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 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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package org.graalvm.compiler.debug.internal.method;

import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.CSVUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.Debug;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugCounter;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugMethodMetrics;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalDebugConfig;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.internal.DebugScope;

import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod;

public class MethodMetricsImpl implements DebugMethodMetrics {

A list capturing all method metrics data of all the compiler threads. Every thread registers a reference to its thread local map of compilation metrics in this list. During metrics dumping this list is globally locked and all method entries across all threads are merged to a result.
/** * A list capturing all method metrics data of all the compiler threads. Every thread registers * a reference to its thread local map of compilation metrics in this list. During metrics * dumping this list is globally locked and all method entries across all threads are merged to * a result. */
private static final List<Map<ResolvedJavaMethod, CompilationData>> threadMaps = new ArrayList<>();
Every compiler thread carries its own map of metric data for each method and compilation it compiles. This data is stored in ThreadLocal maps for each compiler thread that are merged before metrics are reported. Storing compilation data thread locally reduces the locking on access of a method metric object to one point for each thread, the first access where the thread local is initialized.
/** * Every compiler thread carries its own map of metric data for each method and compilation it * compiles. This data is stored in {@link ThreadLocal} maps for each compiler thread that are * merged before metrics are reported. Storing compilation data thread locally reduces the * locking on access of a method metric object to one point for each thread, the first access * where the thread local is initialized. */
private static final ThreadLocal<Map<ResolvedJavaMethod, CompilationData>> threadEntries = new ThreadLocal<>();
The lowest debug scope id that should be used during metric dumping. When a bootstrap is run all compilations during bootstrap are also collected if the associated debug filters match. Data collected during bootstrap should normally not be included in metrics for application compilation, thus every compilation lower than this index is ignored during metric dumping.
/** * The lowest debug scope id that should be used during metric dumping. When a bootstrap is run * all compilations during bootstrap are also collected if the associated debug filters match. * Data collected during bootstrap should normally not be included in metrics for application * compilation, thus every compilation lower than this index is ignored during metric dumping. */
private static long lowestCompilationDebugScopeId; public static class CompilationData {
A mapping of graph ids (unique ids used for the caching) to compilations.
/** * A mapping of graph ids (unique ids used for the caching) to compilations. */
private final Map<Long, Map<String, Long>> compilations;
A pointer to a MethodMetricsImpl object. This reference is created once for every compilation of a method (and once for each thread, i.e. if method a is compiled by 8 compiler threads there will be 8 metrics objects for the given method, one local to every thread, this avoids synchronizing on the metrics object on every access) accessing method metrics for a given method.
/** * A pointer to a {@code MethodMetricsImpl} object. This reference is created once for every * compilation of a method (and once for each thread, i.e. if method a is compiled by 8 * compiler threads there will be 8 metrics objects for the given method, one local to every * thread, this avoids synchronizing on the metrics object on every access) accessing method * metrics for a given method. */
private final MethodMetricsImpl metrics; CompilationData(ResolvedJavaMethod method) { compilations = new HashMap<>(8); metrics = new MethodMetricsImpl(method); } public Map<Long, Map<String, Long>> getCompilations() { return compilations; } } private static void addThreadCompilationData(Map<ResolvedJavaMethod, CompilationData> threadMap) { synchronized (threadMaps) { threadMaps.add(threadMap); } }
A reference to the ResolvedJavaMethod method object. This object's identity is used to store metrics for each compilation.
/** * A reference to the {@link ResolvedJavaMethod} method object. This object's identity is used * to store metrics for each compilation. */
private final ResolvedJavaMethod method;
A list of all recorded compilations. This is generated during metric dumping when all thread local metrics are merged into one final method metrics object that is than reported
/** * A list of all recorded compilations. This is generated during metric dumping when all thread * local metrics are merged into one final method metrics object that is than reported */
private List<Map<Long, Map<String, Long>>> collected;
A pointer to the current compilation data for the method method which allows to avoid synchronizing over the compilation data. This reference changes for each compilation of the given method. It is set on the first access of this MethodMetricsImpl object during the call to getMethodMetrics(ResolvedJavaMethod).
