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package javax.xml.catalog;

import java.net.URI;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

Represents a group entry.
/** * Represents a group entry. * * @since 9 */
class GroupEntry extends BaseEntry { static final int ATTRIBUTE_PREFER = 0; static final int ATTRIBUTE_DEFFER = 1; static final int ATTRIBUTE_RESOLUTION = 2; //Unmodifiable features when the Catalog is created CatalogFeatures features; //Value of the prefer attribute boolean isPreferPublic = true; //The parent of the catalog instance CatalogImpl parent = null; //The catalog instance this group belongs to CatalogImpl catalog; //A list of all entries in a catalog or group List<BaseEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>(); //loaded delegated catalog by system id Map<String, CatalogImpl> delegateCatalogs = new HashMap<>(); //A list of all loaded Catalogs, including this, and next catalogs Map<String, CatalogImpl> loadedCatalogs = new HashMap<>(); /* A list of Catalog Ids that have already been searched in a matching operation. Check this list before constructing new Catalog to avoid circular reference. */ List<String> catalogsSearched = new ArrayList<>(); //A flag to indicate whether the current match is a system or uri boolean isInstantMatch = false; //A match of a rewrite type String rewriteMatch = null; //The length of the longest match of a rewrite type int longestRewriteMatch = 0; //A match of a suffix type String suffixMatch = null; //The length of the longest match of a suffix type int longestSuffixMatch = 0; //Indicate whether a system entry has been searched boolean systemEntrySearched = false;
PreferType represents possible values of the prefer property
/** * PreferType represents possible values of the prefer property */
public static enum PreferType { PUBLIC("public"), SYSTEM("system"); final String literal; PreferType(String literal) { this.literal = literal; } public boolean prefer(String prefer) { return literal.equals(prefer); } }
PreferType represents possible values of the resolve property
/** * PreferType represents possible values of the resolve property */
public static enum ResolveType { STRICT(CatalogFeatures.RESOLVE_STRICT), CONTINUE(CatalogFeatures.RESOLVE_CONTINUE), IGNORE(CatalogFeatures.RESOLVE_IGNORE); final String literal; ResolveType(String literal) { this.literal = literal; } static public ResolveType getType(String resolveType) { for (ResolveType type : ResolveType.values()) { if (type.isType(resolveType)) { return type; } } return null; } public boolean isType(String type) { return literal.equals(type); } }
Constructs a GroupEntry
  • type – the type of the entry
  • parent – the parent Catalog
/** * Constructs a GroupEntry * * @param type the type of the entry * @param parent the parent Catalog */
public GroupEntry(CatalogEntryType type, CatalogImpl parent) { super(type); this.parent = parent; }
Constructs a group entry.
  • base – The baseURI attribute
  • attributes – The attributes
/** * Constructs a group entry. * * @param base The baseURI attribute * @param attributes The attributes */
public GroupEntry(String base, String... attributes) { this(null, base, attributes); }
Resets the group entry to its initial state.
/** * Resets the group entry to its initial state. */
public void reset() { isInstantMatch = false; rewriteMatch = null; longestRewriteMatch = 0; suffixMatch = null; longestSuffixMatch = 0; systemEntrySearched = false; }
Constructs a group entry.
  • catalog – the catalog this GroupEntry belongs to
  • base – the baseURI attribute
  • attributes – the attributes
/** * Constructs a group entry. * @param catalog the catalog this GroupEntry belongs to * @param base the baseURI attribute * @param attributes the attributes */
public GroupEntry(CatalogImpl catalog, String base, String... attributes) { super(CatalogEntryType.GROUP, base); setPrefer(attributes[ATTRIBUTE_PREFER]); this.catalog = catalog; }
Sets the catalog for this GroupEntry.
  • catalog – the catalog this GroupEntry belongs to
/** * Sets the catalog for this GroupEntry. * * @param catalog the catalog this GroupEntry belongs to */
void setCatalog(CatalogImpl catalog) { this.catalog = catalog; }
Adds an entry.
  • entry – The entry to be added.
/** * Adds an entry. * * @param entry The entry to be added. */
public void addEntry(BaseEntry entry) { entries.add(entry); }
Sets the prefer property. If the value is null or empty, or any String other than the defined, it will be assumed as the default value.
  • value – The value of the prefer attribute
/** * Sets the prefer property. If the value is null or empty, or any String * other than the defined, it will be assumed as the default value. * * @param value The value of the prefer attribute */
public final void setPrefer(String value) { isPreferPublic = PreferType.PUBLIC.prefer(value); }
Queries the prefer attribute
Returns:true if the prefer attribute is set to system, false if not.
/** * Queries the prefer attribute * * @return true if the prefer attribute is set to system, false if not. */
public boolean isPreferPublic() { return isPreferPublic; }
Attempt to find a matching entry in the catalog by systemId.

