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package jdk.nashorn.internal.ir;

import static jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenType.BIT_NOT;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenType.DECPOSTFIX;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenType.INCPOSTFIX;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.UnwarrantedOptimismException.INVALID_PROGRAM_POINT;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.types.Type;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.annotations.Ignore;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.annotations.Immutable;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.visitor.NodeVisitor;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.Token;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenType;

UnaryNode nodes represent single operand operations.
/** * UnaryNode nodes represent single operand operations. */
@Immutable public final class UnaryNode extends Expression implements Assignment<Expression>, Optimistic { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
Right hand side argument.
/** Right hand side argument. */
private final Expression expression; private final int programPoint; private final Type type; @Ignore private static final List<TokenType> CAN_OVERFLOW = Collections.unmodifiableList( Arrays.asList(new TokenType[] { TokenType.ADD, TokenType.SUB, //negate TokenType.DECPREFIX, TokenType.DECPOSTFIX, TokenType.INCPREFIX, TokenType.INCPOSTFIX, }));
  • token – token
  • rhs – expression
/** * Constructor * * @param token token * @param rhs expression */
public UnaryNode(final long token, final Expression rhs) { this(token, Math.min(rhs.getStart(), Token.descPosition(token)), Math.max(Token.descPosition(token) + Token.descLength(token), rhs.getFinish()), rhs); }
  • token – token
  • start – start
  • finish – finish
  • expression – expression
/** * Constructor * * @param token token * @param start start * @param finish finish * @param expression expression */
public UnaryNode(final long token, final int start, final int finish, final Expression expression) { super(token, start, finish); this.expression = expression; this.programPoint = INVALID_PROGRAM_POINT; this.type = null; } private UnaryNode(final UnaryNode unaryNode, final Expression expression, final Type type, final int programPoint) { super(unaryNode); this.expression = expression; this.programPoint = programPoint; this.type = type; }
Is this an assignment - i.e. that mutates something such as a++
Returns:true if assignment
/** * Is this an assignment - i.e. that mutates something such as a++ * * @return true if assignment */
@Override public boolean isAssignment() { switch (tokenType()) { case DECPOSTFIX: case DECPREFIX: case INCPOSTFIX: case INCPREFIX: return true; default: return false; } } @Override public boolean isSelfModifying() { return isAssignment(); } @Override public Type getWidestOperationType() { switch (tokenType()) { case ADD: final Type operandType = getExpression().getType(); if(operandType == Type.BOOLEAN) { return Type.INT; } else if(operandType.isObject()) { return Type.NUMBER; } assert operandType.isNumeric(); return operandType; case SUB: // This might seems overly conservative until you consider that -0 can only be represented as a double. return Type.NUMBER; case NOT: case DELETE: return Type.BOOLEAN; case BIT_NOT: return Type.INT; case VOID: return Type.UNDEFINED; default: return isAssignment() ? Type.NUMBER : Type.OBJECT; } } @Override public Expression getAssignmentDest() { return isAssignment() ? getExpression() : null; } @Override public UnaryNode setAssignmentDest(final Expression n) { return setExpression(n); } @Override public Expression getAssignmentSource() { return getAssignmentDest(); }
Assist in IR navigation.
  • visitor – IR navigating visitor.
/** * Assist in IR navigation. * @param visitor IR navigating visitor. */
@Override public Node accept(final NodeVisitor<? extends LexicalContext> visitor) { if (visitor.enterUnaryNode(this)) { return visitor.leaveUnaryNode(setExpression((Expression)expression.accept(visitor))); } return this; } @Override public boolean isLocal() { switch (tokenType()) { case NEW: return false; case ADD: case SUB: case NOT: case BIT_NOT: return expression.isLocal() && expression.getType().isJSPrimitive(); case DECPOSTFIX: case DECPREFIX: case INCPOSTFIX: case INCPREFIX: return expression instanceof IdentNode && expression.isLocal() && expression.getType().isJSPrimitive(); default: return expression.isLocal(); } } @Override public void toString(final StringBuilder sb, final boolean printType) { toString(sb, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { getExpression().toString(sb, printType); } }, printType); }
Creates the string representation of this unary node, delegating the creation of the string representation of its operand to a specified runnable.
  • sb – the string builder to use
  • rhsStringBuilder – the runnable that appends the string representation of the operand to the string builder
  • printType – should we print type when invoked.
/** * Creates the string representation of this unary node, delegating the creation of the string representation of its * operand to a specified runnable. * @param sb the string builder to use * @param rhsStringBuilder the runnable that appends the string representation of the operand to the string builder * @param printType should we print type * when invoked. */
public void toString(final StringBuilder sb, final Runnable rhsStringBuilder, final boolean printType) { final TokenType tokenType = tokenType(); final String name = tokenType.getName(); final boolean isPostfix = tokenType == DECPOSTFIX || tokenType == INCPOSTFIX; if (isOptimistic()) { sb.append(Expression.OPT_IDENTIFIER); } boolean rhsParen = tokenType.needsParens(getExpression().tokenType(), false); if (!isPostfix) { if (name == null) { sb.append(tokenType.name()); rhsParen = true; } else { sb.append(name); if (tokenType.ordinal() > BIT_NOT.ordinal()) { sb.append(' '); } } } if (rhsParen) { sb.append('('); } rhsStringBuilder.run(); if (rhsParen) { sb.append(')'); } if (isPostfix) { sb.append(tokenType == DECPOSTFIX ? "--" : "++"); } }
Get the right hand side of this if it is inherited by a binary expression, or just the expression itself if still Unary
See Also:
  • BinaryNode
Returns:right hand side or expression node
/** * Get the right hand side of this if it is inherited by a binary expression, * or just the expression itself if still Unary * * @see BinaryNode * * @return right hand side or expression node */
public Expression getExpression() { return expression; }
Reset the right hand side of this if it is inherited by a binary expression, or just the expression itself if still Unary
  • expression – right hand side or expression node
See Also:
  • BinaryNode
Returns:a node equivalent to this one except for the requested change.
/** * Reset the right hand side of this if it is inherited by a binary expression, * or just the expression itself if still Unary * * @see BinaryNode * * @param expression right hand side or expression node * @return a node equivalent to this one except for the requested change. */
public UnaryNode setExpression(final Expression expression) { if (this.expression == expression) { return this; } return new UnaryNode(this, expression, type, programPoint); } @Override public int getProgramPoint() { return programPoint; } @Override public UnaryNode setProgramPoint(final int programPoint) { if (this.programPoint == programPoint) { return this; } return new UnaryNode(this, expression, type, programPoint); } @Override public boolean canBeOptimistic() { return getMostOptimisticType() != getMostPessimisticType(); } @Override public Type getMostOptimisticType() { if (CAN_OVERFLOW.contains(tokenType())) { return Type.INT; } return getMostPessimisticType(); } @Override public Type getMostPessimisticType() { return getWidestOperationType(); } @Override public Type getType() { final Type widest = getWidestOperationType(); if(type == null) { return widest; } return Type.narrowest(widest, Type.widest(type, expression.getType())); } @Override public UnaryNode setType(final Type type) { if (this.type == type) { return this; } return new UnaryNode(this, expression, type, programPoint); } }