/** * A pointer to the current compilation data for the {@link MethodMetricsImpl#method} method * which allows to avoid synchronizing over the compilation data. This reference changes for * each compilation of the given method. It is set on the first access of this * {@link MethodMetricsImpl} object during the call to * {@link MethodMetricsImpl#getMethodMetrics(ResolvedJavaMethod)}. */
private Map<String, Long> currentCompilation; MethodMetricsImpl(ResolvedJavaMethod method) { this.method = method; } private static void clearData() { lowestCompilationDebugScopeId = DebugScope.getCurrentGlobalScopeId(); } @Override public void addToMetric(long value, String metricName) { if (!Debug.isMethodMeterEnabled() || value == 0) { return; } assert metricName != null; Long valueStored = currentCompilation.get(metricName); currentCompilation.put(metricName, valueStored == null ? value : value + valueStored); } @Override public long getCurrentMetricValue(String metricName) { assert metricName != null; Long valueStored = currentCompilation.get(metricName); return valueStored == null ? 0 : valueStored; } @Override public void addToMetric(long value, String format, Object arg1) { addToMetric(value, String.format(format, arg1)); } @Override public void addToMetric(long value, String format, Object arg1, Object arg2) { addToMetric(value, String.format(format, arg1, arg2)); } @Override public void addToMetric(long value, String format, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) { addToMetric(value, String.format(format, arg1, arg2, arg3)); } @Override public void incrementMetric(String metricName) { addToMetric(1, metricName); } @Override public void incrementMetric(String format, Object arg1) { incrementMetric(String.format(format, arg1)); } @Override public void incrementMetric(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2) { incrementMetric(String.format(format, arg1, arg2)); } @Override public void incrementMetric(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) { incrementMetric(String.format(format, arg1, arg2, arg3)); } @Override public long getCurrentMetricValue(String format, Object arg1) { return getCurrentMetricValue(String.format(format, arg1)); } @Override public long getCurrentMetricValue(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return getCurrentMetricValue(String.format(format, arg1, arg2)); } @Override public long getCurrentMetricValue(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) { return getCurrentMetricValue(String.format(format, arg1, arg2, arg3)); } @Override public ResolvedJavaMethod getMethod() { return method; } public static DebugMethodMetrics getMethodMetrics(ResolvedJavaMethod method) { assert method != null; Map<ResolvedJavaMethod, CompilationData> threadCache = threadEntries.get(); if (threadCache == null) { // this branch will only be executed once for each compiler thread on the first request // of a method metric threadCache = new HashMap<>(GraalDebugConfig.Options.MethodFilter.getValue() == null ? 128 : 16); threadEntries.set(threadCache); addThreadCompilationData(threadCache); } CompilationData recorded = threadCache.get(method); if (recorded == null) { recorded = new CompilationData(method); threadCache.put(method, recorded); } // pre-generate the current compilation map to avoid doing it later every time we add to a // metric or read a current metric's value long compilationId = DebugScope.getInstance().scopeId(); Map<String, Long> currentCompilation = recorded.compilations.get(compilationId); if (currentCompilation == null) { // this map is generated for every distinct compilation of a unique method currentCompilation = new HashMap<>(32); recorded.compilations.put(compilationId, currentCompilation); // we remember a reference to the current compilation to avoid the expensive lookup recorded.metrics.currentCompilation = currentCompilation; } return recorded.metrics; } public void dumpASCII(PrintStream p) { // we need to lock the threadmap as a concurrent call to #collectedMetrics can change the // content of this#collected synchronized (threadMaps) { String methodName = method.toString(); int maxLen = methodName.length(); int entrySum = 0; // get the longest entry for (Map<Long, Map<String, Long>> compilationThreadTable : collected) { for (Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, Long>> compilationEntry : compilationThreadTable.entrySet()) { Map<String, Long> table = compilationEntry.getValue(); if (table != