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package jdk.incubator.http;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import static javax.net.ssl.SSLEngineResult.Status.*;
import javax.net.ssl.*;

import jdk.incubator.http.internal.common.AsyncWriteQueue;
import jdk.incubator.http.internal.common.ByteBufferPool;
import jdk.incubator.http.internal.common.ByteBufferReference;
import jdk.incubator.http.internal.common.Log;
import jdk.incubator.http.internal.common.Queue;
import jdk.incubator.http.internal.common.Utils;
import static javax.net.ssl.SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus.*;
import jdk.incubator.http.internal.common.ExceptionallyCloseable;

Asynchronous wrapper around SSLEngine. send and receive is fully non blocking. When handshaking is required, a thread is created to perform the handshake and application level sends do not take place during this time. Is implemented using queues and functions operating on the receiving end of each queue. Application writes to: || \/ appOutputQ || \/ appOutputQ read by "upperWrite" method which does SSLEngine.wrap and does async write to PlainHttpConnection Reading side is as follows -------------------------- "upperRead" method reads off channelInputQ and calls SSLEngine.unwrap and when decrypted data is returned, it is passed to the user's Consumer /\ || channelInputQ /\ || "asyncReceive" method puts buffers into channelInputQ. It is invoked from OP_READ events from the selector. Whenever handshaking is required, the doHandshaking() method is called which creates a thread to complete the handshake. It takes over the channelInputQ from upperRead, and puts outgoing packets on channelOutputQ. Selector events are delivered to asyncReceive and lowerWrite as normal. Errors Any exception thrown by the engine or channel, causes all Queues to be closed the channel to be closed, and the error is reported to the user's Consumer
/** * Asynchronous wrapper around SSLEngine. send and receive is fully non * blocking. When handshaking is required, a thread is created to perform * the handshake and application level sends do not take place during this time. * * Is implemented using queues and functions operating on the receiving end * of each queue. * * Application writes to: * || * \/ * appOutputQ * || * \/ * appOutputQ read by "upperWrite" method which does SSLEngine.wrap * and does async write to PlainHttpConnection * * Reading side is as follows * -------------------------- * * "upperRead" method reads off channelInputQ and calls SSLEngine.unwrap and * when decrypted data is returned, it is passed to the user's Consumer<ByteBuffer> * /\ * || * channelInputQ * /\ * || * "asyncReceive" method puts buffers into channelInputQ. It is invoked from * OP_READ events from the selector. * * Whenever handshaking is required, the doHandshaking() method is called * which creates a thread to complete the handshake. It takes over the * channelInputQ from upperRead, and puts outgoing packets on channelOutputQ. * Selector events are delivered to asyncReceive and lowerWrite as normal. * * Errors * * Any exception thrown by the engine or channel, causes all Queues to be closed * the channel to be closed, and the error is reported to the user's * Consumer<Throwable> */
class AsyncSSLDelegate implements ExceptionallyCloseable, AsyncConnection { // outgoing buffers put in this queue first and may remain here // while SSL handshaking happening. final AsyncWriteQueue appOutputQ = new AsyncWriteQueue(this::upperWrite); // Bytes read into this queue before being unwrapped. Backup on this // Q should only happen when the engine is stalled due to delegated tasks final Queue<ByteBufferReference> channelInputQ; // input occurs through the read() method which is expected to be called // when the selector signals some data is waiting to be read. All incoming // handshake data is handled in this method, which means some calls to // read() may return zero bytes of user data. This is not a sign of spinning, // just that the handshake mechanics are being executed. final SSLEngine engine; final SSLParameters sslParameters; final HttpConnection lowerOutput; final HttpClientImpl client; // should be volatile to provide proper synchronization(visibility) action volatile Consumer<ByteBufferReference> asyncReceiver; volatile Consumer<Throwable> errorHandler; volatile boolean connected = false; // Locks. final Object reader = new Object(); // synchronizing handshake state final Semaphore handshaker = new Semaphore(1); final String[] alpn; // alpn[] may be null. upcall is callback which receives incoming decoded bytes off socket AsyncSSLDelegate(HttpConnection lowerOutput, HttpClientImpl client, String[] alpn) { SSLContext context = client.sslContext(); engine = context.createSSLEngine(); engine.setUseClientMode(true); SSLParameters sslp = client.sslParameters() .orElseGet(context::getSupportedSSLParameters); sslParameters = Utils.copySSLParameters(sslp); if (alpn != null) { Log.logSSL("AsyncSSLDelegate: Setting application protocols: " + Arrays.toString(alpn)); sslParameters.setApplicationProtocols(alpn); } else { Log.logSSL("AsyncSSLDelegate: no applications set!"); } logParams(sslParameters); engine.setSSLParameters(sslParameters); this.lowerOutput = lowerOutput; this.client = client; this.channelInputQ = new Queue<>(); this.channelInputQ.registerPutCallback(this::upperRead); this.alpn = alpn; } @Override public void writeAsync(ByteBufferReference[] src) throws IOException { appOutputQ.put(src); } @Override public void writeAsyncUnordered(ByteBufferReference[] buffers) throws IOException { appOutputQ.putFirst(buffers); } @Override public void flushAsync() throws IOException { if (appOutputQ.flush()) { lowerOutput.flushAsync(); } } SSLEngine getEngine() { return engine; } @Override public void closeExceptionally(Throwable t) { Utils.close(t, appOutputQ, channelInputQ, lowerOutput); } @Override public void close() { Utils.close(appOutputQ, channelInputQ, lowerOutput); } // The code below can be uncommented to shake out // the implementation by inserting random delays and trigger // handshake in the SelectorManager thread (upperRead) // static final java.util.Random random = // new java.util.Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
Attempts to wrap buffers from appOutputQ and place them on the channelOutputQ for writing. If handshaking is happening, then the process stalls and last buffers taken off the appOutputQ are put back into it until handshaking completes. This same method is called to try and resume output after a blocking handshaking operation has completed.