The method searches through the system-type entries, including system, rewriteSystem, systemSuffix, delegateSystem, and group entries in the current catalog in order to find a match.

  • systemId – The system identifier of the external entity being referenced.
Returns:a URI string if a mapping is found, or null otherwise.
/** * Attempt to find a matching entry in the catalog by systemId. * * <p> * The method searches through the system-type entries, including system, * rewriteSystem, systemSuffix, delegateSystem, and group entries in the * current catalog in order to find a match. * * * @param systemId The system identifier of the external entity being * referenced. * * @return a URI string if a mapping is found, or null otherwise. */
public String matchSystem(String systemId) { systemEntrySearched = true; String match = null; for (BaseEntry entry : entries) { switch (entry.type) { case SYSTEM: match = ((SystemEntry) entry).match(systemId); //if there's a matching system entry, use it if (match != null) { isInstantMatch = true; return match; } break; case REWRITESYSTEM: match = ((RewriteSystem) entry).match(systemId, longestRewriteMatch); if (match != null) { rewriteMatch = match; longestRewriteMatch = ((RewriteSystem) entry).getSystemIdStartString().length(); } break; case SYSTEMSUFFIX: match = ((SystemSuffix) entry).match(systemId, longestSuffixMatch); if (match != null) { suffixMatch = match; longestSuffixMatch = ((SystemSuffix) entry).getSystemIdSuffix().length(); } break; case GROUP: GroupEntry grpEntry = (GroupEntry) entry; match = grpEntry.matchSystem(systemId); if (grpEntry.isInstantMatch) { //use it if there is a match of the system type return match; } else if (grpEntry.longestRewriteMatch > longestRewriteMatch) { longestRewriteMatch = grpEntry.longestRewriteMatch; rewriteMatch = match; } else if (grpEntry.longestSuffixMatch > longestSuffixMatch) { longestSuffixMatch = grpEntry.longestSuffixMatch; suffixMatch = match; } break; } } if (longestRewriteMatch > 0) { return rewriteMatch; } else if (longestSuffixMatch > 0) { return suffixMatch; } //if no single match is found, try delegates return matchDelegate(CatalogEntryType.DELEGATESYSTEM, systemId); }
Attempt to find a matching entry in the catalog by publicId.

The method searches through the public-type entries, including public, delegatePublic, and group entries in the current catalog in order to find a match.

  • publicId – The public identifier of the external entity being referenced.
Returns:a URI string if a mapping is found, or null otherwise.
/** * Attempt to find a matching entry in the catalog by publicId. * * <p> * The method searches through the public-type entries, including public, * delegatePublic, and group entries in the current catalog in order to find * a match. * * * @param publicId The public identifier of the external entity being * referenced. * * @return a URI string if a mapping is found, or null otherwise. */
public String matchPublic(String publicId) { /* When both public and system identifiers are specified, and prefer is not public (that is, system), only system entry will be used. */ if (!isPreferPublic && systemEntrySearched) { return null; } //match public entries String match = null; for (BaseEntry entry : entries) { switch (entry.type) { case PUBLIC: match = ((PublicEntry) entry).match(publicId); break; case URI: match = ((UriEntry) entry).match(publicId); break; case GROUP: match = ((GroupEntry) entry).matchPublic(publicId); break; } if (match != null) { return match; } } //if no single match is found, try delegates return matchDelegate(CatalogEntryType.DELEGATEPUBLIC, publicId); }
Attempt to find a matching entry in the catalog by the uri element.

