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package org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type;

import static jdk.vm.ci.meta.MetaUtil.getSimpleName;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Constant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind;

import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.calc.FloatConvert;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.BinaryOp.Add;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.BinaryOp.And;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.BinaryOp.Div;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.BinaryOp.Mul;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.BinaryOp.Or;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.BinaryOp.Rem;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.BinaryOp.Sub;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.BinaryOp.Xor;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.IntegerConvertOp.Narrow;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.IntegerConvertOp.SignExtend;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.IntegerConvertOp.ZeroExtend;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.ShiftOp.Shl;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.ShiftOp.Shr;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.ShiftOp.UShr;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.UnaryOp.Abs;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.UnaryOp.Neg;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.UnaryOp.Not;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.UnaryOp.Sqrt;

Information about arithmetic operations.
/** * Information about arithmetic operations. */
public final class ArithmeticOpTable { private final UnaryOp<Neg> neg; private final BinaryOp<Add> add; private final BinaryOp<Sub> sub; private final BinaryOp<Mul> mul; private final BinaryOp<Div> div; private final BinaryOp<Rem> rem; private final UnaryOp<Not> not; private final BinaryOp<And> and; private final BinaryOp<Or> or; private final BinaryOp<Xor> xor; private final ShiftOp<Shl> shl; private final ShiftOp<Shr> shr; private final ShiftOp<UShr> ushr; private final UnaryOp<Abs> abs; private final UnaryOp<Sqrt> sqrt; private final IntegerConvertOp<ZeroExtend> zeroExtend; private final IntegerConvertOp<SignExtend> signExtend; private final IntegerConvertOp<Narrow> narrow; private final FloatConvertOp[] floatConvert; private final int hash; public static ArithmeticOpTable forStamp(Stamp s) { if (s instanceof ArithmeticStamp) { return ((ArithmeticStamp) s).getOps(); } else { return EMPTY; } } public static final ArithmeticOpTable EMPTY = new ArithmeticOpTable(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); public ArithmeticOpTable(UnaryOp<Neg> neg, BinaryOp<Add> add, BinaryOp<Sub> sub, BinaryOp<Mul> mul, BinaryOp<Div> div, BinaryOp<Rem> rem, UnaryOp<Not> not, BinaryOp<And> and, BinaryOp<Or> or, BinaryOp<Xor> xor, ShiftOp<Shl> shl, ShiftOp<Shr> shr, ShiftOp<UShr> ushr, UnaryOp<Abs> abs, UnaryOp<Sqrt> sqrt, IntegerConvertOp<ZeroExtend> zeroExtend, IntegerConvertOp<SignExtend> signExtend, IntegerConvertOp<Narrow> narrow, FloatConvertOp... floatConvert) { this(neg, add, sub, mul, div, rem, not, and, or, xor, shl, shr, ushr, abs, sqrt, zeroExtend, signExtend, narrow, Stream.of(floatConvert)); } public interface ArithmeticOpWrapper { <OP> UnaryOp<OP> wrapUnaryOp(UnaryOp<OP> op); <OP> BinaryOp<OP> wrapBinaryOp(BinaryOp<OP> op); <OP> ShiftOp<OP> wrapShiftOp(ShiftOp<OP> op); <OP> IntegerConvertOp<OP> wrapIntegerConvertOp(IntegerConvertOp<OP> op); FloatConvertOp wrapFloatConvertOp(FloatConvertOp op); } private static <T> T wrapIfNonNull(Function<T, T> wrapper, T obj) { if (obj == null) { return null; } else { return wrapper.apply(obj); } } public static ArithmeticOpTable wrap(ArithmeticOpWrapper wrapper, ArithmeticOpTable inner) { UnaryOp<Neg> neg = wrapIfNonNull(wrapper::wrapUnaryOp, inner.getNeg()); BinaryOp<Add> add = wrapIfNonNull(wrapper::wrapBinaryOp, inner.getAdd()); BinaryOp<Sub> sub = wrapIfNonNull(wrapper::wrapBinaryOp, inner.getSub()); BinaryOp<Mul> mul = wrapIfNonNull(wrapper::wrapBinaryOp, inner.getMul()); BinaryOp<Div> div = wrapIfNonNull(wrapper::wrapBinaryOp, inner.getDiv()); BinaryOp<Rem> rem = wrapIfNonNull(wrapper::wrapBinaryOp, inner.getRem()); UnaryOp<Not> not = wrapIfNonNull(wrapper::wrapUnaryOp, inner.getNot()); BinaryOp<And> and = wrapIfNonNull(wrapper::wrapBinaryOp, inner.getAnd()); BinaryOp<Or> or = wrapIfNonNull(wrapper::wrapBinaryOp, inner.getOr()); BinaryOp<Xor> xor = wrapIfNonNull(wrapper::wrapBinaryOp, inner.getXor()); ShiftOp<Shl> shl = wrapIfNonNull(wrapper::wrapShiftOp, inner.getShl()); ShiftOp<Shr> shr = wrapIfNonNull(wrapper::wrapShiftOp, inner.getShr()); ShiftOp<UShr> ushr = wrapIfNonNull(wrapper::wrapShiftOp, inner.getUShr()); UnaryOp<Abs> abs = wrapIfNonNull(wrapper::wrapUnaryOp, inner.getAbs()); UnaryOp<Sqrt> sqrt = wrapIfNonNull(wrapper::wrapUnaryOp, inner.getSqrt()); IntegerConvertOp<ZeroExtend> zeroExtend = wrapIfNonNull(wrapper::wrapIntegerConvertOp, inner.getZeroExtend()); IntegerConvertOp<SignExtend> signExtend = wrapIfNonNull(wrapper::wrapIntegerConvertOp, inner.getSignExtend()); IntegerConvertOp<Narrow> narrow = wrapIfNonNull(wrapper::wrapIntegerConvertOp, inner.getNarrow()); Stream<FloatConvertOp> floatConvert = Stream.of(inner.floatConvert).filter(Objects::nonNull).map(wrapper::wrapFloatConvertOp); return new ArithmeticOpTable(neg, add, sub, mul, div, rem, not, and, or, xor, shl, shr, ushr, abs, sqrt, zeroExtend, signExtend, narrow, floatConvert); } private ArithmeticOpTable(UnaryOp<Neg> neg, BinaryOp<Add> add, BinaryOp<Sub> sub, BinaryOp<Mul> mul, BinaryOp<Div> div, BinaryOp<Rem> rem, UnaryOp<Not> not, BinaryOp<And> and, BinaryOp<Or> or, BinaryOp<Xor> xor, ShiftOp<Shl> shl, ShiftOp<Shr> shr, ShiftOp<UShr> ushr, UnaryOp<Abs> abs, UnaryOp<Sqrt> sqrt, IntegerConvertOp<ZeroExtend> zeroExtend, IntegerConvertOp<SignExtend> signExtend, IntegerConvertOp<Narrow> narrow, Stream<FloatConvertOp> floatConvert) { this.neg = neg; this.add = add; this.sub = sub; this.mul = mul; this.div = div; this.rem = rem; this.not = not; this.and = and; this.or = or; this.xor = xor; this.shl = shl; this.shr = shr; this.ushr = ushr; this.abs = abs; this.sqrt = sqrt; this.zeroExtend = zeroExtend; this.signExtend = signExtend; this.narrow = narrow; this.floatConvert = new FloatConvertOp[FloatConvert.values().length]; floatConvert.forEach(op -> this.floatConvert[op.getFloatConvert().ordinal()] = op); this.hash = Objects.hash(neg, add, sub, mul, div, rem, not, and, or, xor, shl, shr, ushr, abs, sqrt, zeroExtend, signExtend, narrow); } @Override public int hashCode() { return hash; }
Describes the unary negation operation.