/** * Attempts to wrap buffers from appOutputQ and place them on the * channelOutputQ for writing. If handshaking is happening, then the * process stalls and last buffers taken off the appOutputQ are put back * into it until handshaking completes. * * This same method is called to try and resume output after a blocking * handshaking operation has completed. */
private void upperWrite(ByteBufferReference[] refs, AsyncWriteQueue delayCallback) { // currently delayCallback is not used. Use it when it's needed to execute handshake in another thread. try { ByteBuffer[] buffers = ByteBufferReference.toBuffers(refs); int bytes = Utils.remaining(buffers); while (bytes > 0) { EngineResult r = wrapBuffers(buffers); int bytesProduced = r.bytesProduced(); int bytesConsumed = r.bytesConsumed(); bytes -= bytesConsumed; if (bytesProduced > 0) { lowerOutput.writeAsync(new ByteBufferReference[]{r.destBuffer}); } // The code below can be uncommented to shake out // the implementation by inserting random delays and trigger // handshake in the SelectorManager thread (upperRead) // int sleep = random.nextInt(100); // if (sleep > 20) { // Thread.sleep(sleep); // } // handshaking is happening or is needed if (r.handshaking()) { Log.logTrace("Write: needs handshake"); doHandshakeNow("Write"); } } ByteBufferReference.clear(refs); } catch (Throwable t) { closeExceptionally(t); errorHandler.accept(t); } } // Connecting at this level means the initial handshake has completed. // This means that the initial SSL parameters are available including // ALPN result. void connect() throws IOException, InterruptedException { doHandshakeNow("Init"); connected = true; } boolean connected() { return connected; } private void startHandshake(String tag) { Runnable run = () -> { try { doHandshakeNow(tag); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.logTrace("{0}: handshake failed: {1}", tag, t); closeExceptionally(t); errorHandler.accept(t); } }; client.executor().execute(run); } private void doHandshakeNow(String tag) throws IOException, InterruptedException { handshaker.acquire(); try { channelInputQ.disableCallback(); lowerOutput.flushAsync(); Log.logTrace("{0}: Starting handshake...", tag); doHandshakeImpl(); Log.logTrace("{0}: Handshake completed", tag); // don't unblock the channel here, as we aren't sure yet, whether ALPN // negotiation succeeded. Caller will call enableCallback() externally } finally { handshaker.release(); } } public void enableCallback() { channelInputQ.enableCallback(); }
Executes entire handshake in calling thread. Returns after handshake is completed or error occurs
/** * Executes entire handshake in calling thread. * Returns after handshake is completed or error occurs */
private void doHandshakeImpl() throws IOException { engine.beginHandshake(); while (true) { SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus status = engine.getHandshakeStatus(); switch(status) { case NEED_TASK: { List<Runnable> tasks = obtainTasks(); for (Runnable task : tasks) { task.run(); } } break; case NEED_WRAP: handshakeWrapAndSend(); break; case NEED_UNWRAP: case NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN: handshakeReceiveAndUnWrap(); break; case FINISHED: return; case NOT_HANDSHAKING: return; default: throw new InternalError("Unexpected Handshake Status: " + status); } } } // acknowledge a received CLOSE request from peer void doClosure() throws