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package jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html;

import java.util.List;

import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;

import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.ContentBuilder;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Configuration;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Content;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.DocPath;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.Utils;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.links.LinkFactory;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.links.LinkInfo;

import static jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.LinkInfoImpl.Kind.MEMBER_TYPE_PARAMS;

A factory that returns a link given the information about it.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

Author:Jamie Ho
/** * A factory that returns a link given the information about it. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> * * @author Jamie Ho */
public class LinkFactoryImpl extends LinkFactory { private final HtmlDocletWriter m_writer; public LinkFactoryImpl(HtmlDocletWriter writer) { m_writer = writer; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected Content newContent() { return new ContentBuilder(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected Content getClassLink(LinkInfo linkInfo) { Configuration configuration = m_writer.configuration; Utils utils = configuration.utils; LinkInfoImpl classLinkInfo = (LinkInfoImpl) linkInfo; boolean noLabel = linkInfo.label == null || linkInfo.label.isEmpty(); TypeElement typeElement = classLinkInfo.typeElement; // Create a tool tip if we are linking to a class or interface. Don't // create one if we are linking to a member. String title = ""; if (classLinkInfo.where == null || classLinkInfo.where.length() == 0) { boolean isTypeLink = classLinkInfo.type != null && utils.isTypeVariable(utils.getComponentType(classLinkInfo.type)); title = getClassToolTip(typeElement, isTypeLink); } Content label = classLinkInfo.getClassLinkLabel(m_writer.configuration); Content link = new ContentBuilder(); if (utils.isIncluded(typeElement)) { if (configuration.isGeneratedDoc(typeElement)) { DocPath filename = getPath(classLinkInfo); if (linkInfo.linkToSelf || !(DocPath.forName(utils, typeElement)).equals(m_writer.filename)) { link.addContent(m_writer.getHyperLink( filename.fragment(classLinkInfo.where), label, classLinkInfo.isStrong, classLinkInfo.styleName, title, classLinkInfo.target)); if (noLabel && !classLinkInfo.excludeTypeParameterLinks) { link.addContent(getTypeParameterLinks(linkInfo)); } return link; } } } else { Content crossLink = m_writer.getCrossClassLink( typeElement.getQualifiedName().toString(), classLinkInfo.where, label, classLinkInfo.isStrong, classLinkInfo.styleName, true); if (crossLink != null) { link.addContent(crossLink); if (noLabel && !classLinkInfo.excludeTypeParameterLinks) { link.addContent(getTypeParameterLinks(linkInfo)); } return link; } } // Can't link so just write label. link.addContent(label); if (noLabel && !classLinkInfo.excludeTypeParameterLinks) { link.addContent(getTypeParameterLinks(linkInfo)); } return link; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected Content getTypeParameterLink(LinkInfo linkInfo, TypeMirror typeParam) { LinkInfoImpl typeLinkInfo = new LinkInfoImpl(m_writer.configuration, ((LinkInfoImpl) linkInfo).getContext(), typeParam); typeLinkInfo.excludeTypeBounds = linkInfo.excludeTypeBounds; typeLinkInfo.excludeTypeParameterLinks = linkInfo.excludeTypeParameterLinks; typeLinkInfo.linkToSelf = linkInfo.linkToSelf; typeLinkInfo.isJava5DeclarationLocation = false; return getLink(typeLinkInfo); } @Override protected Content getTypeAnnotationLink(LinkInfo linkInfo, AnnotationMirror annotation) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet!"); } @Override public Content getTypeAnnotationLinks(LinkInfo linkInfo) { Utils utils = ((LinkInfoImpl)linkInfo).utils; ContentBuilder links = new ContentBuilder(); List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotations; if (utils.isAnnotated(linkInfo.type)) { annotations = linkInfo.type.getAnnotationMirrors(); } else if (utils.isTypeVariable(linkInfo.type)) { // TODO: use the context for now, and special case for Receiver_Types, // which takes the default case. switch (((LinkInfoImpl)linkInfo).context) { case MEMBER_TYPE_PARAMS: case EXECUTABLE_MEMBER_PARAM: case CLASS_SIGNATURE: Element element = utils.typeUtils.asElement(linkInfo.type); annotations = element.getAnnotationMirrors(); break; default: annotations = linkInfo.type.getAnnotationMirrors(); break; } } else { return links; } if (annotations.isEmpty()) return links; List<Content> annos = m_writer.getAnnotations(0, annotations, false, linkInfo.isJava5DeclarationLocation); boolean isFirst = true; for (Content anno : annos) { if (!isFirst) { links.addContent(" "); } links.addContent(anno); isFirst = false; } if (!annos.isEmpty()) { links.addContent(" "); } return links; }
Given a class, return the appropriate tool tip.
  • typeElement – the class to get the tool tip for.
Returns:the tool tip for the appropriate class.
/** * Given a class, return the appropriate tool tip. * * @param typeElement the class to get the tool tip for. * @return the tool tip for the appropriate class. */
private String getClassToolTip(TypeElement typeElement, boolean isTypeLink) { Configuration configuration = m_writer.configuration; Utils utils = configuration.utils; if (isTypeLink) { return configuration.getText("doclet.Href_Type_Param_Title", utils.getSimpleName(typeElement)); } else if (utils.isInterface(typeElement)){ return configuration.getText("doclet.Href_Interface_Title", utils.getPackageName(utils.containingPackage(typeElement))); } else if (utils.isAnnotationType(typeElement)) { return configuration.getText("doclet.Href_Annotation_Title", utils.getPackageName(utils.containingPackage(typeElement))); } else if (utils.isEnum(typeElement)) { return configuration.getText("doclet.Href_Enum_Title", utils.getPackageName(utils.containingPackage(typeElement))); } else { return configuration.getText("doclet.Href_Class_Title", utils.getPackageName(utils.containingPackage(typeElement))); } }
Return path to the given file name in the given package. So if the name passed is "Object.html" and the name of the package is "java.lang", and if the relative path is "../.." then returned string will be "../../java/lang/Object.html"
  • linkInfo – the information about the link.
/** * Return path to the given file name in the given package. So if the name * passed is "Object.html" and the name of the package is "java.lang", and * if the relative path is "../.." then returned string will be * "../../java/lang/Object.html" * * @param linkInfo the information about the link. */
private DocPath getPath(LinkInfoImpl linkInfo) { if (linkInfo.context == LinkInfoImpl.Kind.PACKAGE_FRAME) { //Not really necessary to do this but we want to be consistent //with 1.4.2 output. return DocPath.forName(linkInfo.utils, linkInfo.typeElement); } return m_writer.pathToRoot.resolve(DocPath.forClass(linkInfo.utils, linkInfo.typeElement)); } }