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package org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.stubs;

import static org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.GraalHotSpotVMConfig.INJECTED_VMCONFIG;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.HotSpotBackend.UNPACK_FRAMES;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.HotSpotBackend.Options.PreferGraalStubs;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.nodes.DeoptimizationFetchUnrollInfoCallNode.fetchUnrollInfo;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.replacements.HotSpotReplacementsUtil.pageSize;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.replacements.HotSpotReplacementsUtil.registerAsWord;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.replacements.HotSpotReplacementsUtil.wordSize;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.replacements.HotSpotReplacementsUtil.writeRegisterAsWord;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.stubs.UncommonTrapStub.STACK_BANG_LOCATION;

import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Fold;
import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Fold.InjectedParameter;
import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Snippet;
import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Snippet.ConstantParameter;
import org.graalvm.compiler.asm.NumUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.spi.ForeignCallDescriptor;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node.ConstantNodeParameter;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node.NodeIntrinsic;
import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.GraalHotSpotVMConfig;
import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.HotSpotForeignCallLinkage;
import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.meta.HotSpotProviders;
import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.nodes.EnterUnpackFramesStackFrameNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.nodes.LeaveCurrentStackFrameNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.nodes.LeaveDeoptimizedStackFrameNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.nodes.LeaveUnpackFramesStackFrameNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.nodes.PushInterpreterFrameNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.nodes.SaveAllRegistersNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.nodes.StubForeignCallNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word;

import jdk.vm.ci.code.Register;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.TargetDescription;

Deoptimization stub. This is the entry point for code which is returning to a de-optimized frame. The steps taken by this frame are as follows:
  • push a dummy "register_save" and save the return values (O0, O1, F0/F1, G1) and all potentially live registers (at a pollpoint many registers can be live).
  • call the C routine: Deoptimization::fetch_unroll_info (this function returns information about the number and size of interpreter frames which are equivalent to the frame which is being deoptimized)
  • deallocate the unpack frame, restoring only results values. Other volatile registers will now be captured in the vframeArray as needed.
  • deallocate the deoptimization frame
  • in a loop using the information returned in the previous step push new interpreter frames (take care to propagate the return values through each new frame pushed)
  • create a dummy "unpack_frame" and save the return values (O0, O1, F0)
  • call the C routine: Deoptimization::unpack_frames (this function lays out values on the interpreter frame which was just created)
  • deallocate the dummy unpack_frame
  • ensure that all the return values are correctly set and then do a return to the interpreter entry point

    ATTENTION: We cannot do any complicated operations e.g. logging via printf in this snippet because we change the current stack layout and so the code is very sensitive to register allocation.

