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package com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.axes;

import java.util.Vector;

import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.DTM;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.DTMFilter;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.DTMIterator;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.DTMManager;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.utils.NodeVector;
import com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.NodeSetDTM;
import com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.XPathContext;
import com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.objects.XObject;

This class is the dynamic wrapper for a Xalan DTMIterator instance, and provides random access capabilities.
/** * This class is the dynamic wrapper for a Xalan DTMIterator instance, and * provides random access capabilities. */
public class NodeSequence extends XObject implements DTMIterator, Cloneable, PathComponent { static final long serialVersionUID = 3866261934726581044L;
The index of the last node in the iteration.
/** The index of the last node in the iteration. */
protected int m_last = -1;
The index of the next node to be fetched. Useful if this is a cached iterator, and is being used as random access NodeList.
/** * The index of the next node to be fetched. Useful if this * is a cached iterator, and is being used as random access * NodeList. */
protected int m_next = 0;
A cache of a list of nodes obtained from the iterator so far. This list is appended to until the iterator is exhausted and the cache is complete.

Multiple NodeSequence objects may share the same cache.

/** * A cache of a list of nodes obtained from the iterator so far. * This list is appended to until the iterator is exhausted and * the cache is complete. * <p> * Multiple NodeSequence objects may share the same cache. */
private IteratorCache m_cache;
If this iterator needs to cache nodes that are fetched, they are stored in the Vector in the generic object.
/** * If this iterator needs to cache nodes that are fetched, they * are stored in the Vector in the generic object. */
protected NodeVector getVector() { NodeVector nv = (m_cache != null) ? m_cache.getVector() : null; return nv; }
Get the cache (if any) of nodes obtained from the iterator so far. Note that the cache keeps growing until the iterator is walked to exhaustion, at which point the cache is "complete".
/** * Get the cache (if any) of nodes obtained from * the iterator so far. Note that the cache keeps * growing until the iterator is walked to exhaustion, * at which point the cache is "complete". */
private IteratorCache getCache() { return m_cache; }
Set the vector where nodes will be cached.
/** * Set the vector where nodes will be cached. */
protected void SetVector(NodeVector v) { setObject(v); }
If the iterator needs to cache nodes as they are fetched, then this method returns true.
/** * If the iterator needs to cache nodes as they are fetched, * then this method returns true. */
public boolean hasCache() { final NodeVector nv = getVector(); return (nv != null); }
If this NodeSequence has a cache, and that cache is fully populated then this method returns true, otherwise if there is no cache or it is not complete it returns false.
/** * If this NodeSequence has a cache, and that cache is * fully populated then this method returns true, otherwise * if there is no cache or it is not complete it returns false. */
private boolean cacheComplete() { final boolean complete; if (m_cache != null) { complete = m_cache.isComplete(); } else { complete = false; } return complete; }
If this NodeSequence has a cache, mark that it is complete. This method should be called after the iterator is exhausted.
/** * If this NodeSequence has a cache, mark that it is complete. * This method should be called after the iterator is exhausted. */
private void markCacheComplete() { NodeVector nv = getVector(); if (nv != null) { m_cache.setCacheComplete(true); } }
The functional iterator that fetches nodes.
/** * The functional iterator that fetches nodes. */
protected DTMIterator m_iter;
Set the functional iterator that fetches nodes.
  • iter – The iterator that is to be contained.
/** * Set the functional iterator that fetches nodes. * @param iter The iterator that is to be contained. */
public final void setIter(DTMIterator iter) { m_iter = iter; }
Get the functional iterator that fetches nodes.
Returns:The contained iterator.
/** * Get the functional iterator that fetches nodes. * @return The contained iterator. */
public final DTMIterator getContainedIter() { return m_iter; }
The DTMManager to use if we're using a NodeVector only. We may well want to do away with this, and store it in the NodeVector.
/** * The DTMManager to use if we're using a NodeVector only. * We may well want to do away with this, and store it in the NodeVector. */
protected DTMManager m_dtmMgr; // ==== Constructors ====
Create a new NodeSequence from a (already cloned) iterator.
  • iter – Cloned (not static) DTMIterator.
  • context – The initial context node.
  • xctxt – The execution context.
  • shouldCacheNodes – True if this sequence can random access.
/** * Create a new NodeSequence from a (already cloned) iterator. * * @param iter Cloned (not static) DTMIterator. * @param context The initial context node. * @param xctxt The execution context. * @param shouldCacheNodes True if this sequence can random access. */
private NodeSequence(DTMIterator iter, int context, XPathContext xctxt, boolean shouldCacheNodes) { setIter(iter); setRoot(context, xctxt); setShouldCacheNodes(shouldCacheNodes); }
Create a new NodeSequence from a (already cloned) iterator.
  • nodeVector –
/** * Create a new NodeSequence from a (already cloned) iterator. * * @param nodeVector */
public NodeSequence(Object nodeVector) { super(nodeVector); if (nodeVector instanceof NodeVector) { SetVector((NodeVector) nodeVector); } if(null != nodeVector) { assertion(nodeVector instanceof NodeVector, "Must have a NodeVector as the object for NodeSequence!"); if(nodeVector instanceof DTMIterator) { setIter((DTMIterator)nodeVector); m_last = ((DTMIterator)nodeVector).getLength(); } } }
