodBinding.Illegal.INSTANCE; } StackManipulation methodTermination = terminationHandler.resolve(assigner, typing, source, candidate); if (!methodTermination.isValid()) { return MethodBinding.Illegal.INSTANCE; } MethodBinding.Builder methodDelegationBindingBuilder = new MethodBinding.Builder(methodInvoker, candidate); for (DelegationProcessor.Handler handler : handlers) { ParameterBinding<?> parameterBinding = handler.bind(source, implementationTarget, assigner); if (!parameterBinding.isValid() || !methodDelegationBindingBuilder.append(parameterBinding)) { return MethodBinding.Illegal.INSTANCE; } } return methodDelegationBindingBuilder.build(methodTermination); } @Override public String toString() { return candidate.toString(); } }
A parameter binder is used as a delegate for binding a parameter according to a particular annotation type found on this parameter.
Type parameters:
/** * A parameter binder is used as a delegate for binding a parameter according to a particular annotation type found * on this parameter. * * @param <T> The {@link java.lang.annotation.Annotation#annotationType()} handled by this parameter binder. */
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "IC_SUPERCLASS_USES_SUBCLASS_DURING_INITIALIZATION", justification = "Safe initialization is implied") public interface ParameterBinder<T extends Annotation> {
The default parameter binders to be used.
/** * The default parameter binders to be used. */
List<ParameterBinder<?>> DEFAULTS = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.<TargetMethodAnnotationDrivenBinder.ParameterBinder<?>>asList( Argument.Binder.INSTANCE, AllArguments.Binder.INSTANCE, Origin.Binder.INSTANCE, This.Binder.INSTANCE, Super.Binder.INSTANCE, Default.Binder.INSTANCE, SuperCall.Binder.INSTANCE, DefaultCall.Binder.INSTANCE, SuperMethod.Binder.INSTANCE, DefaultMethod.Binder.INSTANCE, FieldValue.Binder.INSTANCE, StubValue.Binder.INSTANCE, Empty.Binder.INSTANCE));
The annotation type that is handled by this parameter binder.
Returns:The Annotation.annotationType() handled by this parameter binder.
/** * The annotation type that is handled by this parameter binder. * * @return The {@link java.lang.annotation.Annotation#annotationType()} handled by this parameter binder. */
Class<T> getHandledType();
Creates a parameter binding for the given target parameter.
  • annotation – The annotation that was cause for the delegation to this argument binder.
  • source – The intercepted source method.
  • target – Tge target parameter that is subject to be bound to intercepting the source method.
  • implementationTarget – The target of the current implementation that is subject to this binding.
  • assigner – An assigner that can be used for applying the binding.
  • typing – The typing to apply.
Returns:A parameter binding for the requested target method parameter.
/** * Creates a parameter binding for the given target parameter. * * @param annotation The annotation that was cause for the delegation to this argument binder. * @param source The intercepted source method. * @param target Tge target parameter that is subject to be bound to * intercepting the {@code source} method. * @param implementationTarget The target of the current implementation that is subject to this binding. * @param assigner An assigner that can be used for applying the binding. * @param typing The typing to apply. * @return A parameter binding for the requested target method parameter. */
ParameterBinding<?> bind(AnnotationDescription.Loadable<T> annotation, MethodDescription source, ParameterDescription target, Implementation.Target implementationTarget, Assigner assigner, Assigner.Typing typing);

Implements a parameter binder that binds a fixed value to a parameter with a given annotation.

This binder is only capable to store values that can either be expressed as Java byte code or as a constant pool value. This includes primitive types, String values, Class values which can also be expressed as TypeDescription instances or method handles and method types for classes of a version at least of Java 7. The latter instances can also be expressed as unloaded JavaConstant representations.

Important: When supplying a method handle or a method type, all types that are implied must be visible to the instrumented type or an IllegalAccessException will be thrown at runtime.

Type parameters:
  • <S> – The bound annotation's type.
