 * Copyright (c) 2001, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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package jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.taglets;

import java.io.*;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.*;

import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleElementVisitor9;
import javax.tools.JavaFileManager;
import javax.tools.StandardJavaFileManager;

import com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree;
import jdk.javadoc.doclet.Doclet;
import jdk.javadoc.doclet.DocletEnvironment;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Configuration;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Messages;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Resources;

import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.CommentHelper;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.Utils;

import static javax.tools.DocumentationTool.Location.*;

import static com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind.*;

Manages the Taglets used by doclets.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

Author:Jamie Ho
/** * Manages the {@code Taglet}s used by doclets. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> * * @author Jamie Ho */
public class TagletManager {
The default separator for the simple tag option.
/** * The default separator for the simple tag option. */
public static final char SIMPLE_TAGLET_OPT_SEPARATOR = ':';
The alternate separator for simple tag options. Use this when you want the default separator to be in the name of the custom tag.
/** * The alternate separator for simple tag options. Use this * when you want the default separator to be in the name of the * custom tag. */
public static final String ALT_SIMPLE_TAGLET_OPT_SEPARATOR = "-";
The map of custom tags.
/** * The map of custom tags. */
private final LinkedHashMap<String,Taglet> customTags;
The array of custom tags that can appear in modules.
/** * The array of custom tags that can appear in modules. */
private List<Taglet> moduleTags;
The array of custom tags that can appear in packages.
/** * The array of custom tags that can appear in packages. */
private List<Taglet> packageTags;
The array of custom tags that can appear in classes or interfaces.
/** * The array of custom tags that can appear in classes or interfaces. */
private List<Taglet> typeTags;
The array of custom tags that can appear in fields.
/** * The array of custom tags that can appear in fields. */
private List<Taglet> fieldTags;
The array of custom tags that can appear in constructors.
/** * The array of custom tags that can appear in constructors. */
private List<Taglet> constructorTags;
The array of custom tags that can appear in methods.
/** * The array of custom tags that can appear in methods. */
private List<Taglet> methodTags;
The array of custom tags that can appear in the overview.
/** * The array of custom tags that can appear in the overview. */
private List<Taglet> overviewTags;
The array of custom tags that can appear in comments.
/** * The array of custom tags that can appear in comments. */
private List<Taglet> inlineTags;
The array of custom tags that can appear in the serialized form.
/** * The array of custom tags that can appear in the serialized form. */
private List<Taglet> serializedFormTags; private final DocletEnvironment docEnv; private final Doclet doclet; private final Messages messages; private final Resources resources;
Keep track of standard tags.
/** * Keep track of standard tags. */
private final Set<String> standardTags;
Keep track of standard tags in lowercase to compare for better error messages when a tag like @docRoot is mistakenly spelled lowercase @docroot.
/** * Keep track of standard tags in lowercase to compare for better * error messages when a tag like @docRoot is mistakenly spelled * lowercase @docroot. */
private final Set<String> standardTagsLowercase;
Keep track of overriden standard tags.
/** * Keep track of overriden standard tags. */
private final Set<String> overridenStandardTags;
Keep track of the tags that may conflict with standard tags in the future (any custom tag without a period in its name).
/** * Keep track of the tags that may conflict * with standard tags in the future (any custom tag without * a period in its name). */
private final Set<String> potentiallyConflictingTags;
The set of unseen custom tags.
/** * The set of unseen custom tags. */
private final Set<String> unseenCustomTags;
True if we do not want to use @since tags.
/** * True if we do not want to use @since tags. */
private final boolean nosince;
True if we want to use @version tags.
/** * True if we want to use @version tags. */
private final boolean showversion;
True if we want to use @author tags.
/** * True if we want to use @author tags. */
private final boolean showauthor;
True if we want to use JavaFX-related tags (@propertyGetter, @propertyDescription, @defaultValue, @treatAsPrivate).
/** * True if we want to use JavaFX-related tags (@propertyGetter, * @propertySetter, @propertyDescription, @defaultValue, @treatAsPrivate). */
private final boolean javafx;
Construct a new TagletManager.
