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package com.sun.tools.javac.parser;

import com.sun.tools.javac.parser.Tokens.Comment;
import com.sun.tools.javac.parser.Tokens.Comment.CommentStyle;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.*;

import java.nio.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import static com.sun.tools.javac.util.LayoutCharacters.*;

An extension to the base lexical analyzer that captures and processes the contents of doc comments. It does so by translating Unicode escape sequences and by stripping the leading whitespace and starts from each line of the comment.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

/** An extension to the base lexical analyzer that captures * and processes the contents of doc comments. It does so by * translating Unicode escape sequences and by stripping the * leading whitespace and starts from each line of the comment. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> */
public class JavadocTokenizer extends JavaTokenizer {
Create a scanner from the input buffer. buffer must implement array() and compact(), and remaining() must be less than limit().
/** Create a scanner from the input buffer. buffer must implement * array() and compact(), and remaining() must be less than limit(). */
protected JavadocTokenizer(ScannerFactory fac, CharBuffer buffer) { super(fac, buffer); }
Create a scanner from the input array. The array must have at least a single character of extra space.
/** Create a scanner from the input array. The array must have at * least a single character of extra space. */
protected JavadocTokenizer(ScannerFactory fac, char[] input, int inputLength) { super(fac, input, inputLength); } @Override protected Comment processComment(int pos, int endPos, CommentStyle style) { char[] buf = reader.getRawCharacters(pos, endPos); return new JavadocComment(new DocReader(fac, buf, buf.length, pos), style); }
This is a specialized version of UnicodeReader that keeps track of the column position within a given character stream (used for Javadoc processing), and which builds a table for mapping positions in the comment string to positions in the source file.
/** * This is a specialized version of UnicodeReader that keeps track of the * column position within a given character stream (used for Javadoc processing), * and which builds a table for mapping positions in the comment string to * positions in the source file. */
static class DocReader extends UnicodeReader { int col; int startPos;
A buffer for building a table for mapping positions in UnicodeReader.sbuf to positions in the source buffer. The array is organized as a series of pairs of integers: the first number in each pair specifies a position in the comment text, the second number in each pair specifies the corresponding position in the source buffer. The pairs are sorted in ascending order. Since the mapping function is generally continuous, with successive positions in the string corresponding to successive positions in the source buffer, the table only needs to record discontinuities in the mapping. The values of intermediate positions can be inferred. Discontinuities may occur in a number of places: when a newline is followed by whitespace and asterisks (which are ignored), when a tab is expanded into spaces, and when unicode escapes are used in the source buffer. Thus, to find the source position of any position, p, in the comment string, find the index, i, of the pair whose string offset (pbuf[i] ) is closest to but not greater than p. Then, sourcePos(p) = pbuf[i+1] + (p - pbuf[i]) .
/** * A buffer for building a table for mapping positions in {@link #sbuf} * to positions in the source buffer. * * The array is organized as a series of pairs of integers: the first * number in each pair specifies a position in the comment text, * the second number in each pair specifies the corresponding position * in the source buffer. The pairs are sorted in ascending order. * * Since the mapping function is generally continuous, with successive * positions in the string corresponding to successive positions in the * source buffer, the table only needs to record discontinuities in * the mapping. The values of intermediate positions can be inferred. * * Discontinuities may occur in a number of places: when a newline * is followed by whitespace and asterisks (which are ignored), * when a tab is expanded into spaces, and when unicode escapes * are used in the source buffer. * * Thus, to find the source position of any position, p, in the comment * string, find the index, i, of the pair whose string offset * ({@code pbuf[i] }) is closest to but not greater than p. Then, * {@code sourcePos(p) = pbuf[i+1] + (p - pbuf[i]) }. */
int[] pbuf = new int[128];
The index of the next empty slot in the pbuf buffer.
