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package org.graalvm.compiler.lir;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

A buffer to enqueue updates to a list. This avoids frequent re-sizing of the list and copying of list elements when insertions are done at multiple positions of the list. Additionally, it ensures that the list is not modified while it is, e.g., iterated, and instead only modified once after the iteration is done.

The buffer uses internal data structures to store the enqueued updates. To avoid allocations, a buffer can be re-used. Call the methods in the following order: init, append, append, ..., finish(), init, ...

Note: This class does not depend on LIRInstruction, so we could make it a generic utility class.

/** * A buffer to enqueue updates to a list. This avoids frequent re-sizing of the list and copying of * list elements when insertions are done at multiple positions of the list. Additionally, it * ensures that the list is not modified while it is, e.g., iterated, and instead only modified once * after the iteration is done. * <p> * The buffer uses internal data structures to store the enqueued updates. To avoid allocations, a * buffer can be re-used. Call the methods in the following order: {@link #init}, {@link #append}, * {@link #append}, ..., {@link #finish()}, {@link #init}, ... * <p> * Note: This class does not depend on LIRInstruction, so we could make it a generic utility class. */
public final class LIRInsertionBuffer {
The lir list where ops of this buffer should be inserted later (null when uninitialized).
/** * The lir list where ops of this buffer should be inserted later (null when uninitialized). */
private List<LIRInstruction> lir;
List of insertion points. index and count are stored alternately: indexAndCount[i * 2]: the index into lir list where "count" ops should be inserted indexAndCount[i * 2 + 1]: the number of ops to be inserted at index
/** * List of insertion points. index and count are stored alternately: indexAndCount[i * 2]: the * index into lir list where "count" ops should be inserted indexAndCount[i * 2 + 1]: the number * of ops to be inserted at index */
private int[] indexAndCount; private int indexAndCountSize;
The LIROps to be inserted.
/** * The LIROps to be inserted. */
private final List<LIRInstruction> ops; public LIRInsertionBuffer() { indexAndCount = new int[8]; ops = new ArrayList<>(4); }
Initialize this buffer. This method must be called before using append.
/** * Initialize this buffer. This method must be called before using {@link #append}. */
public void init(List<LIRInstruction> newLir) { assert !initialized() : "already initialized"; assert indexAndCountSize == 0 && ops.size() == 0; this.lir = newLir; } public boolean initialized() { return lir != null; } public List<LIRInstruction> lirList() { return lir; }
Enqueue a new instruction that will be appended to the instruction list when finish() is called. The new instruction is added before the existing instruction with the given index. This method can only be called with increasing values of index, e.g., once an instruction was appended with index 4, subsequent instructions can only be appended with index 4 or higher.
/** * Enqueue a new instruction that will be appended to the instruction list when * {@link #finish()} is called. The new instruction is added <b>before</b> the existing * instruction with the given index. This method can only be called with increasing values of * index, e.g., once an instruction was appended with index 4, subsequent instructions can only * be appended with index 4 or higher. */
public void append(int index, LIRInstruction op) { int i = numberOfInsertionPoints() - 1; if (i < 0 || indexAt(i) < index) { appendNew(index, 1); } else { assert indexAt(i) == index : "can append LIROps in ascending order only"; assert countAt(i) > 0 : "check"; setCountAt(i, countAt(i) + 1); } ops.add(op); assert verify(); }
Append all enqueued instructions to the instruction list. After that, init(List<LIRInstruction>) can be called again to re-use this buffer.
/** * Append all enqueued instructions to the instruction list. After that, {@link #init(List)} can * be called again to re-use this buffer. */
public void finish() { if (ops.size() > 0) { int n = lir.size(); // increase size of instructions list for (int i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++) { lir.add(null); } // insert ops from buffer into instructions list int opIndex = ops.size() - 1; int ipIndex = numberOfInsertionPoints() - 1; int fromIndex = n - 1; int toIndex = lir.size() - 1; while (ipIndex >= 0) { int index = indexAt(ipIndex); // make room after insertion point while (fromIndex >= index) { lir.set(toIndex--, lir.get(fromIndex--)); } // insert ops from buffer for (int i = countAt(ipIndex); i > 0; i--) { lir.set(toIndex--, ops.get(opIndex--)); } ipIndex--; } indexAndCountSize = 0; ops.clear(); } lir = null; } private void appendNew(int index, int count) { int oldSize = indexAndCountSize; int newSize = oldSize + 2; if (newSize > this.indexAndCount.length) { indexAndCount = Arrays.copyOf(indexAndCount, newSize * 2); } indexAndCount[oldSize] = index; indexAndCount[oldSize + 1] = count; this.indexAndCountSize = newSize; } private void setCountAt(int i, int value) { indexAndCount[(i << 1) + 1] = value; } private int numberOfInsertionPoints() { assert indexAndCount.length % 2 == 0 : "must have a count for each index"; return indexAndCountSize >> 1; } private int indexAt(int i) { return indexAndCount[(i << 1)]; } private int countAt(int i) { return indexAndCount[(i << 1) + 1]; } private boolean verify() { int sum = 0; int prevIdx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfInsertionPoints(); i++) { assert prevIdx < indexAt(i) : "index must be ordered ascending"; sum += countAt(i); } assert sum == ops.size() : "wrong total sum"; return true; } }