Construct an empty XNodeSet object. This is used to create a mutable nodeset to which random nodes may be added.
/** * Construct an empty XNodeSet object. This is used to create a mutable * nodeset to which random nodes may be added. */
private NodeSequence(DTMManager dtmMgr) { super(new NodeVector()); m_last = 0; m_dtmMgr = dtmMgr; }
Create a new NodeSequence in an invalid (null) state.
/** * Create a new NodeSequence in an invalid (null) state. */
public NodeSequence() { return; }
See Also:
  • getDTM.getDTM(int)
/** * @see DTMIterator#getDTM(int) */
public DTM getDTM(int nodeHandle) { DTMManager mgr = getDTMManager(); if(null != mgr) return getDTMManager().getDTM(nodeHandle); else { assertion(false, "Can not get a DTM Unless a DTMManager has been set!"); return null; } }
See Also:
  • getDTMManager.getDTMManager()
/** * @see DTMIterator#getDTMManager() */
public DTMManager getDTMManager() { return m_dtmMgr; }
See Also:
  • getRoot.getRoot()
/** * @see DTMIterator#getRoot() */
public int getRoot() { if(null != m_iter) return m_iter.getRoot(); else { // NodeSetDTM will call this, and so it's not a good thing to throw // an assertion here. // assertion(false, "Can not get the root from a non-iterated NodeSequence!"); return DTM.NULL; } }
See Also:
  • setRoot.setRoot(int, Object)
/** * @see DTMIterator#setRoot(int, Object) */
public void setRoot(int nodeHandle, Object environment) { // If root is DTM.NULL, then something's wrong with the context if (nodeHandle == DTM.NULL) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to evaluate expression using " + "this context"); } if(null != m_iter) { XPathContext xctxt = (XPathContext)environment; m_dtmMgr = xctxt.getDTMManager(); m_iter.setRoot(nodeHandle, environment); if(!m_iter.isDocOrdered()) { if(!hasCache()) setShouldCacheNodes(true); runTo(-1); m_next=0; } } else assertion(false, "Can not setRoot on a non-iterated NodeSequence!"); }
See Also:
  • reset.reset()
/** * @see DTMIterator#reset() */
public void reset() { m_next = 0; // not resetting the iterator on purpose!!! }
See Also:
  • getWhatToShow.getWhatToShow()
/** * @see DTMIterator#getWhatToShow() */
public int getWhatToShow() { return hasCache() ? (DTMFilter.SHOW_ALL & ~DTMFilter.SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE) : m_iter.getWhatToShow(); }
See Also:
  • getExpandEntityReferences.getExpandEntityReferences()
/** * @see DTMIterator#getExpandEntityReferences() */
public boolean getExpandEntityReferences() { if(null != m_iter) return m_iter.getExpandEntityReferences(); else return true; }
See Also:
  • nextNode.nextNode()
/** * @see DTMIterator#nextNode() */
public int nextNode() { // If the cache is on, and the node has already been found, then // just return from the list. NodeVector vec = getVector(); if (null != vec) { // There is a cache if(m_next < vec.size()) { // The node is in the cache, so just return it. int next = vec.elementAt(m_next); m_next++; return next; } else if(cacheComplete() || (-1 != m_last) || (null == m_iter)) { m_next++; return DTM.NULL; } } if (null == m_iter) return DTM.NULL; int next = m_iter.nextNode(); if(DTM.NULL != next) { if(hasCache()) { if(m_iter.isDocOrdered()) { getVector().addElement(next); m_next++; } else { int insertIndex = addNodeInDocOrder(next); if(insertIndex >= 0) m_next++; } } else m_next++; } else { // We have exhausted the iterator, and if there is a cache // it must have all nodes in it by now, so let the cache // know that it is complete. markCacheComplete(); m_last = m_next; m_next++; } return next; }
See Also:
  • previousNode.previousNode()
/** * @see DTMIterator#previousNode() */
public int previousNode() { if(hasCache()) { if(m_next <= 0) return DTM.NULL; else { m_next--; return item(m_next); } } else { int n = m_iter.previousNode(); m_next = m_iter.getCurrentPos(); return m_next; } }
See Also:
  • detach.detach()
/** * @see DTMIterator#detach() */
public void detach() { if(null != m_iter) m_iter.detach(); super.detach(); }
Calling this with a value of false will cause the nodeset to be cached.
See Also:
  • allowDetachToRelease.allowDetachToRelease(boolean)
/** * Calling this with a value of false will cause the nodeset * to be cached. * @see DTMIterator#allowDetachToRelease(boolean) */
public void allowDetachToRelease(boolean allowRelease) { if((false == allowRelease) && !hasCache()) { setShouldCacheNodes(true); } if(null != m_iter) m_iter.allowDetachToRelease(allowRelease); super.allowDetachToRelease(allowRelease); }
See Also:
  • getCurrentNode.getCurrentNode()
/** * @see DTMIterator#getCurrentNode() */
public int getCurrentNode() { if(hasCache()) { int currentIndex = m_next-1; NodeVector vec = getVector(); if((currentIndex >= 0) && (currentIndex < vec.size())) return vec.elementAt(currentIndex); else return DTM.NULL; } if(null != m_iter) { return m_iter.getCurrentNode(); } else return DTM.NULL; }
See Also:
  • isFresh.isFresh()
/** * @see DTMIterator#isFresh() */
public boolean isFresh() { return (0 == m_next); }
See Also:
  • setShouldCacheNodes.setShouldCacheNodes(boolean)
/** * @see DTMIterator#setShouldCacheNodes(boolean) */
public void setShouldCacheNodes(boolean b) { if (b) { if(!hasCache()) { SetVector(new NodeVector()); } // else // getVector().RemoveAllNoClear(); // Is this good? } else SetVector(null); }
See Also:
  • isMutable.isMutable()
/** * @see DTMIterator#isMutable() */
public boolean isMutable() { return hasCache(); // though may be surprising if it also has an iterator! }
See Also:
  • getCurrentPos.getCurrentPos()
/** * @see DTMIterator#getCurrentPos() */
public int getCurrentPos() { return m_next; }
See Also:
  • runTo.runTo(int)
/** * @see DTMIterator#runTo(int) */
public void runTo(int index) { int n; if (-1 == index) { int pos = m_next; while (DTM.NULL != (n = nextNode())); m_next = pos; } else if(m_next == index) { return; } else if(hasCache() && index < getVector().size()) { m_next = index; } else if((null == getVector()) && (index < m_next)) { while ((m_next >= index) && DTM.NULL != (n = previousNode())); } else { while ((m_next < index) && DTM.NULL != (n = nextNode())); } }