/** * <p> * Implements a parameter binder that binds a fixed value to a parameter with a given annotation. * </p> * <p> * This binder is only capable to store values that can either be expressed as Java byte code or as a constant pool value. This * includes primitive types, {@link String} values, {@link Class} values which can also be expressed as {@link TypeDescription} * instances or method handles and method types for classes of a version at least of Java 7. The latter instances can also be * expressed as unloaded {@link JavaConstant} representations. * </p> * <p> * <b>Important</b>: When supplying a method handle or a method type, all types that are implied must be visible to the instrumented * type or an {@link IllegalAccessException} will be thrown at runtime. * </p> * * @param <S> The bound annotation's type. */
abstract class ForFixedValue<S extends Annotation> implements ParameterBinder<S> {
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public ParameterBinding<?> bind(AnnotationDescription.Loadable<S> annotation, MethodDescription source, ParameterDescription target, Implementation.Target implementationTarget, Assigner assigner, Assigner.Typing typing) { Object value = bind(annotation, source, target); if (value == null) { return new ParameterBinding.Anonymous(DefaultValue.of(target.getType())); } StackManipulation stackManipulation; TypeDescription suppliedType; if (value instanceof Boolean) { stackManipulation = IntegerConstant.forValue((Boolean) value); suppliedType = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(boolean.class); } else if (value instanceof Byte) { stackManipulation = IntegerConstant.forValue((Byte) value); suppliedType = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(byte.class); } else if (value instanceof Short) { stackManipulation = IntegerConstant.forValue((Short) value); suppliedType = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(short.class); } else if (value instanceof Character) { stackManipulation = IntegerConstant.forValue((Character) value); suppliedType = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(char.class); } else if (value instanceof Integer) { stackManipulation = IntegerConstant.forValue((Integer) value); suppliedType = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(int.class); } else if (value instanceof Long) { stackManipulation = LongConstant.forValue((Long) value); suppliedType = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(long.class); } else if (value instanceof Float) { stackManipulation = FloatConstant.forValue((Float) value); suppliedType = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(float.class); } else if (value instanceof Double) { stackManipulation = DoubleConstant.forValue((Double) value); suppliedType = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(double.class); } else if (value instanceof String) { stackManipulation = new TextConstant((String) value); suppliedType = TypeDescription.STRING; } else if (value instanceof Class) { stackManipulation = ClassConstant.of(TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of((Class<?>) value)); suppliedType = TypeDescription.CLASS; } else if (value instanceof TypeDescription) { stackManipulation = ClassConstant.of((TypeDescription) value); suppliedType = TypeDescription.CLASS; } else if (JavaType.METHOD_HANDLE.isInstance(value)) { stackManipulation = new JavaConstantValue(JavaConstant.MethodHandle.ofLoaded(value)); suppliedType = JavaType.METHOD_HANDLE.getTypeStub(); } else if (value instanceof JavaConstant.MethodHandle) { stackManipulation = new JavaConstantValue((JavaConstant.MethodHandle) value); suppliedType = JavaType.METHOD_HANDLE.getTypeStub(); } else if (JavaType.METHOD_TYPE.isInstance(value)) { stackManipulation = new JavaConstantValue(JavaConstant.MethodType.ofLoaded(value)); suppliedType = JavaType.METHOD_HANDLE.getTypeStub(); } else if (value instanceof JavaConstant.MethodType) { stackManipulation = new JavaConstantValue((JavaConstant.MethodType) value); suppliedType = JavaType.METHOD_HANDLE.getTypeStub(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Not able to save in class's constant pool: " + value); } return new ParameterBinding.Anonymous(new StackManipulation.Compound( stackManipulation, assigner.assign(suppliedType.asGenericType(), target.getType(), typing) )); }
Resolves a value for the given annotation on a parameter that is processed by a MethodDelegation.
  • annotation – The annotation that triggered this binding.
  • source – The method for which a delegation is currently bound.
  • target – The parameter for which a value is bound.
Returns:The constant pool value that is bound to this parameter or null for binding this value.
/** * Resolves a value for the given annotation on a parameter that is processed by a {@link net.bytebuddy.implementation.MethodDelegation}. * * @param annotation The annotation that triggered this binding. * @param source The method for which a delegation is currently bound. * @param target The parameter for which a value is bound. * @return The constant pool value that is bound to this parameter or {@code null} for binding this value. */
protected abstract Object bind(AnnotationDescription.Loadable<S> annotation, MethodDescription source, ParameterDescription target);

A parameter binder that binds a fixed value to a parameter annotation when using a MethodDelegation.

