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package com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.util;

import java.util.*;

import com.sun.javadoc.*;
import com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.Configuration;
import com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.taglets.*;

Search for the requested documentation. Inherit documentation if necessary.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

Author:Jamie Ho
/** * Search for the requested documentation. Inherit documentation if necessary. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> * * @author Jamie Ho * @since 1.5 */
@Deprecated public class DocFinder {
The class that encapsulates the input.
/** * The class that encapsulates the input. */
public static class Input {
The element to search documentation from.
/** * The element to search documentation from. */
public ProgramElementDoc element;
The taglet to search for documentation on behalf of. Null if we want to search for overall documentation.
/** * The taglet to search for documentation on behalf of. Null if we want * to search for overall documentation. */
public InheritableTaglet taglet = null;
The id of the tag to retrieve documentation for.
/** * The id of the tag to retrieve documentation for. */
public String tagId = null;
The tag to retrieve documentation for. This is only used for the inheritDoc tag.
/** * The tag to retrieve documentation for. This is only used for the * inheritDoc tag. */
public Tag tag = null;
True if we only want to search for the first sentence.
/** * True if we only want to search for the first sentence. */
public boolean isFirstSentence = false;
True if we are looking for documentation to replace the inheritDocTag.
/** * True if we are looking for documentation to replace the inheritDocTag. */
public boolean isInheritDocTag = false;
Used to distinguish between type variable param tags and regular param tags.
/** * Used to distinguish between type variable param tags and regular * param tags. */
public boolean isTypeVariableParamTag = false; public Input(ProgramElementDoc element, InheritableTaglet taglet, Tag tag, boolean isFirstSentence, boolean isInheritDocTag) { this(element); this.taglet = taglet; this.tag = tag; this.isFirstSentence = isFirstSentence; this.isInheritDocTag = isInheritDocTag; } public Input(ProgramElementDoc element, InheritableTaglet taglet, String tagId) { this(element); this.taglet = taglet; this.tagId = tagId; } public Input(ProgramElementDoc element, InheritableTaglet taglet, String tagId, boolean isTypeVariableParamTag) { this(element); this.taglet = taglet; this.tagId = tagId; this.isTypeVariableParamTag = isTypeVariableParamTag; } public Input(ProgramElementDoc element, InheritableTaglet taglet) { this(element); this.taglet = taglet; } public Input(ProgramElementDoc element) { if (element == null) throw new NullPointerException(); this.element = element; } public Input(ProgramElementDoc element, boolean isFirstSentence) { this(element); this.isFirstSentence = isFirstSentence; } public Input copy() { Input clone = new Input(this.element); clone.taglet = this.taglet; clone.tagId = this.tagId; clone.tag = this.tag; clone.isFirstSentence = this.isFirstSentence; clone.isInheritDocTag = this.isInheritDocTag; clone.isTypeVariableParamTag = this.isTypeVariableParamTag; if (clone.element == null) throw new NullPointerException(); return clone; } }
The class that encapsulates the output.
/** * The class that encapsulates the output. */
public static class Output {
The tag that holds the documentation. Null if documentation is not held by a tag.
/** * The tag that holds the documentation. Null if documentation * is not held by a tag. */
public Tag holderTag;
The Doc object that holds the documentation.
/** * The Doc object that holds the documentation. */
public Doc holder;
The inherited documentation.
/** * The inherited documentation. */
public Tag[] inlineTags = new Tag[] {};
False if documentation could not be inherited.
/** * False if documentation could not be inherited. */
public boolean isValidInheritDocTag = true;
When automatically inheriting throws tags, you sometime must inherit more than one tag. For example if the element declares that it throws IOException and the overridden element has throws tags for IOException and ZipException, both tags would be inherited because ZipException is a subclass of IOException. This subclass of DocFinder.Output allows multiple tag inheritence.
/** * When automatically inheriting throws tags, you sometime must inherit * more than one tag. For example if the element declares that it throws * IOException and the overridden element has throws tags for IOException and * ZipException, both tags would be inherited because ZipException is a * subclass of IOException. This subclass of DocFinder.Output allows * multiple tag inheritence. */
public List<Tag> tagList = new ArrayList<>(); }
Search for the requested comments in the given element. If it does not have comments, return documentation from the overriden element if possible. If the overriden element does not exist or does not have documentation to inherit, search for documentation to inherit from implemented methods.
  • input – the input object used to perform the search.
Returns:an Output object representing the documentation that was found.
/** * Search for the requested comments in the given element. If it does not * have comments, return documentation from the overriden element if possible. * If the overriden element does not exist or does not have documentation to * inherit, search for documentation to inherit from implemented methods. * * @param input the input object used to perform the search. * * @return an Output object representing the documentation that was found. */
public static Output search(Configuration configuration, Input input) { Output output = new Output(); if (input.isInheritDocTag) { //Do nothing because "element" does not have any documentation. //All it has it {@inheritDoc}. } else if (input.taglet == null) { //We want overall documentation. output.inlineTags = input.isFirstSentence ? input.element.firstSentenceTags() : input.element.inlineTags(); output.holder = input.element; } else { input.taglet.inherit(input, output); } if (output.inlineTags != null && output.inlineTags.length > 0) { return output; } output.isValidInheritDocTag = false; Input inheritedSearchInput = input.copy(); inheritedSearchInput.isInheritDocTag = false; if (input.element instanceof MethodDoc) { MethodDoc overriddenMethod = ((MethodDoc) input.element).overriddenMethod(); if (overriddenMethod != null) { inheritedSearchInput.element = overriddenMethod; output = search(configuration, inheritedSearchInput); output.isValidInheritDocTag = true; if (output.inlineTags.length > 0) { return output; } } //NOTE: When we fix the bug where ClassDoc.interfaceTypes() does // not pass all implemented interfaces, we will use the // appropriate element here. MethodDoc[] implementedMethods = (new ImplementedMethods((MethodDoc) input.element, configuration)).build(false); for (MethodDoc implementedMethod : implementedMethods) { inheritedSearchInput.element = implementedMethod; output = search(configuration, inheritedSearchInput); output.isValidInheritDocTag = true; if (output.inlineTags.length > 0) { return output; } } } else if (input.element instanceof ClassDoc) { ProgramElementDoc superclass = ((ClassDoc) input.element).superclass(); if (superclass != null) { inheritedSearchInput.element = superclass; output = search(configuration, inheritedSearchInput); output.isValidInheritDocTag = true; if (output.inlineTags.length > 0) { return output; } } } return output; } }