 * Copyright 2014 - 2020 Rafael Winterhalter
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold;

import net.bytebuddy.build.HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin;
import net.bytebuddy.description.type.RecordComponentDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.Transformer;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.attribute.RecordComponentAttributeAppender;
import net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatcher;
import net.bytebuddy.matcher.LatentMatcher;

import java.util.*;

A record component registry represents an extendable collection of record components which are identified by their names that are mapped to a given RecordComponentAttributeAppender. Record components can be uniquely identified by their name for a given type since record components are never inherited.


This registry is the counterpart of a MethodRegistry. However, a record component registry is implemented simpler since it does not have to deal with complex signatures or inheritance. For the sake of consistency, the record component registry follows however a similar pattern without introducing unnecessary complexity.
/** * A record component registry represents an extendable collection of record components which are identified by their names that are mapped * to a given {@link RecordComponentAttributeAppender}. Record components * can be uniquely identified by their name for a given type since record components are never inherited. * <p>&nbsp;</p> * This registry is the counterpart of a {@link MethodRegistry}. * However, a record component registry is implemented simpler since it does not have to deal with complex signatures or * inheritance. For the sake of consistency, the record component registry follows however a similar pattern without introducing * unnecessary complexity. */
public interface RecordComponentRegistry {
Prepends the given record component definition to this record component registry, i.e. this configuration is applied first.
  • matcher – The matcher to identify any record component that this definition concerns.
  • recordComponentAttributeAppenderFactory – The record component attribute appender factory to apply on any matched record component.
  • transformer – The record component transformer to apply to any matched record component.
Returns:An adapted version of this method registry.
/** * Prepends the given record component definition to this record component registry, i.e. this configuration is applied first. * * @param matcher The matcher to identify any record component that this definition concerns. * @param recordComponentAttributeAppenderFactory The record component attribute appender factory to apply on any matched record component. * @param transformer The record component transformer to apply to any matched record component. * @return An adapted version of this method registry. */
RecordComponentRegistry prepend(LatentMatcher<? super RecordComponentDescription> matcher, RecordComponentAttributeAppender.Factory recordComponentAttributeAppenderFactory, Transformer<RecordComponentDescription> transformer);
Prepares the record component registry for a given instrumented type.
  • instrumentedType – The instrumented type.
Returns:A prepared record component registry.
/** * Prepares the record component registry for a given instrumented type. * * @param instrumentedType The instrumented type. * @return A prepared record component registry. */
Compiled compile(TypeDescription instrumentedType);
Represents a compiled record component registry.
/** * Represents a compiled record component registry. */
interface Compiled extends TypeWriter.RecordComponentPool {
A no-op record component registry that does not register annotations for any record component.
/** * A no-op record component registry that does not register annotations for any record component. */
enum NoOp implements Compiled {
The singleton instance.
/** * The singleton instance. */
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Record target(RecordComponentDescription recordComponentDescription) { return new Record.ForImplicitRecordComponent(recordComponentDescription); } } }
An immutable default implementation of a record component registry.
/** * An immutable default implementation of a record component registry. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class Default implements RecordComponentRegistry {
This registries entries.
/** * This registries entries. */
private final List<Entry> entries;
Creates a new empty default record component registry.
/** * Creates a new empty default record component registry. */
public Default() { this(Collections.<Entry>emptyList()); }
Creates a new default record component registry.
  • entries – The entries of the record component registry.
/** * Creates a new default record component registry. * * @param entries The entries of the record component registry. */
private Default(List<Entry> entries) { this.entries = entries; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public RecordComponentRegistry prepend(LatentMatcher<? super RecordComponentDescription> matcher, RecordComponentAttributeAppender.Factory recordComponentAttributeAppenderFactory, Transformer<RecordComponentDescription> transformer) { List<Entry> entries = new ArrayList<Entry>(this.entries.size() + 1); entries.add(new Entry(matcher, recordComponentAttributeAppenderFactory, transformer)); entries.addAll(this.entries); return new Default(entries); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public RecordComponentRegistry.Compiled compile(TypeDescription instrumentedType) { List<Compiled.Entry> entries = new ArrayList<Compiled.Entry>(this.entries.size()); Map<RecordComponentAttributeAppender.Factory, RecordComponentAttributeAppender> recordComponentAttributeAppenders = new HashMap<RecordComponentAttributeAppender.Factory, RecordComponentAttributeAppender>(); for (Entry entry : this.entries) { RecordComponentAttributeAppender recordComponentAttributeAppender = recordComponentAttributeAppenders.get(entry.getRecordComponentAttributeAppender()); if (recordComponentAttributeAppender == null) { recordComponentAttributeAppender = entry.getRecordComponentAttributeAppender().make(instrumentedType); recordComponentAttributeAppenders.put(entry.getRecordComponentAttributeAppender(), recordComponentAttributeAppender); } entries.add(new Compiled.Entry(entry.resolve(instrumentedType), recordComponentAttributeAppender, entry.getTransformer())); } return new Compiled(instrumentedType, entries); }
An entry of the default record component registry.
/** * An entry of the default record component registry. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected static class Entry implements LatentMatcher<RecordComponentDescription> {
The matcher to identify any record component that this definition concerns.
/** * The matcher to identify any record component that this definition concerns. */
private final LatentMatcher<? super RecordComponentDescription> matcher;
The record component attribute appender factory to apply on any matched record component.
