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package com.sun.tools.javac.util;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;

This class provides wrappers for classes and methods that are new in JDK 9, and which are not available on older versions of the platform on which javac may be compiled and run. In future releases, when javac is always compiled on JDK 9 or later, the use of these wrappers can be replaced by use of the real underlying classes.

Wrapper classes provide a subset of the API of the wrapped classes, as needed for use in javac. Wrapper objects contain an Object reference to the underlying runtime object, and Class and Method objects for obtaining or using such instances via runtime reflection. The Class and Method objects are set up on a per-class basis, by an init method, which is called from static methods on the wrapper class, or in the constructor, when instances are created.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

/** * This class provides wrappers for classes and methods that are new in JDK 9, and which are not * available on older versions of the platform on which javac may be compiled and run. * In future releases, when javac is always compiled on JDK 9 or later, the use of these wrappers * can be replaced by use of the real underlying classes. * * <p>Wrapper classes provide a subset of the API of the wrapped classes, as needed for use * in javac. Wrapper objects contain an {@code Object} reference to the underlying runtime object, * and {@code Class} and {@code Method} objects for obtaining or using such instances via * runtime reflection. The {@code Class} and {@code Method} objects are set up on a per-class * basis, by an {@code init} method, which is called from static methods on the wrapper class, * or in the constructor, when instances are created. * <p> * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> */
public class JDK9Wrappers {
Helper class for new method in java.util.ServiceLoader.
/** * Helper class for new method in java.util.ServiceLoader. */
public static final class ServiceLoaderHelper { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <S> ServiceLoader<S> load(Layer layer, Class<S> service) { try { init(); Object result = loadMethod.invoke(null, layer.theRealLayer, service); return (ServiceLoader<S>)result; } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static Method loadMethod = null; private static void init() { if (loadMethod == null) { try { Class<?> layerClass = Layer.layerClass; loadMethod = ServiceLoader.class.getDeclaredMethod("load", layerClass, Class.class); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } } }
Wrapper class for java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor and ModuleDescriptor.Version.
/** * Wrapper class for java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor and ModuleDescriptor.Version. */
public static class ModuleDescriptor { public static class Version { public static final String CLASSNAME = "java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor$Version"; private final Object theRealVersion; private Version(Object version) { this.theRealVersion = version; } public static Version parse(String v) { try { init(); Object result = parseMethod.invoke(null, v); Version version = new Version(result); return version; } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof IllegalArgumentException) { throw (IllegalArgumentException) ex.getCause(); } else { throw new Abort(ex); } } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } @Override public String toString() { return theRealVersion.toString(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static Class<?> versionClass = null; private static Method parseMethod = null; private static void init() { if (versionClass == null) { try { versionClass = Class.forName(CLASSNAME, false, null); parseMethod = versionClass.getDeclaredMethod("parse", String.class); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } } } }
Wrapper class for java.lang.module.ModuleFinder.
/** * Wrapper class for java.lang.module.ModuleFinder. */
public static class ModuleFinder { private final Object theRealModuleFinder; private ModuleFinder(Object moduleFinder) { this.theRealModuleFinder = moduleFinder; init(); } public static ModuleFinder of(Path... dirs) { try { init(); Object result = ofMethod.invoke(null, (Object)dirs); ModuleFinder mFinder = new ModuleFinder(result); return mFinder; } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static Class<?> moduleFinderClass = null; private static Method ofMethod; static final Class<?> getModuleFinderClass() { init(); return moduleFinderClass; } private static void init() { if (moduleFinderClass == null) { try { moduleFinderClass = Class.forName("java.lang.module.ModuleFinder", false, null); ofMethod = moduleFinderClass.getDeclaredMethod("of", Path[].class); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } } }
Wrapper class for java.lang.Module. To materialize a handle use the static factory methods Module#getModule(Class) or Module#getUnnamedModule(ClassLoader).
/** * Wrapper class for java.lang.Module. To materialize a handle use the static factory * methods Module#getModule(Class<?>) or Module#getUnnamedModule(ClassLoader). */
