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package com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.util;

import java.util.*;

import com.sun.javadoc.*;
import com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.*;

Build Class Hierarchy for all the Classes. This class builds the Class Tree and the Interface Tree separately.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

Author:Atul M Dambalkar
See Also:
/** * Build Class Hierarchy for all the Classes. This class builds the Class * Tree and the Interface Tree separately. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> * * @see java.util.HashMap * @see java.util.List * @see com.sun.javadoc.Type * @see com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc * @author Atul M Dambalkar */
@Deprecated public class ClassTree {
List of baseclasses. Contains only java.lang.Object. Can be used to get the mapped listing of sub-classes.
/** * List of baseclasses. Contains only java.lang.Object. Can be used to get * the mapped listing of sub-classes. */
final private SortedSet<ClassDoc> baseclasses;
Mapping for each Class with their SubClasses
/** * Mapping for each Class with their SubClasses */
final private Map<ClassDoc, SortedSet<ClassDoc>> subclasses = new HashMap<>();
List of base-interfaces. Contains list of all the interfaces who do not have super-interfaces. Can be used to get the mapped listing of sub-interfaces.
/** * List of base-interfaces. Contains list of all the interfaces who do not * have super-interfaces. Can be used to get the mapped listing of * sub-interfaces. */
final private SortedSet<ClassDoc> baseinterfaces;
Mapping for each Interface with their SubInterfaces
/** * Mapping for each Interface with their SubInterfaces */
final private Map<ClassDoc, SortedSet<ClassDoc>> subinterfaces = new HashMap<>(); final private SortedSet<ClassDoc> baseEnums; final private Map<ClassDoc, SortedSet<ClassDoc>> subEnums = new HashMap<>(); final private SortedSet<ClassDoc> baseAnnotationTypes; final private Map<ClassDoc, SortedSet<ClassDoc>> subAnnotationTypes = new HashMap<>();
Mapping for each Interface with classes who implement it.
/** * Mapping for each Interface with classes who implement it. */
final private Map<ClassDoc, SortedSet<ClassDoc>> implementingclasses = new HashMap<>(); private final Configuration configuration; private final Utils utils; private final Comparator<Doc> comparator;
Constructor. Build the Tree using the Root of this Javadoc run.
  • configuration – the configuration of the doclet.
  • noDeprecated – Don't add deprecated classes in the class tree, if true.
/** * Constructor. Build the Tree using the Root of this Javadoc run. * * @param configuration the configuration of the doclet. * @param noDeprecated Don't add deprecated classes in the class tree, if * true. */
public ClassTree(Configuration configuration, boolean noDeprecated) { configuration.message.notice("doclet.Building_Tree"); this.configuration = configuration; this.utils = configuration.utils; comparator = utils.makeGeneralPurposeComparator(); baseAnnotationTypes = new TreeSet<>(comparator); baseEnums = new TreeSet<>(comparator); baseclasses = new TreeSet<>(comparator); baseinterfaces = new TreeSet<>(comparator); buildTree(configuration.root.classes()); }
Constructor. Build the Tree using the Root of this Javadoc run.
  • root – Root of the Document.
  • configuration – The current configuration of the doclet.
/** * Constructor. Build the Tree using the Root of this Javadoc run. * * @param root Root of the Document. * @param configuration The current configuration of the doclet. */
public ClassTree(RootDoc root, Configuration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; this.utils = configuration.utils; comparator = utils.makeGeneralPurposeComparator(); baseAnnotationTypes = new TreeSet<>(comparator); baseEnums = new TreeSet<>(comparator); baseclasses = new TreeSet<>(comparator); baseinterfaces = new TreeSet<>(comparator); buildTree(root.classes()); }
Constructor. Build the tree for the given array of classes.
  • classes – Array of classes.
  • configuration – The current configuration of the doclet.
/** * Constructor. Build the tree for the given array of classes. * * @param classes Array of classes. * @param configuration The current configuration of the doclet. */
public ClassTree(ClassDoc[] classes, Configuration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; this.utils = configuration.utils; comparator = utils.makeGeneralPurposeComparator(); baseAnnotationTypes = new TreeSet<>(comparator); baseEnums = new TreeSet<>(comparator); baseclasses = new TreeSet<>(comparator); baseinterfaces = new TreeSet<>(comparator); buildTree(classes); }
Generate mapping for the sub-classes for every class in this run. Return the sub-class list for java.lang.Object which will be having sub-class listing for itself and also for each sub-class itself will have their own sub-class lists.
  • classes – all the classes in this run.
  • configuration – the current configuration of the doclet.
