 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.HtmlAttr.Role;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Content;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.DocletConstants;

Class for generating HTML tree for javadoc output.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

Author:Bhavesh Patel
/** * Class for generating HTML tree for javadoc output. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> * * @author Bhavesh Patel */
public class HtmlTree extends Content { private HtmlTag htmlTag; private Map<HtmlAttr,String> attrs = Collections.emptyMap(); private List<Content> content = Collections.emptyList(); public static final Content EMPTY = new StringContent("");
Constructor to construct HtmlTree object.
  • tag – HTML tag for the HtmlTree object
/** * Constructor to construct HtmlTree object. * * @param tag HTML tag for the HtmlTree object */
public HtmlTree(HtmlTag tag) { htmlTag = nullCheck(tag); }
Constructor to construct HtmlTree object.
  • tag – HTML tag for the HtmlTree object
  • contents – contents to be added to the tree
/** * Constructor to construct HtmlTree object. * * @param tag HTML tag for the HtmlTree object * @param contents contents to be added to the tree */
public HtmlTree(HtmlTag tag, Content... contents) { this(tag); for (Content content: contents) addContent(content); }
Adds an attribute for the HTML tag.
  • attrName – name of the attribute
  • attrValue – value of the attribute
/** * Adds an attribute for the HTML tag. * * @param attrName name of the attribute * @param attrValue value of the attribute */
public void addAttr(HtmlAttr attrName, String attrValue) { if (attrs.isEmpty()) attrs = new LinkedHashMap<>(3); attrs.put(nullCheck(attrName), escapeHtmlChars(attrValue)); } public void setTitle(Content body) { addAttr(HtmlAttr.TITLE, stripHtml(body)); } public void setRole(Role role) { addAttr(HtmlAttr.ROLE, role.toString()); }
Adds a style for the HTML tag.
  • style – style to be added
/** * Adds a style for the HTML tag. * * @param style style to be added */
public void addStyle(HtmlStyle style) { addAttr(HtmlAttr.CLASS, style.toString()); }
Adds content for the HTML tag.
  • tagContent – tag content to be added
/** * Adds content for the HTML tag. * * @param tagContent tag content to be added */
public void addContent(Content tagContent) { if (tagContent instanceof ContentBuilder) { for (Content content: ((ContentBuilder)tagContent).contents) { addContent(content); } } else if (tagContent == HtmlTree.EMPTY || tagContent.isValid()) { if (content.isEmpty()) content = new ArrayList<>(); content.add(tagContent); } }
This method adds a string content to the htmltree. If the last content member added is a StringContent, append the string to that StringContent or else create a new StringContent and add it to the html tree.
  • stringContent – string content that needs to be added
/** * This method adds a string content to the htmltree. If the last content member * added is a StringContent, append the string to that StringContent or else * create a new StringContent and add it to the html tree. * * @param stringContent string content that needs to be added */
@Override public void addContent(CharSequence stringContent) { if (!content.isEmpty()) { Content lastContent = content.get(content.size() - 1); if (lastContent instanceof StringContent) lastContent.addContent(stringContent); else addContent(new StringContent(stringContent)); } else addContent(new StringContent(stringContent)); } public int charCount() { int n = 0; for (Content c : content) n += c.charCount(); return n; }
Given a string, escape all special html characters and return the result.
  • s – The string to check.
Returns:the original string with all of the HTML characters escaped.
/** * Given a string, escape all special html characters and * return the result. * * @param s The string to check. * @return the original string with all of the HTML characters escaped. */
private static String escapeHtmlChars(String s) { for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); switch (ch) { // only start building a new string if we need to case '<': case '>': case '&': StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s.substring(0, i)); for ( ; i < s.length(); i++) { ch = s.charAt(i); switch (ch) { case '<': sb.append("&lt;"); break; case '>': sb.append("&gt;"); break; case '&': sb.append("&amp;"); break; default: sb.append(ch); break; } } return sb.toString(); } } return s; }
A set of ASCII URI characters to be left unencoded.