public static class Module { private final Object theRealModule; private Module(Object module) { this.theRealModule = module; init(); } public static Module getModule(Class<?> clazz) { try { init(); Object result = getModuleMethod.invoke(clazz, new Object[0]); return new Module(result); } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } public static Module getUnnamedModule(ClassLoader classLoader) { try { init(); Object result = getUnnamedModuleMethod.invoke(classLoader, new Object[0]); return new Module(result); } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } public Module addExports(String pn, Module other) { try { addExportsMethod.invoke(theRealModule, new Object[] { pn, other.theRealModule}); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } return this; } public Module addUses(Class<?> st) { try { addUsesMethod.invoke(theRealModule, new Object[] { st }); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } return this; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // on java.lang.Module private static Method addExportsMethod = null; // on java.lang.Module private static Method addUsesMethod = null; // on java.lang.Class private static Method getModuleMethod; // on java.lang.ClassLoader private static Method getUnnamedModuleMethod; private static void init() { if (addExportsMethod == null) { try { Class<?> moduleClass = Class.forName("java.lang.Module", false, null); addUsesMethod = moduleClass.getDeclaredMethod("addUses", new Class<?>[] { Class.class }); addExportsMethod = moduleClass.getDeclaredMethod("addExports", new Class<?>[] { String.class, moduleClass }); getModuleMethod = Class.class.getDeclaredMethod("getModule", new Class<?>[0]); getUnnamedModuleMethod = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredMethod("getUnnamedModule", new Class<?>[0]); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } } }
Wrapper class for java.lang.module.Configuration.
/** * Wrapper class for java.lang.module.Configuration. */
public static final class Configuration { private final Object theRealConfiguration; private Configuration(Object configuration) { this.theRealConfiguration = configuration; init(); } public Configuration resolveAndBind( ModuleFinder beforeFinder, ModuleFinder afterFinder, Collection<String> roots) { try { Object result = resolveAndBindMethod.invoke(theRealConfiguration, beforeFinder.theRealModuleFinder, afterFinder.theRealModuleFinder, roots ); Configuration configuration = new Configuration(result); return configuration; } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static Class<?> configurationClass = null; private static Method resolveAndBindMethod; static final Class<?> getConfigurationClass() { init(); return configurationClass; } private static void init() { if (configurationClass == null) { try { configurationClass = Class.forName("java.lang.module.Configuration", false, null); Class<?> moduleFinderInterface = ModuleFinder.getModuleFinderClass(); resolveAndBindMethod = configurationClass.getDeclaredMethod("resolveAndBind", moduleFinderInterface, moduleFinderInterface, Collection.class ); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } } }
Wrapper class for java.lang.ModuleLayer.
/** * Wrapper class for java.lang.ModuleLayer. */
public static final class Layer { private final Object theRealLayer; private Layer(Object layer) { this.theRealLayer = layer; } public static Layer boot() { try { init(); Object result = bootMethod.invoke(null); Layer layer = new Layer(result); return layer; } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } public Configuration configuration() { try { Object result = configurationMethod.invoke(theRealLayer); Configuration configuration = new Configuration(result); return configuration; } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } public Layer defineModulesWithOneLoader(Configuration configuration, ClassLoader parentClassLoader) { try { Object result = defineModulesWithOneLoaderMethod.invoke( theRealLayer, configuration.theRealConfiguration, parentClassLoader); Layer layer = new Layer(result); return layer; } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static Class<?> layerClass = null; private static Method bootMethod; private static Method defineModulesWithOneLoaderMethod; private static Method configurationMethod; private static void init() { if (layerClass == null) { try { layerClass = Class.forName("java.lang.ModuleLayer", false, null); bootMethod = layerClass.getDeclaredMethod("boot"); defineModulesWithOneLoaderMethod = layerClass.getDeclaredMethod("defineModulesWithOneLoader", Configuration.getConfigurationClass(), ClassLoader.class); configurationMethod = layerClass.getDeclaredMethod("configuration"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } } }
Helper class for new method in jdk.internal.misc.VM.
/** * Helper class for new method in jdk.internal.misc.VM. */
public static final class VMHelper { public static final String CLASSNAME = "jdk.internal.misc.VM"; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String[] getRuntimeArguments() { try { init(); Object result = getRuntimeArgumentsMethod.invoke(null); return (String[])result; } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static Class<?> vmClass = null; private static Method getRuntimeArgumentsMethod = null; private static void init() { if (vmClass == null) { try { vmClass = Class.forName(CLASSNAME, false, null); getRuntimeArgumentsMethod = vmClass.getDeclaredMethod("getRuntimeArguments"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } } }
Helper class for new method in jdk.internal.jmod.JmodFile
/** * Helper class for new method in jdk.internal.jmod.JmodFile */
public static final class JmodFile { public static final String JMOD_FILE_CLASSNAME = "jdk.internal.jmod.JmodFile"; public static void checkMagic(Path file) throws IOException { try { init(); checkMagicMethod.invoke(null, file); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof IOException) { throw IOException.class.cast(ex.getCause()); } throw new Abort(ex); } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static Class<?> jmodFileClass = null; private static Method checkMagicMethod = null; private static void init() { if (jmodFileClass == null) { try { jmodFileClass = Class.forName(JMOD_FILE_CLASSNAME, false, null); checkMagicMethod = jmodFileClass.getDeclaredMethod("checkMagic", Path.class); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException ex) { throw new Abort(ex); } } } } }