The method searches through the uri-type entries, including uri, rewriteURI, uriSuffix, delegateURI and group entries in the current catalog in order to find a match.

  • uri – The URI reference of a resource.
Returns:a URI string if a mapping is found, or null otherwise.
/** * Attempt to find a matching entry in the catalog by the uri element. * * <p> * The method searches through the uri-type entries, including uri, * rewriteURI, uriSuffix, delegateURI and group entries in the current * catalog in order to find a match. * * * @param uri The URI reference of a resource. * * @return a URI string if a mapping is found, or null otherwise. */
public String matchURI(String uri) { String match = null; for (BaseEntry entry : entries) { switch (entry.type) { case URI: match = ((UriEntry) entry).match(uri); if (match != null) { isInstantMatch = true; return match; } break; case REWRITEURI: match = ((RewriteUri) entry).match(uri, longestRewriteMatch); if (match != null) { rewriteMatch = match; longestRewriteMatch = ((RewriteUri) entry).getURIStartString().length(); } break; case URISUFFIX: match = ((UriSuffix) entry).match(uri, longestSuffixMatch); if (match != null) { suffixMatch = match; longestSuffixMatch = ((UriSuffix) entry).getURISuffix().length(); } break; case GROUP: GroupEntry grpEntry = (GroupEntry) entry; match = grpEntry.matchURI(uri); if (grpEntry.isInstantMatch) { //use it if there is a match of the uri type return match; } else if (grpEntry.longestRewriteMatch > longestRewriteMatch) { rewriteMatch = match; } else if (grpEntry.longestSuffixMatch > longestSuffixMatch) { suffixMatch = match; } break; } } if (longestRewriteMatch > 0) { return rewriteMatch; } else if (longestSuffixMatch > 0) { return suffixMatch; } //if no single match is found, try delegates return matchDelegate(CatalogEntryType.DELEGATEURI, uri); }
Matches delegatePublic or delegateSystem against the specified id
  • type – the type of the Catalog entry
  • id – the system or public id to be matched
Returns:the URI string if a mapping is found, or null otherwise.
/** * Matches delegatePublic or delegateSystem against the specified id * * @param type the type of the Catalog entry * @param id the system or public id to be matched * @return the URI string if a mapping is found, or null otherwise. */
private String matchDelegate(CatalogEntryType type, String id) { String match = null; int longestMatch = 0; URI catalogId = null; URI temp; //Check delegate types in the current catalog for (BaseEntry entry : entries) { if (entry.type == type) { if (type == CatalogEntryType.DELEGATESYSTEM) { temp = ((DelegateSystem)entry).matchURI(id, longestMatch); } else if (type == CatalogEntryType.DELEGATEPUBLIC) { temp = ((DelegatePublic)entry).matchURI(id, longestMatch); } else { temp = ((DelegateUri)entry).matchURI(id, longestMatch); } if (temp != null) { longestMatch = entry.getMatchId().length(); catalogId = temp; } } } //Check delegate Catalogs if (catalogId != null) { Catalog delegateCatalog = loadDelegateCatalog(catalog, catalogId); if (delegateCatalog != null) { if (type == CatalogEntryType.DELEGATESYSTEM) { match = delegateCatalog.matchSystem(id); } else if (type == CatalogEntryType.DELEGATEPUBLIC) { match = delegateCatalog.matchPublic(id); } else { match = delegateCatalog.matchURI(id); } } } return match; }
Loads all delegate catalogs.
  • parent – the parent catalog of the delegate catalogs
/** * Loads all delegate catalogs. * * @param parent the parent catalog of the delegate catalogs */
void loadDelegateCatalogs(CatalogImpl parent) { entries.stream() .filter((entry) -> (entry.type == CatalogEntryType.DELEGATESYSTEM || entry.type == CatalogEntryType.DELEGATEPUBLIC || entry.type == CatalogEntryType.DELEGATEURI)) .map((entry) -> (AltCatalog)entry) .forEach((altCatalog) -> { loadDelegateCatalog(parent, altCatalog.getCatalogURI()); }); }
Loads a delegate catalog by the catalogId specified.
  • parent – the parent catalog of the delegate catalog
  • catalogURI – the URI to the catalog
/** * Loads a delegate catalog by the catalogId specified. * * @param parent the parent catalog of the delegate catalog * @param catalogURI the URI to the catalog */
Catalog loadDelegateCatalog(CatalogImpl parent, URI catalogURI) { CatalogImpl delegateCatalog = null; if (catalogURI != null) { String catalogId = catalogURI.toASCIIString(); if (verifyCatalogFile(parent, catalogURI)) { delegateCatalog = getLoadedCatalog(catalogId); if (delegateCatalog == null) { delegateCatalog = new CatalogImpl(parent, features, catalogURI); delegateCatalog.load(); delegateCatalogs.put(catalogId, delegateCatalog); } } } return delegateCatalog; }
Returns a previously loaded Catalog object if found.
  • catalogId – The systemId of a catalog
Returns:a Catalog object previously loaded, or null if none in the saved list
/** * Returns a previously loaded Catalog object if found. * * @param catalogId The systemId of a catalog * @return a Catalog object previously loaded, or null if none in the saved * list */
CatalogImpl getLoadedCatalog(String catalogId) { CatalogImpl c = null; //check delegate Catalogs c = delegateCatalogs.get(catalogId); if (c == null) { //check other loaded Catalogs c = loadedCatalogs.get(catalogId); } return c; }
Verifies that the catalog file represented by the catalogId exists. If it doesn't, returns false to ignore it as specified in the Catalog specification, section 8. Resource Failures.