  • nosince – true if we do not want to use @since tags.
  • showversion – true if we want to use @version tags.
  • showauthor – true if we want to use @author tags.
  • javafx – indicates whether javafx is active.
  • configuration – the configuration for this taglet manager
/** * Construct a new <code>TagletManager</code>. * @param nosince true if we do not want to use @since tags. * @param showversion true if we want to use @version tags. * @param showauthor true if we want to use @author tags. * @param javafx indicates whether javafx is active. * @param configuration the configuration for this taglet manager */
public TagletManager(boolean nosince, boolean showversion, boolean showauthor, boolean javafx, Configuration configuration) { overridenStandardTags = new HashSet<>(); potentiallyConflictingTags = new HashSet<>(); standardTags = new HashSet<>(); standardTagsLowercase = new HashSet<>(); unseenCustomTags = new HashSet<>(); customTags = new LinkedHashMap<>(); this.nosince = nosince; this.showversion = showversion; this.showauthor = showauthor; this.javafx = javafx; this.docEnv = configuration.docEnv; this.doclet = configuration.doclet; this.messages = configuration.getMessages(); this.resources = configuration.getResources(); initStandardTaglets(); initStandardTagsLowercase(); }
Add a new CustomTag. This is used to add a Taglet from within a Doclet. No message is printed to indicate that the Taglet is properly registered because these Taglets are typically added for every execution of the Doclet. We don't want to see this type of error message every time.
  • customTag – the new CustomTag to add.
/** * Add a new <code>CustomTag</code>. This is used to add a Taglet from within * a Doclet. No message is printed to indicate that the Taglet is properly * registered because these Taglets are typically added for every execution of the * Doclet. We don't want to see this type of error message every time. * @param customTag the new <code>CustomTag</code> to add. */
public void addCustomTag(Taglet customTag) { if (customTag != null) { String name = customTag.getName(); if (customTags.containsKey(name)) { customTags.remove(name); } customTags.put(name, customTag); checkTagName(name); } } public Set<String> getCustomTagNames() { return customTags.keySet(); }
Add a new Taglet. Print a message to indicate whether or not the Taglet was registered properly.
  • classname – the name of the class representing the custom tag.
  • fileManager – the filemanager to load classes and resources.
  • tagletPath – the path to the class representing the custom tag.
/** * Add a new <code>Taglet</code>. Print a message to indicate whether or not * the Taglet was registered properly. * @param classname the name of the class representing the custom tag. * @param fileManager the filemanager to load classes and resources. * @param tagletPath the path to the class representing the custom tag. */
public void addCustomTag(String classname, JavaFileManager fileManager, String tagletPath) { try { ClassLoader tagClassLoader; if (!fileManager.hasLocation(TAGLET_PATH)) { List<File> paths = new ArrayList<>(); if (tagletPath != null) { for (String pathname : tagletPath.split(File.pathSeparator)) { paths.add(new File(pathname)); } } if (fileManager instanceof StandardJavaFileManager) { ((StandardJavaFileManager) fileManager).setLocation(TAGLET_PATH, paths); } } tagClassLoader = fileManager.getClassLoader(TAGLET_PATH); Class<? extends jdk.javadoc.doclet.Taglet> customTagClass = tagClassLoader.loadClass(classname).asSubclass(jdk.javadoc.doclet.Taglet.class); jdk.javadoc.doclet.Taglet instance = customTagClass.getConstructor().newInstance(); instance.init(docEnv, doclet); Taglet newLegacy = new UserTaglet(instance); String tname = newLegacy.getName(); Taglet t = customTags.get(tname); if (t != null) { customTags.remove(tname); } customTags.put(tname, newLegacy); messages.notice("doclet.Notice_taglet_registered", classname); } catch (Exception exc) { messages.error("doclet.Error_taglet_not_registered", exc.getClass().getName(), classname); } }
Add a new SimpleTaglet. If this tag already exists and the header passed as an argument is null, move tag to the back of the list. If this tag already exists and the header passed as an argument is not null, overwrite previous tag with new one. Otherwise, add new SimpleTaglet to list.