/** * A set of ASCII URI characters to be left unencoded. */
public static final BitSet NONENCODING_CHARS = new BitSet(256); static { // alphabetic characters for (int i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) { NONENCODING_CHARS.set(i); } for (int i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++) { NONENCODING_CHARS.set(i); } // numeric characters for (int i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++) { NONENCODING_CHARS.set(i); } // Reserved characters as per RFC 3986. These are set of delimiting characters. String noEnc = ":/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;="; // Unreserved characters as per RFC 3986 which should not be percent encoded. noEnc += "-._~"; for (int i = 0; i < noEnc.length(); i++) { NONENCODING_CHARS.set(noEnc.charAt(i)); } } private static String encodeURL(String url) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (byte c : url.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))) { if (NONENCODING_CHARS.get(c & 0xFF)) { sb.append((char) c); } else { sb.append(String.format("%%%02X", c & 0xFF)); } } return sb.toString(); }
Generates an HTML anchor tag.
  • ref – reference url for the anchor tag
  • body – content for the anchor tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object
/** * Generates an HTML anchor tag. * * @param ref reference url for the anchor tag * @param body content for the anchor tag * @return an HtmlTree object */
public static HtmlTree A(String ref, Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.A, nullCheck(body)); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.HREF, encodeURL(ref)); return htmltree; }
Generates an HTML anchor tag with an id or a name attribute and content.
  • htmlVersion – the version of the generated HTML
  • attr – name or id attribute for the anchor tag
  • body – content for the anchor tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object
/** * Generates an HTML anchor tag with an id or a name attribute and content. * * @param htmlVersion the version of the generated HTML * @param attr name or id attribute for the anchor tag * @param body content for the anchor tag * @return an HtmlTree object */
public static HtmlTree A(HtmlVersion htmlVersion, String attr, Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.A); htmltree.addAttr((htmlVersion == HtmlVersion.HTML4) ? HtmlAttr.NAME : HtmlAttr.ID, nullCheck(attr)); htmltree.addContent(nullCheck(body)); return htmltree; }
Generates an HTML anchor tag with id attribute and a body.
  • id – id for the anchor tag
  • body – body for the anchor tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object
/** * Generates an HTML anchor tag with id attribute and a body. * * @param id id for the anchor tag * @param body body for the anchor tag * @return an HtmlTree object */
public static HtmlTree A_ID(String id, Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.A); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.ID, nullCheck(id)); htmltree.addContent(nullCheck(body)); return htmltree; }
Generates an HTML anchor tag with a style class, id attribute and a body.
  • styleClass – stylesheet class for the tag
  • id – id for the anchor tag
  • body – body for the anchor tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object
/** * Generates an HTML anchor tag with a style class, id attribute and a body. * * @param styleClass stylesheet class for the tag * @param id id for the anchor tag * @param body body for the anchor tag * @return an HtmlTree object */
public static HtmlTree A_ID(HtmlStyle styleClass, String id, Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = A_ID(id, body); if (styleClass != null) htmltree.addStyle(styleClass); return htmltree; }
Generates a CAPTION tag with some content.
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the CAPTION tag
/** * Generates a CAPTION tag with some content. * * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the CAPTION tag */
public static HtmlTree CAPTION(Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.CAPTION, nullCheck(body)); return htmltree; }
Generates a CODE tag with some content.
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the CODE tag
/** * Generates a CODE tag with some content. * * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the CODE tag */
public static HtmlTree CODE(Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.CODE, nullCheck(body)); return htmltree; }
Generates a DD tag with some content.
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the DD tag
/** * Generates a DD tag with some content. * * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the DD tag */
public static HtmlTree DD(Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.DD, nullCheck(body)); return htmltree; }
Generates a DL tag with some content.
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the DL tag
/** * Generates a DL tag with some content. * * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the DL tag */
public static HtmlTree DL(Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.DL, nullCheck(body)); return htmltree; }
Generates a DIV tag with the style class attributes. It also encloses a content.
  • styleClass – stylesheet class for the tag
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the DIV tag
/** * Generates a DIV tag with the style class attributes. It also encloses * a content. * * @param styleClass stylesheet class for the tag * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the DIV tag */
public static HtmlTree DIV(HtmlStyle styleClass, Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.DIV, nullCheck(body)); if (styleClass != null) htmltree.addStyle(styleClass); return htmltree; }
Generates a DIV tag with some content.