See Also:
  • setCurrentPos.setCurrentPos(int)
/** * @see DTMIterator#setCurrentPos(int) */
public void setCurrentPos(int i) { runTo(i); }
See Also:
  • item.item(int)
/** * @see DTMIterator#item(int) */
public int item(int index) { setCurrentPos(index); int n = nextNode(); m_next = index; return n; }
See Also:
  • setItem.setItem(int, int)
/** * @see DTMIterator#setItem(int, int) */
public void setItem(int node, int index) { NodeVector vec = getVector(); if(null != vec) { int oldNode = vec.elementAt(index); if (oldNode != node && m_cache.useCount() > 1) { /* If we are going to set the node at the given index * to a different value, and the cache is shared * (has a use count greater than 1) * then make a copy of the cache and use it * so we don't overwrite the value for other * users of the cache. */ IteratorCache newCache = new IteratorCache(); final NodeVector nv; try { nv = (NodeVector) vec.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // This should never happen e.printStackTrace(); RuntimeException rte = new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); throw rte; } newCache.setVector(nv); newCache.setCacheComplete(true); m_cache = newCache; vec = nv; // Keep our superclass informed of the current NodeVector super.setObject(nv); /* When we get to here the new cache has * a use count of 1 and when setting a * bunch of values on the same NodeSequence, * such as when sorting, we will keep setting * values in that same copy which has a use count of 1. */ } vec.setElementAt(node, index); m_last = vec.size(); } else m_iter.setItem(node, index); }
See Also:
  • getLength.getLength()
/** * @see DTMIterator#getLength() */
public int getLength() { IteratorCache cache = getCache(); if(cache != null) { // Nodes from the iterator are cached if (cache.isComplete()) { // All of the nodes from the iterator are cached // so just return the number of nodes in the cache NodeVector nv = cache.getVector(); return nv.size(); } // If this NodeSequence wraps a mutable nodeset, then // m_last will not reflect the size of the nodeset if // it has been mutated... if (m_iter instanceof NodeSetDTM) { return m_iter.getLength(); } if(-1 == m_last) { int pos = m_next; runTo(-1); m_next = pos; } return m_last; } else { return (-1 == m_last) ? (m_last = m_iter.getLength()) : m_last; } }
Note: Not a deep clone.
See Also:
  • cloneWithReset.cloneWithReset()
/** * Note: Not a deep clone. * @see DTMIterator#cloneWithReset() */
public DTMIterator cloneWithReset() throws CloneNotSupportedException { NodeSequence seq = (NodeSequence)super.clone(); seq.m_next = 0; if (m_cache != null) { // In making this clone of an iterator we are making // another NodeSequence object it has a reference // to the same IteratorCache object as the original // so we need to remember that more than one // NodeSequence object shares the cache. m_cache.increaseUseCount(); } return seq; }
Get a clone of this iterator, but don't reset the iteration in the process, so that it may be used from the current position. Note: Not a deep clone.
Returns:A clone of this object.
/** * Get a clone of this iterator, but don't reset the iteration in the * process, so that it may be used from the current position. * Note: Not a deep clone. * * @return A clone of this object. * * @throws CloneNotSupportedException */
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { NodeSequence clone = (NodeSequence) super.clone(); if (null != m_iter) clone.m_iter = (DTMIterator) m_iter.clone(); if (m_cache != null) { // In making this clone of an iterator we are making // another NodeSequence object it has a reference // to the same IteratorCache object as the original // so we need to remember that more than one // NodeSequence object shares the cache. m_cache.increaseUseCount(); } return clone; }
See Also:
  • isDocOrdered.isDocOrdered()
/** * @see DTMIterator#isDocOrdered() */
public boolean isDocOrdered() { if(null != m_iter) return m_iter.isDocOrdered(); else return true; // can't be sure? }
See Also:
  • getAxis.getAxis()
/** * @see DTMIterator#getAxis() */
public int getAxis() { if(null != m_iter) return m_iter.getAxis(); else { assertion(false, "Can not getAxis from a non-iterated node sequence!"); return 0; } }
See Also:
  • getAnalysisBits.getAnalysisBits()
/** * @see PathComponent#getAnalysisBits() */
public int getAnalysisBits() { if((null != m_iter) && (m_iter instanceof PathComponent)) return ((PathComponent)m_iter).getAnalysisBits(); else return 0; }
See Also:
  • fixupVariables.fixupVariables(Vector, int)
/** * @see org.apache.xpath.Expression#fixupVariables(Vector, int) */
public void fixupVariables(Vector vars, int globalsSize) { super.fixupVariables(vars, globalsSize); }
Add the node into a vector of nodes where it should occur in document order.
  • node – The node to be added.
/** * Add the node into a vector of nodes where it should occur in * document order. * @param node The node to be added. * @return insertIndex. * @throws RuntimeException thrown if this NodeSetDTM is not of * a mutable type. */
protected int addNodeInDocOrder(int node) { assertion(hasCache(), "addNodeInDocOrder must be done on a mutable sequence!"); int insertIndex = -1; NodeVector vec = getVector(); // This needs to do a binary search, but a binary search // is somewhat tough because the sequence test involves // two nodes. int size = vec.size(), i; for (i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int child = vec.elementAt(i); if (child == node) { i = -2; // Duplicate, suppress insert break; } DTM dtm = m_dtmMgr.getDTM(node); if (!dtm.isNodeAfter(node, child)) { break; } } if (i != -2) { insertIndex = i + 1; vec.insertElementAt(node, insertIndex); } // checkDups(); return insertIndex; } // end addNodeInDocOrder(Vector v, Object obj)
It used to be that many locations in the code simply did an assignment to this.m_obj directly, rather than calling the setObject(Object) method. The problem is that our super-class would be updated on what the cache associated with this NodeSequence, but we wouldn't know ourselves.