This binder is only capable to store values that can either be expressed as Java byte code or as a constant pool value. This includes primitive types, String values, Class values which can also be expressed as TypeDescription instances or method handles and method types for classes of a version at least of Java 7. The latter instances can also be expressed as unloaded JavaConstant representations.

Type parameters:
  • <U> – The bound annotation's type.
/** * <p> * A parameter binder that binds a fixed value to a parameter annotation when using a {@link net.bytebuddy.implementation.MethodDelegation}. * </p> * <p> * This binder is only capable to store * values that can either be expressed as Java byte code or as a constant pool value. This includes primitive types, {@link String} values, * {@link Class} values which can also be expressed as {@link TypeDescription} instances or method handles and method types for classes of * a version at least of Java 7. The latter instances can also be expressed as unloaded {@link JavaConstant} representations. * </p> * * @param <U> The bound annotation's type. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance public static class OfConstant<U extends Annotation> extends ForFixedValue<U> {
The type of the annotation that is bound by this binder.
/** * The type of the annotation that is bound by this binder. */
private final Class<U> type;
The value that is assigned to any annotated parameter.
/** * The value that is assigned to any annotated parameter. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.ValueHandling(HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.ValueHandling.Sort.REVERSE_NULLABILITY) private final Object value;
Creates a binder for binding a fixed value to a parameter annotated with the given annotation.
  • type – The type of the annotation that is bound by this binder.
  • value – The value that is assigned to any annotated parameter.
/** * Creates a binder for binding a fixed value to a parameter annotated with the given annotation. * * @param type The type of the annotation that is bound by this binder. * @param value The value that is assigned to any annotated parameter. */
protected OfConstant(Class<U> type, Object value) { this.type = type; this.value = value; }
Creates a binder for binding a fixed value to a given annotation.
  • type – The type of the annotation that is bound by this binder.
  • value – The value that is assigned to any annotated parameter.
Type parameters:
  • <V> – The bound annotation's type.
Returns:A parameter binder that binds the given annotation to the supplied value.
/** * Creates a binder for binding a fixed value to a given annotation. * * @param type The type of the annotation that is bound by this binder. * @param value The value that is assigned to any annotated parameter. * @param <V> The bound annotation's type. * @return A parameter binder that binds the given annotation to the supplied value. */
public static <V extends Annotation> ParameterBinder<V> of(Class<V> type, Object value) { return new OfConstant<V>(type, value); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Class<U> getHandledType() { return type; } @Override protected Object bind(AnnotationDescription.Loadable<U> annotation, MethodDescription source, ParameterDescription target) { return value; } } }
A parameter binder that binds a field's value.
Type parameters:
/** * A parameter binder that binds a field's value. * * @param <S> The {@link java.lang.annotation.Annotation#annotationType()} handled by this parameter binder. */
abstract class ForFieldBinding<S extends Annotation> implements ParameterBinder<S> {
Indicates that a name should be extracted from an accessor method.
/** * Indicates that a name should be extracted from an accessor method. */
protected static final String BEAN_PROPERTY = "";
Resolves a field locator for a potential accessor method.
  • fieldLocator – The field locator to use.
  • methodDescription – The method description that is the potential accessor.
Returns:A resolution for a field locator.