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the DIV tag
/** * Generates a DIV tag with some content. * * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the DIV tag */
public static HtmlTree DIV(Content body) { return DIV(null, body); }
Generates a DT tag with some content.
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the DT tag
/** * Generates a DT tag with some content. * * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the DT tag */
public static HtmlTree DT(Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.DT, nullCheck(body)); return htmltree; }
Generates a FOOTER tag with role attribute.
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the FOOTER tag
/** * Generates a FOOTER tag with role attribute. * * @return an HtmlTree object for the FOOTER tag */
public static HtmlTree FOOTER() { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.FOOTER); htmltree.setRole(Role.CONTENTINFO); return htmltree; }
Generates a HEADER tag with role attribute.
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the HEADER tag
/** * Generates a HEADER tag with role attribute. * * @return an HtmlTree object for the HEADER tag */
public static HtmlTree HEADER() { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.HEADER); htmltree.setRole(Role.BANNER); return htmltree; }
Generates a heading tag (h1 to h6) with the title and style class attributes. It also encloses a content.
  • headingTag – the heading tag to be generated
  • printTitle – true if title for the tag needs to be printed else false
  • styleClass – stylesheet class for the tag
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the tag
/** * Generates a heading tag (h1 to h6) with the title and style class attributes. It also encloses * a content. * * @param headingTag the heading tag to be generated * @param printTitle true if title for the tag needs to be printed else false * @param styleClass stylesheet class for the tag * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the tag */
public static HtmlTree HEADING(HtmlTag headingTag, boolean printTitle, HtmlStyle styleClass, Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(headingTag, nullCheck(body)); if (printTitle) htmltree.setTitle(body); if (styleClass != null) htmltree.addStyle(styleClass); return htmltree; }
Generates a heading tag (h1 to h6) with style class attribute. It also encloses a content.
  • headingTag – the heading tag to be generated
  • styleClass – stylesheet class for the tag
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the tag
/** * Generates a heading tag (h1 to h6) with style class attribute. It also encloses * a content. * * @param headingTag the heading tag to be generated * @param styleClass stylesheet class for the tag * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the tag */
public static HtmlTree HEADING(HtmlTag headingTag, HtmlStyle styleClass, Content body) { return HEADING(headingTag, false, styleClass, body); }
Generates a heading tag (h1 to h6) with the title attribute. It also encloses a content.
  • headingTag – the heading tag to be generated
  • printTitle – true if the title for the tag needs to be printed else false
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the tag
/** * Generates a heading tag (h1 to h6) with the title attribute. It also encloses * a content. * * @param headingTag the heading tag to be generated * @param printTitle true if the title for the tag needs to be printed else false * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the tag */
public static HtmlTree HEADING(HtmlTag headingTag, boolean printTitle, Content body) { return HEADING(headingTag, printTitle, null, body); }
Generates a heading tag (h1 to h6) with some content.
  • headingTag – the heading tag to be generated
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the tag
/** * Generates a heading tag (h1 to h6) with some content. * * @param headingTag the heading tag to be generated * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the tag */
public static HtmlTree HEADING(HtmlTag headingTag, Content body) { return HEADING(headingTag, false, null, body); }
Generates an HTML tag with lang attribute. It also adds head and body content to the HTML tree.
  • lang – language for the HTML document
  • head – head for the HTML tag
  • body – body for the HTML tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the HTML tag
/** * Generates an HTML tag with lang attribute. It also adds head and body * content to the HTML tree. * * @param lang language for the HTML document * @param head head for the HTML tag * @param body body for the HTML tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the HTML tag */
public static HtmlTree HTML(String lang, Content head, Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.HTML, nullCheck(head), nullCheck(body)); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.LANG, nullCheck(lang)); return htmltree; }
Generates a IFRAME tag.