  • tagName – the name of this tag
  • header – the header to output.
  • locations – the possible locations that this tag can appear in.
/** * Add a new <code>SimpleTaglet</code>. If this tag already exists * and the header passed as an argument is null, move tag to the back of the * list. If this tag already exists and the header passed as an argument is * not null, overwrite previous tag with new one. Otherwise, add new * SimpleTaglet to list. * @param tagName the name of this tag * @param header the header to output. * @param locations the possible locations that this tag * can appear in. */
public void addNewSimpleCustomTag(String tagName, String header, String locations) { if (tagName == null || locations == null) { return; } Taglet tag = customTags.get(tagName); locations = Utils.toLowerCase(locations); if (tag == null || header != null) { customTags.remove(tagName); customTags.put(tagName, new SimpleTaglet(tagName, header, locations)); if (locations != null && locations.indexOf('x') == -1) { checkTagName(tagName); } } else { //Move to back customTags.remove(tagName); customTags.put(tagName, tag); } }
Given a tag name, add it to the set of tags it belongs to.
/** * Given a tag name, add it to the set of tags it belongs to. */
private void checkTagName(String name) { if (standardTags.contains(name)) { overridenStandardTags.add(name); } else { if (name.indexOf('.') == -1) { potentiallyConflictingTags.add(name); } unseenCustomTags.add(name); } }
Check the taglet to see if it is a legacy taglet. Also check its name for errors.
/** * Check the taglet to see if it is a legacy taglet. Also * check its name for errors. */
private void checkTaglet(Object taglet) { if (taglet instanceof Taglet) { checkTagName(((Taglet) taglet).getName()); } else if (taglet instanceof jdk.javadoc.doclet.Taglet) { jdk.javadoc.doclet.Taglet legacyTaglet = (jdk.javadoc.doclet.Taglet) taglet; customTags.remove(legacyTaglet.getName()); customTags.put(legacyTaglet.getName(), new UserTaglet(legacyTaglet)); checkTagName(legacyTaglet.getName()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given object is not a taglet."); } }
Given a name of a seen custom tag, remove it from the set of unseen custom tags.
  • name – the name of the seen custom tag.
/** * Given a name of a seen custom tag, remove it from the set of unseen * custom tags. * @param name the name of the seen custom tag. */
public void seenCustomTag(String name) { unseenCustomTags.remove(name); }
Given an array of Tags, check for spelling mistakes.
  • utils – the utility class to use
  • element – the tags holder
  • trees – the trees containing the comments
  • areInlineTags – true if the array of tags are inline and false otherwise.
/** * Given an array of <code>Tag</code>s, check for spelling mistakes. * @param utils the utility class to use * @param element the tags holder * @param trees the trees containing the comments * @param areInlineTags true if the array of tags are inline and false otherwise. */
public void checkTags(final Utils utils, Element element, Iterable<? extends DocTree> trees, boolean areInlineTags) { if (trees == null) { return; } CommentHelper ch = utils.getCommentHelper(element); for (DocTree tag : trees) { String name = tag.getKind().tagName; if (name == null) { continue; } if (name.length() > 0 && name.charAt(0) == '@') { name = name.substring(1, name.length()); } if (! (standardTags.contains(name) || customTags.containsKey(name))) { if (standardTagsLowercase.contains(Utils.toLowerCase(name))) { messages.warning(ch.getDocTreePath(tag), "doclet.UnknownTagLowercase", ch.getTagName(tag)); continue; } else { messages.warning(ch.getDocTreePath(tag), "doclet.UnknownTag", ch.getTagName(tag)); continue; } } final Taglet taglet = customTags.get(name); // Check and verify tag usage if (taglet != null) { if (areInlineTags && !taglet.isInlineTag()) { printTagMisuseWarn(ch, taglet, tag, "inline"); } // nothing more to do if (element == null) { return; } new SimpleElementVisitor9<Void, Void>() { @Override public Void visitModule(ModuleElement e, Void p) { if (!taglet.inModule()) { printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "module"); } return null; } @Override public Void visitPackage(PackageElement e, Void p) { if (!taglet.inPackage()) { printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "package"); } return null; } @Override public Void visitType(TypeElement e, Void p) { if (!taglet.inType()) { printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "class"); } return null; } @Override public Void visitExecutable(ExecutableElement e, Void p) { if (utils.isConstructor(e) && !taglet.inConstructor()) { printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "constructor"); } else if (!taglet.inMethod()) { printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "method"); } return null; } @Override public Void visitVariable(VariableElement e, Void p) { if (utils.isField(e) && !taglet.inField()) { printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "field"); } return null; } @Override public Void visitUnknown(Element e, Void p) { if (utils.isOverviewElement(e) && !taglet.inOverview()) { printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "overview"); } return null; } @Override protected Void defaultAction(Element e, Void p) { return null; } }.visit(element); } } }
Given the taglet, the tag and the type of documentation that the tag was found in, print a tag misuse warning.