All setting of m_obj is done through setObject() now, and this method over-rides the super-class method. So now we are in the loop have an opportunity to update some caching information.

/** * It used to be that many locations in the code simply * did an assignment to this.m_obj directly, rather than * calling the setObject(Object) method. The problem is * that our super-class would be updated on what the * cache associated with this NodeSequence, but * we wouldn't know ourselves. * <p> * All setting of m_obj is done through setObject() now, * and this method over-rides the super-class method. * So now we are in the loop have an opportunity * to update some caching information. * */
protected void setObject(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof NodeVector) { // Keep our superclass informed of the current NodeVector // ... if we don't the smoketest fails (don't know why). super.setObject(obj); // A copy of the code of what SetVector() would do. NodeVector v = (NodeVector)obj; if (m_cache != null) { m_cache.setVector(v); } else if (v!=null) { m_cache = new IteratorCache(); m_cache.setVector(v); } } else if (obj instanceof IteratorCache) { IteratorCache cache = (IteratorCache) obj; m_cache = cache; m_cache.increaseUseCount(); // Keep our superclass informed of the current NodeVector super.setObject(cache.getVector()); } else { super.setObject(obj); } }
Each NodeSequence object has an iterator which is "walked". As an iterator is walked one obtains nodes from it. As those nodes are obtained they may be cached, making the next walking of a copy or clone of the iterator faster. This field (m_cache) is a reference to such a cache, which is populated as the iterator is walked.