  • src – the url of the document to be shown in the frame
  • name – specifies the name of the frame
  • title – the title for the frame
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the IFRAME tag
/** * Generates a IFRAME tag. * * @param src the url of the document to be shown in the frame * @param name specifies the name of the frame * @param title the title for the frame * @return an HtmlTree object for the IFRAME tag */
public static HtmlTree IFRAME(String src, String name, String title) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.IFRAME); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.SRC, nullCheck(src)); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.NAME, nullCheck(name)); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.TITLE, nullCheck(title)); return htmltree; }
Generates a INPUT tag with some id.
  • type – the type of input
  • id – id for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the INPUT tag
/** * Generates a INPUT tag with some id. * * @param type the type of input * @param id id for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the INPUT tag */
public static HtmlTree INPUT(String type, String id) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.INPUT); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.TYPE, nullCheck(type)); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.ID, nullCheck(id)); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.VALUE, " "); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.DISABLED, "disabled"); return htmltree; }
Generates a LI tag with some content.
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the LI tag
/** * Generates a LI tag with some content. * * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the LI tag */
public static HtmlTree LI(Content body) { return LI(null, body); }
Generates a LI tag with some content.
  • styleClass – style for the tag
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the LI tag
/** * Generates a LI tag with some content. * * @param styleClass style for the tag * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the LI tag */
public static HtmlTree LI(HtmlStyle styleClass, Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.LI, nullCheck(body)); if (styleClass != null) htmltree.addStyle(styleClass); return htmltree; }
Generates a LINK tag with the rel, type, href and title attributes.
  • rel – relevance of the link
  • type – type of link
  • href – the path for the link
  • title – title for the link
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the LINK tag
/** * Generates a LINK tag with the rel, type, href and title attributes. * * @param rel relevance of the link * @param type type of link * @param href the path for the link * @param title title for the link * @return an HtmlTree object for the LINK tag */
public static HtmlTree LINK(String rel, String type, String href, String title) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.LINK); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.REL, nullCheck(rel)); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.TYPE, nullCheck(type)); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.HREF, nullCheck(href)); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.TITLE, nullCheck(title)); return htmltree; }
Generates a MAIN tag with role attribute.
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the MAIN tag
/** * Generates a MAIN tag with role attribute. * * @return an HtmlTree object for the MAIN tag */
public static HtmlTree MAIN() { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.MAIN); htmltree.setRole(Role.MAIN); return htmltree; }
Generates a MAIN tag with role attribute and some content.
  • body – content of the MAIN tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the MAIN tag
/** * Generates a MAIN tag with role attribute and some content. * * @param body content of the MAIN tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the MAIN tag */
public static HtmlTree MAIN(Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.MAIN, nullCheck(body)); htmltree.setRole(Role.MAIN); return htmltree; }
Generates a MAIN tag with role attribute, style attribute and some content.
  • styleClass – style of the MAIN tag
  • body – content of the MAIN tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the MAIN tag
/** * Generates a MAIN tag with role attribute, style attribute and some content. * * @param styleClass style of the MAIN tag * @param body content of the MAIN tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the MAIN tag */
public static HtmlTree MAIN(HtmlStyle styleClass, Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = HtmlTree.MAIN(body); if (styleClass != null) { htmltree.addStyle(styleClass); } return htmltree; }
Generates a META tag with the http-equiv, content and charset attributes.
  • httpEquiv – http equiv attribute for the META tag
  • content – type of content
  • charSet – character set used
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the META tag
/** * Generates a META tag with the http-equiv, content and charset attributes. * * @param httpEquiv http equiv attribute for the META tag * @param content type of content * @param charSet character set used * @return an HtmlTree object for the META tag */
public static HtmlTree META(String httpEquiv, String content, String charSet) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.META); String contentCharset = content + "; charset=" + charSet; htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.HTTP_EQUIV, nullCheck(httpEquiv)); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.CONTENT, contentCharset); return htmltree; }
Generates a META tag with the name and content attributes.
  • name – name attribute
  • content – type of content
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the META tag
/** * Generates a META tag with the name and content attributes. * * @param name name attribute * @param content type of content * @return an HtmlTree object for the META tag */
public static HtmlTree META(String name, String content) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.META); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.NAME, nullCheck(name)); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.CONTENT, nullCheck(content)); return htmltree; }
Generates a NAV tag with the role attribute.