/** * Describes the unary negation operation. */
public UnaryOp<Neg> getNeg() { return neg; }
Describes the addition operation.
/** * Describes the addition operation. */
public BinaryOp<Add> getAdd() { return add; }
Describes the subtraction operation.
/** * Describes the subtraction operation. */
public BinaryOp<Sub> getSub() { return sub; }
Describes the multiplication operation.
/** * Describes the multiplication operation. */
public BinaryOp<Mul> getMul() { return mul; }
Describes the division operation.
/** * Describes the division operation. */
public BinaryOp<Div> getDiv() { return div; }
Describes the remainder operation.
/** * Describes the remainder operation. */
public BinaryOp<Rem> getRem() { return rem; }
Describes the bitwise not operation.
/** * Describes the bitwise not operation. */
public UnaryOp<Not> getNot() { return not; }
Describes the bitwise and operation.
/** * Describes the bitwise and operation. */
public BinaryOp<And> getAnd() { return and; }
Describes the bitwise or operation.
/** * Describes the bitwise or operation. */
public BinaryOp<Or> getOr() { return or; }
Describes the bitwise xor operation.
/** * Describes the bitwise xor operation. */
public BinaryOp<Xor> getXor() { return xor; }
Describes the shift left operation.
/** * Describes the shift left operation. */
public ShiftOp<Shl> getShl() { return shl; }
Describes the signed shift right operation.
/** * Describes the signed shift right operation. */
public ShiftOp<Shr> getShr() { return shr; }
Describes the unsigned shift right operation.
/** * Describes the unsigned shift right operation. */
public ShiftOp<UShr> getUShr() { return ushr; }
Describes the absolute value operation.
/** * Describes the absolute value operation. */
public UnaryOp<Abs> getAbs() { return abs; }
Describes the square root operation.
/** * Describes the square root operation. */
public UnaryOp<Sqrt> getSqrt() { return sqrt; }
Describes the zero extend conversion.
/** * Describes the zero extend conversion. */
public IntegerConvertOp<ZeroExtend> getZeroExtend() { return zeroExtend; }
Describes the sign extend conversion.
/** * Describes the sign extend conversion. */
public IntegerConvertOp<SignExtend> getSignExtend() { return signExtend; }
Describes the narrowing conversion.
/** * Describes the narrowing conversion. */
public IntegerConvertOp<Narrow> getNarrow() { return narrow; }
Describes integer/float/double conversions.
/** * Describes integer/float/double conversions. */
public FloatConvertOp getFloatConvert(FloatConvert op) { return floatConvert[op.ordinal()]; } public static String toString(Op... ops) { return Arrays.asList(ops).stream().map(o -> o == null ? "null" : o.operator + "{" + getSimpleName(o.getClass(), false) + "}").collect(Collectors.joining(",")); } private boolean opsEquals(ArithmeticOpTable that) { // @formatter:off return Objects.equals(neg, that.neg) && Objects.equals(add, that.add) && Objects.equals(sub, that.sub) && Objects.equals(mul, that.mul) && Objects.equals(div, that.div) && Objects.equals(rem, that.rem) && Objects.equals(not, that.not) && Objects.equals(and, that.and) && Objects.equals(or, that.or) && Objects.equals(xor, that.xor) && Objects.equals(shl, that.shl) && Objects.equals(shr, that.shr) && Objects.equals(ushr, that.ushr) && Objects.equals(abs, that.abs) && Objects.equals(sqrt, that.sqrt) && Objects.equals(zeroExtend, that.zeroExtend) && Objects.equals(signExtend, that.signExtend) && Objects.equals(narrow, that.narrow); // @formatter:on } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } ArithmeticOpTable that = (ArithmeticOpTable) obj; if (opsEquals(that)) { if (Arrays.equals(this.floatConvert, that.floatConvert)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + toString(neg, add, sub, mul, div, rem, not, and, or, xor, shl, shr, ushr, abs, sqrt, zeroExtend, signExtend, narrow) + ",floatConvert[" + toString(floatConvert) + "]]"; } public abstract static class Op { private final String operator; protected Op(String operator) { this.operator = operator; } @Override public String toString() { return operator; } @Override public int hashCode() { return operator.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } Op that = (Op) obj; if (operator.equals(that.operator)) { return true; } return true; } }
Describes a unary arithmetic operation.
