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package jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util;

import java.util.*;

import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;

import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Configuration;

This class acts as an artificial container for classes specified on the command line when running Javadoc. For example, if you specify several classes from package java.lang, this class will catalog those classes so that we can retrieve all of the classes from a particular package later.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

Author:Jamie Ho
/** * This class acts as an artificial container for classes specified on the command line when * running Javadoc. For example, if you specify several classes from package java.lang, this class * will catalog those classes so that we can retrieve all of the classes from a particular package * later. * * <p> * <b>This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at * your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without * notice.</b> * * @author Jamie Ho */
public class TypeElementCatalog {
Stores the set of packages that the classes specified on the command line belong to. Note that the default package is "".
/** * Stores the set of packages that the classes specified on the command line belong to. Note * that the default package is "". */
private final SortedSet<PackageElement> packageSet;
Stores all classes for each package
/** * Stores all classes for each package */
private final Map<PackageElement, SortedSet<TypeElement>> allClasses;
Stores ordinary classes (excluding Exceptions and Errors) for each package
/** * Stores ordinary classes (excluding Exceptions and Errors) for each package */
private final Map<PackageElement, SortedSet<TypeElement>> ordinaryClasses;
Stores exceptions for each package
/** * Stores exceptions for each package */
private final Map<PackageElement, SortedSet<TypeElement>> exceptions;
Stores enums for each package.
/** * Stores enums for each package. */
private final Map<PackageElement, SortedSet<TypeElement>> enums;
Stores annotation types for each package.
/** * Stores annotation types for each package. */
private final Map<PackageElement, SortedSet<TypeElement>> annotationTypes;
Stores errors for each package
/** * Stores errors for each package */
private final Map<PackageElement, SortedSet<TypeElement>> errors;
Stores interfaces for each package
/** * Stores interfaces for each package */
private final Map<PackageElement, SortedSet<TypeElement>> interfaces; private final Configuration configuration; private final Utils utils; private final Comparator<Element> comparator;
Construct a new TypeElementCatalog.
  • typeElements – the array of TypeElements to catalog
/** * Construct a new TypeElementCatalog. * * @param typeElements the array of TypeElements to catalog */
public TypeElementCatalog(Iterable<TypeElement> typeElements, Configuration config) { this(config); for (TypeElement typeElement : typeElements) { addTypeElement(typeElement); } }
Construct a new TypeElementCatalog.
/** * Construct a new TypeElementCatalog. * */
public TypeElementCatalog(Configuration config) { this.configuration = config; this.utils = config.utils; comparator = utils.makeGeneralPurposeComparator(); allClasses = new HashMap<>(); ordinaryClasses = new HashMap<>(); exceptions = new HashMap<>(); enums = new HashMap<>(); annotationTypes = new HashMap<>(); errors = new HashMap<>(); interfaces = new HashMap<>(); packageSet = new TreeSet<>(comparator); }
Add the given class to the catalog.
  • typeElement – the TypeElement to add to the catalog.
/** * Add the given class to the catalog. * * @param typeElement the TypeElement to add to the catalog. */
public final void addTypeElement(TypeElement typeElement) { if (typeElement == null) { return; } addTypeElement(typeElement, allClasses); if (utils.isOrdinaryClass(typeElement)) { addTypeElement(typeElement, ordinaryClasses); } else if (utils.isException(typeElement)) { addTypeElement(typeElement, exceptions); } else if (utils.isEnum(typeElement)) { addTypeElement(typeElement, enums); } else if (utils.isAnnotationType(typeElement)) { addTypeElement(typeElement, annotationTypes); } else if (utils.isError(typeElement)) { addTypeElement(typeElement, errors); } else if (utils.isInterface(typeElement)) { addTypeElement(typeElement, interfaces); } }
Add the given class to the given map.
  • typeElement – the class to add to the catalog.
  • map – the Map to add the TypeElement to.
/** * Add the given class to the given map. * * @param typeElement the class to add to the catalog. * @param map the Map to add the TypeElement to. */