  • taglet – the taglet representing the misused tag.
  • tag – the misused tag.
  • holderType – the type of documentation that the misused tag was found in.
/** * Given the taglet, the tag and the type of documentation that the tag * was found in, print a tag misuse warning. * @param taglet the taglet representing the misused tag. * @param tag the misused tag. * @param holderType the type of documentation that the misused tag was found in. */
private void printTagMisuseWarn(CommentHelper ch, Taglet taglet, DocTree tag, String holderType) { Set<String> locationsSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(); if (taglet.inOverview()) { locationsSet.add("overview"); } if (taglet.inModule()) { locationsSet.add("module"); } if (taglet.inPackage()) { locationsSet.add("package"); } if (taglet.inType()) { locationsSet.add("class/interface"); } if (taglet.inConstructor()) { locationsSet.add("constructor"); } if (taglet.inField()) { locationsSet.add("field"); } if (taglet.inMethod()) { locationsSet.add("method"); } if (taglet.isInlineTag()) { locationsSet.add("inline text"); } String[] locations = locationsSet.toArray(new String[]{}); if (locations == null || locations.length == 0) { //This known tag is excluded. return; } StringBuilder combined_locations = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { combined_locations.append(", "); } combined_locations.append(locations[i]); } messages.warning(ch.getDocTreePath(tag), "doclet.tag_misuse", "@" + taglet.getName(), holderType, combined_locations.toString()); }
Return the array of Taglets that can appear in modules.
Returns:the array of Taglets that can appear in modules.
/** * Return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in modules. * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in modules. */
public List<Taglet> getModuleCustomTaglets() { if (moduleTags == null) { initCustomTaglets(); } return moduleTags; }
Return the array of Taglets that can appear in packages.
Returns:the array of Taglets that can appear in packages.
/** * Return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in packages. * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in packages. */
public List<Taglet> getPackageCustomTaglets() { if (packageTags == null) { initCustomTaglets(); } return packageTags; }
Return the array of Taglets that can appear in classes or interfaces.
Returns:the array of Taglets that can appear in classes or interfaces.
/** * Return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in classes or interfaces. * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in classes or interfaces. */
public List<Taglet> getTypeCustomTaglets() { if (typeTags == null) { initCustomTaglets(); } return typeTags; }
Return the array of inline Taglets that can appear in comments.
Returns:the array of Taglets that can appear in comments.
/** * Return the array of inline <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in comments. * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in comments. */
public List<Taglet> getInlineCustomTaglets() { if (inlineTags == null) { initCustomTaglets(); } return inlineTags; }
Return the array of Taglets that can appear in fields.
Returns:the array of Taglets that can appear in field.
/** * Return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in fields. * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in field. */
public List<Taglet> getFieldCustomTaglets() { if (fieldTags == null) { initCustomTaglets(); } return fieldTags; }
Return the array of Taglets that can appear in the serialized form.
Returns:the array of Taglets that can appear in the serialized form.
/** * Return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in the serialized form. * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in the serialized form. */
public List<Taglet> getSerializedFormTaglets() { if (serializedFormTags == null) { initCustomTaglets(); } return serializedFormTags; }
Returns the custom tags for a given element.