/** * Describes a unary arithmetic operation. */
public abstract static class UnaryOp<T> extends Op { public abstract static class Neg extends UnaryOp<Neg> { protected Neg() { super("-"); } } public abstract static class Not extends UnaryOp<Not> { protected Not() { super("~"); } } public abstract static class Abs extends UnaryOp<Abs> { protected Abs() { super("ABS"); } } public abstract static class Sqrt extends UnaryOp<Sqrt> { protected Sqrt() { super("SQRT"); } } protected UnaryOp(String operation) { super(operation); }
Apply the operation to a Constant.
/** * Apply the operation to a {@link Constant}. */
public abstract Constant foldConstant(Constant value);
Apply the operation to a Stamp.
/** * Apply the operation to a {@link Stamp}. */
public abstract Stamp foldStamp(Stamp stamp); public UnaryOp<T> unwrap() { return this; } }
Describes a binary arithmetic operation.
/** * Describes a binary arithmetic operation. */
public abstract static class BinaryOp<T> extends Op { public abstract static class Add extends BinaryOp<Add> { protected Add(boolean associative, boolean commutative) { super("+", associative, commutative); } } public abstract static class Sub extends BinaryOp<Sub> { protected Sub(boolean associative, boolean commutative) { super("-", associative, commutative); } } public abstract static class Mul extends BinaryOp<Mul> { protected Mul(boolean associative, boolean commutative) { super("*", associative, commutative); } } public abstract static class Div extends BinaryOp<Div> { protected Div(boolean associative, boolean commutative) { super("/", associative, commutative); } } public abstract static class Rem extends BinaryOp<Rem> { protected Rem(boolean associative, boolean commutative) { super("%", associative, commutative); } } public abstract static class And extends BinaryOp<And> { protected And(boolean associative, boolean commutative) { super("&", associative, commutative); } } public abstract static class Or extends BinaryOp<Or> { protected Or(boolean associative, boolean commutative) { super("|", associative, commutative); } } public abstract static class Xor extends BinaryOp<Xor> { protected Xor(boolean associative, boolean commutative) { super("^", associative, commutative); } } private final boolean associative; private final boolean commutative; protected BinaryOp(String operation, boolean associative, boolean commutative) { super(operation); this.associative = associative; this.commutative = commutative; }
Apply the operation to two Constants.
/** * Apply the operation to two {@linkplain Constant Constants}. */
public abstract Constant foldConstant(Constant a, Constant b);
Apply the operation to two Stamps.
/** * Apply the operation to two {@linkplain Stamp Stamps}. */
public abstract Stamp foldStamp(Stamp a, Stamp b);
Checks whether this operation is associative. An operation is associative when (a . b) . c == a . (b . c) for all a, b, c. Note that you still have to be careful with inverses. For example the integer subtraction operation will report true here, since you can still reassociate as long as the correct negations are inserted.
/** * Checks whether this operation is associative. An operation is associative when * {@code (a . b) . c == a . (b . c)} for all a, b, c. Note that you still have to be * careful with inverses. For example the integer subtraction operation will report * {@code true} here, since you can still reassociate as long as the correct negations are * inserted. */
public final boolean isAssociative() { return associative; }
Checks whether this operation is commutative. An operation is commutative when a . b == b . a for all a, b.
/** * Checks whether this operation is commutative. An operation is commutative when * {@code a . b == b . a} for all a, b. */
public final boolean isCommutative() { return commutative; }
Check whether a Constant is a neutral element for this operation. A neutral element is any element n where a . n == a for all a.