Note that multiple NodeSequence objects may hold a reference to the same cache, and also (and this is important) the same iterator. The iterator and its cache may be shared among many NodeSequence objects.

If one of the NodeSequence objects walks ahead of the others it fills in the cache. As the others NodeSequence objects catch up they get their values from the cache rather than the iterator itself, so the iterator is only ever walked once and everyone benefits from the cache.

At some point the cache may be complete due to walking to the end of one of the copies of the iterator, and the cache is then marked as "complete". and the cache will have no more nodes added to it.

Its use-count is the number of NodeSequence objects that use it.

/** * Each NodeSequence object has an iterator which is "walked". * As an iterator is walked one obtains nodes from it. * As those nodes are obtained they may be cached, making * the next walking of a copy or clone of the iterator faster. * This field (m_cache) is a reference to such a cache, * which is populated as the iterator is walked. * <p> * Note that multiple NodeSequence objects may hold a * reference to the same cache, and also * (and this is important) the same iterator. * The iterator and its cache may be shared among * many NodeSequence objects. * <p> * If one of the NodeSequence objects walks ahead * of the others it fills in the cache. * As the others NodeSequence objects catch up they * get their values from * the cache rather than the iterator itself, so * the iterator is only ever walked once and everyone * benefits from the cache. * <p> * At some point the cache may be * complete due to walking to the end of one of * the copies of the iterator, and the cache is * then marked as "complete". * and the cache will have no more nodes added to it. * <p> * Its use-count is the number of NodeSequence objects that use it. */
private final static class IteratorCache {
A list of nodes already obtained from the iterator. As the iterator is walked the nodes obtained from it are appended to this list.