/** * The index of the next empty slot in the pbuf buffer. */
int pp = 0;
The buffer index of the last double backslash sequence
/** The buffer index of the last double backslash sequence */
private int doubleBackslashBp = -1; DocReader(ScannerFactory fac, char[] input, int inputLength, int startPos) { super(fac, input, inputLength); this.startPos = startPos; } @Override protected void convertUnicode() { if (ch == '\\' && unicodeConversionBp != bp) { bp++; ch = buf[bp]; col++; if (ch == 'u') { do { bp++; ch = buf[bp]; col++; } while (ch == 'u'); int limit = bp + 3; if (limit < buflen) { int d = digit(bp, 16); int code = d; while (bp < limit && d >= 0) { bp++; ch = buf[bp]; col++; d = digit(bp, 16); code = (code << 4) + d; } if (d >= 0) { ch = (char)code; unicodeConversionBp = bp; return; } } // "illegal.Unicode.esc", reported by base scanner } else { bp--; ch = '\\'; col--; } } } @Override protected void scanCommentChar() { scanChar(); if (ch == '\\') { if (peekChar() == '\\' && !isUnicode()) { bp++; col++; doubleBackslashBp = bp; } else { convertUnicode(); } } } @Override protected void scanChar() { bp++; ch = buf[bp]; switch (ch) { case '\r': // return col = 0; break; case '\n': // newline if (bp == 0 || buf[bp-1] != '\r') { col = 0; } break; case '\t': // tab col = (col / TabInc * TabInc) + TabInc; break; case '\\': // possible Unicode col++; convertUnicode(); break; default: col++; break; } } @Override public void putChar(char ch, boolean scan) { // At this point, bp is the position of the current character in buf, // and sp is the position in sbuf where this character will be put. // Record a new entry in pbuf if pbuf is empty or if sp and its // corresponding source position are not equidistant from the // corresponding values in the latest entry in the pbuf array. // (i.e. there is a discontinuity in the map function.) if ((pp == 0) || (sp - pbuf[pp - 2] != (startPos + bp) - pbuf[pp - 1])) { if (pp + 1 >= pbuf.length) { int[] new_pbuf = new int[pbuf.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(pbuf, 0, new_pbuf, 0, pbuf.length); pbuf = new_pbuf; } pbuf[pp] = sp; pbuf[pp + 1] = startPos + bp; pp += 2; } super.putChar(ch, scan); }
Whether the ch represents a sequence of two backslashes.
/** Whether the ch represents a sequence of two backslashes. */
boolean isDoubleBackslash() { return doubleBackslashBp == bp; } } protected static class JavadocComment extends JavaTokenizer.BasicComment<DocReader> {
Translated and stripped contents of doc comment
/** * Translated and stripped contents of doc comment */
private String docComment = null; private int[] docPosns = null; JavadocComment(DocReader reader, CommentStyle cs) { super(reader, cs); } @Override public String getText() { if (!scanned && cs == CommentStyle.JAVADOC) { scanDocComment(); } return docComment; } @Override public int getSourcePos(int pos) { // Binary search to find the entry for which the string index is // less than pos. Since docPosns is a list of pairs of integers // we must make sure the index is always even. // If we find an exact match for pos, the other item in the pair // gives the source pos; otherwise, compute the source position // relative to the best match found in the array. if (pos == Position.NOPOS) return Position.NOPOS; if (pos < 0 || pos > docComment.length()) throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(String.valueOf(pos)); if (docPosns == null) return Position.NOPOS; int start = 0; int end = docPosns.length; while (start < end - 2) { // find an even index midway between start and end int index = ((start + end) / 4) * 2; if (docPosns[index] < pos) start = index; else if (docPosns[index] == pos) return docPosns[index + 1]; else end = index; } return docPosns[start + 1] + (pos - docPosns[start]); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") protected void scanDocComment() { try { boolean firstLine = true; // Skip over first slash comment_reader.scanCommentChar(); // Skip over first star comment_reader.scanCommentChar(); // consume any number of stars while (comment_reader.bp < comment_reader.buflen && comment_reader.ch == '*') { comment_reader.scanCommentChar(); } // is the comment in the form /**/, /***/, /****/, etc. ? if (comment_reader.bp < comment_reader.buflen && comment_reader.ch == '/') { docComment = ""; return; } // skip a newline on the first line of the comment. if (comment_reader.bp < comment_reader.buflen) { if (comment_reader.ch == LF) { comment_reader.scanCommentChar(); firstLine = false; } else if (comment_reader.ch == CR) { comment_reader.scanCommentChar(); if (comment_reader.ch == LF) { comment_reader.scanCommentChar(); firstLine = false; } } } outerLoop: // The outerLoop processes the doc comment, looping once // for each line. For each line, it first strips off // whitespace, then it consumes any stars, then it // puts the rest of the line into our buffer. while (comment_reader.bp < comment_reader.buflen) { int begin_bp = comment_reader.bp; char begin_ch = comment_reader.ch; // The wsLoop consumes whitespace from the beginning // of each line. wsLoop: while (comment_reader.bp < comment_reader.buflen) { switch(comment_reader.ch) { case ' ': comment_reader.scanCommentChar(); break; case '\t': comment_reader.col = ((comment_reader.col - 1) / TabInc * TabInc) + TabInc; comment_reader.scanCommentChar(); break; case FF: comment_reader.col = 0; comment_reader.scanCommentChar(); break; // Treat newline at beginning of line (blank line, no star) // as comment text. Old Javadoc compatibility requires this. /*---------------------------------* case CR: // (Spec 3.4) doc_reader.scanCommentChar(); if (ch == LF) { col = 0; doc_reader.scanCommentChar(); } break; case LF: // (Spec 3.4) doc_reader.scanCommentChar(); break; *---------------------------------*/ default: // we've seen something that isn't whitespace; // jump out. break wsLoop; } } // Are there stars here? If so, consume them all // and check for the end of comment. if (comment_reader.ch == '*') { // skip all of the stars do { comment_reader.scanCommentChar(); } while (comment_reader.ch == '*'); // check for the closing slash. if (comment_reader.ch == '/') { // We're done with the doc comment // scanChar() and breakout. break outerLoop; } } else if (! firstLine) { // The current line does not begin with a '*' so we will // treat it as comment comment_reader.bp = begin_bp; comment_reader.ch = begin_ch; } // The textLoop processes the rest of the characters // on the line, adding them to our buffer. textLoop: while (comment_reader.bp < comment_reader.buflen) { switch (comment_reader.ch) { case '*': // Is this just a star? Or is this the // end of a comment? comment_reader.scanCommentChar(); if (comment_reader.ch == '/') { // This is the end of the comment, // set ch and return our buffer. break outerLoop; } // This is just an ordinary star. Add it to // the buffer. comment_reader.putChar('*', false); break; case '\\': comment_reader.putChar('\\', false); // If a double backslash was found, write two if (comment_reader.isDoubleBackslash()) { comment_reader.putChar('\\', false); } comment_reader.scanCommentChar(); case ' ': case '\t': comment_reader.putChar(comment_reader.ch, false); comment_reader.scanCommentChar(); break; case FF: comment_reader.scanCommentChar(); break textLoop; // treat as end of line case CR: // (Spec 3.4) comment_reader.scanCommentChar(); if (comment_reader.ch != LF) { // Canonicalize CR-only line terminator to LF comment_reader.putChar((char)LF, false); break textLoop; } /* fall through to LF case */ case LF: // (Spec 3.4) // We've seen a newline. Add it to our // buffer and break out of this loop, // starting fresh on a new line. comment_reader.putChar(comment_reader.ch, false); comment_reader.scanCommentChar(); break textLoop; default: // Add the character to our buffer. comment_reader.putChar(comment_reader.ch, false); comment_reader.scanCommentChar(); } } // end textLoop firstLine = false; } // end outerLoop if (comment_reader.sp > 0) { int i = comment_reader.sp - 1; trailLoop: while (i > -1) { switch (comment_reader.sbuf[i]) { case '*': i--; break; default: break trailLoop; } } comment_reader.sp = i + 1; // Store the text of the doc comment docComment = comment_reader.chars(); docPosns = new int[comment_reader.pp]; System.arraycopy(comment_reader.pbuf, 0, docPosns, 0, docPosns.length); } else { docComment = ""; } } finally { scanned = true; comment_reader = null; if (docComment != null && DEPRECATED_PATTERN.matcher(docComment).matches()) { deprecatedFlag = true; } } } //where: private static final Pattern DEPRECATED_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?sm).*^\\s*@deprecated( |$).*"); } @Override public Position.LineMap getLineMap() { char[] buf = reader.getRawCharacters(); return Position.makeLineMap(buf, buf.length, true); } }