/** * Resolves a field locator for a potential accessor method. * * @param fieldLocator The field locator to use. * @param methodDescription The method description that is the potential accessor. * @return A resolution for a field locator. */
private static FieldLocator.Resolution resolveAccessor(FieldLocator fieldLocator, MethodDescription methodDescription) { String fieldName; if (isSetter().matches(methodDescription)) { fieldName = methodDescription.getInternalName().substring(3); } else if (isGetter().matches(methodDescription)) { fieldName = methodDescription.getInternalName().substring(methodDescription.getInternalName().startsWith("is") ? 2 : 3); } else { return FieldLocator.Resolution.Illegal.INSTANCE; } return fieldLocator.locate(Character.toLowerCase(fieldName.charAt(0)) + fieldName.substring(1)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public ParameterBinding<?> bind(AnnotationDescription.Loadable<S> annotation, MethodDescription source, ParameterDescription target, Implementation.Target implementationTarget, Assigner assigner, Assigner.Typing typing) { if (!declaringType(annotation).represents(void.class)) { if (declaringType(annotation).isPrimitive() || declaringType(annotation).isArray()) { throw new IllegalStateException("A primitive type or array type cannot declare a field: " + source); } else if (!implementationTarget.getInstrumentedType().isAssignableTo(declaringType(annotation))) { return MethodDelegationBinder.ParameterBinding.Illegal.INSTANCE; } } FieldLocator fieldLocator = declaringType(annotation).represents(void.class) ? new FieldLocator.ForClassHierarchy(implementationTarget.getInstrumentedType()) : new FieldLocator.ForExactType(declaringType(annotation), implementationTarget.getInstrumentedType()); FieldLocator.Resolution resolution = fieldName(annotation).equals(BEAN_PROPERTY) ? resolveAccessor(fieldLocator, source) : fieldLocator.locate(fieldName(annotation)); return resolution.isResolved() && !(source.isStatic() && !resolution.getField().isStatic()) ? bind(resolution.getField(), annotation, source, target, implementationTarget, assigner) : ParameterBinding.Illegal.INSTANCE; }
Extracts the field name from an annotation.
  • annotation – The annotation from which to extract the field name.
Returns:The field name defined by the handled annotation.
/** * Extracts the field name from an annotation. * * @param annotation The annotation from which to extract the field name. * @return The field name defined by the handled annotation. */
protected abstract String fieldName(AnnotationDescription.Loadable<S> annotation);
Extracts the declaring type from an annotation.
  • annotation – The annotation from which to extract the declaring type.
Returns:The declaring type defined by the handled annotation.
/** * Extracts the declaring type from an annotation. * * @param annotation The annotation from which to extract the declaring type. * @return The declaring type defined by the handled annotation. */
protected abstract TypeDescription declaringType(AnnotationDescription.Loadable<S> annotation);
Creates a parameter binding for the given target parameter.
  • fieldDescription – The field for which this binder binds a value.
  • annotation – The annotation that was cause for the delegation to this argument binder.
  • source – The intercepted source method.
  • target – Tge target parameter that is subject to be bound to intercepting the source method.
  • implementationTarget – The target of the current implementation that is subject to this binding.
  • assigner – An assigner that can be used for applying the binding.
Returns:A parameter binding for the requested target method parameter.
/** * Creates a parameter binding for the given target parameter. * * @param fieldDescription The field for which this binder binds a value. * @param annotation The annotation that was cause for the delegation to this argument binder. * @param source The intercepted source method. * @param target Tge target parameter that is subject to be bound to * intercepting the {@code source} method. * @param implementationTarget The target of the current implementation that is subject to this binding. * @param assigner An assigner that can be used for applying the binding. * @return A parameter binding for the requested target method parameter. */
protected abstract ParameterBinding<?> bind(FieldDescription fieldDescription, AnnotationDescription.Loadable<S> annotation, MethodDescription source, ParameterDescription target, Implementation.Target implementationTarget, Assigner assigner); } }
A delegation processor is a helper class for a TargetMethodAnnotationDrivenBinder for performing its actual logic. By outsourcing this logic to this helper class, a cleaner implementation can be provided.
/** * A delegation processor is a helper class for a * {@link net.bytebuddy.implementation.bind.annotation.TargetMethodAnnotationDrivenBinder} * for performing its actual logic. By outsourcing this logic to this helper class, a cleaner implementation * can be provided. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected static class DelegationProcessor {
A map of registered annotation types to the binder that is responsible for binding a parameter that is annotated with the given annotation.
/** * A map of registered annotation types to the binder that is responsible for binding a parameter * that is annotated with the given annotation. */
private final Map<? extends TypeDescription, ? extends ParameterBinder<?>> parameterBinders;
Creates a new delegation processor.
  • parameterBinders – A mapping of parameter binders by their handling type.