private void addTypeElement(TypeElement typeElement, Map<PackageElement, SortedSet<TypeElement>> map) { PackageElement pkg = utils.containingPackage(typeElement); if (utils.isSpecified(pkg) || configuration.nodeprecated && utils.isDeprecated(pkg)) { // No need to catalog this class if it's package is // specified on the command line or if -nodeprecated option is set return; } SortedSet<TypeElement> s = map.get(pkg); if (s == null) { packageSet.add(pkg); s = new TreeSet<>(comparator); } s.add(typeElement); map.put(pkg, s); } private SortedSet<TypeElement> getSet(Map<PackageElement, SortedSet<TypeElement>> m, PackageElement key) { SortedSet<TypeElement> s = m.get(key); if (s != null) { return s; } return new TreeSet<>(comparator); }
Return all of the classes specified on the command-line that belong to the given package.
  • packageElement – the package to return the classes for.
/** * Return all of the classes specified on the command-line that belong to the given package. * * @param packageElement the package to return the classes for. */
public SortedSet<TypeElement> allClasses(PackageElement packageElement) { return utils.isSpecified(packageElement) ? utils.getTypeElementsAsSortedSet(utils.getEnclosedTypeElements(packageElement)) : getSet(allClasses, packageElement); }
Return all of the classes specified on the command-line that belong to the given package.
  • packageName – the name of the package specified on the command-line.
/** * Return all of the classes specified on the command-line that belong to the given package. * * @param packageName the name of the package specified on the command-line. */
public SortedSet<TypeElement> allUnnamedClasses() { for (PackageElement pkg : allClasses.keySet()) { if (pkg.isUnnamed()) { return allClasses.get(pkg); } } return new TreeSet<>(comparator); }
Return a SortedSet of packages that this catalog stores.
/** * Return a SortedSet of packages that this catalog stores. */
public SortedSet<PackageElement> packages() { return packageSet; }
Return all of the errors specified on the command-line that belong to the given package.
  • packageName – the name of the package specified on the command-line.
/** * Return all of the errors specified on the command-line that belong to the given package. * * @param packageName the name of the package specified on the command-line. */
public SortedSet<TypeElement> errors(PackageElement pkg) { return getSet(errors, pkg); }
Return all of the exceptions specified on the command-line that belong to the given package.
  • packageName – the name of the package specified on the command-line.
/** * Return all of the exceptions specified on the command-line that belong to the given package. * * @param packageName the name of the package specified on the command-line. */
public SortedSet<TypeElement> exceptions(PackageElement pkg) { return getSet(exceptions, pkg); }
Return all of the enums specified on the command-line that belong to the given package.
  • packageName – the name of the package specified on the command-line.
/** * Return all of the enums specified on the command-line that belong to the given package. * * @param packageName the name of the package specified on the command-line. */
public SortedSet<TypeElement> enums(PackageElement pkg) { return getSet(enums, pkg); }
Return all of the annotation types specified on the command-line that belong to the given package.
  • packageName – the name of the package specified on the command-line.
/** * Return all of the annotation types specified on the command-line that belong to the given * package. * * @param packageName the name of the package specified on the command-line. */
public SortedSet<TypeElement> annotationTypes(PackageElement pkg) { return getSet(annotationTypes, pkg); }
Return all of the interfaces specified on the command-line that belong to the given package.
  • packageName – the name of the package specified on the command-line.
/** * Return all of the interfaces specified on the command-line that belong to the given package. * * @param packageName the name of the package specified on the command-line. */
public SortedSet<TypeElement> interfaces(PackageElement pkg) { return getSet(interfaces, pkg); }
Return all of the ordinary classes specified on the command-line that belong to the given package.
  • packageName – the name of the package specified on the command-line.
/** * Return all of the ordinary classes specified on the command-line that belong to the given * package. * * @param packageName the name of the package specified on the command-line. */
public SortedSet<TypeElement> ordinaryClasses(PackageElement pkg) { return getSet(ordinaryClasses, pkg); } }