  • e – the element to get custom tags for
Returns:the array of Taglets that can appear in the given element.
/** * Returns the custom tags for a given element. * * @param e the element to get custom tags for * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in the given element. */
public List<Taglet> getCustomTaglets(Element e) { switch (e.getKind()) { case CONSTRUCTOR: return getConstructorCustomTaglets(); case METHOD: return getMethodCustomTaglets(); case ENUM_CONSTANT: case FIELD: return getFieldCustomTaglets(); case ANNOTATION_TYPE: case INTERFACE: case CLASS: case ENUM: return getTypeCustomTaglets(); case MODULE: return getModuleCustomTaglets(); case PACKAGE: return getPackageCustomTaglets(); case OTHER: return getOverviewCustomTaglets(); default: throw new AssertionError("unknown element: " + e + " ,kind: " + e.getKind()); } }
Return a List of Taglets that can appear in constructors.
Returns:the array of Taglets that can appear in constructors.
/** * Return a List of <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in constructors. * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in constructors. */
public List<Taglet> getConstructorCustomTaglets() { if (constructorTags == null) { initCustomTaglets(); } return constructorTags; }
Return a List of Taglets that can appear in methods.
Returns:the array of Taglets that can appear in methods.
/** * Return a List of <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in methods. * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in methods. */
public List<Taglet> getMethodCustomTaglets() { if (methodTags == null) { initCustomTaglets(); } return methodTags; }
Return a List of Taglets that can appear in an overview.
Returns:the array of Taglets that can appear in overview.
/** * Return a List of <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in an overview. * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can * appear in overview. */
public List<Taglet> getOverviewCustomTaglets() { if (overviewTags == null) { initCustomTaglets(); } return overviewTags; }
Initialize the custom tag Lists.
/** * Initialize the custom tag Lists. */
private void initCustomTaglets() { moduleTags = new ArrayList<>(); packageTags = new ArrayList<>(); typeTags = new ArrayList<>(); fieldTags = new ArrayList<>(); constructorTags = new ArrayList<>(); methodTags = new ArrayList<>(); inlineTags = new ArrayList<>(); overviewTags = new ArrayList<>(); for (Taglet current : customTags.values()) { if (current.inModule() && !current.isInlineTag()) { moduleTags.add(current); } if (current.inPackage() && !current.isInlineTag()) { packageTags.add(current); } if (current.inType() && !current.isInlineTag()) { typeTags.add(current); } if (current.inField() && !current.isInlineTag()) { fieldTags.add(current); } if (current.inConstructor() && !current.isInlineTag()) { constructorTags.add(current); } if (current.inMethod() && !current.isInlineTag()) { methodTags.add(current); } if (current.isInlineTag()) { inlineTags.add(current); } if (current.inOverview() && !current.isInlineTag()) { overviewTags.add(current); } } //Init the serialized form tags serializedFormTags = new ArrayList<>(); serializedFormTags.add(customTags.get(SERIAL_DATA.tagName)); serializedFormTags.add(customTags.get(THROWS.tagName)); if (!nosince) serializedFormTags.add(customTags.get(SINCE.tagName)); serializedFormTags.add(customTags.get(SEE.tagName)); }
Initialize standard Javadoc tags for ordering purposes.