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the NAV tag
/** * Generates a NAV tag with the role attribute. * * @return an HtmlTree object for the NAV tag */
public static HtmlTree NAV() { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.NAV); htmltree.setRole(Role.NAVIGATION); return htmltree; }
Generates a NOSCRIPT tag with some content.
  • body – content of the noscript tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the NOSCRIPT tag
/** * Generates a NOSCRIPT tag with some content. * * @param body content of the noscript tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the NOSCRIPT tag */
public static HtmlTree NOSCRIPT(Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.NOSCRIPT, nullCheck(body)); return htmltree; }
Generates a P tag with some content.
  • body – content of the Paragraph tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the P tag
/** * Generates a P tag with some content. * * @param body content of the Paragraph tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the P tag */
public static HtmlTree P(Content body) { return P(null, body); }
Generates a P tag with some content.
  • styleClass – style of the Paragraph tag
  • body – content of the Paragraph tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the P tag
/** * Generates a P tag with some content. * * @param styleClass style of the Paragraph tag * @param body content of the Paragraph tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the P tag */
public static HtmlTree P(HtmlStyle styleClass, Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.P, nullCheck(body)); if (styleClass != null) htmltree.addStyle(styleClass); return htmltree; }
Generates a SCRIPT tag with the type and src attributes.
  • type – type of link
  • src – the path for the script
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the SCRIPT tag
/** * Generates a SCRIPT tag with the type and src attributes. * * @param type type of link * @param src the path for the script * @return an HtmlTree object for the SCRIPT tag */
public static HtmlTree SCRIPT(String src) { HtmlTree htmltree = HtmlTree.SCRIPT(); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.SRC, nullCheck(src)); return htmltree; }
Generates a SCRIPT tag with the type attribute.
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the SCRIPT tag
/** * Generates a SCRIPT tag with the type attribute. * * @return an HtmlTree object for the SCRIPT tag */
public static HtmlTree SCRIPT() { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.SCRIPT); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.TYPE, "text/javascript"); return htmltree; }
Generates a SECTION tag with role attribute.
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the SECTION tag
/** * Generates a SECTION tag with role attribute. * * @return an HtmlTree object for the SECTION tag */
public static HtmlTree SECTION() { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.SECTION); htmltree.setRole(Role.REGION); return htmltree; }
Generates a SECTION tag with role attribute and some content.
  • body – content of the section tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the SECTION tag
/** * Generates a SECTION tag with role attribute and some content. * * @param body content of the section tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the SECTION tag */
public static HtmlTree SECTION(Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.SECTION, nullCheck(body)); htmltree.setRole(Role.REGION); return htmltree; }
Generates a SMALL tag with some content.
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the SMALL tag
/** * Generates a SMALL tag with some content. * * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the SMALL tag */
public static HtmlTree SMALL(Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.SMALL, nullCheck(body)); return htmltree; }
Generates a SPAN tag with some content.
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the SPAN tag
/** * Generates a SPAN tag with some content. * * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the SPAN tag */
public static HtmlTree SPAN(Content body) { return SPAN(null, body); }
Generates a SPAN tag with style class attribute and some content.
  • styleClass – style class for the tag
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the SPAN tag
/** * Generates a SPAN tag with style class attribute and some content. * * @param styleClass style class for the tag * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the SPAN tag */
public static HtmlTree SPAN(HtmlStyle styleClass, Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.SPAN, nullCheck(body)); if (styleClass != null) htmltree.addStyle(styleClass); return htmltree; }
Generates a SPAN tag with id and style class attributes. It also encloses a content.
  • id – the id for the tag
  • styleClass – stylesheet class for the tag
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the SPAN tag
/** * Generates a SPAN tag with id and style class attributes. It also encloses * a content. * * @param id the id for the tag * @param styleClass stylesheet class for the tag * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the SPAN tag */
public static HtmlTree SPAN(String id, HtmlStyle styleClass, Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.SPAN, nullCheck(body)); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.ID, nullCheck(id)); if (styleClass != null) htmltree.addStyle(styleClass); return htmltree; }
Generates a Table tag with style class and summary attributes and some content.