/** * Generate mapping for the sub-classes for every class in this run. * Return the sub-class list for java.lang.Object which will be having * sub-class listing for itself and also for each sub-class itself will * have their own sub-class lists. * * @param classes all the classes in this run. * @param configuration the current configuration of the doclet. */
private void buildTree(ClassDoc[] classes) { for (ClassDoc aClass : classes) { // In the tree page (e.g overview-tree.html) do not include // information of classes which are deprecated or are a part of a // deprecated package. if (configuration.nodeprecated && (utils.isDeprecated(aClass) || utils.isDeprecated(aClass.containingPackage()))) { continue; } if (configuration.javafx && aClass.tags("treatAsPrivate").length > 0) { continue; } if (aClass.isEnum()) { processType(aClass, configuration, baseEnums, subEnums); } else if (aClass.isClass()) { processType(aClass, configuration, baseclasses, subclasses); } else if (aClass.isInterface()) { processInterface(aClass); } else if (aClass.isAnnotationType()) { processType(aClass, configuration, baseAnnotationTypes, subAnnotationTypes); } } }
For the class passed map it to it's own sub-class listing. For the Class passed, get the super class, if superclass is non null, (it is not "java.lang.Object") get the "value" from the hashmap for this key Class if entry not found create one and get that. add this Class as a sub class in the list Recurse till hits java.lang.Object Null SuperClass.
  • cd – class for which sub-class mapping to be generated.
  • configuration – the current configurtation of the doclet.
/** * For the class passed map it to it's own sub-class listing. * For the Class passed, get the super class, * if superclass is non null, (it is not "java.lang.Object") * get the "value" from the hashmap for this key Class * if entry not found create one and get that. * add this Class as a sub class in the list * Recurse till hits java.lang.Object Null SuperClass. * * @param cd class for which sub-class mapping to be generated. * @param configuration the current configurtation of the doclet. */
private void processType(ClassDoc cd, Configuration configuration, Collection<ClassDoc> bases, Map<ClassDoc, SortedSet<ClassDoc>> subs) { ClassDoc superclass = utils.getFirstVisibleSuperClassCD(cd, configuration); if (superclass != null) { if (!add(subs, superclass, cd)) { return; } else { processType(superclass, configuration, bases, subs); } } else { // cd is java.lang.Object, add it once to the list if (!bases.contains(cd)) { bases.add(cd); } } List<Type> intfacs = utils.getAllInterfaces(cd, configuration); for (Type intfac : intfacs) { add(implementingclasses, intfac.asClassDoc(), cd); } }
For the interface passed get the interfaces which it extends, and then put this interface in the sub-interface list of those interfaces. Do it recursively. If a interface doesn't have super-interface just attach that interface in the list of all the baseinterfaces.
  • cd – Interface under consideration.
/** * For the interface passed get the interfaces which it extends, and then * put this interface in the sub-interface list of those interfaces. Do it * recursively. If a interface doesn't have super-interface just attach * that interface in the list of all the baseinterfaces. * * @param cd Interface under consideration. */
private void processInterface(ClassDoc cd) { ClassDoc[] intfacs = cd.interfaces(); if (intfacs.length > 0) { for (ClassDoc intfac : intfacs) { if (!add(subinterfaces, intfac, cd)) { return; } else { processInterface(intfac); // Recurse } } } else { // we need to add all the interfaces who do not have // super-interfaces to baseinterfaces list to traverse them if (!baseinterfaces.contains(cd)) { baseinterfaces.add(cd); } } }
Adjust the Class Tree. Add the class interface in to it's super-class' or super-interface's sub-interface list.
  • map – the entire map.
  • superclass – java.lang.Object or the super-interface.
  • cd – sub-interface to be mapped.
@returnsboolean true if class added, false if class already processed.
/** * Adjust the Class Tree. Add the class interface in to it's super-class' * or super-interface's sub-interface list. * * @param map the entire map. * @param superclass java.lang.Object or the super-interface. * @param cd sub-interface to be mapped. * @returns boolean true if class added, false if class already processed. */
private boolean add(Map<ClassDoc, SortedSet<ClassDoc>> map, ClassDoc superclass, ClassDoc cd) { SortedSet<ClassDoc> list = map.get(superclass); if (list == null) { list = new TreeSet<>(comparator); map.put(superclass, list); } if (list.contains(cd)) { return false; } else { list.add(cd); } return true; }
From the map return the list of sub-classes or sub-interfaces. If list is null create a new one and return it.
  • map – The entire map.
  • cd – class for which the sub-class list is requested.
@returnsList Sub-Class list for the class passed.