/** * Initialize standard Javadoc tags for ordering purposes. */
private void initStandardTaglets() { if (javafx) { initJavaFXTaglets(); } Taglet temp; addStandardTaglet(new ParamTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new ReturnTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new ThrowsTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new SimpleTaglet(EXCEPTION.tagName, null, SimpleTaglet.METHOD + SimpleTaglet.CONSTRUCTOR)); addStandardTaglet(!nosince, new SimpleTaglet(SINCE.tagName, resources.getText("doclet.Since"), SimpleTaglet.ALL)); addStandardTaglet(showversion, new SimpleTaglet(VERSION.tagName, resources.getText("doclet.Version"), SimpleTaglet.MODULE + SimpleTaglet.PACKAGE + SimpleTaglet.TYPE + SimpleTaglet.OVERVIEW)); addStandardTaglet(showauthor, new SimpleTaglet(AUTHOR.tagName, resources.getText("doclet.Author"), SimpleTaglet.MODULE + SimpleTaglet.PACKAGE + SimpleTaglet.TYPE + SimpleTaglet.OVERVIEW)); addStandardTaglet(new SimpleTaglet(SERIAL_DATA.tagName, resources.getText("doclet.SerialData"), SimpleTaglet.EXCLUDED)); addStandardTaglet(new SimpleTaglet(HIDDEN.tagName, resources.getText("doclet.Hidden"), SimpleTaglet.FIELD + SimpleTaglet.METHOD + SimpleTaglet.TYPE)); customTags.put((temp = new SimpleTaglet("factory", resources.getText("doclet.Factory"), SimpleTaglet.METHOD)).getName(), temp); addStandardTaglet(new SeeTaglet()); //Standard inline tags addStandardTaglet(new DocRootTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new InheritDocTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new ValueTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new LiteralTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new CodeTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new IndexTaglet()); // Keep track of the names of standard tags for error // checking purposes. The following are not handled above. standardTags.add(DEPRECATED.tagName); standardTags.add(LINK.tagName); standardTags.add(LINK_PLAIN.tagName); standardTags.add(SERIAL.tagName); standardTags.add(SERIAL_FIELD.tagName); }
Initialize JavaFX-related tags.
/** * Initialize JavaFX-related tags. */
private void initJavaFXTaglets() { addStandardTaglet(new PropertyGetterTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new PropertySetterTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new SimpleTaglet("propertyDescription", resources.getText("doclet.PropertyDescription"), SimpleTaglet.FIELD + SimpleTaglet.METHOD)); addStandardTaglet(new SimpleTaglet("defaultValue", resources.getText("doclet.DefaultValue"), SimpleTaglet.FIELD + SimpleTaglet.METHOD)); addStandardTaglet(new SimpleTaglet("treatAsPrivate", null, SimpleTaglet.FIELD + SimpleTaglet.METHOD + SimpleTaglet.TYPE)); } void addStandardTaglet(Taglet taglet) { String name = taglet.getName(); customTags.put(name, taglet); standardTags.add(name); } void addStandardTaglet(boolean enable, Taglet taglet) { String name = taglet.getName(); if (enable) customTags.put(name, taglet); standardTags.add(name); }
Initialize lowercase version of standard Javadoc tags.
/** * Initialize lowercase version of standard Javadoc tags. */
private void initStandardTagsLowercase() { for (String standardTag : standardTags) { standardTagsLowercase.add(Utils.toLowerCase(standardTag)); } } public boolean isKnownCustomTag(String tagName) { return customTags.containsKey(tagName); }
Print a list of Taglets that might conflict with standard tags in the future and a list of standard tags that have been overriden.
/** * Print a list of {@link Taglet}s that might conflict with * standard tags in the future and a list of standard tags * that have been overriden. */
public void printReport() { printReportHelper("doclet.Notice_taglet_conflict_warn", potentiallyConflictingTags); printReportHelper("doclet.Notice_taglet_overriden", overridenStandardTags); printReportHelper("doclet.Notice_taglet_unseen", unseenCustomTags); } private void printReportHelper(String noticeKey, Set<String> names) { if (names.size() > 0) { String[] namesArray = names.toArray(new String[] {}); String result = " "; for (int i = 0; i < namesArray.length; i++) { result += "@" + namesArray[i]; if (i + 1 < namesArray.length) { result += ", "; } } messages.notice(noticeKey, result); } }
Given the name of a tag, return the corresponding taglet. Return null if the tag is unknown.
  • name – the name of the taglet to retrieve.
Returns:return the corresponding taglet. Return null if the tag is unknown.
/** * Given the name of a tag, return the corresponding taglet. * Return null if the tag is unknown. * * @param name the name of the taglet to retrieve. * @return return the corresponding taglet. Return null if the tag is * unknown. */
public Taglet getTaglet(String name) { if (name.indexOf("@") == 0) { return customTags.get(name.substring(1)); } else { return customTags.get(name); } } }