  • n – the Constant that should be tested
Returns:true iff for all a: a . n == a
/** * Check whether a {@link Constant} is a neutral element for this operation. A neutral * element is any element {@code n} where {@code a . n == a} for all a. * * @param n the {@link Constant} that should be tested * @return true iff for all {@code a}: {@code a . n == a} */
public boolean isNeutral(Constant n) { return false; }
Check whether this operation has a zero z == a . a for each a. Examples of operations having such an element are subtraction and exclusive-or. Note that this may be different from the numbers tested by isNeutral.
Returns:a unique z such that z == a . a for each a in stamp if it exists, otherwise null
/** * Check whether this operation has a zero {@code z == a . a} for each a. Examples of * operations having such an element are subtraction and exclusive-or. Note that this may be * different from the numbers tested by {@link #isNeutral}. * * @param stamp a {@link Stamp} * @return a unique {@code z} such that {@code z == a . a} for each {@code a} in * {@code stamp} if it exists, otherwise {@code null} */
public Constant getZero(Stamp stamp) { return null; } public BinaryOp<T> unwrap() { return this; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + (associative ? 1231 : 1237); result = prime * result + (commutative ? 1231 : 1237); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!super.equals(obj)) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } BinaryOp<?> that = (BinaryOp<?>) obj; if (associative != that.associative) { return false; } if (commutative != that.commutative) { return false; } return true; } @Override public String toString() { if (associative) { if (commutative) { return super.toString() + "[AC]"; } else { return super.toString() + "[A]"; } } else if (commutative) { return super.toString() + "[C]"; } return super.toString(); } }
Describes a shift operation. The right argument of a shift operation always has kind JavaKind.Int.
/** * Describes a shift operation. The right argument of a shift operation always has kind * {@link JavaKind#Int}. */
public abstract static class ShiftOp<OP> extends Op { public abstract static class Shl extends ShiftOp<Shl> { public Shl() { super("<<"); } } public abstract static class Shr extends ShiftOp<Shr> { public Shr() { super(">>"); } } public abstract static class UShr extends ShiftOp<UShr> { public UShr() { super(">>>"); } } protected ShiftOp(String operation) { super(operation); }
Apply the shift to a constant.
/** * Apply the shift to a constant. */
public abstract Constant foldConstant(Constant c, int amount);
Apply the shift to a stamp.
/** * Apply the shift to a stamp. */
public abstract Stamp foldStamp(Stamp s, IntegerStamp amount);
Get the shift amount mask for a given result stamp.
/** * Get the shift amount mask for a given result stamp. */
public abstract int getShiftAmountMask(Stamp s); } public abstract static class FloatConvertOp extends UnaryOp<FloatConvertOp> { private final FloatConvert op; protected FloatConvertOp(FloatConvert op) { super(op.name()); this.op = op; } public FloatConvert getFloatConvert() { return op; } @Override public FloatConvertOp unwrap() { return this; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; return prime * super.hashCode() + op.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!super.equals(obj)) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } FloatConvertOp that = (FloatConvertOp) obj; if (op != that.op) { return false; } return true; } } public abstract static class IntegerConvertOp<T> extends Op { public abstract static class ZeroExtend extends IntegerConvertOp<ZeroExtend> { protected ZeroExtend() { super("ZeroExtend"); } } public abstract static class SignExtend extends IntegerConvertOp<SignExtend> { protected SignExtend() { super("SignExtend"); } } public abstract static class Narrow extends IntegerConvertOp<Narrow> { protected Narrow() { super("Narrow"); } } protected IntegerConvertOp(String op) { super(op); } public abstract Constant foldConstant(int inputBits, int resultBits, Constant value); public abstract Stamp foldStamp(int inputBits, int resultBits, Stamp stamp); public IntegerConvertOp<T> unwrap() { return this; } } }