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : table.entrySet()) { maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, entry.getKey().length()); entrySum += entry.getValue(); } } } } if (entrySum == 0) { // nothing to report return; } maxLen += 23; for (int j = 0; j < maxLen; j++) { p.print("#"); } p.println(); p.println(methodName); for (int j = 0; j < maxLen; j++) { p.print("~"); } p.println(); for (Map<Long, Map<String, Long>> compilationThreadTable : collected) { for (Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, Long>> compilationEntry : compilationThreadTable.entrySet()) { Map<String, Long> table = compilationEntry.getValue(); if (table != null) { if (table.values().stream().filter(x -> x > 0).count() == 0) { continue; } Set<Map.Entry<String, Long>> entries = table.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : entries.stream().sorted((x, y) -> x.getKey().compareTo(y.getKey())).collect(Collectors.toList())) { long value = entry.getValue(); // report timers in ms and memory in mb if ((entry.getKey().endsWith("Accm") || entry.getKey().endsWith("Flat")) && !entry.getKey().toLowerCase().contains("mem")) { value = value / 1000000; } if (value == 0) { continue; } p.print(String.format("%-" + String.valueOf(maxLen - 23) + "s = %20d", entry.getKey(), value)); p.println(); } for (int j = 0; j < maxLen; j++) { p.print("~"); } p.println(); } } } for (int j = 0; j < maxLen; j++) { p.print("#"); } p.println(); } } private static final String FMT = CSVUtil.buildFormatString("%s", "%s", "%d", "%d", "%s", "%d"); public void dumpCSV(PrintStream p) { // we need to lock the threadmap as a concurrent call to #collectedMetrics can change // the content of this#collected synchronized (threadMaps) { String methodName = method.format("%H.%n(%p)%R"); /* * NOTE: the caching mechanism works by caching compilation data based on the identity * of the resolved java method object. The identity is based on the metaspace address of * the resolved java method object. If the class was loaded by different class loaders * or e.g. loaded - unloaded - loaded the identity will be different. Therefore we also * need to include the identity in the reporting of the data as it is an additional * dimension to <method,compilationId>. */ String methodIdentity = String.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(method)); int nrOfCompilations = 0; for (Map<Long, Map<String, Long>> compilationThreadTable : collected) { for (Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, Long>> compilationEntry : compilationThreadTable.entrySet()) { Map<String, Long> table = compilationEntry.getValue(); if (table != null) { Set<Map.Entry<String, Long>> entries = table.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : entries.stream().sorted((x, y) -> x.getKey().compareTo(y.getKey())).collect(Collectors.toList())) { CSVUtil.Escape.println(p, FMT, methodName, methodIdentity, nrOfCompilations, compilationEntry.getKey(), entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } nrOfCompilations++; } } } } } public static Collection<DebugMethodMetrics> collectedMetrics() { synchronized (threadMaps) { // imprecise excluding all compilations that follow, we simply do not report them final long lastId = DebugScope.getCurrentGlobalScopeId(); List<DebugMethodMetrics> finalMetrics = new ArrayList<>(); Set<ResolvedJavaMethod> methods = new HashSet<>(); // gather all methods we found threadMaps.stream().forEach(x -> { // snapshot the current compilations to only capture all methods compiled until now HashMap<ResolvedJavaMethod, CompilationData> snapShot = new HashMap<>(x); snapShot.keySet().forEach(y -> methods.add(y)); }); // for each method gather all metrics we want to report for (ResolvedJavaMethod method : methods) { MethodMetricsImpl impl = new MethodMetricsImpl(method); impl.collected = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map<ResolvedJavaMethod, CompilationData> threadMap : threadMaps) { CompilationData threadMethodData = threadMap.get(method); // not every method is necessarily compiled by all threads if (threadMethodData != null) { Map<Long, Map<String, Long>> snapshot = new HashMap<>(threadMethodData.compilations); for (Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, Long>> entry : snapshot.