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// Sep 14, 2000:
//  Fixed serializer to report IO exception directly, instead at
//  the end of document processing.
//  Reported by Patrick Higgins <phiggins@transzap.com>

package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serialize;

import java.io.IOException;

import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.xml.sax.AttributeList;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

Implements a text serializer supporting both DOM and SAX serializing. For usage instructions see Serializer.

If an output stream is used, the encoding is taken from the output format (defaults to UTF-8). If a writer is used, make sure the writer uses the same encoding (if applies) as specified in the output format.

The serializer supports both DOM and SAX. DOM serializing is done by calling BaseMarkupSerializer.serialize and SAX serializing is done by firing SAX events and using the serializer as a document handler.

If an I/O exception occurs while serializing, the serializer will not throw an exception directly, but only throw it at the end of serializing (either DOM or SAX's DocumentHandler.endDocument.

Author:Assaf Arkin
See Also:
Deprecated:As of JDK 9, Xerces 2.9.0, Xerces DOM L3 Serializer implementation is replaced by that of Xalan. Main class DOMSerializerImpl is replaced by LSSerializerImpl.
/** * Implements a text serializer supporting both DOM and SAX * serializing. For usage instructions see {@link Serializer}. * <p> * If an output stream is used, the encoding is taken from the * output format (defaults to <tt>UTF-8</tt>). If a writer is * used, make sure the writer uses the same encoding (if applies) * as specified in the output format. * <p> * The serializer supports both DOM and SAX. DOM serializing is done * by calling {@link #serialize} and SAX serializing is done by firing * SAX events and using the serializer as a document handler. * <p> * If an I/O exception occurs while serializing, the serializer * will not throw an exception directly, but only throw it * at the end of serializing (either DOM or SAX's {@link * org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler#endDocument}. * * * @author <a href="mailto:arkin@intalio.com">Assaf Arkin</a> * @see Serializer * * @deprecated As of JDK 9, Xerces 2.9.0, Xerces DOM L3 Serializer implementation * is replaced by that of Xalan. Main class * {@link com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serialize.DOMSerializerImpl} is replaced * by {@link com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer.dom3.LSSerializerImpl}. */
public class TextSerializer extends BaseMarkupSerializer {
Constructs a new serializer. The serializer cannot be used without calling BaseMarkupSerializer.setOutputCharStream or BaseMarkupSerializer.setOutputByteStream first.
/** * Constructs a new serializer. The serializer cannot be used without * calling {@link #setOutputCharStream} or {@link #setOutputByteStream} * first. */
public TextSerializer() { super( new OutputFormat( Method.TEXT, null, false ) ); } public void setOutputFormat( OutputFormat format ) { super.setOutputFormat( format != null ? format : new OutputFormat( Method.TEXT, null, false ) ); } //-----------------------------------------// // SAX content handler serializing methods // //-----------------------------------------// public void startElement( String namespaceURI, String localName, String rawName, Attributes attrs ) throws SAXException { startElement( rawName == null ? localName : rawName, null ); } public void endElement( String namespaceURI, String localName, String rawName ) throws SAXException { endElement( rawName == null ? localName : rawName ); } //------------------------------------------// // SAX document handler serializing methods // //------------------------------000---------// public void startElement( String tagName, AttributeList attrs ) throws SAXException { boolean preserveSpace; ElementState state; try { state = getElementState(); if ( isDocumentState() ) { // If this is the root element handle it differently. // If the first root element in the document, serialize // the document's DOCTYPE. Space preserving defaults // to that of the output format. if ( ! _started ) startDocument( tagName ); } // For any other element, if first in parent, then // use the parnet's space preserving. preserveSpace = state.preserveSpace; // Do not change the current element state yet. // This only happens in endElement(). // Ignore all other attributes of the element, only printing // its contents. // Now it's time to enter a new element state // with the tag name and space preserving. // We still do not change the curent element state. state = enterElementState( null, null, tagName, preserveSpace ); } catch ( IOException except ) { throw new SAXException( except ); } } public void endElement( String tagName ) throws SAXException { try { endElementIO( tagName ); } catch ( IOException except ) { throw new SAXException( except ); } } public void endElementIO( String tagName ) throws IOException { ElementState state; // Works much like content() with additions for closing // an element. Note the different checks for the closed // element's state and the parent element's state. state = getElementState(); // Leave the element state and update that of the parent // (if we're not root) to not empty and after element. state = leaveElementState(); state.afterElement = true; state.empty = false; if ( isDocumentState() ) _printer.flush(); } public void processingInstructionIO( String target, String code ) throws IOException { } public void comment( String text ) { } public void comment( char[] chars, int start, int length ) { } public void characters( char[] chars, int start, int length ) throws SAXException { ElementState state; try { state = content(); state.doCData = state.inCData = false; printText( chars, start, length, true, true ); } catch ( IOException except ) { throw new SAXException( except ); } } protected void characters( String text, boolean unescaped ) throws IOException { ElementState state; state = content(); state.doCData = state.inCData = false; printText( text, true, true ); } //------------------------------------------// // Generic node serializing methods methods // //------------------------------------------//
Called to serialize the document's DOCTYPE by the root element.