IOException { //while (!wrapAndSend(emptyArray)) //; } List<Runnable> obtainTasks() { List<Runnable> l = new ArrayList<>(); Runnable r; while ((r = engine.getDelegatedTask()) != null) { l.add(r); } return l; } @Override public void setAsyncCallbacks(Consumer<ByteBufferReference> asyncReceiver, Consumer<Throwable> errorReceiver, Supplier<ByteBufferReference> readBufferSupplier) { this.asyncReceiver = asyncReceiver; this.errorHandler = errorReceiver; // readBufferSupplier is not used, // because of AsyncSSLDelegate has its own appBufferPool } @Override public void startReading() { // maybe this class does not need to implement AsyncConnection } @Override public void stopAsyncReading() { // maybe this class does not need to implement AsyncConnection } static class EngineResult { final SSLEngineResult result; final ByteBufferReference destBuffer; // normal result EngineResult(SSLEngineResult result) { this(result, null); } EngineResult(SSLEngineResult result, ByteBufferReference destBuffer) { this.result = result; this.destBuffer = destBuffer; } boolean handshaking() { SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus s = result.getHandshakeStatus(); return s != FINISHED && s != NOT_HANDSHAKING; } int bytesConsumed() { return result.bytesConsumed(); } int bytesProduced() { return result.bytesProduced(); } SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus handshakeStatus() { return result.getHandshakeStatus(); } SSLEngineResult.Status status() { return result.getStatus(); } } EngineResult handshakeWrapAndSend() throws IOException { EngineResult r = wrapBuffer(Utils.EMPTY_BYTEBUFFER); if (r.bytesProduced() > 0) { lowerOutput.writeAsync(new ByteBufferReference[]{r.destBuffer}); lowerOutput.flushAsync(); } return r; } // called during handshaking. It blocks until a complete packet // is available, unwraps it and returns. void handshakeReceiveAndUnWrap() throws IOException { ByteBufferReference ref = channelInputQ.take(); while (true) { // block waiting for input EngineResult r = unwrapBuffer(ref.get()); SSLEngineResult.Status status = r.status(); if (status == BUFFER_UNDERFLOW) { // wait for another buffer to arrive ByteBufferReference ref1 = channelInputQ.take(); ref = combine (ref, ref1); continue; } // OK // theoretically possible we could receive some user data if (r.bytesProduced() > 0) { asyncReceiver.accept(r.destBuffer); } else { r.destBuffer.clear(); } // it is also possible that a delegated task could be needed // even though they are handled in the calling function if (r.handshakeStatus() == NEED_TASK) { obtainTasks().stream().forEach((task) -> task.run()); } if (!ref.get().hasRemaining()) { ref.clear(); return; } } } EngineResult wrapBuffer(ByteBuffer src) throws SSLException { ByteBuffer[] bufs = new ByteBuffer[1]; bufs[0] = src; return wrapBuffers(bufs); } private final ByteBufferPool netBufferPool = new ByteBufferPool(); private final ByteBufferPool appBufferPool = new ByteBufferPool();
provides buffer of sslEngine@getPacketBufferSize(). used for encrypted buffers after wrap or before unwrap.
/** * provides buffer of sslEngine@getPacketBufferSize(). * used for encrypted buffers after wrap or before unwrap. * @return ByteBufferReference */
public ByteBufferReference getNetBuffer() { return netBufferPool.get(engine.getSession().getPacketBufferSize()); }
provides buffer of sslEngine@getApplicationBufferSize().