/** * Creates a new delegation processor. * * @param parameterBinders A mapping of parameter binders by their handling type. */
protected DelegationProcessor(Map<? extends TypeDescription, ? extends ParameterBinder<?>> parameterBinders) { this.parameterBinders = parameterBinders; }
Creates a new delegation processor.
  • parameterBinders – A list of parameter binder delegates. Each such delegate is responsible for creating a ParameterBinding for a specific annotation.
Returns:A corresponding delegation processor.
/** * Creates a new delegation processor. * * @param parameterBinders A list of parameter binder delegates. Each such delegate is responsible for creating * a {@link net.bytebuddy.implementation.bind.MethodDelegationBinder.ParameterBinding} * for a specific annotation. * @return A corresponding delegation processor. */
protected static DelegationProcessor of(List<? extends ParameterBinder<?>> parameterBinders) { Map<TypeDescription, ParameterBinder<?>> parameterBinderMap = new HashMap<TypeDescription, ParameterBinder<?>>(); for (ParameterBinder<?> parameterBinder : parameterBinders) { if (parameterBinderMap.put(TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(parameterBinder.getHandledType()), parameterBinder) != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to bind two handlers to " + parameterBinder.getHandledType()); } } return new DelegationProcessor(parameterBinderMap); }
Locates a handler which is responsible for processing the given parameter. If no explicit handler can be located, a fallback handler is provided.
  • target – The target parameter being handled.
Returns:A handler for processing the parameter with the given annotations.
/** * Locates a handler which is responsible for processing the given parameter. If no explicit handler can * be located, a fallback handler is provided. * * @param target The target parameter being handled. * @return A handler for processing the parameter with the given annotations. */
protected Handler prepare(ParameterDescription target) { Assigner.Typing typing = RuntimeType.Verifier.check(target); Handler handler = new Handler.Unbound(target, typing); for (AnnotationDescription annotation : target.getDeclaredAnnotations()) { ParameterBinder<?> parameterBinder = parameterBinders.get(annotation.getAnnotationType()); if (parameterBinder != null && handler.isBound()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Ambiguous binding for parameter annotated with two handled annotation types"); } else if (parameterBinder != null /* && !handler.isBound() */) { handler = Handler.Bound.of(target, parameterBinder, annotation, typing); } } return handler; }
A handler is responsible for processing a parameter's binding.
/** * A handler is responsible for processing a parameter's binding. */
protected interface Handler {
Indicates if this handler was explicitly bound.
Returns:true if this handler was explicitly bound.
/** * Indicates if this handler was explicitly bound. * * @return {@code true} if this handler was explicitly bound. */
boolean isBound();
Handles a parameter binding.
  • source – The intercepted source method.
  • implementationTarget – The target of the current implementation.
  • assigner – The assigner to use.
Returns:A parameter binding that reflects the given arguments.
/** * Handles a parameter binding. * * @param source The intercepted source method. * @param implementationTarget The target of the current implementation. * @param assigner The assigner to use. * @return A parameter binding that reflects the given arguments. */
ParameterBinding<?> bind(MethodDescription source, Implementation.Target implementationTarget, Assigner assigner);
An unbound handler is a fallback for returning an illegal binding for parameters for which no parameter binder could be located.
/** * An unbound handler is a fallback for returning an illegal binding for parameters for which no parameter * binder could be located. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class Unbound implements Handler {
The target parameter being handled.
/** * The target parameter being handled. */
private final ParameterDescription target;
The typing to apply.
/** * The typing to apply. */
private final Assigner.Typing typing;
Creates a new unbound handler.
  • target – The target parameter being handled.
  • typing – The typing to apply.
/** * Creates a new unbound handler. * * @param target The target parameter being handled. * @param typing The typing to apply. */
protected Unbound(ParameterDescription target, Assigner.Typing typing) { this.target = target; this.typing = typing; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isBound() { return false; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public ParameterBinding<?> bind(MethodDescription source, Implementation.Target implementationTarget, Assigner assigner) { return Argument.Binder.INSTANCE.bind(AnnotationDescription.ForLoadedAnnotation.<Argument>of(new DefaultArgument(target.getIndex())), source, target, implementationTarget, assigner, typing); }
A default implementation of an Argument annotation.