/** * From the map return the list of sub-classes or sub-interfaces. If list * is null create a new one and return it. * * @param map The entire map. * @param cd class for which the sub-class list is requested. * @returns List Sub-Class list for the class passed. */
private SortedSet<ClassDoc> get(Map<ClassDoc, SortedSet<ClassDoc>> map, ClassDoc cd) { SortedSet<ClassDoc> aset = map.get(cd); if (aset == null) { return new TreeSet<>(comparator); } return aset; }
Return the sub-class list for the class passed.
  • cd – class whose sub-class list is required.
/** * Return the sub-class list for the class passed. * * @param cd class whose sub-class list is required. */
public SortedSet<ClassDoc> subclasses(ClassDoc cd) { return get(subclasses, cd); }
Return the sub-interface list for the interface passed.
  • cd – interface whose sub-interface list is required.
/** * Return the sub-interface list for the interface passed. * * @param cd interface whose sub-interface list is required. */
public SortedSet<ClassDoc> subinterfaces(ClassDoc cd) { return get(subinterfaces, cd); }
Return the list of classes which implement the interface passed.
  • cd – interface whose implementing-classes list is required.
/** * Return the list of classes which implement the interface passed. * * @param cd interface whose implementing-classes list is required. */
public SortedSet<ClassDoc> implementingclasses(ClassDoc cd) { SortedSet<ClassDoc> result = get(implementingclasses, cd); SortedSet<ClassDoc> intfcs = allSubs(cd, false); //If class x implements a subinterface of cd, then it follows //that class x implements cd. Iterator<ClassDoc> subInterfacesIter = intfcs.iterator(); while (subInterfacesIter.hasNext()) { Iterator<ClassDoc> implementingClassesIter = implementingclasses(subInterfacesIter.next()).iterator(); while (implementingClassesIter.hasNext()) { ClassDoc c = implementingClassesIter.next(); if (!result.contains(c)) { result.add(c); } } } return result; }
Return the sub-class/interface list for the class/interface passed.
  • cd – class/interface whose sub-class/interface list is required.
  • isEnum – true if the subclasses should be forced to come from the enum tree.
/** * Return the sub-class/interface list for the class/interface passed. * * @param cd class/interface whose sub-class/interface list is required. * @param isEnum true if the subclasses should be forced to come from the * enum tree. */
public SortedSet<ClassDoc> subs(ClassDoc cd, boolean isEnum) { if (isEnum) { return get(subEnums, cd); } else if (cd.isAnnotationType()) { return get(subAnnotationTypes, cd); } else if (cd.isInterface()) { return get(subinterfaces, cd); } else if (cd.isClass()) { return get(subclasses, cd); } else { return null; } }
Return a list of all direct or indirect, sub-classes and subinterfaces of the ClassDoc argument.
  • cd – ClassDoc whose sub-classes or sub-interfaces are requested.
  • isEnum – true if the subclasses should be forced to come from the enum tree.
/** * Return a list of all direct or indirect, sub-classes and subinterfaces * of the ClassDoc argument. * * @param cd ClassDoc whose sub-classes or sub-interfaces are requested. * @param isEnum true if the subclasses should be forced to come from the * enum tree. */
public SortedSet<ClassDoc> allSubs(ClassDoc cd, boolean isEnum) { // new entries added to the list are searched as well List<ClassDoc> list = new ArrayList<>(subs(cd, isEnum)); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { cd = list.get(i); SortedSet<ClassDoc> tlist = subs(cd, isEnum); for (ClassDoc tcd : tlist) { if (!list.contains(tcd)) { list.add(tcd); } } } SortedSet<ClassDoc> oset = new TreeSet<>(comparator); oset.addAll(list); return oset; }
Return the base-classes list. This will have only one element namely thw classdoc for java.lang.Object, since this is the base class for all classes.
/** * Return the base-classes list. This will have only one element namely * thw classdoc for java.lang.Object, since this is the base class for all * classes. */
public SortedSet<ClassDoc> baseclasses() { return baseclasses; }
Return the list of base interfaces. This is the list of interfaces which do not have super-interface.
/** * Return the list of base interfaces. This is the list of interfaces * which do not have super-interface. */
public SortedSet<ClassDoc> baseinterfaces() { return baseinterfaces; }
Return the list of base enums. This is the list of enums which do not have super-enums.
/** * Return the list of base enums. This is the list of enums * which do not have super-enums. */
public SortedSet<ClassDoc> baseEnums() { return baseEnums; }
Return the list of base annotation types. This is the list of annotation types which do not have super-annotation types.
/** * Return the list of base annotation types. This is the list of * annotation types which do not have super-annotation types. */
public SortedSet<ClassDoc> baseAnnotationTypes() { return baseAnnotationTypes; } }