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package javax.mail;

import java.util.EventListener;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import javax.mail.event.MailEvent;

Package private class used by Store & Folder to dispatch events. This class implements an event queue, and a dispatcher thread that dequeues and dispatches events from the queue.
Author: Bill Shannon
/** * Package private class used by Store & Folder to dispatch events. * This class implements an event queue, and a dispatcher thread that * dequeues and dispatches events from the queue. * * @author Bill Shannon */
class EventQueue implements Runnable { private volatile BlockingQueue<QueueElement> q; private Executor executor; private static WeakHashMap<ClassLoader,EventQueue> appq;
A special event that causes the queue processing task to terminate.
/** * A special event that causes the queue processing task to terminate. */
static class TerminatorEvent extends MailEvent { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2481895000841664111L; TerminatorEvent() { super(new Object()); } @Override public void dispatch(Object listener) { // Kill the event dispatching thread. Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } }
A "struct" to put on the queue.
/** * A "struct" to put on the queue. */
static class QueueElement { MailEvent event = null; Vector<? extends EventListener> vector = null; QueueElement(MailEvent event, Vector<? extends EventListener> vector) { this.event = event; this.vector = vector; } }
Construct an EventQueue using the specified Executor. If the Executor is null, threads will be created as needed.
/** * Construct an EventQueue using the specified Executor. * If the Executor is null, threads will be created as needed. */
EventQueue(Executor ex) { this.executor = ex; }
Enqueue an event.
/** * Enqueue an event. */
synchronized void enqueue(MailEvent event, Vector<? extends EventListener> vector) { // if this is the first event, create the queue and start the event task if (q == null) { q = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); if (executor != null) { executor.execute(this); } else { Thread qThread = new Thread(this, "JavaMail-EventQueue"); qThread.setDaemon(true); // not a user thread qThread.start(); } } q.add(new QueueElement(event, vector)); }
Terminate the task running the queue, but only if there is a queue.
/** * Terminate the task running the queue, but only if there is a queue. */
synchronized void terminateQueue() { if (q != null) { Vector<EventListener> dummyListeners = new Vector<>(); dummyListeners.setSize(1); // need atleast one listener q.add(new QueueElement(new TerminatorEvent(), dummyListeners)); q = null; } }
Create (if necessary) an application-scoped event queue. Application scoping is based on the thread's context class loader.
/** * Create (if necessary) an application-scoped event queue. * Application scoping is based on the thread's context class loader. */
static synchronized EventQueue getApplicationEventQueue(Executor ex) { ClassLoader cl = Session.getContextClassLoader(); if (appq == null) appq = new WeakHashMap<>(); EventQueue q = appq.get(cl); if (q == null) { q = new EventQueue(ex); appq.put(cl, q); } return q; }
Pull events off the queue and dispatch them.
/** * Pull events off the queue and dispatch them. */
@Override public void run() { BlockingQueue<QueueElement> bq = q; if (bq == null) return; try { loop: for (;;) { // block until an item is available QueueElement qe = bq.take(); MailEvent e = qe.event; Vector<? extends EventListener> v = qe.vector; for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) try { e.dispatch(v.elementAt(i)); } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof InterruptedException) break loop; // ignore anything else thrown by the listener } qe = null; e = null; v = null; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // just die } } }