This method will check if it has not been called before (BaseMarkupSerializer._started), will serialize the document type declaration, and will serialize all pre-root comments and PIs that were accumulated in the document (see BaseMarkupSerializer.serializePreRoot). Pre-root will be serialized even if this is not the first root element of the document.

/** * Called to serialize the document's DOCTYPE by the root element. * <p> * This method will check if it has not been called before ({@link #_started}), * will serialize the document type declaration, and will serialize all * pre-root comments and PIs that were accumulated in the document * (see {@link #serializePreRoot}). Pre-root will be serialized even if * this is not the first root element of the document. */
protected void startDocument( String rootTagName ) throws IOException { // Required to stop processing the DTD, even though the DTD // is not printed. _printer.leaveDTD(); _started = true; // Always serialize these, even if not te first root element. serializePreRoot(); }
Called to serialize a DOM element. Equivalent to calling startElement, endElement and serializing everything inbetween, but better optimized.
/** * Called to serialize a DOM element. Equivalent to calling {@link * #startElement}, {@link #endElement} and serializing everything * inbetween, but better optimized. */
protected void serializeElement( Element elem ) throws IOException { Node child; ElementState state; boolean preserveSpace; String tagName; tagName = elem.getTagName(); state = getElementState(); if ( isDocumentState() ) { // If this is the root element handle it differently. // If the first root element in the document, serialize // the document's DOCTYPE. Space preserving defaults // to that of the output format. if ( ! _started ) startDocument( tagName ); } // For any other element, if first in parent, then // use the parnet's space preserving. preserveSpace = state.preserveSpace; // Do not change the current element state yet. // This only happens in endElement(). // Ignore all other attributes of the element, only printing // its contents. // If element has children, then serialize them, otherwise // serialize en empty tag. if ( elem.hasChildNodes() ) { // Enter an element state, and serialize the children // one by one. Finally, end the element. state = enterElementState( null, null, tagName, preserveSpace ); child = elem.getFirstChild(); while ( child != null ) { serializeNode( child ); child = child.getNextSibling(); } endElementIO( tagName ); } else { if ( ! isDocumentState() ) { // After element but parent element is no longer empty. state.afterElement = true; state.empty = false; } } }
Serialize the DOM node. This method is unique to the Text serializer.
  • node – The node to serialize
/** * Serialize the DOM node. This method is unique to the Text serializer. * * @param node The node to serialize */
protected void serializeNode( Node node ) throws IOException { // Based on the node type call the suitable SAX handler. // Only comments entities and documents which are not // handled by SAX are serialized directly. switch ( node.getNodeType() ) { case Node.TEXT_NODE : { String text; text = node.getNodeValue(); if ( text != null ) characters( node.getNodeValue(), true ); break; } case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE : { String text; text = node.getNodeValue(); if ( text != null ) characters( node.getNodeValue(), true ); break; } case Node.COMMENT_NODE : break; case Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE : // Ignore. break; case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE : break; case Node.ELEMENT_NODE : serializeElement( (Element) node ); break; case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE : // !!! Fall through case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE : { Node child; // By definition this will happen if the node is a document, // document fragment, etc. Just serialize its contents. It will // work well for other nodes that we do not know how to serialize. child = node.getFirstChild(); while ( child != null ) { serializeNode( child ); child = child.getNextSibling(); } break; } default: break; } } protected ElementState content() { ElementState state; state = getElementState(); if ( ! isDocumentState() ) { // If this is the first content in the element, // change the state to not-empty. if ( state.empty ) state.empty = false; // Except for one content type, all of them // are not last element. That one content // type will take care of itself. state.afterElement = false; } return state; } protected String getEntityRef( int ch ) { return null; } }