  • styleClass – style of the table
  • summary – summary for the table
  • body – content for the table
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the TABLE tag
/** * Generates a Table tag with style class and summary attributes and some content. * * @param styleClass style of the table * @param summary summary for the table * @param body content for the table * @return an HtmlTree object for the TABLE tag */
public static HtmlTree TABLE(HtmlStyle styleClass, String summary, Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.TABLE, nullCheck(body)); if (styleClass != null) htmltree.addStyle(styleClass); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.SUMMARY, nullCheck(summary)); return htmltree; }
Generates a Table tag with style class attribute and some content.
  • styleClass – style of the table
  • body – content for the table
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the TABLE tag
/** * Generates a Table tag with style class attribute and some content. * * @param styleClass style of the table * @param body content for the table * @return an HtmlTree object for the TABLE tag */
public static HtmlTree TABLE(HtmlStyle styleClass, Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.TABLE, nullCheck(body)); if (styleClass != null) { htmltree.addStyle(styleClass); } return htmltree; }
Generates a TD tag with style class attribute and some content.
  • styleClass – style for the tag
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the TD tag
/** * Generates a TD tag with style class attribute and some content. * * @param styleClass style for the tag * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the TD tag */
public static HtmlTree TD(HtmlStyle styleClass, Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.TD, nullCheck(body)); if (styleClass != null) htmltree.addStyle(styleClass); return htmltree; }
Generates a TD tag for an HTML table with some content.
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the TD tag
/** * Generates a TD tag for an HTML table with some content. * * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the TD tag */
public static HtmlTree TD(Content body) { return TD(null, body); }
Generates a TH tag with style class and scope attributes and some content.
  • styleClass – style for the tag
  • scope – scope of the tag
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the TH tag
/** * Generates a TH tag with style class and scope attributes and some content. * * @param styleClass style for the tag * @param scope scope of the tag * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the TH tag */
public static HtmlTree TH(HtmlStyle styleClass, String scope, Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.TH, nullCheck(body)); if (styleClass != null) htmltree.addStyle(styleClass); htmltree.addAttr(HtmlAttr.SCOPE, nullCheck(scope)); return htmltree; }
Generates a TH tag with scope attribute and some content.
  • scope – scope of the tag
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the TH tag
/** * Generates a TH tag with scope attribute and some content. * * @param scope scope of the tag * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the TH tag */
public static HtmlTree TH(String scope, Content body) { return TH(null, scope, body); }
Generates a TH tag with style class, scope attribute and some content.
  • styleClass – style for the tag
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the TH tag
/** * Generates a TH tag with style class, scope attribute and some content. * * @param styleClass style for the tag * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the TH tag */
public static HtmlTree TH_ROW_SCOPE(HtmlStyle styleClass, Content body) { return TH(styleClass, "row", body); }
Generates a TITLE tag with some content.
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the TITLE tag
/** * Generates a TITLE tag with some content. * * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the TITLE tag */
public static HtmlTree TITLE(Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.TITLE, nullCheck(body)); return htmltree; }
Generates a TR tag for an HTML table with some content.
  • body – content for the tag
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the TR tag
/** * Generates a TR tag for an HTML table with some content. * * @param body content for the tag * @return an HtmlTree object for the TR tag */
public static HtmlTree TR(Content body) { HtmlTree htmltree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.TR, nullCheck(body)); return htmltree; }
Generates a UL tag with the style class attribute and some content.
  • styleClass – style for the tag
  • first – initial content to be added
  • more – a series of additional content nodes to be added
Returns:an HtmlTree object for the UL tag
/** * Generates a UL tag with the style class attribute and some content. * * @param styleClass style for the tag * @param first initial content to be added * @param more a series of additional content nodes to be added * @return an HtmlTree object for the UL tag */
public static HtmlTree UL(HtmlStyle styleClass, Content first, Content... more) { HtmlTree htmlTree = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.UL); htmlTree.addContent(nullCheck(first)); for (Content c : more) { htmlTree.addContent(nullCheck(c)); } htmlTree.addStyle(nullCheck(styleClass)); return htmlTree; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isEmpty() { return (!hasContent() && !hasAttrs()); }
Returns true if the HTML tree has content.
