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package com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.util;

import java.util.*;

import com.sun.javadoc.*;
import com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.*;

Process and manage grouping of packages, as specified by "-group" option on the command line.

For example, if user has used -group option as -group "Core Packages" "java.*" -group "CORBA Packages" "org.omg.*", then the packages specified on the command line will be grouped according to their names starting with either "java." or "org.omg.". All the other packages which do not fall in the user given groups, are grouped in default group, named as either "Other Packages" or "Packages" depending upon if "-group" option used or not at all used respectively.

Also the packages are grouped according to the longest possible match of their names with the grouping information provided. For example, if there are two groups, like -group "Lang" "java.lang" and -group "Core" "java.*", will put the package java.lang in the group "Lang" and not in group "Core".

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

Author:Atul M Dambalkar
/** * Process and manage grouping of packages, as specified by "-group" option on * the command line. * <p> * For example, if user has used -group option as * -group "Core Packages" "java.*" -group "CORBA Packages" "org.omg.*", then * the packages specified on the command line will be grouped according to their * names starting with either "java." or "org.omg.". All the other packages * which do not fall in the user given groups, are grouped in default group, * named as either "Other Packages" or "Packages" depending upon if "-group" * option used or not at all used respectively. * </p> * <p> * Also the packages are grouped according to the longest possible match of * their names with the grouping information provided. For example, if there * are two groups, like -group "Lang" "java.lang" and -group "Core" "java.*", * will put the package java.lang in the group "Lang" and not in group "Core". * </p> * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> * * @author Atul M Dambalkar */
@Deprecated public class Group {
Map of regular expressions with the corresponding group name.
/** * Map of regular expressions with the corresponding group name. */
private Map<String,String> regExpGroupMap = new HashMap<>();
List of regular expressions sorted according to the length. Regular expression with longest length will be first in the sorted order.
/** * List of regular expressions sorted according to the length. Regular * expression with longest length will be first in the sorted order. */
private List<String> sortedRegExpList = new ArrayList<>();
List of group names in the same order as given on the command line.
/** * List of group names in the same order as given on the command line. */
private List<String> groupList = new ArrayList<>();
Map of non-regular expressions(possible package names) with the corresponding group name.
/** * Map of non-regular expressions(possible package names) with the * corresponding group name. */
private Map<String,String> pkgNameGroupMap = new HashMap<>();
The global configuration information for this run.
/** * The global configuration information for this run. */
private final Configuration configuration;
Since we need to sort the keys in the reverse order(longest key first), the compare method in the implementing class is doing the reverse comparison.
/** * Since we need to sort the keys in the reverse order(longest key first), * the compare method in the implementing class is doing the reverse * comparison. */
private static class MapKeyComparator implements Comparator<String> { public int compare(String key1, String key2) { return key2.length() - key1.length(); } } public Group(Configuration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; }
Depending upon the format of the package name provided in the "-group" option, generate two separate maps. There will be a map for mapping regular expression(only meta character allowed is '*' and that is at the end of the regular expression) on to the group name. And another map for mapping (possible) package names(if the name format doesen't contain meta character '*', then it is assumed to be a package name) on to the group name. This will also sort all the regular expressions found in the reverse order of their lengths, i.e. longest regular expression will be first in the sorted list.
  • groupname – The name of the group from -group option.
  • pkgNameFormList – List of the package name formats.
/** * Depending upon the format of the package name provided in the "-group" * option, generate two separate maps. There will be a map for mapping * regular expression(only meta character allowed is '*' and that is at the * end of the regular expression) on to the group name. And another map * for mapping (possible) package names(if the name format doesen't contain * meta character '*', then it is assumed to be a package name) on to the * group name. This will also sort all the regular expressions found in the * reverse order of their lengths, i.e. longest regular expression will be * first in the sorted list. * * @param groupname The name of the group from -group option. * @param pkgNameFormList List of the package name formats. */