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() < lowestCompilationDebugScopeId || entry.getKey() > lastId) { entry.setValue(null); } } impl.collected.add(snapshot); } } finalMetrics.add(impl); } return finalMetrics; } } public static void clearMM() { clearData(); } private static final String INLINEE_PREFIX = "INLINING_SCOPE_"; private static final boolean TRACK_INLINED_SCOPES = false; public static void recordInlinee(ResolvedJavaMethod root, ResolvedJavaMethod caller, ResolvedJavaMethod inlinee) { if (TRACK_INLINED_SCOPES) { Debug.methodMetrics(root).addToMetric(1, "INLINED_METHOD_root: caller:%s inlinee:%s", caller, inlinee); } } private static final boolean COUNT_CACHE = false; private static final String HIT_MSG = "InterceptionCache_Hit"; private static final String MISS_MSG = "InterceptionCache_Miss"; private static final DebugCounter cacheHit = Debug.counter(HIT_MSG); private static final DebugCounter cacheMiss = Debug.counter(MISS_MSG);
To avoid the lookup of a method metrics through the getMethodMetrics(ResolvedJavaMethod) method on every global metric interception we thread-locally cache the last (through metric interception) MethodMetricsImpl object. This avoids additional map lookups and replaces them with a DebugScope.scopeId() call and a numerical comparison in a cache hit case.
/** * To avoid the lookup of a method metrics through the * {@link MethodMetricsImpl#getMethodMetrics(ResolvedJavaMethod)} method on every global metric * interception we thread-locally cache the last (through metric interception) * {@link MethodMetricsImpl} object. This avoids additional map lookups and replaces them with a * {@link DebugScope#scopeId()} call and a numerical comparison in a cache hit case. */
private static final ThreadLocal<Long> interceptionCache = new ThreadLocal<>(); private static final ThreadLocal<MethodMetricsImpl> interceptionMetrics = new ThreadLocal<>(); public static void addToCurrentScopeMethodMetrics(String metricName, long value) { if (COUNT_CACHE) { if (metricName.equals(HIT_MSG) || metricName.equals(MISS_MSG)) { return; } } final DebugScope currScope = DebugScope.getInstance(); final DebugScope.ExtraInfo metaInfo = currScope.getExtraInfo(); final long currScopeId = currScope.scopeId(); if (metaInfo instanceof MethodMetricsRootScopeInfo) { ResolvedJavaMethod rootMethod = ((MethodMetricsRootScopeInfo) metaInfo).getRootMethod(); if (metaInfo instanceof MethodMetricsInlineeScopeInfo) { /* * if we make use of a method filter(s) together with interception we get a problem * with inlined methods and their scopes. Inlining will put the inlinee(s) on the * debug scope context thus Debug.areMethodMetricsEnabled() will yield true if an * inlinee matches a method filter. Thus we must make sure the root is defined as * this means the root matched a method filter and therefore the inlinee can be * safely recorded. */ if (TRACK_INLINED_SCOPES) { if (threadEntries.get().get(rootMethod) != null) { Debug.methodMetrics(rootMethod).addToMetric(value, "%s%s", INLINEE_PREFIX, metricName); } } } else { // when unboxing the thread local on access it must not be null Long cachedId = interceptionCache.get(); if (cachedId != null && cachedId == currScopeId) { interceptionMetrics.get().addToMetric(value, metricName); if (COUNT_CACHE) { cacheHit.increment(); } } else { // avoid the lookup over Debug.methodMetrics final MethodMetricsImpl impl = (MethodMetricsImpl) getMethodMetrics(rootMethod); impl.addToMetric(value, metricName); // cache for next access interceptionCache.set(currScopeId); interceptionMetrics.set(impl); if (COUNT_CACHE) { cacheMiss.increment(); } } } } } }