Returns:true if the HTML tree has content else return false
/** * Returns true if the HTML tree has content. * * @return true if the HTML tree has content else return false */
public boolean hasContent() { return (!content.isEmpty()); }
Returns true if the HTML tree has attributes.
Returns:true if the HTML tree has attributes else return false
/** * Returns true if the HTML tree has attributes. * * @return true if the HTML tree has attributes else return false */
public boolean hasAttrs() { return (!attrs.isEmpty()); }
Returns true if the HTML tree has a specific attribute.
  • attrName – name of the attribute to check within the HTML tree
Returns:true if the HTML tree has the specified attribute else return false
/** * Returns true if the HTML tree has a specific attribute. * * @param attrName name of the attribute to check within the HTML tree * @return true if the HTML tree has the specified attribute else return false */
public boolean hasAttr(HtmlAttr attrName) { return (attrs.containsKey(attrName)); }
Returns true if the HTML tree is valid. This check is more specific to standard doclet and not exactly similar to W3C specifications. But it ensures HTML validation.
Returns:true if the HTML tree is valid
/** * Returns true if the HTML tree is valid. This check is more specific to * standard doclet and not exactly similar to W3C specifications. But it * ensures HTML validation. * * @return true if the HTML tree is valid */
public boolean isValid() { switch (htmlTag) { case A : return (hasAttr(HtmlAttr.NAME) || hasAttr(HtmlAttr.ID) || (hasAttr(HtmlAttr.HREF) && hasContent())); case BR : return (!hasContent() && (!hasAttrs() || hasAttr(HtmlAttr.CLEAR))); case IFRAME : return (hasAttr(HtmlAttr.SRC) && !hasContent()); case HR : case INPUT: return (!hasContent()); case IMG : return (hasAttr(HtmlAttr.SRC) && hasAttr(HtmlAttr.ALT) && !hasContent()); case LINK : return (hasAttr(HtmlAttr.HREF) && !hasContent()); case META : return (hasAttr(HtmlAttr.CONTENT) && !hasContent()); case SCRIPT : return ((hasAttr(HtmlAttr.TYPE) && hasAttr(HtmlAttr.SRC) && !hasContent()) || (hasAttr(HtmlAttr.TYPE) && hasContent())); default : return hasContent(); } }
Returns true if the element is an inline element.
Returns:true if the HTML tag is an inline element
/** * Returns true if the element is an inline element. * * @return true if the HTML tag is an inline element */
public boolean isInline() { return (htmlTag.blockType == HtmlTag.BlockType.INLINE); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean write(Writer out, boolean atNewline) throws IOException { if (!isInline() && !atNewline) out.write(DocletConstants.NL); String tagString = htmlTag.toString(); out.write("<"); out.write(tagString); Iterator<HtmlAttr> iterator = attrs.keySet().iterator(); HtmlAttr key; String value; while (iterator.hasNext()) { key = iterator.next(); value = attrs.get(key); out.write(" "); out.write(key.toString()); if (!value.isEmpty()) { out.write("=\""); out.write(value); out.write("\""); } } out.write(">"); boolean nl = false; for (Content c : content) nl = c.write(out, nl); if (htmlTag.endTagRequired()) { out.write("</"); out.write(tagString); out.write(">"); } if (!isInline()) { out.write(DocletConstants.NL); return true; } else { return false; } }
Given a Content node, strips all html characters and return the result.
  • body – The content node to check.
Returns:the plain text from the content node
/** * Given a Content node, strips all html characters and * return the result. * * @param body The content node to check. * @return the plain text from the content node * */
private static String stripHtml(Content body) { String rawString = body.toString(); // remove HTML tags rawString = rawString.replaceAll("\\<.*?>", " "); // consolidate multiple spaces between a word to a single space rawString = rawString.replaceAll("\\b\\s{2,}\\b", " "); // remove extra whitespaces return rawString.trim(); } }