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package com.sun.codemodel.internal;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.ArrayList;

Represents X<Y>. TODO: consider separating the decl and the use.
Author: Kohsuke Kawaguchi (kohsuke.kawaguchi@sun.com)
/** * Represents X&lt;Y>. * * TODO: consider separating the decl and the use. * * @author * Kohsuke Kawaguchi (kohsuke.kawaguchi@sun.com) */
class JNarrowedClass extends JClass {
A generic class with type parameters.
/** * A generic class with type parameters. */
final JClass basis;
Arguments to those parameters.
/** * Arguments to those parameters. */
private final List<JClass> args; JNarrowedClass(JClass basis, JClass arg) { this(basis,Collections.singletonList(arg)); } JNarrowedClass(JClass basis, List<JClass> args) { super(basis.owner()); this.basis = basis; assert !(basis instanceof JNarrowedClass); this.args = args; } @Override public JClass narrow( JClass clazz ) { List<JClass> newArgs = new ArrayList<JClass>(args); newArgs.add(clazz); return new JNarrowedClass(basis,newArgs); } @Override public JClass narrow( JClass... clazz ) { List<JClass> newArgs = new ArrayList<JClass>(args); newArgs.addAll(Arrays.asList(clazz)); return new JNarrowedClass(basis,newArgs); } public String name() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append(basis.name()); buf.append('<'); boolean first = true; for (JClass c : args) { if(first) first = false; else buf.append(','); buf.append(c.name()); } buf.append('>'); return buf.toString(); } public String fullName() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append(basis.fullName()); buf.append('<'); boolean first = true; for (JClass c : args) { if(first) first = false; else buf.append(','); buf.append(c.fullName()); } buf.append('>'); return buf.toString(); } @Override public String binaryName() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append(basis.binaryName()); buf.append('<'); boolean first = true; for (JClass c : args) { if(first) first = false; else buf.append(','); buf.append(c.binaryName()); } buf.append('>'); return buf.toString(); } @Override public void generate(JFormatter f) { f.t(basis).p('<').g(args).p(JFormatter.CLOSE_TYPE_ARGS); } @Override void printLink(JFormatter f) { basis.printLink(f); f.p("{@code <}"); boolean first = true; for( JClass c : args ) { if(first) first = false; else f.p(','); c.printLink(f); } f.p("{@code >}"); } public JPackage _package() { return basis._package(); } public JClass _extends() { JClass base = basis._extends(); if(base==null) return base; return base.substituteParams(basis.typeParams(),args); } public Iterator<JClass> _implements() { return new Iterator<JClass>() { private final Iterator<JClass> core = basis._implements(); public void remove() { core.remove(); } public JClass next() { return core.next().substituteParams(basis.typeParams(),args); } public boolean hasNext() { return core.hasNext(); } }; } @Override public JClass erasure() { return basis; } public boolean isInterface() { return basis.isInterface(); } public boolean isAbstract() { return basis.isAbstract(); } @Override public boolean isArray() { return false; } // // Equality is based on value // @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if(!(obj instanceof JNarrowedClass)) return false; return fullName().equals(((JClass)obj).fullName()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return fullName().hashCode(); } protected JClass substituteParams(JTypeVar[] variables, List<JClass> bindings) { JClass b = basis.substituteParams(variables,bindings); boolean different = b!=basis; List<JClass> clazz = new ArrayList<JClass>(args.size()); for( int i=0; i<clazz.size(); i++ ) { JClass c = args.get(i).substituteParams(variables,bindings); clazz.set(i,c); different |= c != args.get(i); } if(different) return new JNarrowedClass(b,clazz); else return this; } @Override public List<JClass> getTypeParameters() { return args; } }