/** * A default implementation of an {@link net.bytebuddy.implementation.bind.annotation.Argument} annotation. */
protected static class DefaultArgument implements Argument {
The name of the value annotation parameter.
/** * The name of the value annotation parameter. */
private static final String VALUE = "value";
The name of the value binding mechanic parameter.
/** * The name of the value binding mechanic parameter. */
private static final String BINDING_MECHANIC = "bindingMechanic";
The index of the source method parameter to be bound.
/** * The index of the source method parameter to be bound. */
private final int parameterIndex;
Creates a new instance of an argument annotation.
  • parameterIndex – The index of the source method parameter to be bound.
/** * Creates a new instance of an argument annotation. * * @param parameterIndex The index of the source method parameter to be bound. */
protected DefaultArgument(int parameterIndex) { this.parameterIndex = parameterIndex; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int value() { return parameterIndex; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public BindingMechanic bindingMechanic() { return BindingMechanic.UNIQUE; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Class<Argument> annotationType() { return Argument.class; } @Override public int hashCode() { return ((127 * BINDING_MECHANIC.hashCode()) ^ BindingMechanic.UNIQUE.hashCode()) + ((127 * VALUE.hashCode()) ^ parameterIndex); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { return this == other || other instanceof Argument && parameterIndex == ((Argument) other).value(); } @Override public String toString() { return "@" + Argument.class.getName() + "(bindingMechanic=" + BindingMechanic.UNIQUE.toString() + ", value=" + parameterIndex + ")"; } } }
A bound handler represents an unambiguous parameter binder that was located for a given array of annotations.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The annotation type of a given handler.
/** * A bound handler represents an unambiguous parameter binder that was located for a given array of * annotations. * * @param <T> The annotation type of a given handler. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class Bound<T extends Annotation> implements Handler {
The target parameter being handled.
/** * The target parameter being handled. */
private final ParameterDescription target;
The parameter binder that is actually responsible for binding the parameter.
/** * The parameter binder that is actually responsible for binding the parameter. */
private final ParameterBinder<T> parameterBinder;
The annotation value that lead to the binding of this handler.
/** * The annotation value that lead to the binding of this handler. */
private final AnnotationDescription.Loadable<T> annotation;
The typing to apply.
/** * The typing to apply. */
private final Assigner.Typing typing;
Creates a new bound handler.
  • target – The target parameter being handled.
  • parameterBinder – The parameter binder that is actually responsible for binding the parameter.
  • annotation – The annotation value that lead to the binding of this handler.
  • typing – The typing to apply.
/** * Creates a new bound handler. * * @param target The target parameter being handled. * @param parameterBinder The parameter binder that is actually responsible for binding the parameter. * @param annotation The annotation value that lead to the binding of this handler. * @param typing The typing to apply. */
protected Bound(ParameterDescription target, ParameterBinder<T> parameterBinder, AnnotationDescription.Loadable<T> annotation, Assigner.Typing typing) { this.target = target; this.parameterBinder = parameterBinder; this.annotation = annotation; this.typing = typing; }
Creates a handler for a given annotation.
  • target – The target parameter being handled.
  • parameterBinder – The parameter binder that should process an annotation.
  • annotation – An annotation instance that can be understood by this parameter binder.
  • typing – The typing to apply.
Returns:A handler for processing the given annotation.
/** * Creates a handler for a given annotation. * * @param target The target parameter being handled. * @param parameterBinder The parameter binder that should process an annotation. * @param annotation An annotation instance that can be understood by this parameter binder. * @param typing The typing to apply. * @return A handler for processing the given annotation. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected static Handler of(ParameterDescription target, ParameterBinder<?> parameterBinder, AnnotationDescription annotation, Assigner.Typing typing) { return new Bound<Annotation>(target, (ParameterBinder<Annotation>) parameterBinder, (AnnotationDescription.Loadable<Annotation>) annotation.prepare(parameterBinder.getHandledType()), typing); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isBound() { return true; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public ParameterBinding<?> bind(MethodDescription source, Implementation.Target implementationTarget, Assigner assigner) { return parameterBinder.bind(annotation, source, target, implementationTarget, assigner, typing); } } } } }