  • /** * Deoptimization stub. * * This is the entry point for code which is returning to a de-optimized frame. * * The steps taken by this frame are as follows: * * <li>push a dummy "register_save" and save the return values (O0, O1, F0/F1, G1) and all * potentially live registers (at a pollpoint many registers can be live). * * <li>call the C routine: Deoptimization::fetch_unroll_info (this function returns information * about the number and size of interpreter frames which are equivalent to the frame which is being * deoptimized) * * <li>deallocate the unpack frame, restoring only results values. Other volatile registers will now * be captured in the vframeArray as needed. * * <li>deallocate the deoptimization frame * * <li>in a loop using the information returned in the previous step push new interpreter frames * (take care to propagate the return values through each new frame pushed) * * <li>create a dummy "unpack_frame" and save the return values (O0, O1, F0) * * <li>call the C routine: Deoptimization::unpack_frames (this function lays out values on the * interpreter frame which was just created) * * <li>deallocate the dummy unpack_frame * * <li>ensure that all the return values are correctly set and then do a return to the interpreter * entry point * * <p> * <b>ATTENTION: We cannot do any complicated operations e.g. logging via printf in this snippet * because we change the current stack layout and so the code is very sensitive to register * allocation.</b> */
    public class DeoptimizationStub extends SnippetStub { private final TargetDescription target; public DeoptimizationStub(HotSpotProviders providers, TargetDescription target, HotSpotForeignCallLinkage linkage) { super(DeoptimizationStub.class, "deoptimizationHandler", providers, linkage); this.target = target; assert PreferGraalStubs.getValue(); } @Override public boolean preservesRegisters() { return false; } @Override protected Object getConstantParameterValue(int index, String name) { switch (index) { case 0: return providers.getRegisters().getThreadRegister(); case 1: return providers.getRegisters().getStackPointerRegister(); default: throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere("unknown parameter " + name + " at index " + index); } }
    Deoptimization handler for normal deoptimization GraalHotSpotVMConfig.deoptimizationUnpackDeopt.
    /** * Deoptimization handler for normal deoptimization * {@link GraalHotSpotVMConfig#deoptimizationUnpackDeopt}. */
    @Snippet private static void deoptimizationHandler(@ConstantParameter Register threadRegister, @ConstantParameter Register stackPointerRegister) { final Word thread = registerAsWord(threadRegister); final long registerSaver = SaveAllRegistersNode.saveAllRegisters(); final Word unrollBlock = fetchUnrollInfo(registerSaver, deoptimizationUnpackDeopt(INJECTED_VMCONFIG)); deoptimizationCommon(stackPointerRegister, thread, registerSaver, unrollBlock); } static void deoptimizationCommon(Register stackPointerRegister, final Word thread, final long registerSaver, final Word unrollBlock) { // Pop all the frames we must move/replace. // // Frame picture (youngest to oldest) // 1: self-frame // 2: deoptimizing frame // 3: caller of deoptimizing frame (could be compiled/interpreted). // Pop self-frame. LeaveCurrentStackFrameNode.leaveCurrentStackFrame(registerSaver); // Load the initial info we should save (e.g. frame pointer). final Word initialInfo = unrollBlock.readWord(deoptimizationUnrollBlockInitialInfoOffset(INJECTED_VMCONFIG)); // Pop deoptimized frame. final int sizeOfDeoptimizedFrame = unrollBlock.readInt(deoptimizationUnrollBlockSizeOfDeoptimizedFrameOffset(INJECTED_VMCONFIG)); LeaveDeoptimizedStackFrameNode.leaveDeoptimizedStackFrame(sizeOfDeoptimizedFrame, initialInfo); /* * Stack bang to make sure there's enough room for the interpreter frames. Bang stack for * total size of the interpreter frames plus shadow page size. Bang one page at a time * because large sizes can bang beyond yellow and red zones. * * @deprecated This code should go away as soon as JDK-8032410 hits the Graal repository. */ final int totalFrameSizes = unrollBlock.readInt(deoptimizationUnrollBlockTotalFrameSizesOffset(INJECTED_VMCONFIG)); final int bangPages = NumUtil.roundUp(totalFrameSizes, pageSize()) / pageSize() + stackShadowPages(INJECTED_VMCONFIG); Word stackPointer = readRegister(stackPointerRegister); for (int i = 1; i < bangPages; i++) { stackPointer.writeInt((-i * pageSize()) + stackBias(INJECTED_VMCONFIG), 0, STACK_BANG_LOCATION); } // Load number of interpreter frames. final int numberOfFrames = unrollBlock.readInt(deoptimizationUnrollBlockNumberOfFramesOffset(INJECTED_VMCONFIG)); // Load address of array of frame sizes. final Word frameSizes = unrollBlock.readWord(deoptimizationUnrollBlockFrameSizesOffset(INJECTED_VMCONFIG)); // Load address of array of frame PCs. final Word framePcs = unrollBlock.readWord(deoptimizationUnrollBlockFramePcsOffset(INJECTED_VMCONFIG)); /* * Get the current stack pointer (sender's original SP) before adjustment so that we can * save it in the skeletal interpreter frame. */ Word senderSp = readRegister(stackPointerRegister); // Adjust old interpreter frame to make space for new frame's extra Java locals. final int callerAdjustment = unrollBlock.readInt(deoptimizationUnrollBlockCallerAdjustmentOffset(INJECTED_VMCONFIG)); writeRegister(stackPointerRegister, readRegister(stackPointerRegister).subtract(callerAdjustment)); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFrames; i++) { final Word frameSize = frameSizes.readWord(i * wordSize()); final Word framePc = framePcs.readWord(i * wordSize()); // Push an interpreter frame onto the stack. PushInterpreterFrameNode.pushInterpreterFrame(frameSize, framePc, senderSp, initialInfo); // Get the current stack pointer (sender SP) and pass it to next frame. senderSp = readRegister(stackPointerRegister); } // Get final return address. final Word framePc = framePcs.readWord(numberOfFrames * wordSize()); /* * Enter a frame to call out to unpack frames. Since we changed the stack pointer to an * unknown alignment we need to align it here before calling C++ code. */ final Word senderFp = initialInfo; EnterUnpackFramesStackFrameNode.enterUnpackFramesStackFrame(framePc, senderSp, senderFp, registerSaver); final int mode = unrollBlock.readInt(deoptimizationUnrollBlockUnpackKindOffset(INJECTED_VMCONFIG)); unpackFrames(UNPACK_FRAMES, thread, mode); LeaveUnpackFramesStackFrameNode.leaveUnpackFramesStackFrame(registerSaver); }
    Reads the value of the passed register as a Word.
    /** * Reads the value of the passed register as a Word. */
    private static Word readRegister(Register register) { return registerAsWord(register, false, false); }
    Writes the value of the passed register.
    • value – value the register should be set to
    /** * Writes the value of the passed register. * * @param value value the register should be set to */
    private static void writeRegister(Register register, Word value) { writeRegisterAsWord(register, value); } @Fold static int stackShadowPages(@InjectedParameter GraalHotSpotVMConfig config) { return config.useStackBanging ? config.stackShadowPages : 0; }
    Returns the stack bias for the host architecture.
    Deprecated:This method should go away as soon as JDK-8032410 hits the Graal repository.
    Returns:stack bias
    /** * Returns the stack bias for the host architecture. * * @deprecated This method should go away as soon as JDK-8032410 hits the Graal repository. * * @return stack bias */
    @Deprecated @Fold static int stackBias(@InjectedParameter GraalHotSpotVMConfig config) { return config.stackBias; } @Fold static int deoptimizationUnrollBlockSizeOfDeoptimizedFrameOffset(@InjectedParameter GraalHotSpotVMConfig config) { return config.deoptimizationUnrollBlockSizeOfDeoptimizedFrameOffset; } @Fold static int deoptimizationUnrollBlockCallerAdjustmentOffset(@InjectedParameter GraalHotSpotVMConfig config) { return config.deoptimizationUnrollBlockCallerAdjustmentOffset; } @Fold static int deoptimizationUnrollBlockNumberOfFramesOffset(@InjectedParameter GraalHotSpotVMConfig config) { return config.deoptimizationUnrollBlockNumberOfFramesOffset; } @Fold static int deoptimizationUnrollBlockTotalFrameSizesOffset(@InjectedParameter GraalHotSpotVMConfig config) { return config.deoptimizationUnrollBlockTotalFrameSizesOffset; } @Fold static int deoptimizationUnrollBlockUnpackKindOffset(@InjectedParameter GraalHotSpotVMConfig config) { return config.deoptimizationUnrollBlockUnpackKindOffset; } @Fold static int deoptimizationUnrollBlockFrameSizesOffset(@InjectedParameter GraalHotSpotVMConfig config) { return config.deoptimizationUnrollBlockFrameSizesOffset; } @Fold static int deoptimizationUnrollBlockFramePcsOffset(@InjectedParameter GraalHotSpotVMConfig config) { return config.deoptimizationUnrollBlockFramePcsOffset; } @Fold static int deoptimizationUnrollBlockInitialInfoOffset(@InjectedParameter GraalHotSpotVMConfig config) { return config.deoptimizationUnrollBlockInitialInfoOffset; } @Fold static int deoptimizationUnpackDeopt(@InjectedParameter GraalHotSpotVMConfig config) { return config.deoptimizationUnpackDeopt; } @Fold static int deoptimizationUnpackUncommonTrap(@InjectedParameter GraalHotSpotVMConfig config) { return config.deoptimizationUnpackUncommonTrap; } @NodeIntrinsic(value = StubForeignCallNode.class, setStampFromReturnType = true) public static native int unpackFrames(@ConstantNodeParameter ForeignCallDescriptor unpackFrames, Word thread, int mode); }