Both an iterator and its corresponding cache can be shared by multiple NodeSequence objects.

For example, consider three NodeSequence objects ns1, ns2 and ns3 doing such sharing, and the nodes to be obtaind from the iterator being the sequence { 33, 11, 44, 22, 55 }.

If ns3.nextNode() is called 3 times the the underlying iterator will have walked through 33, 11, 55 and these three nodes will have been put in the cache.

If ns2.nextNode() is called 2 times it will return 33 and 11 from the cache, leaving the iterator alone.

If ns1.nextNode() is called 6 times it will return 33 and 11 from the cache, then get 44, 22, 55 from the iterator, and appending 44, 22, 55 to the cache. On the sixth call it is found that the iterator is exhausted and the cache is marked complete.

Should ns2 or ns3 have nextNode() called they will know that the cache is complete, and they will obtain all subsequent nodes from the cache.

Note that the underlying iterator, though shared is only ever walked once.

/** * A list of nodes already obtained from the iterator. * As the iterator is walked the nodes obtained from * it are appended to this list. * <p> * Both an iterator and its corresponding cache can * be shared by multiple NodeSequence objects. * <p> * For example, consider three NodeSequence objects * ns1, ns2 and ns3 doing such sharing, and the * nodes to be obtaind from the iterator being * the sequence { 33, 11, 44, 22, 55 }. * <p> * If ns3.nextNode() is called 3 times the the * underlying iterator will have walked through * 33, 11, 55 and these three nodes will have been put * in the cache. * <p> * If ns2.nextNode() is called 2 times it will return * 33 and 11 from the cache, leaving the iterator alone. * <p> * If ns1.nextNode() is called 6 times it will return * 33 and 11 from the cache, then get 44, 22, 55 from * the iterator, and appending 44, 22, 55 to the cache. * On the sixth call it is found that the iterator is * exhausted and the cache is marked complete. * <p> * Should ns2 or ns3 have nextNode() called they will * know that the cache is complete, and they will * obtain all subsequent nodes from the cache. * <p> * Note that the underlying iterator, though shared * is only ever walked once. */
private NodeVector m_vec2;
true if the associated iterator is exhausted and all nodes obtained from it are in the cache.
/** * true if the associated iterator is exhausted and * all nodes obtained from it are in the cache. */
private boolean m_isComplete2; private int m_useCount2; IteratorCache() { m_vec2 = null; m_isComplete2 = false; m_useCount2 = 1; return; }
Returns count of how many NodeSequence objects share this IteratorCache object.
/** * Returns count of how many NodeSequence objects share this * IteratorCache object. */
private int useCount() { return m_useCount2; }
This method is called when yet another NodeSequence object uses, or shares this same cache.
/** * This method is called when yet another * NodeSequence object uses, or shares * this same cache. * */
private void increaseUseCount() { if (m_vec2 != null) m_useCount2++; }
Sets the NodeVector that holds the growing list of nodes as they are appended to the cached list.
/** * Sets the NodeVector that holds the * growing list of nodes as they are appended * to the cached list. */
private void setVector(NodeVector nv) { m_vec2 = nv; m_useCount2 = 1; }
Get the cached list of nodes obtained from the iterator so far.
/** * Get the cached list of nodes obtained from * the iterator so far. */
private NodeVector getVector() { return m_vec2; }
Call this method with 'true' if the iterator is exhausted and the cached list is complete, or no longer growing.
/** * Call this method with 'true' if the * iterator is exhausted and the cached list * is complete, or no longer growing. */
private void setCacheComplete(boolean b) { m_isComplete2 = b; }
Returns true if no cache is complete and immutable.
/** * Returns true if no cache is complete * and immutable. */
private boolean isComplete() { return m_isComplete2; } }
Get the cached list of nodes appended with values obtained from the iterator as a NodeSequence is walked when its nextNode() method is called.
/** * Get the cached list of nodes appended with * values obtained from the iterator as * a NodeSequence is walked when its * nextNode() method is called. */
protected IteratorCache getIteratorCache() { return m_cache; } }