/** * provides buffer of sslEngine@getApplicationBufferSize(). * @return ByteBufferReference */
private ByteBufferReference getAppBuffer() { return appBufferPool.get(engine.getSession().getApplicationBufferSize()); } EngineResult wrapBuffers(ByteBuffer[] src) throws SSLException { ByteBufferReference dst = getNetBuffer(); while (true) { SSLEngineResult sslResult = engine.wrap(src, dst.get()); switch (sslResult.getStatus()) { case BUFFER_OVERFLOW: // Shouldn't happen. We allocated buffer with packet size // get it again if net buffer size was changed dst = getNetBuffer(); break; case CLOSED: case OK: dst.get().flip(); return new EngineResult(sslResult, dst); case BUFFER_UNDERFLOW: // Shouldn't happen. Doesn't returns when wrap() // underflow handled externally return new EngineResult(sslResult); default: assert false; } } } EngineResult unwrapBuffer(ByteBuffer srcbuf) throws IOException { ByteBufferReference dst = getAppBuffer(); while (true) { SSLEngineResult sslResult = engine.unwrap(srcbuf, dst.get()); switch (sslResult.getStatus()) { case BUFFER_OVERFLOW: // may happen only if app size buffer was changed. // get it again if app buffer size changed dst = getAppBuffer(); break; case CLOSED: doClosure(); throw new IOException("Engine closed"); case BUFFER_UNDERFLOW: dst.clear(); return new EngineResult(sslResult); case OK: dst.get().flip(); return new EngineResult(sslResult, dst); } } }
Asynchronous read input. Call this when selector fires. Unwrap done in upperRead because it also happens in doHandshake() when handshake taking place
/** * Asynchronous read input. Call this when selector fires. * Unwrap done in upperRead because it also happens in * doHandshake() when handshake taking place */
public void asyncReceive(ByteBufferReference buffer) { try { channelInputQ.put(buffer); } catch (Throwable t) { closeExceptionally(t); errorHandler.accept(t); } } private ByteBufferReference pollInput() throws IOException { return channelInputQ.poll(); } private ByteBufferReference pollInput(ByteBufferReference next) throws IOException { return next == null ? channelInputQ.poll() : next; } public void upperRead() { ByteBufferReference src; ByteBufferReference next = null; synchronized (reader) { try { src = pollInput(); if (src == null) { return; } while (true) { EngineResult r = unwrapBuffer(src.get()); switch (r.result.getStatus()) { case BUFFER_UNDERFLOW: // Buffer too small. Need to combine with next buf next = pollInput(next); if (next == null) { // no data available. // push buffer back until more data available channelInputQ.pushback(src); return; } else { src = shift(src, next); if (!next.get().hasRemaining()) { next.clear(); next = null; } } break; case OK: // check for any handshaking work if (r.handshaking()) { // handshaking is happening or is needed // so we put the buffer back on Q to process again // later. Log.logTrace("Read: needs handshake"); channelInputQ.pushback(src); startHandshake("Read"); return; } asyncReceiver.accept(r.destBuffer); } if (src.get().hasRemaining()) { continue; } src.clear(); src = pollInput(next); next = null; if (src == null) { return; } } } catch (Throwable t) { closeExceptionally(t); errorHandler.accept(t); } } } ByteBufferReference shift(ByteBufferReference ref1, ByteBufferReference ref2) { ByteBuffer buf1 = ref1.get(); if (buf1.capacity() < engine.getSession().getPacketBufferSize()) { ByteBufferReference newRef = getNetBuffer(); ByteBuffer newBuf = newRef.get(); newBuf.put(buf1); buf1 = newBuf; ref1.clear(); ref1 = newRef; } else { buf1.compact(); } ByteBuffer buf2 = ref2.get(); Utils.copy(buf2, buf1, Math.min(buf1.remaining(), buf2.remaining())); buf1.flip(); return ref1; } ByteBufferReference combine(ByteBufferReference ref1, ByteBufferReference ref2) { ByteBuffer buf1 = ref1.get(); ByteBuffer buf2 = ref2.get(); int avail1 = buf1.capacity() - buf1.remaining(); if (buf2.remaining() < avail1) { buf1.compact(); buf1.put(buf2); buf1.flip(); ref2.clear(); return ref1; } int newsize = buf1.remaining() + buf2.remaining(); ByteBuffer newbuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(newsize); // getting rid of buffer pools newbuf.put(buf1); newbuf.put(buf2); newbuf.flip(); ref1.clear(); ref2.clear(); return ByteBufferReference.of(newbuf); } SSLParameters getSSLParameters() { return sslParameters; } static void logParams(SSLParameters p) { if (!Log.ssl()) { return; } if (p == null) { Log.logSSL("SSLParameters: Null params"); return; } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("SSLParameters:"); final List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>(); if (p.getCipherSuites() != null) { for (String cipher : p.getCipherSuites()) { sb.append("\n cipher: {") .append(params.size()).append("}"); params.add(cipher); } } // SSLParameters.getApplicationProtocols() can't return null // JDK 8 EXCL START for (String approto : p.getApplicationProtocols()) { sb.append("\n application protocol: {") .append(params.size()).append("}"); params.add(approto); } // JDK 8 EXCL END if (p.getProtocols() != null) { for (String protocol : p.getProtocols()) { sb.append("\n protocol: {") .append(params.size()).append("}"); params.add(protocol); } } if (p.getServerNames() != null) { for (SNIServerName sname : p.getServerNames()) { sb.append("\n server name: {") .append(params.size()).append("}"); params.add(sname.toString()); } } sb.append('\n'); Log.logSSL(sb.toString(), params.toArray()); } String getSessionInfo() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String application = engine.getApplicationProtocol(); SSLSession sess = engine.getSession(); String cipher = sess.getCipherSuite(); String protocol = sess.getProtocol(); sb.append("Handshake complete alpn: ") .append(application) .append(", Cipher: ") .append(cipher) .append(", Protocol: ") .append(protocol); return sb.toString(); } }