Verifies that the catalog represented by the catalogId has not been searched or is not circularly referenced.

  • parent – the parent of the catalog to be loaded
  • catalogURI – the URI to the catalog
Returns:true if the catalogId passed verification, false otherwise
/** * Verifies that the catalog file represented by the catalogId exists. If it * doesn't, returns false to ignore it as specified in the Catalog * specification, section 8. Resource Failures. * <p> * Verifies that the catalog represented by the catalogId has not been * searched or is not circularly referenced. * * @param parent the parent of the catalog to be loaded * @param catalogURI the URI to the catalog * @throws CatalogException if circular reference is found. * @return true if the catalogId passed verification, false otherwise */
final boolean verifyCatalogFile(CatalogImpl parent, URI catalogURI) { if (catalogURI == null) { return false; } //Ignore it if it doesn't exist if (Util.isFileUri(catalogURI) && !Util.isFileUriExist(catalogURI, false)) { return false; } String catalogId = catalogURI.toASCIIString(); if (catalogsSearched.contains(catalogId) || isCircular(parent, catalogId)) { CatalogMessages.reportRunTimeError(CatalogMessages.ERR_CIRCULAR_REFERENCE, new Object[]{CatalogMessages.sanitize(catalogId)}); } return true; }
Checks whether the catalog is circularly referenced
  • parent – the parent of the catalog to be loaded
  • systemId – the system identifier of the catalog to be loaded
Returns:true if is circular, false otherwise
/** * Checks whether the catalog is circularly referenced * * @param parent the parent of the catalog to be loaded * @param systemId the system identifier of the catalog to be loaded * @return true if is circular, false otherwise */
boolean isCircular(CatalogImpl parent, String systemId) { // first, check the parent of the catalog to be loaded if (parent == null) { return false; } if (parent.systemId.equals(systemId)) { return true; } // next, check parent's parent return parent.isCircular(parent.parent, systemId); } }