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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
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package org.graalvm.compiler.debug;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import org.graalvm.compiler.options.Option;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValue;

Facility for fingerprinting execution.
/** * Facility for fingerprinting execution. */
public class Fingerprint implements AutoCloseable { public static class Options { @Option(help = "Enables execution fingerprinting.")// public static final OptionValue<Boolean> UseFingerprinting = new OptionValue<>(false); @Option(help = "Limit number of events shown in fingerprinting error message.")// public static final OptionValue<Integer> FingerprintErrorEventTailLength = new OptionValue<>(50); @Option(help = "Fingerprinting event at which to execute breakpointable code.")// public static final OptionValue<Integer> FingerprintingBreakpointEvent = new OptionValue<>(-1); }
Determines whether fingerprinting is enabled.
/** * Determines whether fingerprinting is enabled. */
public static final boolean ENABLED = Options.UseFingerprinting.getValue(); private static final ThreadLocal<Fingerprint> current = ENABLED ? new ThreadLocal<>() : null; private final List<String> events; private int index;
Creates an object to record a fingerprint.
/** * Creates an object to record a fingerprint. */
public Fingerprint() { events = new ArrayList<>(); index = -1; }
Creates an object to verify execution matches a given fingerprint.
  • toVerifyAgainst – the fingerprint events to verify against
/** * Creates an object to verify execution matches a given fingerprint. * * @param toVerifyAgainst the fingerprint events to verify against */
public Fingerprint(List<String> toVerifyAgainst) { this.events = toVerifyAgainst; index = 0; }
Creates an object to verify execution matches a given fingerprint.
  • toVerifyAgainst – the fingerprint to verify against
/** * Creates an object to verify execution matches a given fingerprint. * * @param toVerifyAgainst the fingerprint to verify against */
public Fingerprint(Fingerprint toVerifyAgainst) { this(toVerifyAgainst.events); } public Collection<String> getEvents() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(events); }
Starts fingerprint recording or verification for the current thread. At most one fingerprint object can be active for any thread.
/** * Starts fingerprint recording or verification for the current thread. At most one fingerprint * object can be active for any thread. */
public Fingerprint open() { if (ENABLED) { assert current.get() == null; current.set(this); return this; } return null; }
Finishes fingerprint recording or verification for the current thread.
/** * Finishes fingerprint recording or verification for the current thread. */
@Override public void close() { if (ENABLED) { assert current.get() == this; current.set(null); } } private static final int BREAKPOINT_EVENT = Options.FingerprintingBreakpointEvent.getValue();
Submits an execution event for the purpose of recording or verifying a fingerprint. This must only be called if ENABLED is true.
/** * Submits an execution event for the purpose of recording or verifying a fingerprint. This must * only be called if {@link #ENABLED} is {@code true}. */
public static void submit(String format, Object... args) { assert ENABLED : "fingerprinting must be enabled (-Dgraal." + Options.UseFingerprinting.getName() + "=true)"; Fingerprint fingerprint = current.get(); if (fingerprint != null) { int eventId = fingerprint.nextEventId(); if (eventId == BREAKPOINT_EVENT) { // Set IDE breakpoint on the following line and set the relevant // system property to debug a fingerprint verification error. System.console(); } fingerprint.event(String.format(eventId + ": " + format, args)); } } private int nextEventId() { return index == -1 ? events.size() : index; } private static final int MAX_EVENT_TAIL_IN_ERROR_MESSAGE = Options.FingerprintErrorEventTailLength.getValue(); private String tail() { int start = Math.max(index - MAX_EVENT_TAIL_IN_ERROR_MESSAGE, 0); return events.subList(start, index).stream().collect(Collectors.joining(String.format("%n"))); } private void event(String entry) { if (index == -1) { events.add(entry); } else { if (index > events.size()) { throw new InternalError(String.format("%s%nOriginal fingerprint limit reached", tail())); } String l = events.get(index); if (!l.equals(entry)) { throw new InternalError(String.format("%s%nFingerprint differs at event %d%nexpected: %s%n actual: %s", tail(), index, l, entry)); } index++; } } }