public boolean checkPackageGroups(String groupname, String pkgNameFormList) { StringTokenizer strtok = new StringTokenizer(pkgNameFormList, ":"); if (groupList.contains(groupname)) { configuration.message.warning("doclet.Groupname_already_used", groupname); return false; } groupList.add(groupname); while (strtok.hasMoreTokens()) { String id = strtok.nextToken(); if (id.length() == 0) { configuration.message.warning("doclet.Error_in_packagelist", groupname, pkgNameFormList); return false; } if (id.endsWith("*")) { id = id.substring(0, id.length() - 1); if (foundGroupFormat(regExpGroupMap, id)) { return false; } regExpGroupMap.put(id, groupname); sortedRegExpList.add(id); } else { if (foundGroupFormat(pkgNameGroupMap, id)) { return false; } pkgNameGroupMap.put(id, groupname); } } Collections.sort(sortedRegExpList, new MapKeyComparator()); return true; }
Search if the given map has given the package format.
  • map – Map to be searched.
  • pkgFormat – The pacakge format to search.
Returns:true if package name format found in the map, else false.
/** * Search if the given map has given the package format. * * @param map Map to be searched. * @param pkgFormat The pacakge format to search. * * @return true if package name format found in the map, else false. */
boolean foundGroupFormat(Map<String,?> map, String pkgFormat) { if (map.containsKey(pkgFormat)) { configuration.message.error("doclet.Same_package_name_used", pkgFormat); return true; } return false; }
Group the packages according the grouping information provided on the command line. Given a list of packages, search each package name in regular expression map as well as package name map to get the corresponding group name. Create another map with mapping of group name to the package list, which will fall under the specified group. If any package doesen't belong to any specified group on the comamnd line, then a new group named "Other Packages" will be created for it. If there are no groups found, in other words if "-group" option is not at all used, then all the packages will be grouped under group "Packages".
  • packages – Packages specified on the command line.
/** * Group the packages according the grouping information provided on the * command line. Given a list of packages, search each package name in * regular expression map as well as package name map to get the * corresponding group name. Create another map with mapping of group name * to the package list, which will fall under the specified group. If any * package doesen't belong to any specified group on the comamnd line, then * a new group named "Other Packages" will be created for it. If there are * no groups found, in other words if "-group" option is not at all used, * then all the packages will be grouped under group "Packages". * * @param packages Packages specified on the command line. */
public Map<String, List<PackageDoc>> groupPackages(Set<PackageDoc> packages) { Map<String,List<PackageDoc>> groupPackageMap = new HashMap<>(); String defaultGroupName = (pkgNameGroupMap.isEmpty() && regExpGroupMap.isEmpty())? configuration.message.getText("doclet.Packages") : configuration.message.getText("doclet.Other_Packages"); // if the user has not used the default group name, add it if (!groupList.contains(defaultGroupName)) { groupList.add(defaultGroupName); } for (PackageDoc pkg : packages) { String pkgName = pkg.name(); String groupName = pkgNameGroupMap.get(pkgName); // if this package is not explicitly assigned to a group, // try matching it to group specified by regular expression if (groupName == null) { groupName = regExpGroupName(pkgName); } // if it is in neither group map, put it in the default // group if (groupName == null) { groupName = defaultGroupName; } getPkgList(groupPackageMap, groupName).add(pkg); } return groupPackageMap; }
Search for package name in the sorted regular expression list, if found return the group name. If not, return null.
  • pkgName – Name of package to be found in the regular expression list.
/** * Search for package name in the sorted regular expression * list, if found return the group name. If not, return null. * * @param pkgName Name of package to be found in the regular * expression list. */
String regExpGroupName(String pkgName) { for (String regexp : sortedRegExpList) { if (pkgName.startsWith(regexp)) { return regExpGroupMap.get(regexp); } } return null; }
For the given group name, return the package list, on which it is mapped. Create a new list, if not found.
  • map – Map to be searched for gorup name.
  • groupname – Group name to search.
/** * For the given group name, return the package list, on which it is mapped. * Create a new list, if not found. * * @param map Map to be searched for gorup name. * @param groupname Group name to search. */
List<PackageDoc> getPkgList(Map<String,List<PackageDoc>> map, String groupname) { List<PackageDoc> list = map.get(groupname); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<>(); map.put(groupname, list); } return list; }
Return the list of groups, in the same order as specified on the command line.
/** * Return the list of groups, in the same order as specified * on the command line. */
public List<String> getGroupList() { return groupList; } }