/** * The record component attribute appender factory to apply on any matched record component. */
private final RecordComponentAttributeAppender.Factory recordComponentAttributeAppender;
The record component transformer to apply to any matched record component.
/** * The record component transformer to apply to any matched record component. */
private final Transformer<RecordComponentDescription> transformer;
Creates a new entry.
  • matcher – The matcher to identify any record component that this definition concerns.
  • recordComponentAttributeAppender – The record component attribute appender factory to apply on any matched record component.
  • transformer – The record component transformer to apply to any matched record component.
/** * Creates a new entry. * * @param matcher The matcher to identify any record component that this definition concerns. * @param recordComponentAttributeAppender The record component attribute appender factory to apply on any matched record component. * @param transformer The record component transformer to apply to any matched record component. */
protected Entry(LatentMatcher<? super RecordComponentDescription> matcher, RecordComponentAttributeAppender.Factory recordComponentAttributeAppender, Transformer<RecordComponentDescription> transformer) { this.matcher = matcher; this.recordComponentAttributeAppender = recordComponentAttributeAppender; this.transformer = transformer; }
Returns the record component attribute appender factory to apply on any matched record component.
Returns:The record component attribute appender factory to apply on any matched record component.
/** * Returns the record component attribute appender factory to apply on any matched record component. * * @return The record component attribute appender factory to apply on any matched record component. */
protected RecordComponentAttributeAppender.Factory getRecordComponentAttributeAppender() { return recordComponentAttributeAppender; }
Returns the record component transformer to apply to any matched record component.
Returns:The record component transformer to apply to any matched record component.
/** * Returns the record component transformer to apply to any matched record component. * * @return The record component transformer to apply to any matched record component. */
protected Transformer<RecordComponentDescription> getTransformer() { return transformer; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public ElementMatcher<? super RecordComponentDescription> resolve(TypeDescription typeDescription) { return matcher.resolve(typeDescription); } }
A compiled default record component registry.
/** * A compiled default record component registry. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected static class Compiled implements RecordComponentRegistry.Compiled {
The instrumented type for which this registry was compiled for.
/** * The instrumented type for which this registry was compiled for. */
private final TypeDescription instrumentedType;
The entries of this compiled record component registry.
/** * The entries of this compiled record component registry. */
private final List<Entry> entries;
Creates a new compiled record component registry.
  • instrumentedType – The instrumented type for which this registry was compiled for.
  • entries – The entries of this compiled record component registry.
/** * Creates a new compiled record component registry. * * @param instrumentedType The instrumented type for which this registry was compiled for. * @param entries The entries of this compiled record component registry. */
protected Compiled(TypeDescription instrumentedType, List<Entry> entries) { this.instrumentedType = instrumentedType; this.entries = entries; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Record target(RecordComponentDescription recordComponentDescription) { for (Entry entry : entries) { if (entry.matches(recordComponentDescription)) { return entry.bind(instrumentedType, recordComponentDescription); } } return new Record.ForImplicitRecordComponent(recordComponentDescription); }
An entry of a compiled record component registry.
/** * An entry of a compiled record component registry. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected static class Entry implements ElementMatcher<RecordComponentDescription> {
The matcher to identify any record component that this definition concerns.
/** * The matcher to identify any record component that this definition concerns. */
private final ElementMatcher<? super RecordComponentDescription> matcher;
The record component attribute appender to apply on any matched record component.
/** * The record component attribute appender to apply on any matched record component. */
private final RecordComponentAttributeAppender recordComponentAttributeAppender;
The record component transformer to apply to any matched record component.
/** * The record component transformer to apply to any matched record component. */
private final Transformer<RecordComponentDescription> transformer;
Creates a new entry.
  • matcher – The matcher to identify any record component that this definition concerns.
  • recordComponentAttributeAppender – The record component attribute appender to apply on any matched record component.
  • transformer – The record component transformer to apply to any matched record component.
/** * Creates a new entry. * * @param matcher The matcher to identify any record component that this definition concerns. * @param recordComponentAttributeAppender The record component attribute appender to apply on any matched record component. * @param transformer The record component transformer to apply to any matched record component. */
protected Entry(ElementMatcher<? super RecordComponentDescription> matcher, RecordComponentAttributeAppender recordComponentAttributeAppender, Transformer<RecordComponentDescription> transformer) { this.matcher = matcher; this.recordComponentAttributeAppender = recordComponentAttributeAppender; this.transformer = transformer; }
Binds this entry to the provided record component description.
  • instrumentedType – The instrumented type for which this entry applies.
  • recordComponentDescription – The record component description to be bound to this entry.
Returns:A record representing the binding of this entry to the provided record component.
/** * Binds this entry to the provided record component description. * * @param instrumentedType The instrumented type for which this entry applies. * @param recordComponentDescription The record component description to be bound to this entry. * @return A record representing the binding of this entry to the provided record component. */
protected Record bind(TypeDescription instrumentedType, RecordComponentDescription recordComponentDescription) { return new Record.ForExplicitRecordComponent(recordComponentAttributeAppender, transformer.transform(instrumentedType, recordComponentDescription)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean matches(RecordComponentDescription target) { return matcher.matches(target); } } } } }